HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 02-03-86OF ~E CITY COUNCIL ~F THE FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Ill., ~ TO Iill~ll~l~ OF .q. LE6INII~/I~OCATION The meeting ~es cal~ed to order by Mayor Sre~nke at ~ 1~ by ~ayor P~ Tm Saltars111, a~ the Invocation ~as gtv~ by C~nctl~n Count41persons Present: Count11persons Absent: Others Present: Frank :.l. Gretnke, Mayor Oonald J. Saltarellt, Mayor Pro Tee Rlchard 8. Edgar Roneld B. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None t~tlltam A. Fluston, Ctty Manager james G. Rourke, Ctty Atl:orney Mary E. Wynn, Ctty Clerk Donald 0. Lanai, Com. 0evelogment 01rector Robert: S. Ledenclec~er, 0lt. of Public tQorks Royleen A. ~te, 0tr. of Com. & Admtn. Srvcs. Fred tQekefteld, Pollce Cagtatn Susan Jones, Recrsatton Superintendent Al)flroxtmately 30 tn the audtence Mayor 6rstnke p~t~ a p~l~ttm to Ru~ ~ tn ~ogntt~on ~ ~ ~1~ si~tc~ tn s~tor p~ram fo~ the Mst t~ y~. N~. ~ ~k~ the C~nct~. ~ ~iyo? m~ a p~l~Ct~ TusCtn for ~t~t~ ~tce ~d ~cr~b~t~s '~ the c~un~ty, a~ exC~dt~ ~C wtsh~ ~ the1? [~6 R~ ~er Revue product4on to ~ ~ld ac ~a~n College ~ ~Kh [3-[5. Narge Llghcfoot, Prmlde~, ~ank~ ~e C~n¢tl ~yo? G~ln~ m~ a p~l~Ct~ congrstulaCt~ the FH~ ~ the Tu~tn Ltbra~ m ~et? ~t~h ~tYersary ·tca. P~td~C Jean K~ acc~C~ the proclwct~ a~ thank~ the C~nct1. ~e ~yo? announc~ that the TusCtn R~a~ C)ub $w~thea~s Lunch- ~.~11 ~ held m ~n~day, F~ma~ [2 at n~n. A publlc Su~c~ttt~ ~ng 9:~0:30 a.m. ~ &he R~Ce 55 ~vtsory C~ttt~ ~htch deals ~th the ~ lanes. Nayor Grstnke ?efe~c~ a ~'ette?. ?r~ Beverly Langl~ congratu- lating Tusttn m the ~cel~ent job done by Its cmssJng ~ards. He ~u~C~ staff ackn~l~ NS. Langley's letter, Page 2, 2-3-86 4. TOSTXN ~ S~NTOR (:ZNTE]~ FUll), ZNC. - S~ MONEY Counctlwemn Kennedy reported that ~4argarete Thompson, Co-Chatr for fund-raising for the Tusttn Area Senior Canter, has formally requested seed money for commencement of fund-raising efforts. As recommended in the Inter-corn dated February 3, 1986, prepared by the Director of C~awunity and Administrative Services, it was moved by. &retnke, seconded by Hoesterey, to approve $10,000 seed money for the Tusttn Area Senior Cotter Fund, Inc. Motion carried 5-0.' 41 Councilwoman kennedy reported that Ken Hoesterey has had to step dM from the Board of Olrectors, Tusttn Area Senior Center Fund, Inc. The Board voted last wec~ to rec~mefld to Council that Janet Schwartz be appointed to fill subject vacancy. It was then moved b), Hoestere~t seconded by Edgar. to appoint Janet Schwartz to the BOard of Otrectors, Tustln Area Senior Canter Fund, Inc. Carried 50. Mayor 6retnke requested that Counctl give proper recognition to Ken Hoesterey at its next Counctl meeting for his work on subject board. 6. Im~RMTIOmL ~ ~ IN llJSTIN Ma~or Gretnke announced that the Orange County WOllten's Bowling Association will be hosting the International Bowlers Congress from Ap~tl 3 - July 1. Tusttn Lanes will be one of the host feel'Il- ti'es, leith C~-mctl's' concurr~cl, Mayor &retnke forwarded corre- spondence on the matter to staff foe appropriate handling and r~po~e o PUl. lC 1. ~llI~ CIIOINNI~ )NEIelLNT ~ STATXONS - ~mIoIII~NC~ NO. 9~4 (Continued from January 20, 1086) The Community Oevelopment Otrector