HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 12-16-85M F II. III. IY. #ll~TES OF A R~GULAR OF T~E CIT~ C~UNCIL OF T~E CITY OIr TU~i'[8, CALIFOP.~IA OECEMBER 15, 1985 The meettng was called to order by Mayor G~einke at 7:04 p.m. fn the City ~unc11 Charm, 300 C~C~n~al Uey. The Pl~ge of Alleglance ~s 1~ by ~tke 3esstck and S~hen ~lle~s, m~em of C~e ~e~elos Oen Cub Scou~ Pac~ No. 323 f,~ S~. Cecilia's Chur~. ~ose leader ~s O~nls O. ~ahoney.. ~e e~t~e, t~oop ~s ,~ue~ ~ s~a~ ~ ,~elv~ recognition ~ applause. ~e Invocation was g~v~ by Councilman Edgar. e~ ~e~v~ ~agnl~on ~ applause. Counci lpe~ofls Prese. t: Couflc~ 1 per~ons Absen,*,t: Or, ecs Present: None. PUBLIC I~.Ai1963 1. Prank N. Grelnke. Mayor Oonald d. Saltarelll, Mayor Pro Tam RiChard B. Edgar Ronald ~. ~oeste~ey U~u~a ~. ~enn~7 ~t111am A. HusSar, C~y d~s ~. Router, C~y ~harl~ R. ~ayer, ~hlef of Susan Jones. Recreation Suge~ntend~t deff Oavis, Ass~a~e Planner ~nda auc~ley. A~tn~s~a~lve Ass~ s~an~ ~g,ox~ely 50 in ~e audt~ce TUSTI/I ~ ~TER t~U~r~IENT PLAN - ~I~ ~. 8~118 (Con~tnu~ f~ Oe~er ~, 1985) ~a~ve ~stsla~ as con~atn~ tn her Jn~ee-c~ da~ Oec~ee 3, 1985. Mayor Grelnke Opened the publtc hearing at 7:08 9.m. There ~ere no speaker~ on the matter, and t~e public hearing was closed. It was then moved b7 Haesterey, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: RF..~R. UllON ~1. 85-118 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE TUSTIN URBAN WATER MANAGE-. MENT PLAN The ~otion carried 5-0. 107 ABATENE]eT OF ~Bi. IC NUISANC~ AT 17592 ~IAGAI~rT - ~S~ION ~. ~116 (Continu~ f~m O~ber 2, 1985) ~e staff redo~ and ~a,,~endatfon were presenC~ by t~e C~unity Developer Oire~or as ~ntained in the t~r-cm dat~ Dec~ber 16, 1985, p~epa~ by the C~nity Oevelopment 8~artment. CITY COUNCIL ~IHUTE$ Page Z, ¸3. ~ayor Gre~nke opened the publt¢ ~eartng at 7:20 Jeff Jolley, ~ue~¢an Restoration & Cans:ruc:~on, ~nc,, 3~00 ~a~er, Sutte 8, Sa~ Aha, general con:ra¢:o~ foe subJe~ e~y, ~o~ that f~nal plans ~re fo~ally submt::~ fo~ plan checktng on Oec~e~ [3. Upon issuance of ~e~tts, I: s~ould agg~xtmately 90 days to betng the progeny 1nra Code confomance. He ~ues~ continuance on t~e mat:er Co eliminate duo11catlon of sine n~assary ~atrs (suc~ as ~roken ~ndows) which wi~] ¢otnclde wt~ cons:~ton. ~em ~re no ~hee speakem on ~e aeC:ar, and :~e ~uellc heaetng ~s clos~ at 7:].3 [: ~s ~ ~v~ b~, Sal~arel~t~ secone~ by Hoes:erey, [) Adopt :~e follo~ng; and ~ ~. 8~[~6 - A R[SOLUT[ON OF ~E C[~ COUNCIL OF C[~ OF ~[N, ~L:FORN[A, O~[RM[N[NG ~AT C[RTA[N CONO[T[ONS ~ ~E PROP[R~ LOCAT~ AT [7592 ~AGANS~ AV[NU[ (AP~ 033-0[) CON~[~ A PUBLIC ~[SANC[ ~0 H~E~Y ORDERING ABATE~E~ OF SAID NU[SANC~ ~) ~end Se~ton [[ of Resolution ~o. 8S-[~ o~derlng abat~e~ conditions ~t~ln a masonaOle ~ertod of ~me aC [~e discretion of [he C~nt:y Oevelo~ent 01r~toc ~tor Co ~nltiaCton any 1~al ac:ton agatns: ~he prooemy ~er or as~ess~n: of 11en~ aga~ns: t~e aroger[y. The mtlon ¢aert~ 5-0.. r~datlon as c~tatned ~n t~e t~ee-com dat~ Deck,er ~985, pr~ar~ by :~e C~ntty Oevelopm~t Oe~artmen:. ~e gubllc hearing ~s open~ ~y ~ayor Gre~nka at 7::6 p.m. There ~ee no speake~ on t~e ~tter, and the pu=lic hearing was clos~. It ~s t~ ~v~ by Hoesterey, second~ ~y ~eflnedy, t~at 0rdtflaflce No. 957 have r~t toe,lng ~y :~:~e on~y. ~otion carried Following rl~t ~adtng by title onl~ of 0r~lnance No.. 957 Oy Ctty Clee~, ~t. was ~v~ by ~d~ar, s~ond~ ~y ~oes:ere~, t~at 0~tnance No. ~57 ~e lntroduc~ as fo~lows: ~[~ ~. 9~ - AN ~OINANC~ 0F ~E CITY COUNCIl. 0F ~E CITY OF ~IN ~P~V%HG ~IHG ~O[NANC~ ~. 