HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA #4 11-02-87DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1987 '~,~'~'~/ Inter Corn TO: I/ILLTAN HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DTRECTOR FROM: COHHUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT SUBJECT: SITE PLAN AND DESIGN REVIEg NO. 87-21 FOR CIRCLE K MINI-HARKET AT 14121 NEgPORT AVENUE AT llITCHELL AVENUE APPLICANT: TATT AND ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF CZRCLE K CORPORATION 900 ORANGE FAZR DRIVE P.O. BOX 4425 ANAHEI#, CALIFORNIA 92803 REQUEST: TO DEHOLISH AN EXISTING 240 SQUARE FOOT CASHIER'S BOOTH AND RECONSTRUCT A 2,680 SQUARE FOOT HINI-HARKET IN CONJUNCTION #ITH AN EXISTING GASOLINE SALES STATION RECOI~ENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve the stte plan and architectural design of the proposed mini-market facility by the adoption of Reso]utton RDA 87-15. SUgaRY: The Community Development Department has completed a review of the stte plan and architectural design of the proposed mini-market project. The Design Review process emphasized the following issues: - architectural compatibility with surrounding facilities; - design of on-site circulation and parking; - conformance with Zoning Code and development standard requirements. As requtred by the adopted South Central Redevelopment Plan, the final stte plan and architectural design ts subject to the review and approval of the Redevelopment Agency. Ntth the exception of spectfic detatls noted tn the draft resolution of approval, staff considers the submittal to be complete and recommends that the Agency approve the project as presented. DISCUSSION: The applicant proposes to demolish an existing 240 square foot cashier's booth and reconstruct a modular 2,680 square foot mini-market tn conjunction with an extsttng retail gasoline station. The proposed project is located at the southwest corner of Newport and ~4itchell Avenues and was previously occupied by Thrtfty 0t1 Company. The subject stte Is currently zoned C-1 (Retail Commercial) and is surrounded by R-3 zoned property containing multi-family apartments on the west, C-1 (Retail Commercial) zoned professional offlces on the north and south, and C-1 (Retatl Commercial) zoned retail and gasoline related uses on the east. Redevelopment Agency Report November 2, 1987 C~rcle K Page Staff has reviewed th~ subject project for conformance wlth the Tusttn Zoning Code and adopted development Standards. Elements of the project design issues related to the project are discussed separately below:' 1. Site Design: The subject projec~ has been designed in conformance with parking, setback and landscaping requirements of the Zoning Code and City adopted development standards. Proposed building setbacks and parking are outlined below. Standard Requirement Proposed Parking (1:200): 14 spaces 14 spaces Setbacks: Front 15 feet 89 feet Sides 10 feet 10 feet Rear [0 feet 10 feet Building Height: 35 feet [6 feet Lot Coverage: 50S maximum [Z~ maximum The site provtdes landscaped areas in the front and side parking areas as well as the rear and side areas whtch abut surrounding properties. Both the-west and south properties are seperated by an extsttng block wall which is a minimum of 6 feet tn height. On site circulation is proposed to be limited to: ingress only on the northerly Newport driveway; Ingress and egress at the southerly Newport Avenue driveway; and unrestricted tngress and egress at the Mitchell Avenue driveway. To promote proper vehicular movement, the applicant can be requtred to provide a sertes of on-site signs to direct traffic: (2) "Entrance Only" signs, one on each side of the northerly Newport Avenue entrance and one "Right Turn Only" sign at the extt on the southerly Newport driveway. 2. Architecture: : The proposed project incorporates spanish architectural elements, including use of cream colored stucco walls, and barrel clay tile mansard roofs. The roof covers the north and east elevations factng Newport and Httchell Avenues and has been incorporated into the design for the canopy covering the gasoline pump islands. These elements create a sense of continuity and upgrade the overall appearance of the property. Stmllar spantsh styles and roof materials are found along Newport Avenue. Community DeveloPment DeparTment Redevelopment Agency Report November g, 1987 C~rcle K Page three 3. Stgn Program: The applicant has proposed two (2) exterior wall mounted signs. These are typical Circle K logos with color bandings of orange, ~ed and purple. The signs are placed on dormer type structures which are built into the roof mansard. Each sign proposes the maximum allowable sign area, therefore, no temporary or permanent signs will be permitted in the window storefront. An existing pole sign ts provtded on the site and a permit was issued to reface the existing can on this sign. This reface design incorporates the colors proposed for the wall signs on the building. 