HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES OF 11-18-88Il. III o MINUTES OF A REGULAR t~EETING OF TTIE CIT~' COUNCIL O: THE Cll~ OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 18, 1985 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF At. LE$IANCE/INVOCATION The m~eting was called to order by Mayor Greinke at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation was given by Council- woman Kennedy. ROLL CALL ¢ouncflpersons Present: Councllpersons Absent: Others Present: Frank H. Greinke, Mayor Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald O. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Oir. of Public Works Royleen A. White, Oir. of Can. & Admin. Styes. Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Mary Ann Chamberlain. Associate Planner Approximately 50 in the audience PUBLIC 1. lZT~I Y~&R APPLICATION - CO~4UNIT¥ DEVELOPMENT ELOCK mANT PROGRN4 (~o) The staff report and recoemendation were presented by the Con~nunity Development Director as contained in the inter-cpm dated November 18, 1985, prepared by the Co~nunity Oevelopment Depart- ment. The public hearing was opened at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Greinke. Nick Ogden, t3841 Redhill Avenue, spoke in favor of the application as Chairman and on behalf of the Community Development Advisory Board. Mr. Ogden stated that the Board is unanimously in favor of subject application. There were no other Speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed at 7:06 p.m. It was m~ved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to approve by minute order the submittal of the [~th 'year CDBG applicacion for Fiscal Year 1986-87 as recommended by the Community Development Advisory Board and staff as follows: 1) Rehabilitation of Housing Stock - $150,000 (Low-interest loans and grants for continuation of the current rehab program.) 2) Public Facilities Improvements - $100,000 (Completion of South "B" Street/Mitchell Avenue target area street improvements.) 3) Public Facilities Improvements - S125,000 (Continuation of street improvements in recently-acquired Annexation No. 135 area.) 4) Senior Citizens Community Center - $200,000 (For construction of Senior Citizen Center.) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 11-18-85 Councilman Edgar was supportive of the motion. He requested that staff prepare a tabulation of the CDBG account balance for the cur- rent and three years past so that Council can better understand and identify deadlines for use of funds allocated to the City. The Conmnunity Development Director responded to Mayor Greinke's questions regarding the housing rehabilitation program. The motion carried 5-0. 81 IV. PUBLIC INPUT None. CONSENT CALE~AR Item No. 8 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Edgar. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. The motion carrie~ 5-0. 1. APPROVAl. OF MINUTES - NOVEMBER 4, 1985, REGULAR M~ETING 2. APPROVAL OF DEM.&NOS IN THE AMOUNT OF S803,565.71 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $12¢,439.30 50 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM (DF)GL~YN LYN SMITH; I~ATE OF LOSS: 9/9/85; [1ATE FIL£O Wiled CITY: 10/4/85; CLAIM NO.: 85-45 Rejected subject claim as recon~nended by the City Attorney. 40 4. PARCEL MAP NO. 84-1027 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS & RELEASE OF ~NOS Accepted all. public improvements as related to Parcel Map NO. 84-1027 and authorized release of bonds in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond No. ASIlO0460 - Sll,500; Labor & Materials Bond No. ASI100460 - S5,750; and Monumenta- tion Bond No. ASI100462 - S125 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. gg 5o XgS6 MISS TUSTIN TALENT SHOW & PAGEANT ~REEMENT Approved the agreement for use of City facilities by the Tustin Jaycees; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Recreation Superintendent. 45 85-51 8. L. P. REPERTORY AGREEMENT - 1986 PROOUCTION Approved the 1986 Agreement with L. P. Repertory as presented in draft form as recommended by the Oirector of Community and Administrative Services. 45 85-5Z 7. COOPEILATIVE AGREEJ4ENT WITH CITY OF SANTA AMA FOR SLURRY SEALING OF REI) HILL AVENUE IN CONJUNCTION WITH FY 1985-86 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM Approved subject agreement and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Engineering Divi- sion. 45 9. RESOLUTION NO. 85-111 - A CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF Adopted Resolution No. Development Department. 10. RESOL~FFION NO. 85-112 - A CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING 2712 DOW AVENUE Adopted Resolution No. Development Department. 