85-& AU~ORIZING SCHOOL US~S, SU~E~ TO CONOIT~ON~ USE P~RMITS, IN THE PROF~SSION~ 0FFIC~ ~O I~U~IAL (M) OI~ICTS The ~t~on carr~ 5-O. The staff repo~ and r~efldat~on were preseflt~ by t~e C~untty 0evelop~flt 0tr~tor as contafn~ (fl :~e fnter-com ~repared by Co~untt70evelopment 0epa~m~t dated 0echOer :~, In response to Councilwoman Kenn~y, the C~un~ty Development 0tr~tor stat~ ~t ~s the City Attorney's op~Mon :~at tar CIt7 has a r~ght :o t~ to peohl~t: ce~atn types of uses. Ffndtn~ Ordinance No. 954 state t~at industrial zones are locat~ close ~stdent~al areas. Because of :~s staff ~eels ft ~as good s:and- 1ng to try to prohibit taxtc ~ste transfer stations. If cAM- l~g~, t~e City could uphold su~ f~nd~ngs and ~ave ve~ goad defense tn cou~s of law. If t~e ordinance Is flat adogt~, C1t7 wt]1 have greater exposure and greater c~aflce of attars to prohibit toxtc ~ste transfer stations. C~T~ ~OUNCIL MINUTE~ The CammJnicy. Oeve]oDmenC Olr~cor ~s;onded to ~ayor Pro Tm Salcarelll ~ha~ the Planning C~sS~on dld of mk~ng ~x~c ~sCe ~ansfer staCtons pe~lsstble under the usa pratt p~cess. It was felt that b~ause of t~e~ ~ay ~e cause for s~ebo~y to ~ ~a~-~t prohibited, no ~e ~n legally ~p~y for i~ an~ t~ere's In ~sponse ~o ~ayor Greinke, ~platn~ my ~aff f~Is ~ry c~fo~able that service stations bustn~s de~l~n~ prfnc~pa]ly a~ nearly lO~ tn the*1~ne of trans- feting a~ ~nr~ge. of toxic ~]Y ~re/r~yc]e ~]atm~ p~ducts (such as ~ anctlla~ pa~ of ~he ~us~n~s.'at '.se~ca stations. t~a~reta~lon should ~ ~alleng~ In the ~u~e, t~e definition 'w~ld be clan~f~ fu~he~ ~lat~ve to being t~e P~nc~pa] land use On a p~e~y, not an ancll, la~ use. ~ayo~ G~nke ~en~ the pubt~c ~ear~ng ~t 7:24 p.m. ~e~e ~ no speeke~ on the ~at~er, and t~e puDllc hee~ng ~aS Close. Mayor P~ T~ Saltaret'11 ~s n~ oppos~ ~o ~e ordinance, but felt that the use pratt process ~uld ~ a ~ttee ~t~od of d~scourag- ~ng toxic ~e transfer ~ulag~ons. He ~d~ ~at ~e Laague of Ct~ took t~e pos~t~on ChaC thee ctC1~ w~ generate ~C of the toxic waste should be ~se ~o hive Crans~eP s~Ctofls ~n Che~r c~Cy. HlyoP G~nKe ~sag~. He C~unc~ should ~h~n~ In ~e~ of total ~eC~ of O~anqe County, ~ayor.P~ Tm Saltare111 ~Jt~at~ h~s peefer~ce foe a use pe~t p~C~S. Counctl~n Kinney stat~ a preference For the d~re~' 3~p~oa~ of havtng an o~lnance ~ ~e ~ks fer stations, Fu~e~ Counc~/s~ff discussion It ~ th~ ~v~ by Salcare111~ s~ond~ by Edgar, to conttnue c~s~derat~on~ t~e follo~ng to danua~y 20, L986: ~ ~. 9~ - AN ~DZ~NCE OF ~E CZ~ COUNC%L OF ~E C%~ OF ~T%N ~PROVZ~ ~[~ ORO[NAHC~ O~OP~ AND/OR OPERATION OF TOX%C ~ ~ANSF~ ~AT~O~ ~ITH- Counct] w(~llan ~ennedy expressed shoc~c thaC the ~tter ~s bet ng taO~ed. The moClon carried 5-0. 102 /~END~NTS TO THE ~UNICIPAL COOE - REG~TIO~ ~ ~R~NE ~I~ ~I~ - ~0I~ ~. 9~, 959 A~ ~ ~e public hearing was open~ by Mayor GPetnke at 7:45 p.m. There ~re no spe4ke~ on the ~Cter, and the public hearing was close. It ~s ~v~ by Edgarr seconded by Kenn~y, that Ordinance No. 958 have first reaaing ~y title only. CarriN 5-0. Foll~ing first remding by title ~ly of Ordinance No. g~8 by t~e City Clerk, it was ~v~ by ;d~ar~ s~ond~ by ;enn~y, that Ordinance No. 958 be t~r~Uuc~ as CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OI~IIIAIIC~ NO. 9~ - AN ~OINANC~ ~ ~ cITY C~NCIL OF ~E C~TY OF SECTION 9~2~ A~ SECTION 9233c OF T~E TUST]N C[~ CO~ P~RTA[N[~G TO ~E ~RATION ~ FORTUNE-~LLIMG The ~tlon careted 5-0.. 