presented the staff report and recomefldettm as contatneq in the inter-cam dated February 3 pre- pared by the Camuntty Oevelopment Department. The public hearing was o~ened at 7:17 p.m. by Mayor Greinke. Frank Sretnke, Jr., 1011 ~1 Camtno Real, spoke as a representative of Southern Counties 0il and Oirector of the Chamber of Coni~erce. HI requested continuance of the matter until "toxic waste transfer station" and its effects on existing businesses within our commu- nity are defined. The Legislative Coammittee of the Chamber of Com- merce has invited a membe~ of the Orange County Fire Department and City staff to attend its February $ meeting on the matter. There ware no other speakers no the matter, and the publt¢ hearing was cloaed at 7:10 p.m. The Commntty Oevel~pmeflt Ot rector responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that Ordinance No. 954 specifically prohibits toxic waste transfer stations. The ordinance also provides a definition of a toxtc waste .transfer station whtch is almost exactly out of State lam. Mr. ;retnke has concerns that service stations dealing with bulk reclaimed otl may be interpreted to be toxic waste transfer stations, Staff does not interpret it that way but perhaps some- body else may. Another possibility would be to totally redefine toxic waste transfer station and specifically exclude service sta- t t OhS o Following Council/staff discussion, it was moved b), Hoesterey. sec- onded by Edgar, to continue consideration of Ordinance No. 9~4 for 60 days as follows: cx- 'c~J~CtC NtNU~ ~5 Page 3, 2-3-86 ONOINMIC~ NO. 9S4 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TU~TIM APPROVING ZOMING ORDINANCE AHENOHENT 85-8 PROHIBITING THE OEYELOPI4ENT AND/OR OPERATION OF TOXIC HASTE TRANSFER STATIO. N$ WITH- IH THE CITY LIMITS Count11 discussion follotmd with to.merits as follows: 1) Expand the ordinance so tt Is not a disservice to the average resident, but s~methlng that can ~ effective for ~hose dotng ~sstve kinds ~ ~xl'c ~sta transfer~ng; 2} Prov.t~ mm sp~tftc-deftnttto~ In ~e o~tnance; 3) R~t ~e Cl~y A~omey's ~flce to ~t~ the ~sstbt~ty of tncludl~ c~[~n ft~tn~ 1n the o~nance relattve ~o ~he stze ~ Tustln ~ a ~ty, the ]ack ~ ~uct~on ~ ~oxtc ~a~e tn Tus~tn, a~ the p~ ~rafftc ct~u~att~ ~ht~ makes It h~a~ous ~ ~ ~ the ~d5 at ce~atn tt~; and 4) Inclu~ an ~ttm clause for those bustn~ses ~ may t~ly ~ ~t~ortz~ as a toxic ~ste station, The ..~1on carried ~-0. 10~ VI. PUBLIC IW 1. FNORTIER PAP. lC Iq. AY B)UIP~ Davtd /~flahon, 140gZ ta~odlatm Avenue, requested realacese~t of C~ler ~ ~ Fr~ter Pa~. He c~latn~ that ~ranstenCs are s1~t~ Jn t~ pa~, a~ a]~ sCat~ that th~ tl~. ~ ~t~ ~t a ~aff ~on ~ asstg~ to ~om a The City ~4nager Indicated staff ~ould investigate the .etter. 77 ~m ~&~I~IIT ~.m; ,mTE ~ F~EIIM James L. Ktym', 17271 Amganset Way, cmmlatned that weeds on the R~e SS F~y ~ F~h ~ S~th St~s ~se aftre The Otr~toe of Publtc Worts reported that CalTrans has deferred any landsceptng on sub~lecC freeway ~tll completion of the ~nCer- ~hange. Mayor G~tnke stated that ~taff would strongly pumue wtth CalTrans the ~tter ~ weed abate~mt and the status of the land- sr. apt~j progrm, and provide Mr. Mayer with a copy of correspon- d~e o~ sm. 54 Vll. CI)IISEXT cq_GNOM was moved b~ Hoesteru~,t seconded h.v Saltarullt, to approve the ~tlru Consent Calendar. There ~s a brdef question-and-answer period regarding Itm No, 12 and It,- NO. 13. The netton car~tep 5-0. 