85-53 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-362 LOCATED AT WALNUT STREET AND NEWPORT AVENUE 85-111 as recommended by :he Community g9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-391 LOCATED AT 85-I12 as recommended by the Community 9g Vll. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3,.11-t8-85 11. RESOLUTION NO. 85-113 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 12273 (15582 SOUTH "B" STREET) Adopted Resolution No. 85-113 as recommended by the Community Development Department. g9 12. RESOI. UTION NO. 85-110 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF CON- DITIONA}. USE PERMIT NO. 85-20 FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA AT 13201 SILVER BIRCH DRIVE Adopted Resolution No. 85-110 pursuant to City Council action of November 4, 1985. 81 13. R£SOt. UTION NO. 85-114 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, UPHOLDING THE D~ClSION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY APPROVING VARIANCE NO. 85-5, ALLOWING AN EXISTING NON-CONFORMING RESTAURANT AT 205 ~L CAMINO REAL TO VARY WITH THE PARKING REQUIRE- MENTS IN THE 0-2 ~ONE Adopted Resolution No. 85-114 pursuant to City Council action of November 4, 1956. 106 Consent Calendar Item No. 8 - Assessment District 85-1 - As recommended by the Engineering Division in the inter-tom dated November 5, 1985, it was m~ved by Ed~art seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: 8. R£SO{.brrIoN NO. 85-116 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 (PHASE II) IMPROVEMENTS ANO DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The Director of Public Works responded to Councilman Edgar that there is no possibility of coordinating subject project with street improve- merits on the westerly side of Bryan Avenue to be constructed with CDBG funds. The motion carried 5-0. 25 ORDINANCE FOR INTROOUCTION 1. PAJ~ING P.~STRXCTIONS - ORDI~NCE NO. 952 It was moved by Kenned7, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 952 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 952 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, that Ordi.nance No. 952 be introduced as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 952 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 5340d (PARK- ING OF VEHICLES OVER 6,000 LBS.) The motion carried 5-0. 75 ORDINAIJCE FOR ADOPTIOM S~OKING REGULAT[OMS - ORDINANCE ~0. 949 Mayor Greinke announced that this matter was not being considered as a public hearing. He noted that it would be the Chair's discre- tion to limit discussion to new information only. He requested that speakers limit their comments to new information on the matter. In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, the City Attorney defined a misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a very substantial fine. An infraction does not carry any jail ti me and the maximum fines are minimal based on a sliding scale. The penalty for violation of Ordinance No. 949 could be made either a misdemeanor or an infraction with no problem, whichever Council desires. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 11-18-85 'Dale Bonifield, representing the Orange County Chapter of the American Heart Association, spoke in favor of legislation to regu- late smoking in public places and in the workplace. Don ~ear$, 1260 S.E. Walnut, quoted research Statistics regarding the effects of cigarette smoking, Jerrold Cohen, 420 El Camino Real, spoke in favor of smoking regu- lations and the rights of non-smokers for a healthy environment. Jim Kane, Saddleback ?unrra! Home, representing the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance. He cited results o? a recent survey of local businessmen conducted by the Chamber, Mr, Kane spoke in favor of the Chamber's desire for an alternative voluntary plan. Merrill H. Matchett, representing the Orange County affiliate of the Californians for Nonsmokers' Rights, spoke in opposition to a voluntary program and was in favor of smoking regulations. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli, Mr. Matchett stated that it would be a reasonable compromise if each retail establishment Owner wes required to post signs as to whether~g is permitted or prohibited, rather than prohibiting smoking overall. Tova Griffin, 14961 Holt Avenue, President of the Tustin Chamber of Co~nerce, requested that Council give the Chamber's voluntary pro- gram a chance and 'work with them to encourage each business to develop a smoking policy designed for them. their enployees, and their customers. Nick Ogden, TLC, spoke in favor of smoking regulations on behalf of senior citizens, Council discussion followed regarding Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli's suggestion that