31 It ~s ~v~ by ~dgar, s~ond~ b7 Hoeste~e~, t~at O~lnanca Ho. ~5g have rs~: rea~lng by title only. ~o:lon ca~t~ S-O. lng ft~: ~adfng ~Y tttle ~ly of Ordinance No. 959 ~y the City Clar~. ~t was ~v~ b~ Ed~art second~ ~ Saltarel~l., t~a~ nanca NO. g59 be tntroduc~ as ~ollows: ~[~ ~. ~g - AN ~OINA~CE OF ~E C~ COU~IL OF ~E CITY OF T~T~N. ~IFORNIA, ~NOI~ sECTION 2S23 ~ ~E ~STIN CITY COOE (FOR~NE T~LIaG) The ~tton carPt~ S-O. It ~s ~v~ by Ed~ar~ second~ b7 Hoes:are~. that Ordinance ao. 9&O have rl~: rea~ing Oy :~:1e only. rn~ ~tton ca~rt~ Following first ~adtng by :~tla only of Ordinance ao. 9~0 ~y the City Cler~, tt was moved b~ ~d~aet s~ond~ by Hoestarey_. t~a: Ordinance No. 960 ~e introduce: ~I~ ~. ~ - AN OROINANCE OF ~E C~ ~UNCIL OF ~E CITY OF' TUST~N. ~IFORNIA REDOING ~E PRACTICE OF FOR~NE-~LLING ~ayor Pro Tm Saltarellt felt regulations ~re too stringent. The C~ntty Oevelo~t Oink:or stated Ordinance ~o. 960 ts r~ulatoey tna~ ~s: ordinances ~ presently ~ave. It Is ~dal~ to a great ext~t after ot~er cities' ordinances on the mat:er. Satirically, S~lon 3812(~) It,s Z t~roug~ 5 state t~at fo~une-telltng Oustn~s s~all be wtt~ln 500 f~ of any residen- tial 1~, ~1~c par~ or playground, c~urc~, school, or adult busl- J~ Rosenbe~, Atto~ey ~rom Pasadena. r~uest~ ¢larlficatlofl on' t~e S~-foot distance. ~e C~untty Oevelo~nt O~rector clart- ft~ It as a 500-foot straight line fr~ the building tn ~lc~ ~siness is locat~ to pro~e~y lines zon~ residential, etc. Follo~ng Council discussion, the ~tion was a~nded br Saltarelli, s~ond~ b) Geeinke, that OrUtnance No. 960 Oe inttoduc~ wit~ ~Uification to Section 38~2 (b) by eliminating it.s ~ and 3. The mend~ ~tion carrt~ 5-0. The staff repo~ and r~datton we~ present~ by t~e C~unity Development Otr~tor as ~ntain~ in t~e t~er-com pre~ared by the C~nity Oevelo~ent Ornament dated Dec.er ~6. :985. The Otr~tor narrat~ slides of areas of ~lrst S:re~ contain~ wlt~tn S~l~ic Plan ~o. Consultants A1 Bell, Mart Brodeuc, & Matt Oisston ~rom The Planning Center were introduce. Mr. Bell spoke on the plan a~ ~asiz~ t~e following key ~ints: No ~r~e~y ~ner within t~e planning area is forc~ by virtue of t~e ~lan to make a c~ange, unless the ~ner elects to make c~ange5, then s/he ~st abide by provisions of the planl ~) ~e co~inatlon of land uses, site development standards and design ~idelines sa~e to protect adjacent residential neigh- bor~oods along so~ potions of t~e corridor: 3) .The plan attars to ~tablis~ consistent quality of develo~- a~ t~roug~out the Fi~t Strut corridor with no unifo~ architectural t~e or style; and ~e plan proposes opti~ allocation of office a~d c~rcial uses bas~ on both ~r~et analysis and site characteristics. E ¢IT~ COUNCIL Page $, ~4r. Be~] responded to Counc~] questions. Counc~] discussion ques~ OhS. ~ayor ;retn~a ~en~ t~e pub]t~ hearing at ~:28 ~,m. sp~ke~ on the mat:er,, and :he pubHc hea~ng was close. ~e~ was fu~er Counc~l/s:af~/consu1:ant' discussion n~-:onfom~n9 uses of 1aha, C~e lot c~sol~dat~on peogram, analyses, p~estr~an :raffle. s~gn~n9, a~ ~hee et~ents of Ff~: St~t S~flc Plan. It ~s mv~ by Edgae. s~ond~ by HoesCeeey, to adogt the follow- CI~ ~ ~IN ~OPTING ~ ~LICY ~00EYELOPME~ ~ANOAROS TAIN~'IN ~E F~R~ ~E~ ~ECIF~C PLAN (SPECIFIC p~ NO. ~0) . It ~as ~v~' by Ed~ar~ s~ond~ by ~ennedy, t~at Ordinance have ff~t ~adlng by tttle only. Notion caeet~ 5-0. ft~ ~dfng by title only of Ordinance NO. 961 by the Cfty t: ~s ~v~ by Edgae, second~ by HoesCerey, Chat Ordinance ~Z be tnCroduc~ as foil.s: ~I~ ~. ~1 - ~ OROI~NC~ OF ~E CI~ COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~T~N. ~[FORN[A ~OPT~ ~NO ~E ~00EVELOPHE~T REGU~T[ON SE~ ~ ~ P[R~ S~ SPECIFIC P~ ~e ~tton caret~ S~. · ~yoe G~tnke congratulat~ t~e :~ntty Serv~c~ O~a~ment on ~e Ffmt ~nual Tr~ L~ghttng Ceemony ~tc~ ~s held on ~gSS. Pa~tcularly, he offer~ ~udos :o Et]~ Ha~ee, Recreation Suge~tsoe, ~o o~an~z~ :he ~ent. ~ayoe Gretnke ~ess~ the meeting at '8:53 p.m. ~e meeting Was. ~econ- ven~ at g:O0 p.m. ~t~ all ~e~ present. ~v~ ~ Hoesterey~ second~ ~y Kenn~y, to ~prove the r~a~nder of Conse~ Calendar. 