HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 10 16284 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 16, 1961 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M.. by Mayor pro tem Humestono PRESENT: Humeaton, Byrd, Mack, Sheridan ABSENT: Kidd CITY ENGINEER:' McBride, p~jesent CITY, ATTORNEY: ~Rourke, present OCTOBER 2ND Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman MEETING MINUTES Sheridan, that minutes of October 2nd meeting be APPROVED approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. COMMITTEE RE Moved .by Counci~lman Sheridan, seconded by Council- WATER WORKS. man ~iack, that the Mayor appoint a committee to APPOINTED TO st~udy ,the ~repor. t .of. the Water Works and report find- REPORT TO ! ings t.o-the C~ouncil at a later date. Motion carried. COUNCIL AT A LATER Mayor ~pr~o otem Humeaton appointed Mr. Mack, Fire DATE Chief JtZlton and Mr. R'ourke, a committee to work wLth Mr. Rowenhorst on water and hydrant problems. MAYOR GRANTED On motion .off C.ouncilman Mack, seconded by Council- ADDITIONAL TIME man Sheridan, the Mayor was granted additional OUT OF STATE tLme tlo .be out~ of the state. Motion carried. Maved by Councilman S.heridan, seconded by Council- CITY OWNED man Mack, .that permission be granted the Tustin STAGE TO BE Square ~lerchants Association to use the city-owner USED stage .on gat,urday, October 28th, as per letter of request., Mati.on carried. DALE MUNSON T0 Mo. ved ~by bouncilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- RECEIVE 8 DAYS man By~cl, that Officer Dale Munson be granted 8 PAY IN LIEU OF days pay in lieu of vacation time. Motion carried. VACATION Moved .by C.ourmilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman BSA TROOP #33 Mack, that permission be granted Boy Scout Troop #33 TO SEE CHRISTMAS to hold annual Christmas Tree Sale at 355 West First TREES Str:eet, Tustin. Motion carried. PARKING PROBLEMS Letter from the Toustin Day School regarding parking AT TUSTIN DAY problems in front of ll21 Laguna Road, referred to SCHOOL Chief of Police for report at next regular meeting. Motion carried. ELMER LEES RE- Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- QUEST FOR 20 man Mack, that request of Elmer Lees for 20 minute MINUTE PARKING parking in front of 520 W. First Street be referred to Chief of Police for report at next regular m~eet- ing. Mot ion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- RECEIVED & FILED man Mack that correspondence be received and filed. Motion carried. CIVILIAN DEFENSE RESOLUTIONS for Civilian Defense deferred to RESOLUTIONS DE- next meeting° FERRED 285 ZONING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- ORDINANCE man Byrd, that Zoning Ordinance No, 157 with Zone NO. 157 Map marked Exhibit!A, have first reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- PROPERTY AT man Mack, that the matter of property at Third & 3RD & "D" "D~ Streets be referred to the potential seller STREETS PRICED for a counter proposal and offer on possible ac- TOO HIGH AT quisition of property in question, stating that $78,500 ~offered p~ice of $78,500.00 is unexceptable by the Council. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- NAMES AFFIXED man Mack, that Mayor Kidd, Mayor pro tem Humeston TO SIGNATURE and Councilman Byrd, be empowered to sign checks CARD FOR THOSE for the Council and Mrs. Poe and Mrs. Kortmeyer to EMPOWERED TO sign for the office of the City Clerk and these SIGN CHECKS names be affixed to S~gnature Card of First West- ern Bank of Tustin. Motion carried. MAP TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- DRAWN RE man Mack, that the City Engineer draw up a map on 1ST SOUTHERN First Southern Baptist Church Annexation at San BAPTIST CHURCH Juan and Red Hill and any contiguous property ANNEXATION that may wish to join the city. Motion carried, MAP TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- DRAWN RE man Mack, that the City Engineer draw up a map for PANNELL Pannell Annexation request and any contiguous pro- ANNEXATION petty that may wish to join the city. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- INCREASE OF man Byrd, that the city increase bodily injury LIABILITY liability insurance limits from $100/300,000 to INSURANCE $250/1,000,000 and the property damage from $50,000 to $100,000 at an annual additional premium of $260.00 all as per letter of D. B. Carmichael, Orange County Insurance Agency. Motion carried. Moved~y Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman MaR that the bills be paid. Motion carried. Auto Service Center . $45.30 Tustin Paint Store · · · 52.13 Hawkins-Hawkins-Hawkins 6o. 42.56 B L.L. Blount, M.D. 15.00 Tustin Radio & T.V. 10.87 ! Mullin Lumber Co. 14.04 ~ First Western Bank 6.50 L Tustin Hardware Co ..... 9-09 Atlas Coverall & Uniform Co. 11.85 L Hanson & Peterson · . . 220.00 Orange CoUnty Radiotelephone. 30.00 S] F. Morton Pitt Co. 44.92 Lea Johnson ....... 36.37 Smith-Corona Marchant, Inc 8.32 Hall, Haynes & Assoc. 88.00 R. J. Noble Co. 785.00 n. j Noble Co ..... 1365.00 Bill~s Sweeping Service 172.50 Kenneth O. Hebard, D.O. 10.00 Carson & Golding 101.78 Ben Wheelock . 80.50 Orange County ~i~le 6o~ 10.00 Tustin News 113.70 286 MEETING .Moved ~by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ADJOURNED Councilman Mac. k, that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. VINC:ENT'L. ~U~ES+~N MAYOR fRO TEM ~U~ C. POE, CITY CLERK