retail Stores establish their own policy on whether or not smoking is allowed in their places of business. Mayor Greinke 'reiterated that regulation of smoking was voted down by the Tustin electorate twice. He spoke in favor of a voluntary program. Bob Peck, CPA in Tustin, spoke in ooposition to voluntary compli ante. - Jack Miller, representing Parents Who Care, spoke in favor of restoring the ~ghts of nonsmokers to fresh air. Mayor Greinke closed the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. Councilman Hoesterey was in 'favor of violations being treated as infractions instead of misdemeanors. Discussion followed regarding Section 4123 of Ordinance No. 949 and the deletion of retail stores and retail service establishments. The City Attorney requested Council clarification/verification on the following points: 1) Does Council wish to exclude retail establishments from the requirement of designating non-smoking zones whether or not they have e~ployees; 2) If so, does Council wish to have the requirement for posting of s~gns; 3) Does Council wish to treat violations as infractions; and 4) Does Council wish to amend the ordinance so that an owner/mana- ger may refuse service, but is not required to refuse service. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to amend Sec- tion 4128 to make a violation an infraction instead of a misde- Vlll. IX. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 11-18-85 It wes clarified that all revisions would be incorporated into Ordinance No. 949 which would then be brought back for first read- ing and introduction at Council's December 2 meeting. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Edgar, to amend Section 4127(b) 'from "shall not al)ow service" to rea~ "may refuse serv- ice.'' The motion carried $-0. Discussion ensued regarding points I and 2 on which the City Attor- ney requested clarification. It was moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Hoesterev, to remove retail establishments from those types of areas that m~st provide smoking and non-smoking areas and that they establish their own policy and post same. The Council was not receptive to make the above applicable only to businesses with less than five employees as suggested by Council- woman Kennedy. The motion carried 4-1, Greinke opposed. There was Council consensus to leave Section 4126(b) regarding restaurants or eating establishments "as is." Regarding the fine infractions, the City Attorney responded that Council could designate any )mount either as a flat maximum or on a sliding scale. Council concurred to consider the matter at the December 2 meeting with revised Ordinance NO. 949. It was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli, to direct the City Attorney to incorporate all changes with Council consensus this evening and bring revised Ordinance No. 949 at the December 2 meeting for first reading by title only and introduction as follows: OROINA~ICE NO. 949 - AN OROINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ~MENDING ARTICLE 4, CHAPTER i OF THE TUSTIN ~fJNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING PART 2, SECTIONS 4120, 4121, 4122, 4123, 4124, 4125, 4126, 4127, 4128, AND 4129, RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES AND PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT The motion carried 5-0. 88 None, BUSINESS BUSINESS NEW 1. ~OPE~TIVE ~EEME~ - SM DIEGO REEK SEDIMENT ~NITORIMG PRO- AS reco~nended in the inter-tom dated November 12, 1985, prepared by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, it was moved ~Z Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to authorize the execution of subject agreement; and authorize a supplemental budget appropria- tion in the amount of S6,000 for Fiscal Year 1985-86 for Tustin's share of the annual funding. Following a question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 107 REPORTS 1. P~NNINE COMMISSION ACTIONS - NOVEMBER 12, 1985 Mayor Greinke requested that the City Council Action Agenda reflect the vote by which action is carried on agenda items. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 11-18-85 It was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Greinke, to ratify the Planning Co~nission Action Agenda of NovemDer 12, 1985, with the exception of Item No. 6. Carried 5-0. In response to Mayor Greinke, the Co~nunity Oevelooment Director clarified that the Planning Commission approved the neon wall sign at Fiddler's Three Restaurant, 1222 Ir¥ine Boulevard, which .was in direct contrast to action the Mayor thought was taken. After some debate, it was moved by Gretnke, seconded by Edgar to ratify the entire NovembeF 12, 1985, Planning Commission A~tion Agenda. The motion carried 5-0. 