HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 7 FLD CNTL STORM DR 02-03-86 CONSENT CALENDAR JANUARY 22, 1986 Inter Corn DATE: TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER AGREEMENT FOR REGIONAL MASTER PLAN FOR FLOOD CONTROL AND STORM DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of February 3, 1986, authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement for Regional Master Plan for flood control and storm drainage within the San Diego Creek drainage area, subject to final approval of the City Attorney's office and authorize a supplemental budget appropriation for 1985-86 in the amount of $5,000.00 for Tustin's total share (8.33%) of the first year cost. BACKGROUND: The staffs' of The Irvine Company, City of Irvine and City of Tustin have been working on a plan to provide an updated master plan for flood control and storm drainage within the San Diego Creek drainage area. The major purpose for developing this master plan is to assure a uniform regional analysis of flood hazards and to develop a model of the flood control and storm drain facilities required to provide flood protection to homes and businesses during the 100 year storm conditions. This master plan will ultimately be presented to the Orange County Flood Control District for the approval and inclusion into their overall Flood Protection Program. DISCUSSION: The attached Agreement provides for a cooperative effort between The Irvine Company and cities of Irvine and Tustin. The master plan is proposed to be developed over a two fiscal year period of 1985-86 and 1986-87. Costs for the 1985-86 fiscal year are estimated to $60,000.00 and would be distributed as follows: The Irvine Company ..... $30,000.00 (50%) City of Irvine ......... 25,000.00 (41.67%) City of Tustin '- ........ 5,000.00 (8.33%) $60,0O0.00 Cost for fiscal year 1986-87 have not been developed but it is anticipated that they will be equal to or less than the $60,000.00 for 1985-86. The study area pertaining to Tustin will be almost totally related to that area identified as the East Tustin Specific Plan area and more specifically the Peter's Canyon Wash and the E1Modena-Irvine Channel watersheds. JANUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 2 The plan has been divided into four phases as follows: Phase I Study alternative plans for the required major flood control system including alignments, diversions, detention facilities, land requirements and cost estimates. Phase II Preparation of the final hydraulic plan and profile, cross-sections and cost estimates for the major flood control system identified in Phase I. Phase III - Based upon the major flood control system determined in Phase II, determine the location size, cross-section and cost of local storm drains required to assure lO0-year flood protection to existing and planned homes and businesses. Phase IV - Development of a final report combining the results of Phase I, II and III. The anticipated schedule for this plan is as follows: Phase Start Date Complete Date I February, 1986 March, 1986 II March, 1986 June, 1986 III July, 1986 October, 1986 IV October, 1986 January, 1987 This Agreement is currently being reviewed by the City Attorney's office and that review will hopefully be completed by February 3, 1986 when City Council action is requested. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr cc: Ron Nault Attachment 8 g 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 ~-7 28 DRAFT AGREEMENT Agreement No. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED INTO THIS BY AND BETWEEN AND AND DAY OF 1986. THE CITY OF IRVINE, hereinafter referred to as "IRVINE"; THE CITY OF TUSTIN, hereinafter referred to as "TUSTIN"; THE IRVINE COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY". W I TNESSETH WHEREAS, the San Diego Creek drainage area, including the Peters Canyon drainage area, is presently served by a large number of natural, partially improved, and improved flood control and storm drain facilities, and WHEREAS, the areas of jurisdiction of IRVINE and TUSTIN and the sphere of influence of IRVINE include much of the San Diego Creek drainage area, and WHEREAS, COMPANY is the major landowner in the San Diego Creek drainage area, and WHEREAS, IRVINE, TUSTIN, and COMPANY are desirous of assuring that a fully integrated, economic flood control and storm drain system is developed within IRVINE's and TUSTIN's incorporated limits and spheres of influence through the use of a current master plan for flood control and drainage, and WHEREAS, existing flood control and storm drain master plans are no longer current and need to be updated to reflect current hydrology and land use planning and the most economical system including diversions and detention facilities, and 1/20/86 -1- WHEREAS, IRVINE, TUSTIN, and COMPANY, hereinafter collectively called "PARTIES", wish to join together to develop and adopt an updated regional master plan for flood control and storm drainage, hereinafter referred to as REGIONAL PLA~, to assure the orderly and economic development of these facilities, and WHEREAS, the PARTIES intend to adopt the REGIONAL PLAN and will seek to have the Orange County Flood Control District adopt the REGIONAL PLAN as the District's Master Plan for the San Diego Creek drainage area and in developing the REGIONAL PLAN will use the hydrology currently approved by the Orange County Flood Control District. NOW, THEREFORE, the PARTIES hereby agree as follows: I. A major purpose for developing the REGIONAL PLAN is to assure a uniform, regional analysis of flood hazards, to develop a model of the flood control and storm drain facilities required to provide flood protection to homes and businesses during the lO0-year flood under master-planned 'development conditions, to identify deficiencies in existing systems, to 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 describe the preferred physical solutions, and to seek adoption of the REGIONAL PLAN by the PARTIES. 