HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 NTMAC BY-LAWS 10-19-87DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1987 FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE tlAYOR & It~BER$ OF 'file C,'[TY COUIlC[L W*I'LL'I'AM A. HUSTON, C'rTY t4ANAGER REV*JEW OF NORTH TUST'fN HUN~C~PAL ADV'[SORY COUNClrL (NTI4AC) BY-LAWS & IITHAC REQUEST TO ,,10'I'N THE LF. AGUE OF CAL][FORN~'A C'rT*[ES Mayor Edgar requested this item be placed on the agenda. With reference ~o the NTMAC by-laws, attached is a letter from Supervisor Stanton concerning a draft of proposed amendments ~o the NTMAC by-laws. The second item concerns a request by NTMAC that it become a non-voting member of the League of California Cities (LCC). Mr. Bob Dunek, Executive Director of the Orange Division of the LCC advised us that the League Steering Committee will consider this request at the November, 1987 meeting and would then anticipate that the City Selection Committee would consider the request at the League's January, 1988 meeting. Mr. Dunek has indicated that the only criterion used by the League in assessing such a request is whether the Advisory Council is direc~y elected by the residents of the area it represents. However, the League has not been in a position of deCiding whether an Advisory Council within a Sphere of Influence of a City should be a member of the League. WAH:jh~ Attachment ~ U'~ R V I.~O~O I ST R I CT ROGER R. STA. NTOiV CHAIRMAN OF' THE: BOARD OF' SUPE:RVI$ORS ORANGI'-" COUNTY HALL OF' ADMINISTRATION I0 CIVIC CI~'NTER PLAZA, SANTA ANA,CALIF'ORNIA 9:3701-4.051 PHONI= 834-3110 (ARE:A CODE: 714J September 17, 1987 The Honorable Richard Edgar Mayor City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Dear Dick: Enclosed is a memo dated September 15, 1987, from County Counsel with a draft of proposed amendments to the bylaws of the North Tustin Municipal Advisory Council. My office has asked the Advisory Council to schedule this item on their Council agenda next month. It would be my intention to then schedule Advisory Council bylaw amendments for Board of Supervisors consideration in November. As such, any suggestions you may have for changes to these draft bylaw amendments would be appreciated by October 30. Sincerely, ~ton rd of Supervisors Supervisor, First District RRS:smd Encs, cc: Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez, Third District Supervisor Thomas F. Riley, Fifth District Pat Seman, Chairman, NTMAC Adrian Kuyper, County Counsel County of Orange TO: M-61t .d) SEP I 7 i987 Supervisor Roger R. Stanton, Chairman FROM: Adrian Kuyper, Deputy County Counsel SUPERVISOR ROGER R. SUBJECT: Preparation of Updated Bylaws; North Tustin Municipal Advisory Council Pursuant to your request, we have prepared an.updated draft of bylaws for consideration by the North Tustin Municipal Advisory Council. The changes include the name of the Council, number of members and number of members required for a quorum, locations, place of business, and meetings, and duties of the Treasurer, to reflect changed circumstance~. We have also deleted some materi- al which is not subject to control by means of bylaws and Some material which is inaccurate or unnecessary. We have also made changes to reflect amendments to the Brown Act. Changes on the attached draft are shown with strikeouts of deleted material. New material is underlined. Where not obvious, the reasons for the suggested changes are stated in parentheses. JRG:dc Attachment CC' Robert Hamilton;~EMA Pat Seman, Chairman, North Tustin Municipal Advisory Council Supervisor Gaddi H. Vasquez Supervisor Thomas F. Riley :850-188(3/84) ~ BYLAWS OF THE 8ANT~A~ NORTH TUSTIN MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL II. III. DC1/022 TITLE A® The official title of this council shall be "North Tustin Municipal Advisory Council," referred to herein as "Council." ORIGIN ae The Council was established on September 4, 1979 by Resolution 79-1312 of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, pursuant to Section 31010 of the Government Code. TERRITORY The geographic area represented by the Council, referred to herein as "Territory" was established September 18, 1979 by Resolution 79-1370' of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, and is generally described as that area west of the Irvine Ranch (excluding all lands within the Irvine