80 2. .?J)UNI'Y OF ORANGE HAZARDOUS MA~RIALS DISCLOSURE ORDINANCE As recon~ended in the inter-com dated November lB, 1985, prepared by the Co~nunity Oevelopment Department, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject report. Carried Mayor Greinke reported that he has just received a copy of the County's ordinance and that he would be attending a meeting of the Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Authority on Nove~foer 21. OTHER 8LISINESS 1. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters. 2. TR~'I~IC ON RED HILL AVENUE Councilwoman Kennedy reminded Council that Pacific Bell promised they would be sensitive to the City's traffic problems on Red Hill Avenue when they received project approval for their center at Red Hill and Edinger Avenues. They indicated employee hours would be scheduled so as not to negatively impact existing traffic prob- lems. Council concurred to direct staff to draft a letter for the Mayor's signature to Pacific Bell on the matter prior to opening of their center. 100 3. ~9'ING WITH TUSO BOARD OF EI)UCATION The City Manager responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that staff is working on scheduling subject meeting as requested on November 4. .90 4. TUSTIN ~EADOWS TRAFFIC Councilwoman Kennedy reported that traffic from the Tustin Indus- trial Complex is detouring through Tustin Meadows from South Red Hill in the morning hours, and onto South Red Hill in the evening hours. Residents have reforted to posting hand-made signs which read, "please slow down." She requested the Police Department assist in enforcing the residential speed limit through Tustin Meadows. 100 5. VACANCY ON LAFCO Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli reminded Council of the vacancy on the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). He stated Council would be receiving letters fr~n applicants requesting appointment. He suggested that as the letters are received, Council review same, and make a recommendation for appointment. 24 6. ?~RAFFITI AT NISSDN A~ND BROWNING Councilman Hoesterey requested removal of graffiti at the corner of Nisson and Browning. XII. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 11-18-85 7. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCENENT Mayor Greinke announced that the reasons and .legal authority for holding a Closed Session on November 18, 1985, a're for the purpose of conferring and/or receiving advice from its legal counsel con- cerning pending litigation as follows: Litigation has been formally initiated to which the City is a party. The titles of said litigation are Rodriguez vs. Tustin {Case No. ¢26013}, Rott vs. Tustin {Case No. 453535), and Freitas vs. Tustin {Case No. 386143}. Said Closed Session is pursuant tO the authority of California Government Code Section 54956.9{a}. B. TUS~IN AREA COUNCIL-1 . RENEE FERRELL Mayor Gretnke reported he received a letter of resignation from Renee M. Ferrell, Chairman of the Tustin Area Council-1 {TAC-I}. He requested a letter of appreciation be forwarded to her in appre- ciation for her service. Helen Edgar spoke from the audience and requested that subject matter be held in abeyance until the follow- ing week, as the committee would attempt to encourage Ms. Ferrell to continue in her capacity. 41 9. SENIOR CITIZENS AOVISORY COUNCIL - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Mayor Greinke announced an opening on the Senior Citizens Advisory Council, League of California Cities, County of Orange Fifth Super- visortal District. The Director of Community and Administrative Services was requested to recommend a nominee at the December 2 Council meeting. It was noted that the application must be posted by December 30, 1985, and the appointment will be made on Thursday, January g, 1986. 41 10. ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION POLICY ¢O~IITEE MEETING Mayor Greinke announced a meeting of the Orange County Transporta- tion Policy Committee to be held on Thursday, November 21 in Santa Aha from 7:30-g:00 a.m. regarding the Foothill/Eastern I-5 Bottle- neck Analysis Study. He indicated he would attempt to attend same. 100 REQUEST FOR P~OCLAMATION Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli requested Council authorization to issue a proclamation recognizing Kathy Montgomery, The Register, for devel- oping the Tustin section which has been beneficial for the com- munity. Council concurred. 84 RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT; CLOSED SESSION - ADJOURNMENT At 8:46 p.m., by unanimous informal consent, the Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters as noted above, and thence adjourned to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Monday, November 25, 1985, at 6:00 p.m., and thence to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, December 2, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. 