4. Landscaping The proposed project includes use of existing planters and installation of new ones around the periphery of the property. The proposed landscaping plan calls for use of Carrotwood trees, Pine Street trees (existing) and various floweriing shrubs and ground cover. The proposed project provides a total of 3,010 square feet of landscaping which constitutes 13.8~ of the total lot area. CONCLUSZON After consideration of the stte destgn, architecture, sign and landscaping related issues, staff considers the project compatible with the su~rounding area. Additionally, approval for the use related issues of the mini-market were approved by the Planning Commission on October 26, I987. This Use Permit granted authorization for the mint-market tn conjunction with a gasoline sales station. Assoct ate Planner Deve lopmen t : LCP :per Attachments: Site Plan Elevations Floor Plan Roof Plan Sign Plan Envtronmetal Initial Study Resolution No. RDA 87-15 Community DevetoPmem Department h . NOI,LYkJOdUO0 X ~'lOl:ilO l'tHJ. ~ .,. , ,.I!.I.,~ : ..: - ! I ~ ~ ii I,: Jill, , I ,, ,: .. . · ~lsI !:!Il L. ' ~' I !111 :,::.!,. ' ,!!;, \ i :!:l!;:~]!li~!l ''! ',,,,':,":,.,.' z I I I ,Il i '1, II,l"; li'l'l I ,I,I h:hl l.,ll,~:,u l :../ . e: . ] ._~ -'._.~ :! . ~., I ~ . ~-. il '~-.* · '; "'./ ,.o'"~ ' ,*.'Ill -~' - . -,,~ Il il ]~ -- Ii~iI I . ! ~- I1 :r~," t! .,_...: ll ': .,IL IP'"' ' : r' ^ "~ I "t---?,:---~' , y ' J'°"'"'"..'-m/r-1....'m":.::....'~.9--"":~',',','//-'~..- .... -,' i I1' ~' hi . , i . i ' '' ; ' " '" il . I ~ -. '" ":" "'" '"'"'"'"' ~ NOI.LY~QdUQQ ~4 FIOUIO ~R'4,L · .,,.,,.~'~,-r::.~'-',~. ' 'lAY .LUudM/N t~'t~'l. 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I : - I ~-'~ I t I i RESOLUTION NO. RDA 87-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A 2,680 SQUARE FOOT MINI-MARKET IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RETAIL GASOLINE SALES STATION AT 14121 NEWPORT AVENUE. (DESIGN/SITE PLAN REVIEW 87-21) The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: ? I. The Community Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows: 8 A. Pursuant to the adopted South/Central Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Agency shall approve all site plans and architectural designs of any project proposed within the 10 Redevelopment Agency Project Area. B. A proper application, (Design Review No 87-21) has been filed on behalf of Circle K to request authorization to construct a 2,680 12 square foot mini-market in conjunction with a gasoline sales station at 14121 Newport Avenue. C. The Agency has reviewed the proposed project and determines that the project will be compatible with the surrounding area. D. A Negative Declaration has been applied for and is hereby approved in conformance with the California Environmental ]O Quality Act. 17 E. Final development plans shall require approval of the Community Development Department ptor to issuance of Building Permits. 18 F. The project is in conformance with the South Central 19 Redevelopment Plan. 20 II. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, hereby approves the site plan and elevations for a 2,680 square foot mini-market to be located on the southwest corner of Newport Avenue at Mitchell Avenue subject to the conditions contained in the 22 attached Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the ~day of , 1987. 25 Richard B. Edgar 27 Chairman nary 6. Wynn Secretary EXHIBIT A CO#DITIO#S OF APPROYAL RESOLUTIO# #0. RDA 87-15 GENERAL 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform wtth the submitted plans for the project date stamped November 2, 1987 on ftle wtth the CommunJty Deve]opment Department, as heretn modified, or as modified by the Dtrector of Community Development Department ~n accordance w~th th~s exh~btt. 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the condJttons contained tn th~s exh~btt shall be complJed wlth prtor to the tssuance of any bu~ldJng permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. 1.3 Thls Design Rev~e~ approval shall be become null and void unless buJ]dtng permtts are Issued wJthln 4welve (12) months of the date on thts exhtbJt and substantial construction ~s underway. 