1o AI~J~ OF M/MUTES - JANUARY 20, 1986, RESUt.AR ~EETING NR~QVJL OF i~OdOS IN THE AI~OUNT OF $964,539.82 IIAl~FlCXl~al OF PMItLL IN THE ~40UNT OF $142,646.9S 5O 3. ~m m. M-is - A RF. SOLU'r~oN OF-THE cx~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~USTZN A~EPTXN6 ~r,s CF IMP.OVa~T )ao AtrrHaXZXN6 ~COROA- TXON OF ~ZC~ OF CO)e~XON (~A~ ~XN e£PCAC~'~ - VANOERUP AVEI~JE) Adopted Resolution No. 86-18; and assumln9 no clatms or stop payment not¶cms a~e ~'tled :30 days after recordation, authorized payment of ftnal lOT, of retention amount as recoemended by the Director of PublJc ~lo/qcs/Ctty En91neer. 107 Page 4, 2-3-86 I~r.~LUT]OR NO. 86-[6 - A RESOLUTION OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING QK)RKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK - PHASE [) Adopted Resolution No. 86-[6; and assumtng no clatms or stop payment notices are filed vdthtn 30 days after recordation, authorized payment of ftnal 55{ r~centton amount as recommended by the 01rector of Public ~orks/Clty Engineer. 77 C~I,.TRANS S~RV'~CE A~IIEEHE]IT ~107-C4~8. NEIIPIXLq' ~ TPJI.cFIC SIGNAL Approved subject agreement and authorized the Mayor to execute same as recommended by the 01rector of Publt¢ Qlorks/Ctty Engl- n~r · 86-5 IIF. S~LUTIOII NG. 86-15 -. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE COLUMBUS TUSTIN ATHLETIC FIELD RENOVATION PROdECT ANG-OIRECTING THE CITY CL~RI~ TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopted Resolution No. 86-15 as recoemended by the Co~aun*lty Se~vtces Department. 77 Auth°r~zed the Mayor and Ctty Clerk to execute subject agree- mo~ betw~ the Ctty, the C1ty of Irv~ne, and The Irv~ne party subJect to ftnai a~proval of the City Attorney's offtce; amd-authorized a supplemental budget: appropriation In the amount of $$.000 for Tustln's total share of the ftrst year cos~: as regomml~ded by the 0tr~or of Publtc ~ork$/Clty Engt- I~ COIITR/~T FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES IRI~O~ NOUSII~ & CO~IT~ ~ ~ OF 1974 (HI:O) · Approved the contract b~weee the County of Orange (No. C40200) and the Ctty; and authorized Its execution by the Mayor and Ctty Clerk as ~ded by the Ccmmmntty Oevelopment Oepart- 86-7 PIIt)I~)SEI) CONTRACT FOR I~ILITATIOII OF P~IYATE N~RTIES Approved the contract between the County of Orange (No. C¢0~72) and the Ctty; and authorized 1ts execution by the Mayor and City Clerk as recommended by the Community Oevelopment Depart- RF.~UTIOR NO. 86-13 - A RF~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 8451 (South of Dow Avenue, ~est of Tusttn Boundary, North of Moulton Parkway) Adopted Resolution No. 85-13 as recmmended by the C~.,un~ty Orval opmm~ Oepartment. 