Ranch), south of the City of Orange (excluding all lands within the City of Orange), east of Costa Mesa Freeway (California-55), and north of the City of Tustin (excluding~'all lands within the City of Tustin). IV. OBJECTIVES ae The primary objective of th Council is to advise the Board of%Supervisors of Orange County on such matters that re{~e to the Territory concerning services which are or-may be provided to the Territory by the County or oth~ local governmental agencies, including but not limited to advice on matters of public health, safety, welfare, public works, and planning. The Council shall represent the community within the Territory to any state, county, city, special district or school district, agency, commission, or any other organization on any matter concerning the Territory. V. MEMBERSHIP AND TERM The-~m~e~e~-membe=s-e~-ehe-~e~ae~-we~e-e~e&~%e~-ea e~-~pe~se~s-e~-~a~e-~eH~eyv The Council eha~ consists of ,~e-~ seven (7) members who shall serve terms of four (4)~ years, eNee~e-ehee-e~-&~&e~e~ mem~e~s-sh&~%-be-e~Bgeee-ee-~he-~989-~e~e~e~-~e~e~e~ Be Ce ~ee~e-eee~ ~emmeee~-w~-ehe-~98~-6eee~a~-S~ee~ea~-ehe-membe~e 'ehe~-~e~e~ee~e~-~m-~e-memme~-ee~-e~-~-~e~e§~e~-B e~-~h~e-e~e~em-~e~-~e~me-e~-~e~-~4~-~ee~s-eee~ [Deleted~ecause these matters are not governed by the bylaws:]' VI. OFFICERS A. The officers of the Council shall be: Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of the Council and shall, subject to the control of the Council, have general supervision, direction and control of the business and officers of the Council. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the Council, shall be an ex officio member of all committees, and shall have such other powers and duties as a presiding officer of a local agency may have, or may be"9~escribed by the Council. DC1/022 ¸® 2. let Vice Chairperson.. The l~t Vice Chairperson shall perform all duties of the Chairperson in the absence or inability to act of the Chairperson. He/she shall preside over the preparation of the agenda and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Council. 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of minutes at the principal office or such other place as the Council may order; of all meetings of the Council, with the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, th names of those Council members present, and the proceedings thereof. 4. Treasurer. ~~ ~r~_t_e ~na~ions and ~~ the Treasur shal~ er =~ ~nancla~ o~icer and shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and main- tained, adequate and correct accounts of the financial transactions of the Council. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds in the name and to the credit of the Council with such deposi- taries as may be designated by the Council. ~e/shetshall disburse, and only disburse, the funds as may be ordered by the Council and shall rende~ to the Council upon request an accounting of all such transactions and the final financial condition of the Council. lAdder-to limit the Treasurer's duties to exclude control over Count_y__Servlce Area funds.] 5. Other Officers.~ The Council shall appoint such further and additional officers as the Council may deem advisable, and shall prescribe the powers and duties of such additional officers. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Council and/or adjournment of that meeting, or in the case of a vacancy, at the first regular meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy, and shall hold office for a period of one year and until their successors are elected. Any officer may be recalled from such office by six (6) affirmative votes of the Council at a.regul~r meeting. DCl/022 3. VII. VIII. LOCATION OF MEETINGS The Council shall hold all meetings within the Terri- tory. This limitation may be waived by unanimous consent of the Council if the subject of a meeting requires an examination of facts and data outside of the Territory. The Council shall make every effort to hold all public meetings in such facilities as shall accommodate any member of the public wishing to attend. Ce Dm The annual meeting of the Council shall be the first regular meeting in December of each year. Regular meeting of the Council shall be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the hour of 7:30 PM. If the date of any regular meeting falls upon a legal holiday, the