1.4 At butldlng plan check, construction plans, structural calculations, and title 24 energy calculations shall be submitted. RequJrements of the Untform Butld~ng Codes, State Handlcap and Energy Requirements shall be complJed wJth as approved by the BuJldfng Official. 1.5 At butldfng plan check, provide preliminary technical detatls and plans for all uttltty Installations Jncludtng cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be Included stating that no fJeld changes shall be made wtthout correctJons submJtted to and approved by the Building Official. 1.6 Applicants shall sattsfy all Publlc Norks Oepartment requJrements Including but not 1Jmtted to the following: A. The flnal site plan shall be standardized and reflect all approprJate City standard drawtng numbers. The developer shall construct all mtsstng or damaged street Improvements to satd development per the Ctty of Tusttn "H1nJmum Destgn Standards of Publlc Norks" and "Street Improvement Standards". Thts work shall consist of, but ~s not 11m~ted to, curbs and gutters, sJdewalks, drtve apron, and street pavement. B. Provision of additional r~ght-of-way dedication at the curb return to accommodate the current revised hand~cap ramp standards. C. The applicant shall guarantee that connections to the sanitary sewer system are provided as required by Sanitation Dtstr~ct No. 7. 1.8 Applicant shall comply wtth all requirements of the Orange County Ftre Chief ~nclud~ng requJred ftreflow and Installation, where required, of f~re hydrants subject to approval of the Flre Department, City of TustJn PublJc Works Department and compliance w~th all requirements pertaining to construction. Exhibit A Resolution No. RDA 87-15 Page two 1.9 Prtor to tssuance of any butldtng permtts, payment shall be made of all requtred fees Including: A. Major thoroughfare :and bridge fees to Tusttn Publtc Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. C. Grading planchecks and permJt fees to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Building plancheck and permit fees to the Community Development Department. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District. 1.10 The applicant shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form prior to issuance of Building permits. - 1.11 Alcoholic beverage sales at this location is not permitted pursuant to Ordinance No. 981. 1.12 Outdoor storage prohibited at this location. 1.13 The base of the existing pole sign shall be treated with a mortar wash and painted with the proposed building wall color. SITE AND BUILDING CONDITIONS 2.1 Note off plans that all exterior colors to be used shall be subject to a review and approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. 2.2 Note on plans that a six foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. 2.3 All rooftop mechanical or electrical fixtures and equipment shall be screened. All telephone and electrical boxes must be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transformers, where provided and wherever possible shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from frontage of the project. Exhibit A Resolution No. RDA 87-15 Page three 2.4 Two 'No Loitering' signs shall be posted at the store entrance. 2.5 Permanent or temporary signs shall not be placed in store windows. Please revise notes on Sheet A-3 to read "No temporary or permanent signs are authorized for display in store windows." 2.6 Parking shall be maintained at a ratio of one space for every 200 square feet of building area. 2.7 All exterior lighting shall be installed so that rays do not direct ltght onto any surrounding properties. 2.8 Two "entrance only" signs shall be posted on the northerly Newport Avenue entrance. One "Rtght turn only" sign shall be placed on the southerly Newport driveway exit. LA#DSCAPX#G, GROU#DS AND IIARDSCAPE ELEME#TS 3.1 Final landscaping plans shall address the control of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water runoff. 3.2 Future formal submittals shall substantially conform to the submitted landscaping concept plan on file with the Department of Community Development, as herein and modified or as modified by the Director of Community Development pursuant to the City's Design Review procedures. 3.3 The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quanity materials during building plan check. Note on landscaping plan that coverage of landscaping irrigation materials is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Community Development. 