99 IIESOLUTION NO. 86-19 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~STIN ACC£PTING kORICS OF IMPROVEMENT ANO AUTI~ORIZING RECOROA- TIOR OF NOTIC~ OF COMPLETION (FISCAL YEAR 1985-85 SLURRY SEAL PRO- Adopted Resolutto~ No. 86-19; and assemtng no ¢latms or stop payment no:tees are filed 30 days after date of recordation, authorized paym~ of the ftnal 10~ retention amount as recom- mended by the £ngtneer~ng 01vision. TOSTIN ~ & LI611TIN~ ~ DISTRICT - STREET Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Street L~gltttng Set, tee Utility-Owned System Schedule No. LS-I; the Street Llghttng Servtca Customer-Owned System Schedule No.'s LS-~, LS-3 and Option Schedule No. L$-4, sub~lect to the Attorney"s ftnal approval, as recommended by the 01rector of Publtc ~lorks/Ctty Engineer. 45 86-9 ,, n C! rY' CUUHC[L M%PlUTE$ Page 5, Z-3-86 13. SMTA ~ FRF. EI~Y ([-5)/COSTA ~ESA FREBtAY (lITE. 55) Im~CtlAN;~ Authorized the ~ayor and City Clerk to execute subject agree, meat bet~ the City and State of California Department of Transportation as recme.mded by the Director of Publtc Works/ City Engineer. 45 86-[0 VIII. ORDIII~ ~ IIII~011 Xo II~ RqTEItYJIL5 DISCLOSUI~ ~1~ a I~ATI~ ~ - Fol]~tng co~tderat~ of the ~-c~ dat~ February 3, [986, p~ar~ W ~e C~ty ~ve{o~ O~a~, tt ~s ~v~ by K~n~ s~d~ b~ Salta~llf, to conttnue the Hazardous ~als Dt~losu~ O~tnance ~ [~l~tatton P~an fo~ 50 days. The Ctty ~nager t~erJ~ that thts ft~ ts ~ffe~t fr~ Zon- tag O~tnan~ ~. 8~8 to pmhtbtt toxtc waste transf~ sCaCtons (~bllc ~a~ng ~. ~, O~tnance Ho. 954). The C~tt~ ~e~o~C 01r~or ~.mC~ the stn~f ~o~ rK~datt~ ~ coKatn~ In the ~er-cm dat~ Feb~ary 3, 1986, ~a~ ~ the C~tty Oeve~op~nt The ~ton for c~ttnuance was wtChdram by the ~ker a~ the [t w th~ mv~ ~ t~n~ sK~d~ b~ Sa~tare;l~, that n~' N~ ~ have fl~C m~tng by cltie miX. ~r~ 5-0. ~ayor G~inke fett tt t~a~ ~at t~ City ~ ~ ~stn~s~ wtll ~ t~M ~ s~ ~tm a~ 1~1~ a n~tftcatt~ pro- 'g~ ~ s~. ~ ~g~t~ t~ ~s(n~s 11c~se pr~ess as a ~ans o~ ~ltshl~ thts. ~e C~ntty Oevm]o~ 0tr~to~ this tlm ~aff d~ n~ kn~ ~a~ly h~ ~ bustn~s~ will be tWI~M. ~ ~it~ s~ff ~ld p~re a p~s release or have afl Jtm ~adle~. Assts~ Chief, 0ran~ Count~ Ft~ 0~a~t. stat~ ' that ~ ~ty ~ll mtl a ~ckK ~ Info.etlon to ~stnesses th~ think ~ ~ af~ b~ the o~tnance. At preset, the~ ll~tK t~o~tl~ avatl~le. P~ss ~leases ~11 ~ ~de t~l~att~ ~ t~ p~grm b~tns. Chte~ Radl~ provtd~ tt~le for ~. ~ ~p~d~ to C~nctl q~sttons. Zt ~s t~ ~v~ b~ ~te~y, s~ofld~ b~ K~n~y, that 0~Inance ~. ~ ~ tn~r~ucK as f011~: ~IK ~. ~ - AN ~[~flC[ ~ ~E CI~ ~IL 0F ~[ CITY T~TIN. ~IFORfl[A. ~0~ SECTION 5~0 T0 THE ~NICIPAL ~LZ~[~ ~[QUIR~S ~ PR~[S ~E~TI~ T0 THE OIS~0SURE The ~lon caren 6-0. ~. IX. QI~INNIC~S ~0R N)QPTIQN Nofleo GU) _m~INES5 1. PNUCZRG II~STRICTIORS OliIINt HO0~ (J $1~tE.rr ~tE~Pll~ The staff' r~ort and recoamefldattQfl wer~ presented by the Director of )ubltc ~orks/Clty Engineer u cmtatn~ tn his t~er-cm dat~ Januar~ 22. Z986. ........... g~lY CUu~iL ;4INUTE$ ..... Page $, 2-3-86 The Dtractor responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that subject policy would apply onty to new requests for Installation of slgns or requests for nemoval of extsttng stgns. Counc11 discussion fo11 owed. It was then moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Kennedy, to approve the current practlce o1' regulating parKlng during hours of street sweeping with the addition of the following six pollctas that would ragulate that practica as recamended by the Director of Publlc WorR$/Ctt¥ Engtnmor: a) All r~strtcl:ton$ should be placed on a block-by-block basis only I'or mos~ residential developments, axca~t whera a develop- m~t ts loc&tad