HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 12-02-85 (2)Xe ' III. NIIIUTE~ OI~ A IIEi~LAR ~m:~i IN6 OF lliE. CITY O)UNCIL OF THE ClTI O: llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA Of CD~BER 2, 1985 ~ lO CI~R/PL~E OF ~GIAN~/INVOCATIOM The meeting was called to order by ·Mayor itel,kc at 7:01 p.m. in ~he City. Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. Councilman Hoesterey led the Pledge ol~ Allegiance, and the InvOcation was given by Councilman Saltarel li. Counc~lpersons Present: Counctlpersons Absent: Others Present: ~mLIC )EA~II~ 1. TU~TIN Ill,AN WATER Frank H. Gretnke, Mayor Donald d. Saltarelti. Mayor Pro Te~ Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoestarey U~ula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager Jame~ G. Rourke, City Attorney Mar~y E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald O. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Oir. of Public Norks Royleen A. White, Oir. of Com. &Admin. Styes. Charle~ R. Thayer, Chief of Pol$ce Monde Buckley, Administrati ye Assistant Suzanne Atkins, Oeputy City Attorney · A~p?oxtmately 30 in the audience PANAG~ENT Pr. AN - I~SOt. UTION NO. 8.6-118 The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Adminis- trative Assistant as contained in her Inter-cpm dated November :985. Councilman Edgar noted that the Tustin Urban Water Manage- merit Plan wes not attached to subject report. Mayor Gretnke o~ened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. There were no speake?~ on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was then moved by Kennedyt seconded by Saltarelli~o to continue consideration of the following to December 16, :985, allow Coun- cil review of subject Plan: RESOLUTION NO. 85.-118 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~ TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AOOPTING THE TUSTIN URBAN WATER MANAGE- MENT PLAN. The motion carried S-O. ~ ~ OIANGE OF LAGUNA RgAD TO EL CASINO REAL - RESOLUI'ION NO. 8~-119 The Administrative Assistant presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in her inter-cpm dated November 22, 1985. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Greinke at 7:06 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Saltarelli, to adopt the following: Rr:._41.UTION NO. 85-119 - A RESOLUTION O~ THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF llJSTTN, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING OESIGNATION OF LAGUNA ROAD BETWEEN 950 + FE~T EASTERLY OF R~ HILL AVENUE AND BROWNING AVENUE TO ~ C~IINO--REAL Motion carried B-O. 96 IV. CITY COU~ .~I[NUTES Page 2, ABATI~ENT OF ~BLIC ~JISA~K~ AT 17592 A/~GANSET - RESOLUTION NO. 85-116 the staff report and recordation were presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the inter-tom dated December 2, lgBS, prepared by the Comunity Development Department. Mayor Greinke opened the public hearing'at 7:07 Jeff L)olley,' General Manager and RME, American Restoration & Con- struction, Inc., 3100 West Warner, Suite B, Santa Aha, general con- tractor~ for subject property, provided background on the matter. He requested additional time for plan c~ecking and state(~ it would take al)proximately 60-go days to correct conditions a~d bring the proper~y into Code conformance. Ruben F-lores, President, ~erican Restoration and Cons'traction, Inc., and Harold Cormann, property Owner at. 17592 Amaganset Avenue, were also present. MI'. Cormann ~esponded to Council questions. There were rio other speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed at 7:14 p.m. The C~unity Development Director provided further background on the matter. He noted that it would tak~ longer than 60-90 days to corre~ conditions with the rainy weather. It was then moved by Greinke~ seconded by Edgar, to continue the following to RESOLUTXON NO. 8S-II& - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN CDNDITIONS ON TH~ PROPERTY LOCATED AT ~7592 AMAGANS~T AVENUE (AP~ 401-033-01) CONSTITUTE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND HEREBY ORDERING THE ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCE The motion carried S-O. 81 Councilman Edgar noted that Council's concern is that the property be upgraded, and not that property owneri be penalized. However, if a penalty is necessary to correct the situation, Council is pre- pared to do so. PUBLIC INPUT 1o FIP.3T ANI'~AL ~ LIi~rlNG CEREMONY . O~CLrI~ER 6, lg85 At the Mayor's request, the Director of Community and Administra- tive Services invited everyone to attend the First Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony to be held on Friday, December 6, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Center Complex. ~'. I~C~GNI'T'ION OF FOOTHILL HIGI4 SOIOOL SI~)ENI'S Mayor Greinke recognized students ~rom Foothill Hig~ School Civic classes attending this evening's meeting. was no public input from the audience. There C~NSENT CALEI~AR It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Kennedy, to approve the entire Consent Calendar. The motion carried ~-0. 1. APgROVAL OF Ml~$ - NOVEMBER 18, 1985, REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, ~g85, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF DIDIANOS IN THE ANOUNT OF $330,038.64 ~TIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $128,694.79 60 · CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, tZ-~-85 RL~Qm__UTIOII NO.' 85-121) - A RESOLOTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT? OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ARPROVI~ LOT LINE ~JUSTMENT NO. 85-3 (SOUll4WE~-F~RLY C~RN~R OF WALNUT AVENUE ANO FRANKLIN AVENUE} AdD, ted Resolution NO, 85~1Z0 as ~eco~nended by the Director of Public Worts/City Engineer. 81 4o NO PARICIN~ SI&~S Oil ~IE~N VALLEY ~R R~ t~e r~ues: :o install no parking signs on Green Vall~ for strat ~e~ing pu~oses as ~ec~end~ Dy t~e Engi- n~rt ng Oi vt si on. 7S ~l~ ~. 8~[[7- A RESOLUTION C[~ ~ ~STIN, ~IFORNIA, ~ORIZI~ A S~F-INSUR~D ~PLOYEE H~ BENEFIT PAYMENT' ACC~ ~O PROVIDI~ PROC~URES THEREFOR Ad~t~ Resolution No. 8S-~7 as r~UeU by t~e ~inance Oi r~or. IIESOI.UT[Oll NO. 85-122 - A RESOLUTION OF THE C%TY COUNCIL OF .THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA) EHOORSING THE "PAIR RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF [98B" AdD,ted Resolution No. 85-[22 as recommended- by the City Manager. 61 YI. OI~I~UIC~ ~ INTROOUCTION 1. Al)OPTION OF ILrW MDOItl ~I~B~ OIiOIMAMC~ -' LRGLrHCY CROINANC]~ NO. ga3 ~ ~EOIIIAHC~ NO. 955 The staff repo~ and recommendation were presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the Inter-rom dated Oec~er 3o 1BBB, pregared by the Con~unity Oevelogment Oe~artment. The Chief of Police and City Manager responded to concerns expressed by Counctlmembers Saltarelli and Kennedy. It was ~ved by ~ennedy~ seconded by Hoesterey, that Urgency Ordi- nance NO. g53 have first reading by. title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading by title only of Urgency Ordtnah6e No. 953 by the City Clerk, it was moved .by ~enffedy~ seconded by Hoesterey, that Urgency Ordinance NO. gS3 be introduced as Follows: OIl)INA#CE NO. g~ - AN URGENCY OROINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF I'JSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PART 2. SECTIONS 3~1 THROUGH 34~g.~, CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE 3 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL COOE ANO ESTABLISNING NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF ANBULANCES IN THE INCORPORATEO'AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE The motion carried 5-0. 22 It was moved by Ed~ar~ seconded by Saltarelli, that Urgency Ordi- nance No. BB3 have second reading by title only. Carried B-O. Following second reading by title only of Urgency Ordinance No. 953 by the City Cleft, it was moved by Edgar) seconded by Hoesterey, that Urgency Ordinance No. 953 be passed and adopted as follows: OROI~ NO. 963 - AN URGENCY C)RDINANC£ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PART 2, SECTIONS 3421 THROUGH 342g.6, CHAPTER l, ARTICLE 3 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE AND ESTABLISHING NEW REQUIREMENTS ~OR THE OPERATION OF AMBULANCES IN THE INCORPORAT~I) AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES: None ABSENT: None 22 It was ~en moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the First Amendment to Agreement to Prdvide Licensing and Regula- tion of Ambulance Service and Convalescent Transport Service; and authorize its execution by the Mayor and City Cleft for submittal to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The motion carried 45; 85-55 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, [2-2-85 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 955 have first reading by title only. Carried $-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. g55 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Xenned),r seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 955 be introduced as follows: OR~)I#AJ#CE NO. ~5 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,~ CALIFORNIA, 'REPEALING PART 2, SECTIONS 342I THROUGH 3429.6, CHAPT~ 4, ARTICLE 3 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE AND ESTABLISHI.NG NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OFERATION OF A~IBULANCES IN THE INCORPO- RATEI) AR[AS OF' THE COUNI~~ OF OR~IGE The motion carried 5-0. 