3.4 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: a) Turf is unacceptable for grades over 25~ a combination of planting materials must be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not acceptable. b) Provide a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every 30 feet of property line on the property perimeter and five S gallon shrubs. 3.5 All newly planted trees shall be staked according to City standards. 3.6 Shrubs shall be a minimum of S gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 8 feet on center when intended as screen planning. 3.7 Ground cover shall be planted between 8 to 12 inches on center. Please change notes on landscaping plans to reflect this requirement. £xhlbit A Resolution No. RDA 87-[5 Page four 3.8 When ! gallon plant sizes are used the spacing may vary according to materials used. 3.9 Up along fences and or walls and equipment areas provide landscaping screening with shrubs, and or vines and trees on plan check drawings. 3.10 All plant materials shall be installed tn a healthy vigorous condition typical to the species. 3.11 Landscaping must be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, this will include but not be limited to trimtng, mowing, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering, or replacement of disease or dead plants. 3.12 In irrigation areas the irrigation controller is to be enclosed in a lockable housing. Design irrigation systems to provide sufficient coverage of avoiding water overspray on buildings and sidewalks. Note on this requirement on plan check drawings. NOYEJqBER 2, 1987 #ILLIAH HUSTOB, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COgHU#ITY DEYELOPlqENT DEPARTREHT SITE PLAN AND DESIGN REYZEI~ NO. 87-21 FOR CIRCLE K HI#I-lqARKET AT 14121 NEgPORT AVENUE AT IqITCHELL AVENUE APPLICANT: TAIT AND ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF CIRCLE K CORPORATION 900 ORANGE FAIR DRIVE P.O. BOX 4425 ANAHEIIq, CALIFORNIA 92803 REQUEST: TO DFJqOLISH AN EXISTING 240 SQUARE FOOT CASHIER'S BOOTH AND RECONSTRUCT A 2,680 SQUARE FOOT HINI-#ARKET IN CONJUNCTION HITH AN EXISTING GASOLINE SALES STATION · RECOI~ENDED ACTION: It ts recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve the site plan and architectural destgn of the proposed mint-market facJllty by the adoptton of Resolution RDA 87-15. SUI~ARY: The Community Development Department has completed a review of the stte plan and architectural destgn of the proposed mint-market project. The Design Review process emphasized the following tssues: - architectural compatibility with surrounding facilities; design of on-stte circulation and parking; conformance wtth Zoning Code and development standard requirements. As requtred by the adopted South Central Redevelopment Plan, the ftnal site plan and architectural design ts subject to the revtew and approval of the Redevelopment Agency. I~th the exception of spec~fJc detatls noted ~n the draft resolutJon of approval, staff considers the submittal to be complete and recommends that the Agency approve the pro~lect as presented. DISCUSSION: The applicant h.=-J~ =-;c;~t :to demolish an existtng 240 square foot cashJer's booth and reconstruct a modular 2,680 square foot mini-market In conjunction wtth an exJsttng retaJl gasoline statton. The proposed project ~s located at the southwest corner of Newport and Iqttchell Avenues and was previously occupted by. Thrifty 0J1 Company. The.[u.b~e~ ~s_~c~.e~%t. ly_. zoned C-ll(,Retatl.~.q~erctal~ and ts surrounded by R-3~lTi~fl=-f'~fl~~on the west~ C-ll(C'6~brc~al)zofled professional offices on the north and south, and C-l~Co~erctal~/zoned retail and gasoline related uses on the east. Redevelopment Agency Report November 2, 1987 Circle K Page two Staff has revtewed the subject project for conformance with the Tusttn Zoning Code and adopted development standards. Elements of the project destgn tssues related to the project are discussed separately below: 1. Site Design: The subject project has been designed in conformance with parking, setback and landscaping requirements of the Zoning Code and City adopted development standards. Proposed building setbacks and parking are outlined below. Standard Requirement Proposed Parktng ([:200): [4 spaces [4 spaces Setbacks: Front 15 feet 89 feet Stdes 10 feet 10 feet Rear [0 feet 10 feet Buildtng Hetght: 35 feet 16 feet Lot Coverage: 50S maximum 12[ maximum The site provides landscaped areas in the front and side parking areas as well as the rear and side areas which abut surrounding properties. Both the west and south properties are seperated by an existing block wall which is a minimum of 6 feet in height. On site circulation is proposed to be limited to: ingress only on the northerly Newport driveway; ingress and egress at the southerly Newport Avenue driveway; and unrestricted Ingress and egress at the Mitchell Avenu~..