on a l&rge p&rcel of land with one ownership such as ~n ~artment cm~lex or a homeo~mer~' association. The r~stdent(s) initiating satd reques~ should be required to submit a petttton stgned by a mtntmum of 2/3 of the ~otal num- ber of ~tdent$ on any given ~1oc~ tha~ ara tn favor of the requested .on-s~r~ parking restrictions. c) Only one signature per dwe111ng untt should be uttllzed for attaining tbe 2/3 count. d) Staff would review the ~lUest and/or petition and implement tbe actton t~ the ~/3 signature requirement was met. Otherwise, tf the signature requirement was not mat, staf~ wauld deny the ~equest. e) AI~eIls. by the requ~lttng part7 could be made to the Ct~y Council. f) Requests ~or stgn r~movals wowld ~qutra a petition signed by a . mtnJmmm of ~/3 the tat&l number of r~stdents oa any given block. The mntten carrted 6-0. 75 BID ~ o PTItCIIASE & IN$1'ALLATTOll, INX. IC~ 0EPARTMENT (3)I4MUNICA- TIONS CS](TER ~ A~ racoml~lded tn the inter-cow ~lated January 29, 1986, prepared by the Chief of Pollce, tt was moved b~ Saltarallt~ seconded b~ Hoes~ere~, to: 1) A~ard contract for sub, act btd to Modular C~,~ontcatlons $ystams~ North Nollywood, tn the amount; of $99,772; and 2) Aoprove $20,000 as conttng~cy s~m to cover any Incidental modifications, additions, unforeseen difficulties, etc., not dtr~'tly or specifically addressed tn btd request. Garrted 6"0. 82 Rf~r FO~ FTNANCIAL ASSZSTANC~ Fqt0M ORANGE COUNTY C;)NSOLZDATTD TRNISFQRTAT]OII SERltTC~ AGEgCY (C.T.S.A.) Following consideration o1' the Inter-em dated January 27, ~g66, pr~-qsered by the Director of Conmuntty and Ac~tntstrative Services, it was moved by Saltarelltt seconded by Hoestarey, to approve the ~quest for financial assistance frow Orange County Consolidated Transportation Se~tce Agency (CTSA) in the amount of Mayor Gratnke requested that tn the future, staff reports spell out what an acron3flu stands for. Counctlmombers spoke tn s.upport of the Orange County CTSA. The motion carried 6"0. Page 7, 2-3-86 _cCI__q~E~I G~LIFOR~A ~Ex Q~4ITTEE ~4BER~EP - R~I~ ~. ~Z7 Pu~ua~ to the r~detton contatn~ tn the tnter-c~ dat~ ~anua~ 22. ~9~, ~epar~ by the Otre~or ~ Publlc ~orks/Ct~y Engtn~, tt was ~v~ b~ Saltarelllt s~ond~ b~ Hoestere~, to: l) Adopt the following; and RESOLUT%011 NO. 8E-T7 - A RE~OLUTIOR OF THE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CItY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, .TO APPROVE HE]48ERSH%P IN THE SOUTH- ERN CN. IFORNIA WATER ¢OI414ITTEE, INC. 2) Authertze a supplmental Water Servlce budget appropriation tn the Mmunt of $750 for satd me~ershtp. Carded 5-0. 107 4. I~IIT.~L ~ R)R ZgS~ I{)U. INO ~ (WN.K-ON ITEM) Following c~sidIrett~ of t~l tnter-c~ det~ Fed~ary 3, 1986, p~m ~ ~e City Cle~, tt ~s mv~ b~ Saltare11~t second~ bZ ~ to autho~ze $35.00 as the rental f~ for polling placeS' ~Aprtl 8. ~g~, ~erel ~ntctpal El~ton. ~e ~tlon car- rt~ 5-0. ~ XTT. ~ t. IqJdllZllG COHI~SS[011 JCTZ0RS - &NIUNtY Z7, zg~ vas ~oved b~ Hoester~m seconded by Edgar, to rettfy the enttre ' Ptanfltng Camilsslon Actton Agan4e of' Januar~ 27, t986. Carrted INTBISTATE S FREBLRY 19 NNILTOll PRRIC~Y The staff r~ort v~s presented by the Conmuntty Oevelo~nent Direc- tor is c~atatned tn the t~e~m dat~ F~a~ 3, ~986, pr~ar~ ~ t~ ~ntty 0evelo~t O~rt~t. ~yor ;~tn~e Sugg~t~ staff ¢onta~ ~t~ ~l]]ette, ~tr~tor ~e I~tne ~lny's ~tldir a~ La~ Sates 01vision, for tnfo~tt~ ~ the Councllvcmn Kennedy suggested a to~ hall meettng wtth residents of the Lanrelmm(I, Poppertrme, and Tust~n IMedo~s suUdtvtstons, ~tth r~ranentattvis rrm the Tusttn Untfled School 01str~ct, The [rvtne Cmlpany, ~ Ctty staff to start I~l~resslng concerns and t~/ to ftnd a solutlon rethm' than to take no actton. H~yor ;retnk~ reltereted ht~ suggesttm to contact Hr. WtlletCe. if that proves futtle, then Count11 coutd proceed ~th a town hall miner1 Councilman Hoesterey re. fred on the area betveen Watnut and the rallreed trec~s, if residents are a~le to get ~00~ participation' along Alder tn the Poppertree subdtYtston. The [rvtne Corn;any .ould sell that property to the residents. A couple of those ~esldents are po111ng all r~stdents on Alder to se~ tf they ~tll participate. Anothe~ prol)lan ts thet the dretnage dttth through that area must have stole type of eiseNent or storm dratn for f~ood control. A fuel 11ne also runs through there ~htch meens there ts a perpetual r~ght of ~as~ent. If the Alder residents do acqutre the property, they must st111 grant an easement to prevent encroachment for any future r~pat~s or redlecement of that ltne. On the Laurel~mad stde, he rmembered that there vms a proposal a fe~ ~earl ago for a. btcycle tratl, at ~htth ttme the homeowner's association took exception. He suggested that the Ctty poll those Page 8, 2-3°85 residents agate to see tf they would want' some type of btke lane or pass.sage~ey which would take school chtldren off of Redh111 and provtde a safe route of travel. Councilwoman Kennedy noted that Tuattn Meadows abuts the other side of that right-of-way. She felt the matter should not be dealt with on a ptecemmal basis as are than one association ts directly Involved. Sh~ again stated the need for a meeting with at least hommmmer asso~¶attoe dtrKtors to tnfore thrum of what ts going one Councilmen Ho~sterey agreed that they should b~ nottfled that somlthtng ~mst bm done w~th tMt pan:el. Ho~ver,- he felt that prior to ho]dtng a to~nhall m~lng,, the Ctty should kno~ what the optiOnS are to p~ovtde dtr~ton for discussions, and perhaps poll I1~ of th~ afl.ted bodies prtor to such a meeting. The Director of Public ~or~s focused attention on an additional per,il other than the r~tlroed ~thtn that strip which the City mas in fee for the dretnaga facility. It ts tmedtately adjacent to Tusttn ~do~s. He stated that if residents from the Laurelwood and Pedpert~ tracts were to acquire the entice SO-foot parcel. they wo~ld only b~ able to uttllze 45 feet of it at this time, unttl that op~l channel were enclosed wtth conduit or pipe and cortaid The r~port dated Fe~ruar~ 3, 1985, prepared by the Commntty Oevel- opmmflt Departm~t was received and ftled by unanimous fnfor~al cons~t. Thru City Menag~ and Ctt7 Attorney redu~sted .a Closed Sesston for l~Jal mRtere, to ~tw the progr~s tn .preparation of lawoutts tnvolvtmJ tM Ctty of lrv~ne. As. recmmended ~ the City Menegar, Count11 concurred to schedule a budget planning ~or~shop for Me~ 10, 1986, at ~:~ p,m. fo~ ~d- y~ ~dg~ ~vt~ c~tn~ wtth pr~19~/87 budgg planning. The Ctty Menage~ tnfomed