2. The PARTIES will jointly finance and manage the development of the REGIONAL PLAN within those portione of the San Diego Creek drainage area including Peters Canyon drainage that are within the incorporated limits of IRVINE and TUSTIN or within their spheres of influence and the tributary areas, all as shown on the attached map entitled "Drainage Area Boundary for Regional Plan". 3. Where necessary to accurately complete the REGIONAL PLAN, work will be done in adjacent,.upstream, or downstream drainage areas outside the spheres of influence of IRVINE and TUSTIN. 1/20/86 1 2 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ 27 28 4. The REGIONAL PLAN when completed will include the alignment, hydraulic plan and profile, and cross-section of all channels and storm drains and the location, size and configuration of detention facilities. 5. The' currently approved Orange County Hydrology Manual or County- approved alternative will be used for the final REGIONAL PLAN. Preliminary studies done as part of the REGIONAL PLAN may use other hydrology methods felt by the PARTIES to reasonably represent the hydrologic and hydraulic conditions of the watersheds. All studies will use IRVINE's and TUSTIN's s~andards for local storm drainage design. 6. As part of the development of the REGIONAL PLAN the PARTIES will develop for distribution to the PARTIES a hydrologic model of the REGIONAL PLAN that can be operated on personal computer-type hardware and which can be adjusted and updated in the future to aid in the analysis of proposed changes to the REGIONAL PLAN and to determine the effect of a phased implementation of the facilities described in the REGIONAL PLAN. 7. The development of the REGIONAL PLAN shall be directed by a Steering Committee made up as fol lows: IRVINE - City Engineer, Chairman TUSTIN - City Engineer COMPANY - Director, Water, Waste and Energy Issues Meetings may be called by the Chairman or other members. At least one meeting will be held quarterly. Minutes of decisions made at all meetings shall be recorded and distriDuted to the committee members. 8. The REGIONAL PLAN will be developed over a two fiscal year period. The funding of the development of the REGIONAL PLAN shall be shared by the PARTIES. The agreed-upon costs for the 1985-1986 fiscal year will be as follows: 1/20/86 -3- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 IRVINE $25,000 TUSTIN $ 5,000 COMPANY$30~00Q Total - $60,000 The distribution of costs which shall be used for 1985-1986 and 1986- 1987 fiscal years is based on the agreement that COMPANY will pay one-half the cost and that IRVINE and TUSTIN will share the balance in proportion to the land area within TUSTIN's city limits and the land area within IRVINE's sphere of influence within the San Diego Creek drainage area including Peters Canyon Channel. These proportions are: IRVINE - 84% TUSTIN - 16% The Steering Committee shall make an estimate of the cost to be shared by the PARTIES for fiscal year 1986-1987 by March 15, 1986 and shall submit it to each party for budgeting. Should any party be unable to fund its share, the other parties may fund the missing share and complete the REGIONAL PLAN. 9. It is agreed that COMPANY shall employ the services of one or more professional engineering consultants agreed to by the Steering Committee to develop the REGIONAL PLAN for the PARTIES in accordance with a scope &work approved by the Steering Commi'ttee. The cost of services shall be limited to those set forth in Paragraph 8. IRVINE's, TUSTIN's, and COMPANY's required contributions are limited to those defined herein. 10. IRVINE and TUSTIN shall deposit with COMPANY their respective shares for development of the REGIONAL PLAN. The deposits shall be made in each fiscal year for the cost as described in Paragraph 8 for that fiscal year. The deposits for fiscal year 1985-1986 shall be made by February 15, 1986 and for fiscal year 1986-1987 by August 1, 1986. 1/20/86 -4- 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11. Should the actual cost for completing the REGIONAL PLAN be less than the funds deposited with COMPANY by IRVINE and TUSTIN and COMPANY's share, PARTIES shall share the total cost in proportion to their contributions. Any surplus funds will be returned to IRVINE and TUSTIN in proportion to their total contribution upon completion of the REGIONAL PLAN. 12. It is the intent of the PARTIES to this agreement to have the work required to develop the REGIONAL PLAN done in phases. This will assure development of the most urgently needed elements of the work at the beginning of the study and will assist all the PARTIES to more effectively plan land development before the entire REGIONAL PLAN is completed and adopted. The phases are: Phase I: Study alternative plans for the major flood control system including alignments, diversions, detention facilities, land required, and cost estimates as directed by the Steering Con~nittee. Phase II: Prepare final hydraulic plan and profile, cross sections, and cost estimates for the major flood control system chosen by the Steering Committee from the results of Phase I. All existing deficiencies will be identified. Phase III: Using the major flood control system approved by the Steering Committee, perform additional studies to determine the location, size, cross section, and cost of local storm drains required to assure 100- year flood protection to existing homes and businesses and to meet existing IRVINE and TUSTIN criteria for street drainage. Phase IV: Following approval by the Steering Committee of Phases I, II, and III, develop a report combining the results of Phases I, II, and III, including alignments, hydraulic plan and profile, diversions, detention facilities, cost estimates, and a phasing plan where a special sequence of flood control or storm drain construction is desirable. The report shall describe the process that was used to develop the master plan, including 1/20/86 -5- 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 lO I! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] 23 2~t 26 27 28 coordination 'with affected agencies, the responses of these agencies, the alternatives that were considered but not adopted, and the reasons for their not being ~dopted. It shall include a phasing plan incorporating the timetables of the Caltrans freeway widening, The Irvine Company land development program, other agency schedules, interim drainage facilities as needed, and the criteria and schedule for upgrading interim facilities to permanent facilities. It shall include hydrology, hydraulics, preliminary plans, profiles, cross sections, and cost estimates of the master plan facilities. It shall include multiuse and joint venture opportunities and a statement about the effect of the master plan on the Upper Newport Bay Sedimentation Control Program. For general purpose use by the PARTIES, develop the software of the hydrologic and hydraulic model used in Phases I, II, and III including sufficient narrative to allow a hydrologist to independently use the model. This Phase includes seeking adoption of the REGIONAL PLAN by the PARTIES and Orange County Flood Control District. 13. Phase I will be started immediately by COMPANY and the cost for all Phases will be charged to the PARTIES as described in Paragraph 8. 14. The PARTIES will use their best efforts to seek adoption of the REGIONAL PLAN by the Orange County Flood Control District and will each adopt the plan for their use. 15. It is recognized by the PARTIES that the REGIONAL PLAN, once adopted,, may be revised from time to time. 16. The attached Scope of Work and Schedule for the Regional Plan are to guide the development of the REGIONAL PLAN. Should adjusbments to the Scope of Work be required during the development of the REGIONAL PLAN, they may be made at the direction of the Steering Con~ittee. 1/20/86 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 26 27 CITY OF IRVINE Dated: ATTEST: , 1986 B~ Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk CITY OF TUSTIN -Dated: ATTEST: City Attorney of Irvine , 1986 By Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk THE IRVINE COMPANY Dated: City Attorney of Tustin , 1986 By President APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney for The Irvine Company Senior Vice President 1/20/86 -7- CITIES OF IRVINE, TUSTIN, AND THE IRVINE COMPANY FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM Scope of Work This scope of work defines the tasks required to develop for the Cities of Irvine and Tustin and The Irvine Company a flood control master plan and implementation program to be called the Regional Plan. This Plan is being developed by the three entities to assure an integrated system and implementation policy that reflects the interests of the three entities. The work will be closely coordinated with the County and recommended for adoption by Irvine, Tustin, The Irvine Company, and the County of Orange. The geographical areas include those areas tributary to San Diego Creek including Peters Canyon Channel within the City of Irvine and its sphere of influence and within the City of Tustin. The objectives of this ~ork are to develop the physical configuration of a master-planned flood control and drainage system that will provide lO0-year flood protection meeting the standards of the National Flood Insurance Program, minimize flood control and storm drain construction costs, reflect the plans of other government agencies and land development plans, promote multiuse of facilities, meet County standards for operation and maintenance, and assure full use of existing facilities. In addition, it will describe the phasing of interim and permanent flood control and drainage facilities, wi l 1 consider the sediment management objectives for Upper Newport Bay, and will identify multi-entity opportunities for cooperative ventures. It will also develop a computer model for use by all interested parties in future analysis and updating. 1/20/86 -1- The work will be directed by a steering committee made up as follows: City of Irvine - City Engineer, Chairman City of Tus~in - City Engineer The Irvine Company - Director, Water, Waste, and Energy Issues Periodic briefings will be held to al low the steering committee full involvement in the program and to allow timely adjustments to the program. The work will be developed in four phases to meet the needs of the sponsoring parties. The phases and the related tasks are: Phase I: Study alternative plans for the major flood control system including alignments, diversions, detention facilities, land required, and cost estimates as directed by the Steering Committee. Task 1. Gather Existing Data, Plans, Schedules, Standards, and Criteria a. Obtain from Orange County all existing flood control master plans, hydrology reports, project reports, sediment analyses, data on existing facilities, topographic mapping, land-use plans, criteria