7he ~t~on car~ ~P~ ~ ~OS IN ~E ~U~ OF S369,~88.73 ~FI~ON ~ PA~ IN ~E ~UNT OF S126.750.~ CZ~ OF ~ST~N. C~FORNZA, CALLZNG ANO GIVING NOT:CE OF ~E HOLD- [~ OF A GENER~ ~UN[CIP~ ELECT:ON TO 8E HELD ON TUESOAY, 1986, FOR ~E ~CTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF ~IO CITY ~ REQUIRED BY ~' PROVISIONS OF ~E LAWS OF ~E STA~ OF CALIFORNIA RE~TING TO ~NERAL ~W CITIES ~ON ~. 8~Z2~- A RESOLUTION ~ ~E CITY ~UNCIL OF C[~ ~ ~STIN, ~LIFORNIA, REQUE~I~ ~E ~ARO OF ~PERVISORS ~E COUN~ OF ORANGE ~ RENO~ SPECIF:~ SERVICES TO R~ATiNG ~ ~E ~NDUCT OF A ~ERAL ~NICIPAL ~ECTION IN ~E CI~ OF ~IN ON TUESOAY, APRIL 8, 1986 VID CITY COU~IL Page $, R~.f~)I.UTION Il). ~1~- A R~SOLuTION ~ TH~ CITY ~UHCIL OF C%~ ~ ~IN, ~IFORH%A, ~OPTIHG R~GUtATIONS FOR ~NOIDAT~S FOR ~CTIV~ OFFI~ P~RTAINIHG TO CANOIDAT~S S?ATEM~HTS SUBMI~ Ado~t~ ~asoluttons-No. 8~-~2~, 8~-~Z¢, a~ 8~-12~ as ~c~- ~nd~ by the City Cleft. N'mtnat~ EvetYnn He~ey as t~e League of Caltfo~ta Citi~ R~resentativa to the County o~ Orange Senior Citizens Advi C~ncll, ~rmsanttng District ~, as ~nd~ by the ~Chortz~ the Ma)or anU Cit~ Clerk' to ~ecute subject a~r~- ~ with The I~tne Co. any on behalf of t~e City of Tustin, sub~ ca the Cl't~ AttorneY's final approval, aS by the Oire~or of Public Worts/City Engineer. 45; 6. ~(~ ~0 ~ ~NEES AT Y~I~S L~TIO~ AuChortz~ the Mayor and City Cleft to execute Pro~ra~ Supple- NnC No. 6 to Local Agency (Tustin)/State Agre~C ~o. 07-5~71 (O~a~nt of Transpo~atton) .as r~endeU by the Director of Public ~or~s/Cit7 ~ngineer. ' 4~; ~7 8. ~ ~. 8~21- A RESOLUTION ~ ~[ CITY ~UHCI~, OF C1~ ~ ~STIN ~PROVING ~ANS ~0 SPECIFICATIONS ~R BUILDING M~IFI~TI~S F~ THE CO~NICATIONS tENOR UPGRAOE IN ~E POLICE OEP~ENT FAC%LI~ ~00IR[CTING. ~ CITY ~[RK ~ ~VERTIS~ Ado~t~ Resolution No. 85-1Z7 as ~d~, by the Chief of Police. Ado~t'~ a Minute Order granting sign code exertion authorizing a ~Z-squara-foot wall si~ for Allstate Insurance as ~nd~ by t~e C~unit7 Oevelop~nt Oapa~nt. 93 Conseg Calendar Item No. 7 -Ljmbert School Le~se Re.wa1 - ~ayor Pro T~ ~41tarelll s~aC~ staf~ s~ould ~ encoura~ to r~uest that Sch~l District ren~ the lease at a cost of Sl.O0/year plus ~tnCenance c~ts in light of proj~ts t~e City ~s accomplts~ ~ich benefit the School District. Mayor Grminke disagiO, stating t~at t~e City ~st wo~ closely with t~m S~ool Otstrict to solve ~tual problms. He felt that t~e lease a~unt was a fair deal. It w~ th~ mov~ by Saltarellt~ s~ond~ ~) Hoesterey, to continue the ~tter a~ direr s'taff to ~ueSt t~e Tustin Unified School Oistrict to ren~ t~e lease for $1.O0/year plus ~aintenance costs. Council debate foll~. The substitute ~ion by Kenn~ to obtain verification of t~e lease ~ount anU dete~ine t~e ~ount~ for ~ic~ ~tire school grounds rent~ di~ for lack of a s~ond. The Oir~tor of Co~nity and Administrative Services respectfully dtsa~re~ with Mayor Pro T~ Saltarelli, and stat~ s~e was c~fortable wit~ t~e lease amount. Since progr~ broc~ur~ have already b~ print~ for t~e winter season, Councilw~an Kenn~y suggest~ proce~ing ~th the n~ and revi~tng the ~cter before next year's classes are ~e ~oCion fail~ ~-3, Edgar, Greinke and Kenn~y INN ~ . COUNCIl. ~INLq'~$ Page 7. il: w~$ Chert _moved by (~re~nke? seconded by Kenned,/,, Ca: ~) A~pr~e the Follo~ng; 7. ~T ~ ~ R~ cna lease ~ch C~e Tus~tn Unt~t~ S~1 O~s~r~c~ for the use of L~e~ School for a oerf~ of one year c~c- trig Fernery [. [986, a~ ~lng danua~ 31. [987, as r~e~ Dy the R'ec~eatlon Supee~ntenden~. a jo~nc ~Clng ~Ch ~he TusCin Unlf~ S~oo] Ols=~c~ ~oa~ of EducaCl on. The ~lon caroled 3-Z. HoesCarey and Saltarellf ~ggosed. 