Councilman Edgar that both the ftscal· year-e~t flnenctal statment a~ fomallz~ budget ~ta ~11 be ftnaltz~ ~fore the ~rks~p. ~ Councilmen Edgar breug~t up the Issum of ~ecent legislation to pro- vtde ~lta~lt fundtng for Installation, ~tnt~ence, and ~eratton Of ~n O~n~ ~unty m~ callbox systm. It was th~ moved b~ Edlart s~conded b}, Kennedy, to adopt the fell Ow1 raj= . RE~I.IITlgll II1. ~ - A R£SOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~$TIN, CN. IFORNIA, REQUESTIN6 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SERVICE AUTltORITY F~R FRE~AY E~ERGENCIE$ Council debate follomed re~a~dtng installation, motntenence costs, ami ~lated fe~s for a had-wire ~llbox ~st~ ~us mtorists uttltzt~ the 911 me~ systm ~ cellular phon~. The Director of Public Wor~s referecced a letter dated January 23. 1986, ~ the Orange County Transportation Camtsston ~htch was not r~clt'v~ until January 29 on subject matter. Me stated Council could defer action on the matter to study the marmot al s further. Mayor Pro Tm Saltarellt spoke in favor of Resolution No. 86-~0. tiff' COuNcil. MINLrrE$ Page 9, 4m A substitute morton vas made b~ Hoestere~ Seconded b~ Gretnke, to cohtlnUe tee mat~er co ~eorua~/ L~ rot further s~af~ reyl~' and ~atton. ~e subatttute ~ton dt~ 2-3, Edgar, Kann~y, and Saltarellt ~pos~. 54 ~nct]~n Ed~r 1~ dtscusst~ ~ga~tng Tust~n~ pa~ctpat~o~ tn the Jotnt P~ ~c~. Zt ~s mv~ ~Y ~agar, s~ona~ by G~tn~e, t~at Tusttn loth the Jotnt p~e~ Agency effec~tw F~a~ ~6, ~g~, ~ as to have ~ttng ~t~tty a~ t~e next ~ttng ~ t~ eff~t~ date ~ ~ ~a~or ~o~ughfa~ & ~td~ Fee After fu~er ~scusston, t~e ~t~ ~s ~d~ ~Y Edgar, sacond~ Mayor Pm. Tm Saltare111 camm~ded the Pollce Oe~artment on al~l~e~aeton of an e~ca~ee fr~ Orange County Jet1. 8~ or--or ~ that ~ff ~11 ~efully have a ~o~' F~ [8 ag~dl. A se~ of th~ zont~ ~ttons wtll be p~t~. G~d ~ ~tft~ of sm. in~lv~. ~ ~O~K ~hl~ ~e~ ts a grK~ deal of ~Kts~ance ~ ~td~s tn ~e ~. There ms c~s~sus 7m T~ Cl~y Manager responded to Mayor Pro Te~ Saltarellt that he ,ouid c~eCk tn~o responding to recent correspondence from Santa Aha Mayor &rtse~c tnvtttng a Counctl c~ttt~ to vt~ their developm~: ~ or P~ Tm Saltare111 sta:~ that Tuattn should pla~. EX'T~IOM OF ~ AV~ TO EDIN~R AV~U~ C~nc11 concurr~ wt~h Mayor P~ Tm Saltarellt's r~u~t that ~e ~sstbt]tty of ~t~dtng N~o~ Av~ue to Edtng~ Av~ue, ~th a ~po~ fr~ the City Attom~ on posstble litigation agatnst the Publlc Utilities C~sston for thetr ~sts- 95 t~ce ~ s~. g. "BI EVE]IIN~ DF OMICE" Mayor Gretnke announced "An Evening of Dance" on February 15 at 8:00 p.m. at Tusttn Htgh School. · ,. '...., .. ....... ,,-~.~ ~: ~..:.~:._.,,. , .... : .... L_ .... ~;1'1 i '~JUNCIL' MINQTES · ' Page 10, 2-3-86 10o COIITROVERSIN. I_~_~_tES BETWEEN TIJS'rlN ~ IRV:INE Mayor Gretnke shared wtth the audience that the Tusttn City Council t5 diligently continuing to meet with Clty'of Irvlne officials tn an at~l'ort to work out mutual probl ess. ¢ounctl concurred with Councilman Hoesterey that staff agendtze the possibility, of c~angtng the name of Moulton Parkway to etther Ir~tne Conter Ortve ~ Edtnger Str~. ~ XlV. ~ - RB)L'IIR. OPf~:]II'; (:IJ)SB) S~SSIOII - AOJOIJRNIE:NT At 8:35 p.m. the meeting was recessed to the Radevelop~en~ Agency; and thence to a Closed Session 