HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 6 FED AID SAFETY 12-16-85 NO. 6 DATE DECEHB£R 3, 1985 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER FEDERAL AID SAFETY PROJECTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of December 16, 1985, adopt a minute order authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement No. 6 to Local Agency (Tustin)/State Agreement No. 07-5271. BACKGROUND: The City originally Submitted five projects for traffic signal modifications at various intersections under the 1985-86 Hazard Elimination Safety Project Program. Four of these projects were approved by CalTrans/Federal Government. These improvements include signal modification/left turn phasing modification at the following intersections: Newport Avenue at E1 ~amino Real (Laguna Road) Newport Avenue at First Street Newport Avenue at Irvine Boulevard Red Hill Avenue at Bryan Avenue This program provides for 90% funding by Federal sources and 10% funding by local agency. DISCUSSION: The attached agreement is Supplement No. 6 to Local Agency-State Agreement No. 07-5271. The original Master Agreement was approved by both agencies in October, 1979. Each time a new project by CalTrans and the Federal Highway Works Administration (F.H.W.A.} a program supplement must be executed by both agencies. This type of supplemental agreement has been previously executed by the City for previous projects which have been completed. The provisions of this agreement are outlined on page 2 of the supplement document. A breakdown of the total costs of all four projects is as follows: Total Estimated Federal Funds Local Funds Cost (90%) (10%) $108,000 $97,200 $10,800 DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 2 The City currently has $13,300 budgeted in 1985-86 for these projects. The execution of this Program Supplement No. 6 will require the adoption of a minute order authorizing said execution. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr Attachment PRf QRAM'SUPPLEMENT I 6 ' 0~ST. 7 - Ora-0-Tus TO PROJECT NO. H~.S-000S ( 241 ) LOCAl. AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT FOR FED~AL-AID PROJECTS HO. 7-5271 DATE: Nov~ber 4, 1985 ~is ~ogram SuD~leme~ Is hereby incor~orate~ into the Local Agency-~tate Agre~nt for Federal-Aid which w~ entered into between the LOGAL AGENCY and the STATE on ~ 15, 1979 and Is subject to all the t~ms and conditions thereof. This ~ogram ~l~ent i~ ado~ted in accordance with Paragr~h 2 of A~tcle ~1 of t~ aforementioned Ma~ter Agre~ent under auth~ of Resolution No. . a~roved by the LOCA~ AGENcy on (~e ~o~y ~ ~c~l Agefl~ ~h~ stl~tes that as a condition to ~aym~t of ~nds obligated to this Droject. It a=ue~ts and will oom~iy with the convenants or remarks set fo~h on the following ~ages. In the City o~ Tust~n, on Redhill Ave. ~ Bryan Ave. ~E~ L~O~: on Ne~ort Ave. ~ Irvine Blvd.; on Ne~ort Ave. Laguna R~.~ and on First St. ~ Ne~ort Ave. ~ OF WORK: Signals and left-turn 9hasing ~NGT.: 0.4 modification (O~er) TOTAL ES~MA~D COST ~OERAL FUNDS MATGHI~ FUNDS L~A~ OTHE~ O~E~ OTHER: $108,000 $97,200 $10,800 City of Tustin STATE OF CAUFORNIA L~AL A~CY ~AR~ENT OF ~ANSPORTATION Date By ? A~ee~ DI~ Oete (Title) O~er 8t~es Item Fiscal Yr. ~ogram ~O Gategory Fund ~urce $ Form OLA (Rev. 9/85) Previous Editions Are Obsolete · 7-Ora-0-Tus HES-000S(241) ~ovember 4, 1985 Page 2 of 2 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Ail maintenance, involving the physical condition and the operation of the improvements, referred to in Article VI MAINTENANCE of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be performed by the City of Tustin at regular intervals or as required for efficient operation of the completed improvements. The City of Tustin will advertise, award and administer this project. The City will obtain State's concurrence prior to either award or rejection of contract. In awarding, or agreeing to award the contract, the Local Agency agrees the payment of Federal funds will be limited to the detail estimate amount approved by the Federal Highway Administration in the Federal-Aid Project Agreement (PR-2), or its modification PR-2A, and accepts any increases in Local Agency funds. The availability of Federal Funds will be subject to meeting deadlines and/or other conditions as may be imposed by the Director upon the recommendation of the FAU Advisory Committee. In executing this Program Supplemental Agreement, Local Agency hereby reaffirms the "Nondiscrimination Assurances" contained in the aforementioned Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Program. SMY-3 PRUGRAM.SU~EMF. MT ~' 6 ,. ..,, I ~IST. 7 - ora-0-Tus TO PROJECT MO. H~.$-000S ( 2~1 ) LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGREt=MENT FOR ~D~AL-AID PROJECTS N~ , 7-5271 DATE: Nov~ber 4, 1985 ~is ~ogrmm Su~lement is hereby inGorporited into the Local Agency-State Agree~t for Federal-Aid which w~ entered into between the LOCAL AGENCY and the STATE on ~ 1~, 1979 and Ii subject to all the tMms and conditions thereof. This ~ogram ~G9i~ent ii adopted in Iccordince with P~rigriph 2 of A~icJe II of the aforementioned Melter Agre~ent under luth~ of ~elolutlon NO. , a~roved by the LOCAL AGENCy on Chi co~y attached). ~ ~cal Agency ~h~ stip~ites that as a condition to ~ayment of ~nds obligated to this ~roject. it mcGeGt8 Ind will com~ly with the convenants or remirks set fO~h on the following ;)ages. ~n C~e C~ty o~ Tustln, on Redhill Ave. ~ ~ryan Ave.; ~OJE~ L~A~ON: O~ Newport Ave. Lagu~a ~d.; a~d on First ~ OF WORK: SigRalS aRd left-b~R phasi~ ~NGTH: 0.4 (MILES) modification (Ot~er) TOTAL ES~MA~ COST ~DERAL FUND6 MATCHING FUNDS L~A~ O~E~ O~E~ OTHER:- $108,000 $97,200 $10,800 City of Tustin STA~ OF CAUFORNIA L~AL A~CY ~ARTMENT OF TRANS~RTATION By Date B~ 7 A~ DI~, Date (Title) ~ ~es It~ Fiscal Yr. ~ogram 8C Category Fund ~urce $ Form OLA (Rev. 9/88) Previous Editions Are Obsolete 7-Ora-0-Tus. ' HES-~00S ('241) November 4, 1985 Page 2 of 2 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Ail maintenance, involving the physical condition and the operation of the improvements, referred to in Article VI MAINTENANCE of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be performed by the City of Tustin at regular intervals or as required for efficient operation of the completed improvements. The City of Tustin will advertise, award and administer this project. The City will obtain State's concurrence prior to either award or rejection of contract. In awarding, or agreeing to award the contract, the Local Agency agrees the payment of Federal funds will be limited to the detail estimate amount approved by the Federal Highway Administration in the Federal-Aid Project Agreement (PR-2), or its modification PR-2A, and accepts any increases in Local Agency funds. The availability of Federal Funds will be subject to meeting deadlines and/or other conditions as may be imposed by the Director upon the recommendation of the FAU Advisory Committee. In executing this Program Supplemental Agreement, Local Agency hereby reaffirms the "Nondiscrimination Assurances" contained in the aforementioned Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Program. SMY-3