11. MAYOR M]NUTES OF A P.E~ULAR ~:t:i[NS OF TI~ ~.EOEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ~$T[N, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER [8, 1985 CALL TO (]Ri)ER The meeting was called to order at 8:¢6 p.m. by Chairman Greinke in the City Council C~ambers, 30D Centennial Way, Tustin, California, Frank H, Greinke, Chairman Oonald J. Saltarellt, Chairman Pro Tem Richerd B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E.~Kennedy Agency Members Absent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Ma~ E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Oonald O. Lamm, Community Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Roy)een A. White, Oir. of Com. & Admin. Services Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police . Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Approximately 15 in the audience APPROYAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the November 4, 1985~ Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to approve demands for the month of October, 1985, in the amount of S5Oz,387.B7 as recommended by the Finance Director, The motion carried 5-0. 60 D~S[GN R~VIEW - CHELSEA CAFE, INC., [481 EDINGER - RESOLUTION NO. RnA 85-! The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Community Devel- opment Director as contained in the inter-rom dated November 18, 1985, prepared by the Community Development Department. It was moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: R[SOI. UT[OH NO. R~)A 85-15 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APROVING THE DESIGN OF A RESTAU- RANT AT [481 EDINGER AVENUE Following a question-and-answer peri od, the motion carried 5-Q. 60 SIR R.AN/DESIGN R~VIEW - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE & WALNUT STREET (IA MANCHA DEVELOPMENT} - RESOLUTION NO. RnA 85-14 The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in the inter-rom dated November 18, 1985, prepared by the Community Development Department. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. R/)A 85-14 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SITE PLAN AIID ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF A 9,750 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER TO BE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AT WALNUT STREET After a brief discussion period, the motion carried 5-0. 60 2. ROIL. CALL Agency Members Present: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Page 2, 11-18-85 7. TRAFFIC SIGNAL - NEWPORT AVENUE AT SIXll~ STREET/WALNUT SI!REET As recommended in the inter-com dated November 13, 1985, prepared by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $40,500 for a traffic signal installation at Newport Avenue and Sixth Street/Walnut Street. The Director of Public Works responded to Chairman Greinke's questions regarding appropriation of Agency funds in Carver Development's project to date. The motion carried 4-1, Greinke opposed. 94 8. OTHER BUSINESS None. 9. ADJOURN)~ENT At 8:56 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, December 2, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. by unanimous informal consent. CHAIRMAN ~y'yA~.x~ SECRETA~ RECORDI~{~. C~ TES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULA,R )~r-'lNG OF ~ CIll~ COUNCIL Will( THE PLANNING CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF ll~STIN, CA~.IFORNIA NOVEMBER 25, 1985 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Greinke at 6:05 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. the II. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Planning Commissioners Present: Others Present: Frank H. Greinke, Mayor Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None Kathy Well Ronald White John McCarthy Charles Puckett A1 Baker William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Ed Knight, Senior Planner Jeff Davis, Associate Planner Consultants A1 Bell, Mark Brodeur and Matt Disston from The Planning Center John Orr, Tustin News Reporter Kathy Montgomery, Register Reporter III. SPECIFIC PLAN FOR FIRST STREET Consultants A1 Bell, Mark Brodeur and Matt Disston presented statistics and findings regarding the Specific Plan for First Street both verbally and by slides. Specific recommendations for each parcel will be presented on future Planning Commission and City Council agendas. IX. AD~OURNI~ENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. to the next regular meeting on December 2, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. MAYOR