HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 11 06 291 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 6, 1961 Meeting called to order by Mayor Kidd at 7:~0 P.M. PRESENT: Kidd, Hu~meston, Sheridan, Byrd, Mack ABSENT: None CITY ENGINER: McBride, present CITY ATTORNEY: R6urke, present APPROVAL OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman MINUTES Sheridan, that the minutes of October 16th regular meeting and adjourned meetings of October 17th, 27th and 30th be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. VANDERLIP & Hearing on Vanderlip and Rowan Annexation reconvened. ROWAN ANNEX. City Clerk reported assessed valuation of territory RECONVENED within annexation to be $375,000.00. Assessed valuation of owners protesting $136,830.00. HEARING Moved by Councilman Humes~on, seconded by Council- CLOSED man Sheridan, that hearing be closed. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- INSUFFICIEN~ man Humeston, that the Council finds insufficient PROTEST protests on Vanderlip & Rowan Annexation. Motion carried. .Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by C6uncil- ORDINANCE man Bynd, that Ordinance No. 158, ~An Ordinance NO. 158 TO of the City of Tustin, calling= a special election HAVE FIRST to be held on the 9th day of January, 1962, per- READING BY raining uo the Vanderlip & Rowan Annexation to TITLE ONLY the City of Tustinm have its first reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE N0. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- 159 TO HAVE man Humesuon, that 0rd~nance No. 159 "An Ordinance FIRST READlING of the City of~Tustin, calling a special election BY TITLE to be held within the City of Tustin on the 9th ONLY .day of January, 1962, pertaining to the Vanderlip- Rowan Annexation co the City of Tustin' have its first reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. BEN BROWN Hearing on "Ben Brown Annexation" reconvened. ANNEX. RECON. Clerk reported no protests to "Ben Brown NO PROTESTS Annexation.= HEARING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by CLOSED Councilman Mack,~ that hearing be closed. Motion carried. NO PROTESTS Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Humeston that the Council finds no protests to the ~Ben Brown Annexation". Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Mack, that Ordinance No. 160, 160 BE READ "An Ordinance establishing zoning and BY TITLE ONLY building line setback requirements for the territory known and designated as 'Ben Brown Annexation', to the City of Tustin,~ have its first reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Sheridan, that Ordinance No. 161 TO HAVE 161, man 0rdinance~approving the annexation ITS FIRST of certain uninhabited territory, designated, READING BY 'Ben Brown Annexation' ~o the City of Tustin, TITLE ONLY. California, have its first reading by title only· motion carried unanimously. MCFADDEN-NEWPORT Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ANNEXATION BE Councilman Byrd, that ~McFadden-Newport REFERRED TO Annexation~ be referred to the Planning PLANNING Commission for recommendation and report. COMMISSION Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council- msn Mack, that the Street Commissioner be authorized to purchase a McCulloch chain saw at a cos~ no~ to exceed $175o00. Motion carried. RAYMOND P. FERDIG Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ACCEPTED AS A Councilman Byrd, that Raymond Paul Ferdig be VOLUNTEER FIREMAN accepted as a Volunteer Fireman, as per request of Chief Hilton. Motion carried. UNITED CEREBRAL Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by PALSY ASSOC. Councilman Sheridan, that permission be CAMPAIGN IN granted United Cerebral Palsy Assoc. to JAN. 1962 conduct. a campaign within .the city on the llth, 12th and 13th of january, 1962. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council- SHERWOOD ESTATES man Humeston, that permission be granted SIGN TO BE ERECT- Carter Sign Co. on behalf of 'Sherwood Estates, ED BY CARTER SIGN Tract ~014, to erect a subdivision advertising COMPANY strncture 10' x 30' double faced on Lot I and feature signs~4' x 4' double faced on Lots #1, #2, #3, #4,~#~, #31, and #32 of ~aid Tract 4014, all as shown o~ submitted Tract Map. Motion carried. CIVILIAN DEFENSE Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by SUPPLIES TO BE Councilman Mack, that Chief Sissel be authorized PICKED UP AT ~o arrange for truck and driver ~o go to CAMARILLO Camarillo, California for Civilian Defense supplies. Motion carried. MR. HUMESTON & Mayor Kidd appointed Mr. Humeston and Mro MR. MACK APPOINTED Mack to the Chamber of Commerce, Man of TO CC, MAN OF YEAR the Year Committee.