for acceptance for operation and maintenance, flood control and bridge plans, construction schedules, soils data, and hydrologic data. b. Obtain from the Cities of Irvine and Tustin all existing flood control and drainage master plans, land-use plans, hydrology reports, project reports, topographic mapping, street drainage criteria, development drainage criteria, multiuse possibilities, data on existing facilities, bridge plans, construction schedules, and opportunities for joint ventures. c. Obtain from The Irvine Company all existing flood control and drainage master plans, hydrology reports, topographic mapping, 1/20/86 -2- ee ~ask 2. project reports, development phasing plans and schedules, multiuse possibilities, data on existing facilities, land-use plans, bridge plans, construction schedules, and opportunities for joint ventures. Obtain from Caltrans data on existing drainage structures, topographic mapping, freeway widening plans and construction schedule, drainage plans and reports, and opportunities for joint ventures. Obtain from FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps and floodway maps, hydrology studies, hydraulic studies, and the standards and criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program. Obtain from the USMCAS E1 Toro all drainage master plans, reports, studies, drainage facility inventories, construction schedules, multiuse possibilities, and opportunities for joint ventures. Obtain from any other sources information, plans, data, and schedules that will facilitate the master plan. Develop Preliminary Regional Plan Concept for Steering Con~nittee Approval Utilizing existing data, develop a preliminary Regional Plan Concept for the major flood control facilities that indicates the alignment of channels, alternative detention sites, known restrictions, possible diversions, subarea breakup, land uses, and possible flow splits. Consider and prepare a recommendation on the most effective method to develop the hydrology and hydraulic studies required to study the alternatives proposed. The preliminary Regional Plan Concept 1/20/86 -3- will be based on coordination with the sponsoring parties and other affected agencies, such as Caltrans, USMCAS E1 Toro, Orange County, and the Upper Newport Bay Sediment Management Executive Con~ittee. Task 3. Brief Steering Committee on the Regional Plan Concept, Hydrology, and Hydraulics This task will utilize the information developed in Task 2 to prepare and conduct a briefing for the Steering Committee and obtain direction on the alternatives to be studied in detail and the hydrology and hydraulic approach to be used. Task 4. Evaluate Regional Plan Alternatives Approved in Task 3 and Present Recommended Plan to Steering Committee This task includes detailed hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for the alternatives approved in Task 3. This task will result in defining the configuration, size, alignment, location, and cost estimates of channels, detention basins, and other facilities for the alternatives approved by the Steering Committee. A phased implementation plan shall be included in the recommendation. This task will include a briefing of the Steering Committee and will result in approval of the master plan configuration. Phase II: Prepare the final hydraulic plan and profile, cross sections, and cost estimates for the major flood control system chosen by the Steering Committee from the results of Phase I. All existing deficiencies will be identified. Phase III: Using the major flood control system approved by the Steering Committee, perform additional studies to determine the location, size, 1/20/86 -4- cross section,'and cost of local storm drains required to assure 100- year flood protection to existing homes and businesses and to meet existing Irv~ne and Tustin criteria for street drainage. Phase IV: Following approval by the Steering Con~nittee of Phases I, II, and III, develop a report combining the results of Phases I, II, and III, including alignments, hydraulic plan and profile, diversions, detention facilities, cost estimates, and a phasing plan where a special sequence of flood control or storm drain construction is desirable. The report shall describe the process that was used to develop the master plan, including coordination with affected agencies, the responses of these agencies, the alternatives that were considered but not adopted, and the reasons for their not being adopted. It shall include a phasing plan incorporating the timetables of the Caltrans freeway widening, The Irvine Company land development program, other agency schedules, interim drainage facilities as needed, and the criteria and schedule for upgrading interim facilities to permanent facilities. It shall include hydrology, hydraulics, preliminary plans, profiles, cross sections, and cost estimates of the master plan facilities. It shall include multiuse and joint venture opportunities and a statement about the effect of the master plan on the Upper Newport Bay Sedimentation Control Program. For general purpose use by the parties, develop the software of the hydrologic and hydraulic model used in Phases I, II, and III including sufficient narrative to allow a hydrologist to independently use the model. This phase includes seeking adoption of the Regional Plan by the parties and the Orange County Flood Control District. 1/20/86 -5- Phase Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV SCHEDULE FOR REGIONAL PLAN Start Date February 1, 1986 March 15, 1986 July i, 1986 October 1, 1986 Completion Date March 15, 1986 June 15, 1986 October 1, 1986 January 1, 1987 1120/86