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November 20, 1961
Meetlng called ~to order at 8:25 P.M. by Playor Kidd.
PRESENT:. Kidd, Humeaton, Byrd,~Mack & Sheridan
CITY ENGINEER: McBride, present
CITY ATTORNEY: Rourke, present
MINUTES OF On motion of Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
NOVEMBER 6th Sheridan and duly carried, the minutes of November
APPROVED 6th regular meet~qg were approved as mailed and
12/4/61 DATE Moved by CounciIlman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
SET FOR Sheridan, that Hearing on Variance Appeal of North
VARIANCE ON Tustin investment Company be set for Decembe~
NO.TUSTIN 1961. Motion carried.
RES. N0.571 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded BY CoUnCil-
READ BY TITLE man Humeaton, that Resolution N0. 571, be read by
ONLY title only. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
ADOPTION OF man Byrd, that Resolution No. 571, declaring that
RESOLUTION proceedings have been initiated by the Council of
NO. 57l RE the EityI of T~u~tin to annex to said city certain
uninhabited territory described herein and desig-
~'~ NEWPORT hated "McFadden-Newport Annexation," and giving
~ ANNEXATION notice of the proposed annexation be passed and
adopted. Motion carried by Roll Call, all
Councilmen vo%ing Aye.
0RD. N0. 158 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
TO BE READ man Mack, ~that Ordinance ~o. 158 be read by title
BY TITLE ONLY only. Motion carried unanimously.
ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
158 ADOPTED Humeaton, that Ordinance No. 158, calling a Special
RE VANDERLIP_ Election to be held on the 9th day of January, 1962,
ROWAN ANNEX. pertaining to the Vanderlip-Rowan AnnexatiOn to the
1-9-62 ELEC. City of TUstin, be passed and adopted. Motion
carried by ~oll Call, all C~uncilmen ~oting Aye.
0RD. #159 TO Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman
BE READ BY Sheridan, that Ordinance No. 159, be read by title
TITLE ONLY oonly. Motion carried unanimousiy.
ORD. #159 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, Seconded by Councilman
ADOPTED RE Mack, that Ordinance No.~ 159, calling a Special
SPEC.ELEC. Election to~be°held within the City of Tustin on the
TO BE HELD 9th day of January, 1962, pertaining to the Vanderlip_
WITHIN CITY Rowan Annexation to the City of Tustin, be passed
RE VAND._ROW and adopted. Motion carried by Roll Call, all Council-
, ANNEX. men voting Aye.
ORD. #160 TO Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
BE READ BY Humeaton that Ordinance N6. 160, be read by title
TITLE ONLY only. Motion carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
ORD. #160 Byrd that Ordinance No. 160, establishing Zoning
RE ZON.& BLDG. and Building Line Setback requirements for the
SETBACK ON territory, known and designated as "Ben Brown
BEN BROWN Annexation~' to the City of Tustin be passed and
ANNEX. adopted. Motion carried by Roll Call, all Council-
men voting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Ordinance No. Councilman Humeston, that Ordinance No.
161 READ BY 161, be ready by title only. Motion carried
TITLE ONLY unanimously-
Moved by Co.uncilman Humeston, seconded by
Councilman ISheridan that Ordinance No. 161,
ORDINANCE NO. approving the annexation of certain unin-
habited territory, designated "Ben Brown
161-BEN BROWN Annexation to the city of Tustin, be passed
ANNEXATION and adopted. Motio.n carried by Roll Call.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by
FILING OF Councilman Sheridan that correspondence
CUDAHY IMPROV. from Cudahy Improvement Association be
ASSOC. CORRES- received and filed. Motion carried.
MUTUAL FIRE AID Moved by CounciLman Humeston, seconded by
PROTECTION AGREE- Councilman Mack that the Mayor and City
MENT WITH SANTA Clerk be authorized to execute Agreement
ANA APPROVED for Mutual Aid Fire Pro~ection with the
City of Santa Ana. Motion carried.
PANNELL, FIRST Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
SO. BAPTIST CHURCH Councilman Mack, that "Pannell Annexation,"
AND BESWICK SCHOOL "First Southern Baptist Church Annexation,"
ANNEX. REFERRED and "B. F. Beswick School Annexation,''°be*
TO PLAN. COM. referred to the Planning Commission for
~study and recommenda:tion- Motion carriedf
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
CHIEF SISSEL TO Councilman Humeston, that Police Chief be
PURCHASE CAR I autt~orized to look for an undercover car,
AT $1,000 limited to a price of ~1,000.00 and subject
to approval of the Mayor and Councilman
Byrd. Motion carried°
REDRAFT OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ORDINANCE 96, Councilman Humeston, that~ City Attorney
RE VAC. & LIC. redraft 0r~inance 96, changing the Vaccina-
OF DOGS tion and Licensing age of dogs to four
months. Motion carried.
~ City Attorney excused from the meeting.'
CAMP FIRE GIRLS Moved by Councilman Byrd seconded by Council-
~ be
TO SELL PEANUTS ~man Sheridan, that Camp- ire Girls
1-12-thru 1-29 granted permission to conduct a peanut sale
in the city from January 12 through January 29,
1962. Motion carri!ed.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded ~y
INCREASE OF Councilman Mack, that Accident Insurance on
CITY FIREMEN City~Firemen be increased as follows:
ACCIDENT 'tCompensation from ~2~.00 to ~30.0~ per
INSURANCE week; Death Benefits from ~2500o00 to
~000.00. At an increase in cost of
approximately ~81.00." Motion carried.
ORANGE COUNTY Letter and Resolution from the Orange
WATER DISTRICT County Water District referred to the
LETTER City Attorney.
VARIANCE FEE Reque~ of George Holstein & Sons for refund
RETURN OF HOLSTEIN of ~25.~0 Variance Fee referred to City
CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Comncilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
FILED Humeston that correspondence be received and filed.
Motion carried. i
COMMITTEE TO STUDY Mayor appointed the follbWin~ committee to study! vacant
VACANT PROPERTY TO property to be acquired by the city and see if any use
BE ACQUIRED BY could be made of it at this time; Councilman Sheridan,
THE CITY chairman, Coun~ilman Mack and Councilman Humeston.
CHIEF SISSEL TO ChieflSissel requested to study 1 and 2 hour parking
STUDY PARKING for both First Street and D Street and report at
SIT. On FIRST & D next regular meeting.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Byrd, that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Santa Ana Engraving l ~93.87
John Siegel & Co .... 110.00
MacFarlafie Service Co. 144.26
Sargent & Sowell, Inc. 28.31
Munselle Supply Co~ 4;94
Ruth C. Poe expenses . .
Petty Cash replenishment 9;00
L.W. Bemis Co .... 171.08
Bancroft-Whitney Co. 21.84
Tustin Hardware . .
Roy Carver Pontiac : 8.03
i ~ Martin & Chapman Co.'L~d~ 40.04
Inter Mr. Assoc. Fire Chiefs 15.00
National Fire Protection Assoc 25.00
Californi~ Tree Service, Inc. 300.00
J. C. Penny Co. . .10.36
Pirate Book Store . 9.98
Farnsworth Jewelry 3.38
Tustin News
Kenneth O Hebiri,'D.Oi 977.84
· · 27.50
Santa Ana Restaurant Equip. 6.24
Blower Paper Co. 31.00
Moved'by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Mack, that meeting beadjourned. Motion carried.