~ COMMITTEE Moved by Councilman'S~eridan, seconded by CORRESPONDENCE TO Councilman Mack, that correspondence be re- BE FILED ceived and filed. Motion carried. 293 Movedby. CouncilmanMack, seconded by Councilman ORDINANCE NO. Byrd, that Ordinance No. 157, a zoning ordinance 157 TO BE READ for the Cityof~Tustin, be read by title only. BY TITLE ONLY Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF MovedUby Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- ORDINANCE NO. man Mack, that. Ordinance No. 157. be passed and 157 adopted.~Motion carried~by roll call, all Council- men voting Aye. Moved~by. Councilman Mack, seconded by CounciIman RESOLUTION Humeston, thatRe~olution No. 569, '~REQUESTING NO. 569 TO BE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE COUNTY FOR CIVILIAN READ BY TITLE DEFENSEBE READ BY TITLE ONLY.~ Motion carried un- ONLY animously ..... Moved~b~[~Sunciiman Mack, seconded by Councilman ADOPTION OF ,Sheridan, that Resolution No. 569 be passed and RESOLUTION ~adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Council- NO. 569 men voting Aye. Moved by Councilman°Byrd, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION Mack that. Resolution No. 570, ~URGING CREATION OF NO. 570 TO AN EXEMPTION. FROM PROPERTY TAX FOR ALL PRIVATE '~ be read by title only. Motion BE READ BY FALL-0UTSHELTERS, TITLE ONLY carrledunanimously.~ ADOPTION OF Moved,by C~uncilman Mack, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION ~Sheridan, that Resolution No. 570 be passed and NO. 570 ,adopted. Motion carried. RESOLUTION RE ~Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- CONTINUITY OF man Mack, that request for a resolution pertaining CITY GOVT. TO to continuity of City Government be referred to a COMMITTEE committee. Motion carried. MR. SHERIDAN Mayor Kidd appointed Councilman Sheridan, Chairman APPOINTED of said committee with authority to appoint members CHAIRMAN as he sees fit. AUTHORIZATION Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman FOR LEASE & Sheridan, that the Mayor and City Clerk be author- SALE OF ized to execute lease and sale documents for ARMSTRONG PRO- Armstrong property at the sale price of $75,000.00. PERTY AT $75,000. Motion carried. On a motion of Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Humeston, Mr. F. Morris was appointed ~ ~'~ to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission to serve the unexpired term of Frank Clark. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Byrd, that bills begaid. Motion carried. Bills' Sweeping Service .......... $105.00 Carson & Golding ................. 51.51 Santa Ana Book Store ............. 8.42 B · Van Hove & Dean Garage ........... 40.71 Signal 0~l Co .................... 257.23 I County of Orange, Sheriff's Dept. 37-70 Graves & Howley ................. 18.82 L Bob's Wilshire .................. 2.64 Tustin Radio & TV ............... 8.26 L First West Bank(~tilities) ...... 341~09 Marchant Nursery ................ 31.20 S Ben Wheelock .................... 185.50 J. L. McBride ................... 730.00 Orange County Ins. Agency ....... 244.52 James Rourke ............... .. $270.00 Tustin Fire Dept ............. 208.50 Blower Paper Co .............. 8.01 /Dennis Printers .............. 2.03 Kleen Line Corp .............. 7-65 MotorsFuels, Ltd ............. 3.12 U.S.Pencil Co., Inc .......... 12.84 State Comp. Ins. Fund, ....... 1000.00 B John F. Wardlow .............. 131.50 Buel A. Williamson .......... 20.00 I Tustin Hardware ............. 94.54 Martin Bowman ............... 7.21 L Orange County Radiotelephone 30.00 Les Johnson ............... 20.48 L G.B. Grant ............... 7.50 Fire Extinguisher Main .... 29.42 S Tustin NeWs ............... 4.31 Santa. Ana Book Store ...... 8.42 Davis Stationers .......... 3.28 Hardy & Harper ............ 359.35 Blystone Machinery Co ..... 52.50 Walker SignCo 140 00 McCoy~Sheet Metal ........... 3.12 Santa Ana Engraving ......... 4.68 County of 0range:(roads) ..... 884.99 G. A. Thomas ................. 348.94 Santa Ana Office Supply ...... 91.89 Orange CoUnty Blueprint ...... 32.86 Santa. Ana Blueprint ...... ,... 4.57 Bank of America, WH Tax for 06 765.10 First West. Bank (utilities). 185.56 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack, that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. I ~ROME C KIDD, MEYDR RUTB~C. POE, CITY.CLERK Above Minutes amended by Minute Order of . December 15th to include: "That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute lease and sale documents for .purchase and lease-option over a several year neriod of the Armstrong prooerty for a t.o,t~l consideration of $75,000~00, or, i.n ,the alternative, that the City Attorney be authorized and directed to acquire the .. . property by ,condemnation, or otherwise."