45; ~{IO~IWG {I~6ULATIOW~ IN MJ~I. IC M. ACES & ~ OF E~OYWEWT ORDI- WaICE NO. 949 It was moved by Kanne~y~ seconded by Edgar, ChaC Ordinance No. 949 have second readtn§ by ClCle only. Carried 5o0. Fo{lowing second reading by ClC{e only of Ordinance N~. 949 by the C~y ~m ~i~ved by Kennedy. seconded by Edgar, Chat Or~fnanca NO. 949 ~e passed and adopted: OWOIII~WCE NO, ~49 - A~ O~OIWANCE OF THE CITY COUKIL OF ~; CITY OF TI.IS~TIN ~V4E~O[N6 ART]CLE ~, CHAPTER 1 OF THE TUST]N ~IUWICIPA{. aY AOOIW6 PAJ~T ~, SECTIOW$ 4120, ~121, ~1~2, 4123, 4124, 4125, 412~, 4127, 4128, ARO 4129, RELATI~ TO THE RE~ULATIOW OF [W PUBLIC PI.~CE5 ARO PLACE.S OF Rol] call voCe: AYES:. Edgar, Noeslerey, Kennedy, Sal~arell~ NOES: ~re~nke ABSENT: None ~ayor ;retnke declared a conf~tc~ of Jnteres~ on the ma~er. Hayor Pro Tea Saltarellt assumed [he C~atr. lc ~$ ~oved by NoesCerey, seconded by Edgar, ChaC Ordfnance No. · 955 have secon(~ raadlng by ~l~le only. ~lo~on tattled 5-0. Fo{lo. rig second mtadtng by ~{~le only of C{~y Clerk. tt was moved by Hoe$termy~ seconded by Edqa~, ~haC Ordinance No. 955 be passed and adopted as OI~IK~NCE NO. 95S - AN OROINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. C.~LIFORNiA, REPEALI~ PART 2. SECTIONS 3421 THROUGH 342g.5, CHAPT~ 4, ARTICLE 3 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPN. CODE ANO ESTABLISHING NE~ REOUIREHENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF N~BULAWCE$ IN THE INCORPOR- ATrn AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Roll ¢al] vole: AYES: Edgar, NoesCerey, Kennedy, NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINE~: Grelnke 22 ~ayor Greln~e r~$umecl the None. CITY COuNC.[L ~4~NUTE$ 1. ~NS'T~LLAT'~ON ~ NO PA~I~XXG SXGN$ ~R ~ ~PX~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~end~ tn the tn~ar-c~ dated O~ber 3, ~98~, prepar~ ~e Engtneer~n~ 0tv~ston, tt ~s ~v~ b~ ~enn~7~ seconded ~, Edgar, to authorize the tnst~]~at~on of "No Par~ng Signs" fo, street ~ng purposes on the ~st stde of Yorba Street ~tw~n Bo. ne? Or~ ye and Laur~ e Lane. Nayor Pro T~ Sa~tare~~ express~ op9os~t~o, to the ~9on on the basis of the ~11 ~e? of ~stdences involve.. The ~tntst?attve Asststa~ c]a?t*f1~ that the ama abuts County te??tto?y, on the w~e?~y stale of the st?eot, and only affe~s three p~ope~y ~.e~. ~t ~s not~ that pa~tng ~]d not The ~tton ¢a?7t~ Foi~tng tone,de?etlon of the inte?-c~ dat~ ~c~e? ~, ~g85, p?~a?~ bY the 0t?~o~ of Pub]to ~or~S, Nayo? Gre~nke ~ueS~ tha~ he be autho?fZ~ to appotnt a ~be? and alternate wtthin the n~t ~o ~ks to ~?e~ent the City on the Agency Board of to?s. Counct3 concu??~. ~e 01~o? of ~¢ ~o?ks add~ that since w?lttng of the staff ?~o~, ~e lnttla~ '~t~ng of the FooChi]~/[as~e?n T?anspo?tat~on Co??tdo? Joint P~em Authority has be~ ¢Mang~ f?om Thursday, 3anua~y Z3 to Oanua?y 30, one ~e~ ]ate?. tn response ~ Nayo? P?o T~ sa]rarelY1, the Ctty Atto?ney and ~anage? stat~ that b~ause Ordinance No. 948 ~as to b~o~ effec- tive tn conjunction ~th l~pi~ntatton of the Joint Po~?s Autho- ?gty, a p?oblm may ex,st and the process ~ay have.to be ?~eat~. ~t was th~ ~ov~ by ~d~a?, s~ond~ by Kennedy, to authorize the Hayo? to appoint a ~be? and alter, ate w~t~n the next ~o weeks to ?~esent the City on the Ag~cy Boa~ of 01rectors. The motion Hayo? G~n~e d~]~?~ a ¢onfg~ of ~nte?es~ on the ~at~e?. ~ayor P?o T~ Sa]ta?e]~i assu~ the Chat?. As ~nd~ ~n the tnte?