31 EPE~L ~ nL~Vlrlopl,m:~fr NORATORIUM OM FI)lSl' STREET - ~Gk'NCY OROI- ~ NO. -~.~ As' reco~ended in the inter-corn dated December 2, 1985, prepared by the Cmmaunity Oevelopment Oepartment, it was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Edgar, that Urgency Ordinance No. 956 have first read- ing by title only. After a brief discussion period, the motion carried 5-0. Folio)wing first reading by title only of Urgency Ordinance No. 956 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, the[ Urgency Ordinance No. 956 be introduced as follows: OI~I)IIIANC£ NO. g~ - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CX~ OF TUSTIN, C~J. IFORNIA, REPEAI,ING ORDINANCE ~0. g36 WHICH ESTABLISHKn A OEYELOPMENT MORATORIIJM ON FIRST STREET The motion carried' 5-0. 81 It was tl~en moved by Ed!gart seconded by Noesterey, that Urgency Ordinance No. 956 have second reading bY title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Urgency Ordin~'hce No. 956 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, the[ Urgency Ordinance No. 956 be passed and adopted as follows: ORI)INANCE NB. 9~ - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIl"f OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 936 WHICH £STABI. ISHPn A OEVEI,OPMEMT MORATORIISM ON FIRST STREET Roll call vote: AYES: Edger, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Salta~elli NOES: None A8SENT: None 81 SMOKIN~ RF~UI.ATIONS IN PUBLIC PIN;ES & PLACES OF ~OY~ - O~I- ~ ~. ~g (Revts~ Pursuant to Council action of Nov~ber 18, 1985) Mayor Greinke noted that it is Council consensus that this is not a public hearing and that the public hearing on subject item had been closed and duly argued. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 949 have first reading by title only. Motion carried 5-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance ~o. 949 by the City Clerk, it wes moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance NO. 949 be introduced as follows: ~IIIANCE NO. 949 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIl- OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ~ENOING ARTICLE 4, OHAPTER I OF THE TUSTIN .MtJNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING PART 2, SECTIONS 412Q, 4121, 4122, 4123, 412¢, ¢125, 4[26, ¢127, 4128, AHO 4129, RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES AND PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT The motion carried ¢-1, Greinke opposed. 88 VII. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 12-2-85 1. PAR[IM~ ]~ICTIO~3 - ~I~ ~. 952 It was ~v~ by Kenn~7~ s~ond~ b7 Saltarelli, that Ordinance ~o. gS~ have secon~ rea~lng Fo~tng secon~ reading by tit~e only of Ordinance Ho, 952 by the City Clerk, tt ms mved by H~sterey, seconded by ~d~ar, that Ordinance Ho, g52 be pass~ an~ ~[~ ~, 9~2 - AH O~OIHAHC[ OF ~E CITY COUHCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~STIH, ~IFORHIA, ~EHDI~ ~STI~ CI~ ~0[ S[CTIOH S34Od (PARK- I~ OF VEHICL: OVER ~,000 The ~tion carrt~ 5-0. 75 VllI. IX. 1. BID ~ - I~EC1~5£ OF ~ TP-J~rOE ~ ~ r~end~ in t~e lnter-c~ dated Nov~ber 25, ~985, pr~ared by ~e [n~in~rin~ Division, it was ~ved by Hoesterey, seconded by ~, to authorize the purchase of one small tractor mower fr~ O.T.S. Otstrlbutors, Orange, in the a~unt of $8,gg8.34. The m~lon carrt~ 5-0. 87 Pursuant to the r~dation contain~ in tree inter-c~ dated Nov~er 25, 1985, it ~s ~ved by Edgar~ seconded by Greinke, authorize the purchase of :~r~ pic~-up :ruc~s (one wit~ utility b~) fr~ Ea~es: Ford, [nc., Orange, tn t~e ~ount of S36,63Z.OZ. Following a ~esttom-and-answer pert~, C~e ~tion carried 5-0. 