~v~.~y~.dT~promote proper vehicular movement, S tS he appll~,~4_"~__r_o~_~f~e~_~ries of on-site signs to direct trafftct ~?? i=:l""~ (2) E~trance Only signs. one on each side of the northerly Newport Avenue entrance and one "Right Turn Only" sign at the exit on the southerly Newport driveway. 2. Architecture: The proposed project incorporates spanish architectural elements, including use of cream colored stucco walls, and barrel clay tile mansard roofs. The roof covers the north and east elevations facing Newport and Mitchell Avenues and has been incorporated into the design for the canopy covering the gasoline pump islands. These elements create a sense of continuity and upgrade the overall appearance of the property. St~J):r., ~h,t:~t:r:l reflected cn ~ .~_CO R~ll -e~t~,Jr=~t ::rc~s t:zavu,-L Av=,,de. Similar spanish styles and roof .... -- F,-~eway.- materials are~J~o found along Newport Avenue~;~t~ ~f ~,,u , u Redevelopment Agency Report November 2, 1987 Circle K Page three 3. Sign Program: The applicant has proposed ~o (2) exterior wall ~unted signs. These are typical Circle K logos with color bandings of orange, red and purple. The signs are placed on doter type structures which are built into the roof ~nsard. Each sign proposes the maximum allowable sign area, therefore, no temporary or pe~nent signs will be permitted in the window storefront. An existing pole sign is provided on the site and a permit was issued to reface the existing can on this sign. This reface design incorporates the colors proposed for the wall signs on the building. 4. Landscaping The proposed project includes use of existing planters and installation of new ones around the periphery of the property. The proposed landscaping plan calls for use of Carrotwood trees, Pine Street trees (existing) and various flowerttng shrubs and ground cover. The proposed project provides a total of 3,010 square feet of landscaping which constitutes 13.8~ of the total lot area. CONCLUSIO# After consideration of the site design, architecture, sign and landscaping related issues, staff considers the project compatible with the surrounding area. Additionally, approval for the use related issues of the mini-market were approved by the Planning Commission on October 26, 1987. This Use Permit granted authorization for the mini-market in conjunction with a gasoline sales station. Laura Cay Pickup Christine Shtngleton Associate Planner Director of Community Development LCP:pef Attachments: Site Plan Elevations Floor Plan Roof Plan Sign Plan Environmetal Initial Study Resolution No. RDA 87-15 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 87-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A 2,680 SQUARE FOOT MINI-MARKET IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RETAIL GASOLINE SALES STATION AT 14121 NEWPORT AVENUE. (DESIGN/SITE PLAN REVIEW 87-21) The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tusttn resolves as follows: I. The Community Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows: A. Pursuant to the adopted South/Central Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Agency shall approve all site plans and architectural designs of any project proposed within the Redevelopment Agency Project Area. B. A proper application, (Design Review No 87-21) has been filed on behalf of Circle K to request authorization to construct a 2,680 square foot mini-market in conjunction with a gasoline sales station at 14121 Newport Avenue. C. The Agency has reviewed the proposed project and determines that the project will be compatible with the surrounding area. D. A Negative Declaration has been applied for and is hereby approved in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. E. Final development plans shall require approval of the Community Development Department ptor to issuance of Building Permits. F. The project is in conformance with the South Central Redevelopment Plan. II. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, hereby approves the site plan and elevations for a 2,680 square foot mini-market to be located on the southwest corner of Newport Avenue at Mitchell Avenue subject to the conditions contained in the attached Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the~day of , 1987. Richard B. Edgar Chairman Mary E. wynn Secretary