-c~ dat~ Oec~e? ~6, ~g85, prepar~ by the C~ntty Oeveio~ent Oepa~t, It was ~ved by Hoes~e?e~, Adopt a ~nute O~e? that Ooc~o?'s ~Oulance be awarded a con- t?a~ to p?ovide p?~ma~ a~uiance service; Z) Adopt a ~nute O?de? that ~o?gan ~buiance ~ award~ a con- t~a~ to p?ovJ~ seconda~ ambulance se?vice; and 3) Autho?~ze the ~ayo? ~ ~ecute both contracts ~ ~haif of ~he Ctty of Tus~l*n, as r~o~end~ by the Co.unity Oeveiopment O~a~ment. The CI~y Atto?ney noted that the agr~ents contatn a p?ovision pe~ain~ng to bondtng, which s~aff w~]~ probably de~ete wtth Court- ct] 's concu??ence. Counci3 concur?ed. The Chief of Poi~ce ?esponded to Council concer~s regarding the ~ethod of response by ambu~ance services. He aiso prov~dedtnfoma- tlon ~ the sele~ton p?oc~u?e utliiz~ by the C~nty. The ~tlon ca??led ~0, G?elnke abstained. ~5; ~9 , 8~60 Hayo? G?e~nke ?esu~ the Chair. XI. CITY ~UNCIL MINUI~S II) Btds far suo~e~ projec~ ~er~ received as follows: Flaming Engineering, Inc., Buena Par~ Su 11 y-M111 er Contracting Co., Orange Silve~ Construction Co., Santa Aha Grlfflt~ Cmmany, Santa Aha d.~.G. ConsC~ct~on Co., ~nc., P~na R. J, ~le Co., O~nge $56Z.535.75 S564,045.$0 $593,359.00 $599,3t5.12 $523,594,$0 $628,176.45 As ~ec~...dnded in the Inter-cam dated Oecemher 11, 1985, prepared by the (ngtnee~tng 01vision, it was moved by Kannedy~ seconded by ~, t~ award the contract for subjec'~ project to Fleming Engi- neering, I.nc., Buena Par~, in tam amount of S582,535.75. The motion carried ~-O. ~S 5. s.~. ~' 8ZC~CL~/~.rr~ZA~ FACZL~TXgS P~OaECT (t~) Pu~uant to t~e rK~da~ion contain~ In t~e lnte~-c~ dat~ O~er 5, ~985. p~pa~ ~y the Oire~or of Public Wor~s, it ~v~ by Saltarmlli~ s~onded b7 Edgar, 1) Ado~ a Minute 0~ applying t~e aDplication of S.8. f~ds t~ ~nst~ sid~alk along the no~herty side of Se~ice an~ S¢~I Roa~ betw~n R~ Hill Avenue and Syca~ Avenue; ~) R~u~ t~e Orange County Transpo~aCton C~ission to transfae funds allacat~ Ca ~e Nissan Road and ~cFadd~ Av~ue p~j~s to the Settee and Sc~l Roads peoJect. Aft~ ~ brief question-end-answer pe~od, the motion car~i~ P~o Tm Saltarellt assu~ the Chair. Bids ~or subj~ tt~ ~re ~aiv~ as Follows: Avery Re.als. Inc.. C~istrano B~c~ $7.~55.85 J~kins Machtne~, Inc., Long Bea~ 8. ~mn C~any, Santa Pa Springs $g,394.78 ~est Point Industries, Long B~ch ~ Bid It wes ~v~ b~ Ed~ar~ second~ by Kenn~y. to authorize the ~ase ~ ~e tr~ctor~unt~ rotary ~r )P~ Ave~ R~tals. Inc., C~plst~ano Beech, In t~e a~u~ of $7,655.85 as r~end~ by the ~gin~ring Division in the i~er-cam dat~ D~ember 9, 198~. Pt~ ~0, G~ainke abstainS. 87 Mayor GrelnRe r~sumod the Chair. 1. RI.A~#II~ O)~I~IO# Agl'IO~ - I~C)~BF~ g, 1985 It was moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Con~ission Action Agenda of December 9, 1985. Motion carried 5-0. --1 2. PACIFIC m~t DEVE].OI~ - ll~J:FIC S?Si'EI4 l&~Hl' ~ It was moved by Saltarellit seconded by Hoesterey, to receive and file subject rego~ dated December 4, 1985, prepared by the Oirec- toe of Public Wor~s. Carried 5-0. 100 CIT~ ~U<]L M[~UT~$ Paga 10, XII. Councilman ~dgan was co+afor~cable with the t~formatlon contained subjec'; ~,port. It ~s t~ ~v~ ~y Hoestaray~ seconded ~y Edgar, to r~etve a~ file the lnter-c~ dated Deck, er 4, 1985, pr~ared b7 the Otre~or of Public Works. Carried 5-0. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~, 1985 It was .~v~ b~ Hoestere7, s~on~ by ~d~ar, to ~ecatve and file subJ~ ~o~ ~t~ o~ber 1~, i~B~, ~r~ar~ by the Finance Oi~or. The ~tion carried )-0. Ma)or G?ein~e c~nt~ that ma~ o? his neighbo~ within the study ~a ~ u~et aOout discu~ionf on ~a.ging the integrity their neighbored ?r~ ?e~idential to c~?cial. As a ~eans o? ~rese~tng the hi~tortc nature o? the area, M~yor Greinke ~ugge~t~ it be d~la?