HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 G.P. AMEND 86-2A 03-03-86 ...... '~ PUBLIC HEARINGS 3-3-86 Inter - Corn March 3, 1986 ~V~F~'~J TO: FROM: S U BJ ECT: APPLICANT: REPORT: HONORABLE HA¥OR AND CI'l~ COUNCIL COI~4UNITY DEYELOPHENT DEPARTHENT GENERAL PLAN AHENDMENT 86-2a CIT~ O~ llISTIN AN AMENINIENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELENENT OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADDING TEXT MID DIAGRAMS TO TIlE EXISTING EI. ENENT RECOBIIENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and adopt the amended Circulation Element by the approval of Resolution No. 86-27. S~I~ARY: The staff report presented to the Planning Commission has been enclosed for your review and consideration. The Commission considered this item at its regular meeting on February 24, 1986, and adopted Resolution No. 2307 by a vote of four ayes to zero noes. The approved resolution recommends to the City Council the adoption of the'amended Circulation Element. Basically, the amended Element incorporates the work done by Austin/Foust Associates in modeling current and projected traffic conditions in the city of Tustin. This study was presented in a Council workshop in February of 1985 and the recommendation was to utilize the traffic study in the preparation of an amended Circulation Element. Along with traffic information, discussions related to public transit and the County Bikeway Program are included. The City's Scenic Highway Element will be incorporated into the Circulation Element in keeping with a recent change in State law. ~rD~ARD KNIGHT, Senior Planner EK:do Report to the Planning Commission ITEM NO. 3 DAT~: SUB4ECT: APPLI~CA~: REQUEST: FEBRUARY 24, 1986 GENERAL PLAN AHENDMENT 86-2a CITY OF TUSTIN AN AMENOMENT TO THE ClRCULATZOII ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF TUSTZN, ADDING TEXT AND DIAGRAMS TO THE EXISTING ELEMENT. SIJII~IRY: In 1984, the City retained the services of Austtn/Foust Associates,. a traffic and circulation consu]tant, to prepare a traffic analysts for the 'City of Tustin. The consultant utilized the City's. Arterial Highway Plan, current conditions and future projections to analyze the current and future traffic conditions in the community. Additionally, he presented recommended changes to the arterial plan to deal with future traffic conditions. The study was finished in early 1985, and presented to the Council in a workshop in February, 1985. The staff recommendation was to receive the study and utilize it in the preparation of an amended Circulation £1ement. Further changes were incorporated into the study and it was completed in May and presented to the Planning Commission in August, 1985. After the Commission workshop, staff has incorporated the work contstned in this traffic study, along with other pertinent items, to produce the proposed Circulation Element. Elements of this document fnc]ude: 1. Current traffic conditions, 2. Projected traffic in the year 2000, 3. Goals and traffic policies, 4. The relationship to the County Master P]an of Arterial Highways, 5. Implementation Program, 6. Financing Methods. Also incorporated into the Element are public transit goals and objectives,' incorporation of the County Bikeway Program, and transference of the Scenic Highways Element to the Circulation Element. i Community Development Department Planning Commission Report February 24, 1986 page two Staff does not recommend any changes to the current arterial highway plan, with the exception of Irvine Boulevard, between Newport Avenue and Browning Avenue, where a recommendation to upgrade to a six lane primary is made. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2307, recommending adoption of the amended Circulation Element to the City Council. BACKGROUND: The first General Plan for the City was adopted in 1966, and at that time the County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways was used as the diagram for the future circulation. 'The City formally adopted the County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways as the City's Arterial Plan and made it a part of the Tustln Area General Plan in 1970. Annually, a resolution is adopted by the City Council certifying that the Arterial Plan of the City of Tusttn is in conformance with the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. In 1984, the City retained the services of Terry Austin of Austin/Foust Associates, a traffic and circulation planning firm. They prepared a traffic analysis report for the City of Tustin present and future, utilizing the existing arterial highway plan. The study was prepared and submitted to a City Council workshop in February of 1985. Further changes were made and the report was completed in May and peesented to the Planning Commission in August of 1985. The recommendation from both bodies was to utilize the subject report in the preparation of an amended Circulation Element. DISCUSSION: In the intervening months since August, staff has utlized the information in the traffic study, plus additional information, to produce the'proposed CirculatiOn Element. Most of the information in the Element is not new to the Commission or Council, since is was presented in the Austin study. The Element examines the current traffic conditions and capacities, and uses existing demographic data to project growth for the City and outlying regions, since the City is significantly affected by- regional traffic. These data are used to project traffic demand and capacity needs on the planned circulation system. It is the intent of the City to maintain consistency with the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways, and the Circulation Element contains a section on the MPAH and its relationship to the City's plan. The final section identifies the implementation program, the City transportation system, and the possible funding resources for those improvements. Corn munity