1:o confer with the City Attorney regarding pendtng litigation involving the City of Irvtne pursuant to ~overnmant Code S~cCton 54956.9(c); and thence adjourned to the next Adjourned Regular ~e~tng on Tuesday, ~ebruary ~8, ~g86, a~ 7:00 p.m. by unani- mous ln~oreml consent, MAYOR MINUTES OF A REGUI.NI ~mtN6 OF lliE R~)EVELOP)ENT ~NCY OF lll[ CITI OF 1UITIN, CAEIFORNIA FEBRUARY 3, 1986 *ii .) .? The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. by Chairman Greinke in the City Council ChaM~ers, 300 Centennial Way, Tuettn, California. Agenq~ Mesbers Present: Agency )MWoers Absent: Others Present: 3. API~OVM. OF N~NUTES Frank H. Gretnke, Chairman Donald J. Saltarelli, Chairman Pro Tern Richard B. Edgar Ronald 8. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None Hilliam AD Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager Jaams G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn. Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald O. Lam, Co.munlty Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Royleen A. White, Otr. of Coo. & Adman. Services Fred Wakefield, Police Captain Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 10 in the audience It was moved by Hoestere),; seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the January ZO, 1986, Regular Meeting. )lotion carried $-0. I~ IqU. ~VEIIIE I I~TOI P~II~&~Y/E~II~iiR Si~ llIN=FIC SIiMAi. & INtU<- As recomm~led in the inter-coo dated January 29, 1986, prepared by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, it ws moved by Hoesterey~ sec- onded by Edqar, to authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the munt of $36,000 for traffic signal and intersection improvements at the Red Hill Avenue and Moulton Parkwey/Edinger Street intersection. The motion carried S-O. !)4 S. OTIER 8USI~__~_~ Councllwmean Kennedy reported that tenants of the California Apartment cooplex have expressed concern that the Catlts-Mutual Propane Coopany at. 1001 E. Edtngm' has expended thelr use. She requested that the Community Development Otroctor investigate same. At 8:36 ;.m. the meeting was adjourned to the next Adjourned Regular Meet- ing on Tuesday, February 18, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. by unanimous informal COnSent. CHAI~~ Ml~ OF A ~ClN. ~El'l~ ~ lllE CIl~' Q)UII~IL OF lliE CIl~t OF Tu~'rI#. CALIFORNIA JANUARY 29, 1980 II. Il) ~I)IrR/I~.EI)E[ OF N.I.f$IAM~/IMVOT, AI'IOM The meeting was called to order ~ Mayor Greinke at 5:05 p.m. in the City Council Cha.~ers, 300 Centennial Way, Councilpersons Present: Counctlpersons Absent: Other~ Present: Frank H. Gretnke, Mayor 0onald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Pro Tam Ronald B. Ho~terey Ursula E. Kennedy Rlcha~d B. Edgar (Arrived for Closed Session) William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke. City Attorney Mary E. W~nn. City Clerk At 5:06 p.m. it was moved by Noesterey~ seconded by Saltarelli, to recess to a Closed Se~slon to confer with the City Attorney regarding pendlng litigation involving tho City of Irvine pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), and thence adjourn to the next regular meeting on February 3, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried 4-0, Edgar absent. MAYOR