~ a his~orical mon~ent a~d ?~uest~ that staff look into that aspect. It ~s then ~v~ by Greinke, ~o~ded b)y Saltmrelli, to ~etve and file the inte?-c~ dated D~Oe? 1~, 1985, pr~par~ by the C~ntty Development. O~a~ment. Motion carried 5-0. 81 ~ ~IN~ Ma~O~ Gretnke r~uast~ ~ Clos~ Session ?o? discussion o? legal ~tters. ~ounctlma~'~dgar not~ t~at It ~as ~0 ~ea~ ago today (Oecm~er ~, IgOr) that ~ton~r VI ~s plac~ tnto o~it arou~ t~e sun, an~ ~t ~as b~ operational since t~. As an ~loy~ of TRW S~ace Sys- t~, ~ ~s t~e pa~ ~na~er ~ t~e ~foneer VI ~ro~t. ~ayor S~n~e congratulat~ ~ounctlman ~dgar. ~e F~nance Otrector respond~ to Councilman ~d~ar t~at t~e Fiscal 7ear-~ statment ~11 be cmplet~ very soon. Council concur?~ with Councilman ~dgar to adJou~ the meeting in ~r7 ~ Lee Wagner, an i~ivtdual ~o sa~ Tustin ?or ye4~ in Mny ways, ~o pass~ away on O~be? ~3, 1985. ~I~ ~K~ - ~N ~ ~ ~P~ION AT 13181-13195 ~ Councilw~an Kennedy repo~ that She has receiv~ calls from residents on Gwyneth Drive regarding the G~rgetown Manor apartment expansion. Th~ are unhappy and ?eel that it is severely impacting the R-t residential area. They have r~uest~ that star? and Council su~o~ a cleanup program as construction Finally, the fence has been ~asured o~ the ?~idential side at 5'7' instead of the 6'9" ?equest~ by the Council which she felt should ~]~o be investigate. The C~unity Development Director stat~ that staf~ has received numerous c~laints and is aware of ~robl~s with subject project. The contractor has ~en very uncooperative to ~te. The not~ that a "Stop Work" order would be issu~ on the bloc~ wall until it is dete~in~ that it is 6'9" on the residential side. Also, the real probl~ ts that during construction of the apa~ment co. lex parking lot, tenants are parking on residential ~treets, the di~ is accumulating on ~?s, the street ~eeperi can't get their job done, ~ :~e ~esidents ar~ ve~ uaset. $~ff has viSu- ally tR~ate~ed t~e con:ra~oe w~ a la.ut: :o no avatl, The. t~ rotter ~ ~e City Attorney's office for ~tation. Council- mfl K~n~y not~ t~at ~tde~ we~ ve~ c~11menca~ S~ff~s handltng of t~e ~t:er. ~uncll~n K~n~ ~o~ c~ac ~er~anCs a~ uOset ~aC hmltco~ f~ W~ta~ ~tcal C~tar ~saical is ~ytng ~er d~ a~a, a~ It ts ~using a 1~ of arables. ~e C~untty O~ela~ O~r~or ~ ~u~:~ Co 1~ into C~e 7. ~xm~ ~ ~x~ m ~ In ~gonse ~ ~ayor &r~tn~e, ~ayor P~ T~ SalCaretll e~uas:ad C~a~ ~unctl ~ka a sel~ton for ao~otnC~ Co ~e Lo~1 Ag~cy Fo~I~ C~tsslon (~FCO). He offer~ to sake a rK~n~aCton after al~ ~g11~tlo.s have ~n su~tt:~. A declston ~ 8. ~ ~ ~ITA~~ OI~I~ ~. ~4 It vas ~v~ b~ Ha~tere~ s~and~ b~ G~etnke. to a~oi~ Council- ~n ~d~r ~ ~e Orange gounty ~itatlon U1StPtCt NO. ~4. The ~ton car~ 5-0. Hmyo~ ~in~. ~.n~nc~ t~mt t~m City ~unctl will r~s to Clos~ S~stofl ~uan~ ~ ~ove~ C~e S~ton ~956.~ to confer ~ City Atto~ ~a~tng a~4ing ltttgati~ ~t~ has b~ inttiatffi fo~lly a~ ~ ~ich the Cl~ Is a ~a~y. ~e title said lttigmtto~ ts'R~: vs. ?ustin, et. al. At g:~ ~. tt was ~v~ b7 Edtar~ s~ond~ by Greinke, to recess t~e ~e~el~ Agency, an~ :~ce to a Cios~ Session for discussion of l~al ~tte~ as n~ above. ~e ~tng ~s r~onv~ at :O:3O p.m. wtt~ all ~e~ ~resent. ~r~tnke, to ~Uo~C the foll~lng: T~TIN, ~IFQRNIA, ~QUE~I~G ~ ~UN~ ~ ~ANG~ TO INCLUO~ WI~I~ ~ ~RI~ HIGHWAY FINANC[~ PRQ~ ~E [MPROVEME~ OF ~E NOR~- ~[~Y ~RNER ~ R~ HILL AV[~U[ ~0 ~L~UT AVENUE The ~tton carri~ 5-0. tn ~ ~ Lee Wagner, romar Tus~in ama W~an of ~ne Year, to ne~ ~ulae m~ttng om January 6, Zg86, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. OF TH[ R~Y[I. OP~T AGF.