Development Department Planning Commission Report February 24, 1986 page three The City proposes to maintain its current arterial plan with only one change. The EIR for the East Tustin project indicated a regional traffic load that would require the upgrading of Irvine Boulevard between Newport Avenue to Browning Avenue to a six lane major. The proposed element would upgrade this section of Irvtne Boulevard to a six lane primary to increase the capacity. The six lane primary would allow the City to upgrade the capacity within the existing right-of-way, and not require expensive acquisition and reconstruction to a major highway right-of-way. Also included as a part of the Circulation Element will be the County's Master Plan of Bikeways and a section on public transit in the community. Further, in keeping with a recent change in State law, the scenic highway element will be incorporated into the Circulation Element. Senior Planner £MK:em Community Development Departmen~ 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 86-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-2a, AMENDING THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIN AREA'-~ENERAL PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: The City Counctl finds and determines as follows: A. That Sectton 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California provtdes that when tt ts deemed to be tn the public Interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. Be¸ That the City of Tustln is the applicant, requesting this amendment to the Circulation Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. Ce That in accordance with Section 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing before the City Council was duly called, noticed and held for the purpose of amending the Circulation of the Tustin Area General Plan. The amendment is presented in text form as Chapters I through VIII plus appendix of the Circulation Element. The City of Tustin Arterial Highway Plan is shown as Figure V-4 of the Circulation Element. De That an initial study was prepared for the subject amendment, and a Negative Declaration is hereby adopted based on the following findings: That the City of Tustin has considered EIR 85-2, which recommends that Irvine Boulevard between Newport Avenue and Browning Avenue be upgraded to a six lane capacity, and the significant effects of that change have been considered as part of that review. That the City of Tustin does not propose any additional changes to the currently adopted Arterial Highway Plan. That the proposed text will not have a significant effect on the environment, and that a Negative Declaration satisfies the requirements of CEQA for this text. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23: 24 2~ 27 28 Resolution No. 86-27 Page two. That the proposed amendment will be in the public interest and will not be detrimental to the public heal th, safety, and general wel fare. F. That the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 2307 recommending adoption of GPA 86-2a to the City Council. II. The City Councti does hereby approve General Plan Amendment 86-2a amending the Circulation Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 198 Attest: FRANK GR£INKE, Mayor MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk 1 2 3 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 2i 26 RESOLUTION NO. 2307 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL T~_ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-2a, AMENDING THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIN AREA' GENERAL PLAN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That Section 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. That the City of Tustin is the applicant, requesting this amendment to the Circulation Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. That in accordance with Section 65358 of the Government Code of the State of California, a public hearing before the Planning Commission was duly called, noticed and held for the purpose of amending the Circulation of the Tusttn Area General Plan. The amendment is presented in text form as Chapters I through VIII plus appendix of the Circulation Element. The City of Tustin Arterial Highway Plan is shown as Figure V-4 of the Circulation Element. That an initial study was prepared for the subject amendment, and a Negative Declaration is hereby recommended to the City Council, based on the following findings: 1.. That the City of Tusttn has considered EIR 85-2, which recommends that Irvine Boulevard between Newport Avenue and Browning Avenue be upgraded to a six lane capacity, and the significant effects of that change have been considered as part of that review. 2. That the City of Tustin does not propose any additional changes to the currently adopted Arterial Highway Plan. e That the proposed text will not have a significant effect on the environment, and that a Negative Declaration satisfies the requirements of CEQA for .this text. 1 2 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ 28 Resolution No. 2307 Page two That the proposed~ndment will be in the public interest and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general Welfare. II. The Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that General Plan Amendment 86-2a be approved, amending the Circulation Element of the Tusttn Area General Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTE~) at a regular/me, ting of the Tusttn Planning Commission, held o, the ?.~ d,y ofTJ ~jF~J ~ . ~ ~-. ~ ~~ Chai rmn O0N~ ORR, Recording Secre~ry ~TAT~ OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) CITY OF TUSTiM ) I, DONNA ORR, ~he undersigned, hereby cer~cifY Pa: I am :he Recording Secre:ry of Re Pl~nnin9 Commission of :he Ci~ of ?us:in, C~liforni~; ~a= ~esolu:ion ~o.~~ w~s duly passed and adop:ed ~ a regu[~e~tng of ~e TusSle.Planning Co~=~on, held on ~e~ DONNA ORR Recording Secret~r~