87 Mayor Grefnke r~o~end~ that staff ~nvestigate the possibilfCy of conve~t~ to the more econ~ical, small-s~ze pick-up :rucks for City use. 3. BIO ~ - ONE ~ ~[VE ~ Mayo~ Greiflke d~lar~ a confll~ of ~nterest on subjec: -item. It was ~ved by Moesterey~ second~ by Edgar, to authorize the pur- chase of ~e ~w~eel drive tractor fr~ Cook Tractor, Cerritos, in the amount of $14,453.10 as rec~end~ by the Engineering Oiviston tn the ~nter-c~ dat~ Norther 25, 1985. Carried 4-0, Greinke abstai n~. 87 4. ~0~ ~IC S%~ AT I~E~ION ~ ~TON P~KWAY ~ reco~end~ in the inter-c~ dated NovemOer LB, 1985, prepar~ by t~e Engineering Division, it ~s ~ved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize a su~pl~ental budget appropriation in ~ount of $93,500 for t~e design and ¢onstructio~ of a traffic sig- nal at t~e inters~tion of Moulton Par~way and Myford aped. ~e Oir~tor of Public Works respond~ to Mayor G~einke that traf- fic signal ~uip~nt is not a stock item and r~uires great lea~ tt~ for ordering. Councilman Saltarelli concurr~ with Councilwoman Kenn~y that the City of Irvine s~ould assist in funding the traffic signal since traffic throug~ subje~ intersection will primarily be generated fr~ l~ine's Industrial C~plex. CITY COUNCIL MINUT[S Page $, 12-2-8S The DireCtor responded that a joint funding agreement for the con- Struction of Myford Road through the Marine base will come before Council in the next two or three meetings, The Irvine Company's share will be approximately 35%, the City of Irvine's share 41%, and Tustin's share the remaining 24%. The motion was amended to: 1) Authorize a supplemental'budget appropriatl'on in the amount of $93,500 for the design and construction of a traffic signal at the interSection of Moulton Partway and Myford Road; 2) Request ~ reimbursement from the City of Irvtne for 4[% of such costs; and 3): Install a temporary three-way stop at subject intersection until the signal is in ~peration. The motion carried 5-0. 94 REPORTS 1. PLANNING COIOII$$ION ACTIO~ -' NOVID~IBE]i 25, 1985 It was mov~ by Saltarelli~ seconded by Hoesterey, to ratify t~e entire Planning C~ission Action Agenda of Hov~ber 25, 1985. ~ion carri~ 5-o. ~ MAIN ~ 7~NI~ Sll~)Y In response to Councilman Edgar, the Community Oevelopment Director reported that now that the First Street Specific Plan has been com- pleted, staff will provide a status report on the Main Street zon- ing study at the December 16. lgSS, Council meeting. 81 CAPITAl. IMP~OVEI~ENT BJOGET ~OR~P Councilman Edgar suggested a workshop to study the capital improve- ment budget. The City Manager recommended that Council schedule same in early March. 50 3. S?=allOR CITIZ~:N ~q'l'F.]l PLMINING In response to Councilman Edgar, the Oirector of Community and Administrative Services provided an oral status report on progress ·ade to date by the Steering Committee for a Senior Center. She stated the Committee has yet to come to an agreement regarding the outside elevation. A~ soo~ as that happens, it will be brought to Council for ~proval. Until then, working drawings cannot begin, which should take ~tween four to six months to complete. 41 OPJ~ OIUNTY ACA~I~ ~CA?~ON - TU~TIN'$ HI~ S0400t$ WIN#ERS Councilwoman Xennedy reported that both TUSO higl~ schools ~laced high in the 18th Annual Orange County Academic Decathlon held on November 16 at Tustin High School. Foothill High School won first place and Tustln High School won third place. As suggested by Councilwoman Kennedy, Mayor Gretnke requested the City Manager send a letter to the TUSO Board of Education in congratulations of such an achievement. FISCAL Y~AR 198S-86 SLURRY SEAL PROGRA~I In response to Mayor Pro Tom Saltarelli, the Otreotor of Public Worts re~orted that the slurry seal project has been delayed because staff requested that the contractor work on ~ajor streets during weekends only so as not to impact business traffic, and the recent rains have slowed the project further. 95 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 12-2-85 Council concurred with Mayor Gretnke'$ request that a proclamation be p~esented to. the Boys and Gtrts Club of Tustln in recognition of their Twentieth Anniversary in ~anaary. ~ Mayor Gre~nke c~ent~ on the en~oyabie evening had by al~ at the annual [~]o~ee Awards Banquet held on Norther 23, [985, Particularly, he noted with pride the selection of Isabella ~Clements, Recreation Coordinator, as "Employe~ of the Year." The Mayor also ¢~t,ilended "The Tustin News" reporter John Orr for his excel 1 eric a~lcl e on Mrs. McCl ~enCs. 79 AIII~)INTMEN1' TI) OIIAN~ O)UNTY VECTOR ~ OlSlllCT - U~SULA E. As requested by Mayor Greinke, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, to reappoint Ursula E. Kennedy to the Orange County Vector Control District. Carried 5-0. 