meeting for that date shall take place on th next business day at 7:30 PM. Regular meetings shall be held at Foss School, 18492 Vanderli~, Santa Ana,.California or such other'place as the Council shall designate. Any meeting may be adjourned from time to time by the majority vote of the Council members present. Special meetings may be held as deemed necessary at the requ~Qt of the Chairperson, a majority of the members of the Council, or a member of the Board of SuperviSors of Orange County. Notice of such special meetings shall be in accordance with Be~ewv the Ralph M. Brown Act. ~e~m~a~-mee~-e~e~-be-~e~we~e~-~e~se~a~-e~-b~ membe~s-e~-~he-~em~e~?-smeh-~e~ee-she~-be-~we~ [Deleted because ~naccurate. If it is desired to include this' subject matter in the bylaws, a more lengthy exce'/~ot from the Brown Act is recommended.] DC1/022 e IX. QUORUM At any meeting of the Council, a majority of said Council, to wit ~ve-~ four (4) Council members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ~&ve-~ Four (4) affirmative votes shall be required to take any action except for amending these bylaws or for recalling any officer. X. ORDER FOR BUSINESS ae An agenda shall be prepared by the 1st Vice Chairper- son for each regular meeting of the Council. Agenda items must be submitted in writing to the 1st Vice Chairperson at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. The agenda'shall be posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2 at least 72 hours before any regular meeting. The agenda shall include an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters within the sub~ect matter ~urisdiction of the Council. The Council shall not, Be however, take action on such matters until they have been placed on the agenda. / Agenda items may be submitted to the 1st Vice Chair- person by, Council members, members of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County or County Departments. Ce A~&e~em&~ No matters mms~ may be considered by the Council.~e~J-~he-e~e~e~ee-e~-e~y-~we-mem~e~s-~-~e ~e~e&~= C'unless they appear on the agenda or fall within'one of the exceptions set forth in Government Code Section 54954.2. De ~e~e~-she~-e~eee~e-~-~e~e~-e~-~me-~-wh~eh e~-eny-me~e~v [Changed to reflect Brown Act amendments.] XI. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS ae Ail persons addressing the Council shall identify themselves~.by naal. e and address, and address Council members or-.other persons present through the Chairper- son. '~ DC1/022 5. XII. XIII. XIV. B. Upon request by any Council member, action shall be taken by roll call vote. The Council shall conduct all proceedings in accor- dance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Section 54950 et seq., California Government Code). [Deleted because Roberts Rules (Section 1) indicates that it is appropriate to group discussions where a dozen or more persons participate. Thus it appears inappropriate for a body. of seven members.] COMMITTEES The Council may establish such committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions of the Council. The committee members shall be appointed by the Chairperson including the officers of such committee and shall serve at the direction of the Chairperson. LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS A. The principal place of business for the purpose of posting notices shall be ~he-~ee~h~-~h-Seh~ A~m~se~e~e~-B~~? at 17662 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 8~'.Tustinr California, or such other ~lace as the Counclil may direct. NOTICES ~i ~ ae Ail notices to the Council shall be delivered person- ally or mailed to the principal place of business, e~ XV. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws may be amended by s&~-~6} five (5) affirmative votes of the Council at a regular meeting, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County. Be No amendment of or addition to these bylaws shall be made unless3notice in writing of the proposed amend- ment or addi~mion shall be filed with the 1st Vice DC1/022 6. XVI. Chairperson at the regular meeting next preceding the meeting at which the motion to change is made. ADOPTION pa~-A~se~y-~e~me~-we~e-e~ee~e~-ea-~h~s-~eh-~ey-e~ Se~eem]~e~-½999?-B~-%he-~e~ew~e~-~e~-ee~-~e~e~ XVII. .M~s~e?-P~eves~?-6eh~se~v NeSSt--Neme ABS~A~N~--Neme ~empe~a~M-See~eea~M [Deleted because unnecessary.] DCl/022