HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 10 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 2, 1961 Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.~M. by Mayor Kidd. Present: Kidd, Humeston, Byrd, Mack, Sheridan Absent: None City Attorney: Rourke, present City Engineer: McBride, present MINUTES OF Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman SEPT. 18th ~Sheridan that minutes of September 18th meeting APPROVED be approved as mailed and received. Motion carried. 1962 PONTIAC Moved by Oouncilman Sheridan, seconded by AUTHORIZED Councilman Byrd that Chief Sissel be authorized TO BE PURCHASED to secure 1962 Pontiac as per bid of Roy Ca~er. FROM ROY CARVER Motion carried. JUVENILE LAWS Motion made by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by TO BE LOOKED Councilman Mack requesting the C~ty Attorney to INT0 BY CITY' look into present juvenile laws and report to ATTORNEY the City Council. .Motion carried. FIRE CHIEF TO Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman RECOMEND Humeston that the problem of water pressure be re- WHERE LARGER ferred to the Fire Chief to seleqt critical low RISERS WOULD pressure points in the city and make recommendations HELP WATER to the Council as to where larger rises would help. PRESSURE Motion carried. STUDENTS GIVEN Moved b~ Councilman Sheridan, se6onded by Council- PERMISSION man Mack that permission be granted the ITustin TO SOLICIT Union High School for the chorus students to 10-28-61 solicit funds on Saturday, October 28~h. Funds .. to be used to replace the school pipe organ. Motion carried. SEASONAL INCOME Letter from Business Consultants, Inc., request- TAX OFFICE RE- ing a certificate of occupany to operate a FERRED TO seasonal income tax office from a trailer was COUNTY BLD.DEPT. referred to County Building Department. GIRL SCOUT Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by COUNCIL TO Councilman Byrd to grant permission to CONDUCT SALE Santiago Girl Sco~t Council to conduct a 11-3 to 11-18-61 calendar sale in this City from November 3rd through November 18, 1961. Motion carried. MR CLARK'S · Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RESIGNATION Councilman B rd that letter of resignation ACCEPTED- of Frank N. ~lark from the Tustin Plarn~.ing LETTER TO BE Commission be accepted, effective immediately SENT TO HIM and letter o~ thanks and commendation sent to Mr. Clark. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RECEIVED AND Councilman Mack that correspondence be re- FILED ceived and filed. Motion carried. $70,000 TO BE Mr. Humeston report~l that the committee OFFERED FOR for acquisition of property for the Civic CIVIC CENTER Center recommended that the City Attorney PROPERTY make an offer of $70,000 for said property. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by CITY ATTORNEY Councilm~n Humeston that the City Attorney AUTHORIZED TO be authorized to submit offer for Civic SUBMIT OFFER FOR Center property as worked out by the CIVIC CENTER committee.~ Motion carried. Motion made by Councilman ~heridan, :secOnded AGREEMENT SIGNED by Councilman Byrd authorizing the Mayor and WITH COUNTY FOR City Clerk to sign agreement with the County PAINTING & STRIP- of Orange for street painting.aM striping. ING STREETS Motion carried. LETTERS TO BE SENT BY Mr. Sheridan requested that anyone interested PERSONS INTERESTED in serving on the city Planning Commission IN SERVING ON write a letter of request to the City PLANNING COMMISS;ION Council for consideration. MINUTE ORDERS After a discussion of proposed Zone Or- PASSED dinance and Map, the following Minute Orders were passed: Moved by CobtncilmanHumeston, seconded by 60UNCIL NOT IN Councilman-Byrd that the Council recommend FAVQR OF ANY to the Planning Commission that they are CHANGE IN ZONING not in favor of any changes in the zonihg OF THE YORBA ST. of the Yorba Street Annexation. Motion ANNEXATION carried - Mr. Sheridan abstained from voting. PROPERTY ON N/W Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by CORNER REFERRED Councilman Humeston that property of TO PLANNING COM, Mr. Scarbrough on the N/W corner be COUNCIL NOT IN referred to the Planning Commission FAVOR OF ANY stating that the Council is not in favor CHANGES IN ZONING of any changes in zoning as zoned in IN REVERE ANNEX. Revere Annexation. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mac.k, seconded by REVERE ANNEXATION Councilman Humeston .that above motion TO REMAIN C-2 :be amended to include all property in Revere Annexation to remain C-2 as annexed. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by DIXON TUBBS' Councilman Mack that property of Dixon PROPERTY BE Tubbs on First Street bounded on West LEFT C-2 by Tustin Avenue, East by Freeway - also triangular piece East of Freeway be left C-2 as presently zoned. Motion: carried. MOved by CoUncilman ~heridan, ~econded ZONE C-HANGE FROM oby Councilman Humeston that request for C-1 TO C-2-P on zone change from C-1 to'C2-P on bot~ BOTH SIDES FIRST sides of First Street from "D~ Street ST. REFERRED TO to Newport Freeway be referred to the PLAN. COM. FOR Planning Commission for study and re- STUDY. commendation. Motion carried. COUNCIL IN FAVOR Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded OF PM-ZONING by Councilman Mack that request of INSTEAD OF C2-P Willham Moses, Tustin News, be referred IN CONNECTION to the Planning Commission stating that WITH WM. MOSES~ the Council is in favor of PM zoning REQUEST instead of C2-P as proposed. Motion carried. 283 LAST SENTENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded byCouncil- IN SECTION man Byrd that it be recommended to the Planning 5:22 to be Commission that the last sentence in Section 5:22 ENTIRELY reading, 'Nothing as set forth in this section DELETED shall be construed to require architectural ap- proval for electric, gas, water or telephone distribution and transmission substations' be entirely deleted.-Motion carried. MAYOR KIDD Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by GRANTED PER- Councilman Humeston that the Mayor be granted ~ MISSION TO permission to leave the state to returnby LEAVE CITY Monday, October 16th. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- man Sheridan that Bills be paid. Motion carried. - ~ BILLS . .Santa Ana Book Store . $ 7.76 J. L. McBride 425.00 Ben Wheelock .... 87.50 Hahn, Wise and Barber . 300.00 - TustinNews . . 237.67 · Rourke & Hol~r~ok 1,340.00 Natl. Fire Prot. AAsoA.i 24.49 B , Buel A. Williamson. . 30.75 Orange Dail~ News 68.90 I Stat'e Employment R~ti~e~ent. 32.55 Legal Book Store . 16.92 L Morgan Hilton 108.00 Santa Ana Valle~ ir~i~a~ign'C~. 1.65 Lo Jerome C. Kidd 26.00 santa Ana 0ffioe. . " 31.25 ' S First West. Bank (utilities) . 169.42 Signal 0il Co .... 110.25 Van Hove & Dean . . 155.22 .Tustin Fire Dept. . · 199.00 W. R. Haynes & Co. .. 88.00 MacFarlane Service in~.' . 29.95 Orange County Blue Print . . 65.00 Santa Ana Blue Print Co.. 19.11 Holthe Disposal (882 meters . 1,058.40 Marchant Nursery . 157.04 R. J. Noble Co .... 1,780.96 o Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Byrd that meeting be adjourned - motion carried. ~EEOME C. -