57 g. ~IIATIE 8ILL 7'35 Mayor Sretnke reported that Senator Edward Royce has written in reference to Senate Bill 736 regarding agencies being able to charge d~unk drivem up to $500 for costs incurred. Council con- cuffed with Chief Thay%r's request that Tustin recommen~I removal of ~'h'~"~O0 ceiling, or that Senator Royce's staff, work with the Oirector of Cmmnunity and Administrative Services to establish a more ~asonabte amount. 61 10. TUSTIN k~EA OOUNCIL-! - Mayor Gretnke reported that Ranee Ferrell has withdrawn her resig- nation and will continue to serve on the Tustin Area Council-t Com- mittee. He requested a letter of commendation be sent to her in recognition of her services as Chairman of TAC-1. 4! - RE/)EVI~,.OPI~NT - RECONVENED At 7:63 p.m. it was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 p.m. with all members present. ADO-ON [T~ - R~/)EYELOP~NT AGENCY FOIl CITY COUNCIL ACTION AIFll(O~IZATTON TO ADVL~RTISE FOR BIDS CO~NUNICATIONS CENTER UPGRADE - R£~OI. UTION NO. 85-121 Following Revelopment Agency consideration of the lnter-cc~ dated November 22, [985, prepared by the Chief of Police, it was deter- mi ned that subject matter should be deferred to the City Council for appropriate action (see December 2 ~edevelopment Agency Min- utes, page ~). It was then moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Edgar, to appropriate General Fund ~nies for the purchase and installation of new com- munications center upgrade equipment and to adopt the following: RF.S~UTION NO. 85-121 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMMUNICATIONS CENTER UPGRAOE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FACILITY AND OIR£CTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The motion carried 5-0. 82 CZTY COUNC[!. M[NUT[$ Page 8, At 7:56 p.m. 1~ was ~oved oy Hoes[eray~ seconded b~ Edgar, to ~ecess to t~e ~ede~elo~ment Agen¢?~ an~ t~ence adjourn to the nex~ ~egular ~ee~- ~ng on OecenVOer 16, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. Car~ed 5-0. NAYOR MIII~TES OF A ~GUt. UI ~ETING OF ~ REI)EVEI. OP)IiNT AGIENCY OF ~ CITer ~ 1USTIN. CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 2, 1985 CALL TO ORDfrR The meeting was called to order at 7:53 p.m. by Chairman Greinke in the City Council Chanf~ers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. ~ CN..L Agency Me. ers Present: · Agency Members Absent: Others Present: Frank H. Greinke~ Chairman Donald J.* Saltarelli, Chairman Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E..Kennedy None William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke. City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lemm. Community Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Royleen A. White. Dir. of Com. & Admin. Services Charles R. Thayer. Chief of Police Monde Buckley, Administrative Assistant Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney Approximately l0 in the audience AJ~ROVA~ ~ MI~T~S It was moved by Saltarelli? seconded by Kennedy. to approve Minutes of the Nove~f~e? 18, [985, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. AUTI~XT. ATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, CO)IqUNICATIONS CENTER UPGRADE - RESOLUTION NO. RDA 85-16 Following Agency/staff discussion, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, ~o defer the following to t~e City Councll for appropriate 'action ~see Oecember 2 City Gouncil Minutes, page 7): RESOLUTION NO. RDA 85-15 - A RESOLUTION OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUST[N, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS mO SPECI- FiCATiONS FOR COMMUNICATIONS CENTER UPGRAD~ [N THE POLICE OEPARTMENT FACILITY mO DIRECTING THE SECRETARY TO AOVERT~SE FOR B:OS Carried ~-0. 82 REt/SS - CITY COUNCIL - RECONVENEO At 7:5S p.m. it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli. to recess to the City Council meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting was reconvened at 7:56 p.m. with all Agency members present. 5. OllEE BUSINESS None. At 7:57 p.m. it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Greinke. to adjourn to the next regular ~ting on December k6, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. CHAIRMAN C