~¥ OF TH[ ¢2TY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DEC£MSER 16, 1985 The meeting was ca]led to order at g:48 p.m. by Chairman ~retnke in the City Council Cham~ers. 300 Centennial ~ay, Tustin, Frank H. Sretnke. Chairman Oonald J. ~altarellf, Chairman Pro Tern Rg~ha~ B. Ed~r Ronald 8. U~ula= ~. Kenn~y Agency ~e~ Absent: None Others P~en~: W~] ] 1am A. Huston, Ex~. Otrector/C~ty Manager J~s ~. Rourke. City Attorney Ma~ ~. Wynn. Recording Secr~a~/C{ty Donald O. L~, C~un~ty Oevelogment 01rector RoDe~ S. LedendecXe?, 01re~tor o? Pub 1 to Works Royl~ A. ~tte. 0tr. o? C~. & A~in. Services Charl~-R. ~ayer, Chief o? Police R~ald A. Nault, Finance Susan Jones, R~reatlon Sugerintand~t Je?? Davis. Associate Planner ~ Buckley, Adm~nistrat{ve Assistant Agg~xl~taly ~0 in the audl~ca ~e s~af~ ~o~ a~ ~ec~ndat~on ~ere p~esent~ by ~he C~n~ty Oevel- ~ment Director as ~ntain~ tn the ~o~ dated Novae? ZS. lgBS, pre- ~a?~ ~y ~a?~]~ ~h~s~and. R~evelogment Consultant. It was ~v~ by K~n~y~ second~ by Saltarellt, to aggeuve the ~ne? tgc~gat~on Agr~ent between Carve? Deve{o~nt and the Tust~n C~n~ty R~evelogmen~ Agency; a~ authorize {ts ex.ut{on by ~he Charon and S~?~ary. ~e ~t~on car?9~ 5-0. Enq~neer4nd O~vts~on, t~ ~s ~v~ by ~alCa~et)~, seconded by ~enn~y., adog~ a ~nuCe Orde~ Jn concurrence ~Ch p~oceed~ng ~h subje~ ~o~ R. d. ~ble C~pany as ~he geneeal contractor; and appropriate C~ona1 $10,OOO ~n Redeve~opmen~ funds ~o cover ~nc~eas~ Agency COSts suhj~ Co ~ecuC4on of ag~e~enc between boC~ pa~es. Ca~ed 5-0. Pu~uant to the rec~endatlon con~ain~ tn the ~nte?-c~ dated O~e~e? 16, 1985, prepared by the C~un~ty Development Oe~a~me.t, was moved by ~a]tare]]~ second~ by Hoeslere~, to adopt the R~OW ~. ~A ~16- A RESOLUTION OF ~6 ~UNITY REDEVELOPMENT ARCHI~R~ O[SZGN OF A 5,989 SQUARE ROOT R~AIL SHOPPI~ ~NT[R TO L~AT~ AT 17102 ~ FAOOEN AVENUE The ~t4on car?9~ 6-0. Agency Me~¢oe~ Pr~e~: REDEYELOPI, IENT AGENCY M[HtJTES Paga 2, 7. ].g84-.B~ ~IlI~L RE])EYELOPI,~ .~ ~ o RESOLLITTON ~. ~gA 85-].7 was mo~ed by Edcjart seconded by Hoesterey, ~o adapt C~e fol~owlng: RF..~)LUT[ON NO. RDA 85-}.7 -, A R[SOLUTION OF THE REDEYELOPMENT A&EIqCY OF THE C[l~f OF TUST[N APPROVING ANO TR~Ut:SM[TI'[XG T14E A~INURL REPORT FOR ~'Y [g84-85 The motion carried 8. RF.C~..qT~¥-~t4;~ LEGISLATION - A~ 265 - RE.S~LUTION NO. ]~A 85-}.8 It was movee Dy Hoestere~t seconded b), Edgar, Co adoot the following: I~I)LUI'~Oll NO. ~ 8~q-}.8 .'A RESOLUTION OF l~dE ~nEVELOP~NT AGEI~CY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AOOPTT~ A ~TAT~)ILrIfl' OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS A~O A 5'TATE- ' ~ OF EXISTING PUBLIC ANO PRIVA~ PROJECTS, PROGRA~tS AND ACTIVITIES FOR T14E OOWNTOWN REOEVEq. OPMEI~T PROdECT At Councilman Edgar's r~quest, tl~e mot, i, on was amended by Hoestereyt sec- onded' by Edgar, to adogt Resolution Nq. ~UA 8S-1~ an~ to amend Exhibit to exoancl ~e lis:lng of ~aoltal im!~rovemenl~s to include existing programs w~i~ na~ b~ Uone' (i.e., waCe~ develo~ent, pa~ develo~nt, under- ground ~tlity ~velo~, ~d. the ~r~lng ~ure develoo~t). The m~lon carrl~ SOO', Chateman Grein~e requested that staff chec~ into the possibility of flying t~e flag ~ half-mast in honor of Lee Wagner. Chairman Gretnke requested that the City Manager telephone the Tustin Uni-. fteq $c~10tstrict Board of Education to schec~ule a joint meeting. 10. ADdOURMMENT At 9:55 p.m. the Agency ~ing was adjourned to the next regular me.ting on January $, 1986, by unanimous informal consent. C~AIRMAN