HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 09 182?8
September 18, 1961
Meeting called to order by Mayor Kidd at 7:40 P.M.
Present: Kidd, Humestcn, Byrd, Sheridan, Mack
Absent: None ~'~
City Engineer: McBride, present
'City Attorney: Rourke, present
MINUTES OF SEPT. On motion of Councilman Mack, seconded by
FIFTH APPROVED Councilman Sheridan and duly carried, the
minutes of September 5th meeting were ap-
proved as mailed and received.
OFFICER LAWLESS Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
TO ATTEND Councilman Mack that Officer Lawless be
LAW ENFORCEMENT sent to Law Enforcement School. Details
SCHOOL to be worked out by Chief Sissel. Motion
COUNTY NUMBERING Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by
SYSTEM TO BE Councilman Humeaton that the county
USED IN TRACT numbering system be used in Tract 4014
4014 and required yards will be in accordance
with Orange County standards. Motion
COUNTY ROAD DEPT. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded'by
TO PERFORM MATERIAL Councilman Mack that the city request the '
TESTS RE STREETS County Road Department to perform all
ETC. IN TRACT material tests and inspections on con-
4014 struction of streets, sewers and drains
in Tract 4014 and clerk so inform County
Road Department. Motion carried.
THEOLA KESSLING Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by
EMPLOYED AT Councilman Byrd that Theola Kessling be
$350.00 PER retained for Engineering Department at
MONTH IN THE $350.00 per month to serve at the pleasure
ENGR. DEPT. of the council. Motion carried.
FUTURE PLANS Colonel Williamson, Civilian Defense
OF CIVILIAN Director, spoke to the Council on future
DEFENSE plans and requirements of Civilian
PROGRAMS Defense program.
CHIEF HILTON Mayor Kidd appointed Fire Chief M. Hilton
AND DIRECTOR to work with Director Williamson investiga-
WILLIAMSON RE ting different types of air raid warning
DRAFT RE CONTINUITY City Attorney Rourke was requeste~ to
IN CITY GOVERNMENT prepare a draft of a resolution for
continuity in city government.
APPLICATION FOR Moved,by Councilman Humeston, seconded
PUBLIC FUNDS FOR by Councilman Mack that Civilian Defense
PUBLIC FALLOUT Director be authorized to make applica-
SHELTERS tion for public funds for public fallout
shelters. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION FOR City Attorney requested to draw, up a
EXEMPTION FROM resolution for the exemption from property
PROPERTY TAXF FOR taxes for building of private fallout
RESOLUTION TO City Attorney requested to work with Civilian
BE DRAFTED RE Defense Director in drafting a resolution ad-
FINANCIAL ASSIST- dressed to the C6unty Board of Supervisors, re-
ANCE FOR CIVIL questing financial assistance for the carrying
DEFENSE FROM out of Civil Defense program in this area, as
COUNTY BD OF approximately 96% of the area is under county
SUPERVISORS jurisdiction.
LINDGREN, Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
METZENTRIN Councilman Byrd that Deeds from Bank of America
AND B OF A National Trust and Savings Association, Harold
DEEDS BE A. and Vivian M.,Lindgren and Fred K. and Mary
ACCEPTED AND McG. Metzenthin be accepted and clerk to ack-
RECORDED nowledge and record. Motion carried.
PERMISSION GIVEN Moved byeCouncilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
GILBREATH TO Sheridan that permission. be granted C. T.
HOLD SQUARE Gil~reath of JamestoWn Village co hold square
DANCE dance. etc. as per letter of request and per-
mission to use the city owned stage. Motion
MR. WM. JECK Moved by Coluncilman Sheridan, sec6nded by
TAKEN ON AS Councilman Humeston that permission be granted
VOLUNTEER Chief Hilton to take on Mr. William Jeck as a
FIREMAN a volunteer fireman. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ST. CECELIA'S Councilman Humeston that permission be granted
CHURCH GIVEN St. Cecilia's Church Co use the warehouse on
PERMISSION TO Newport Ave. and Main St. as a temporary church
CONTINUE USE until January l, 1962, as per requestof Father
OF WAREHOUSE, ,JQhn Sammon. Motion carried.
Letter from Mr. B. Arnold of Engineering and
CIVIL DEFENSE .... Grading Contractors read and referred to
....... ~a~lout Shelter Committee of the County
, Building. Department.
~ ~ · ~M0*~d by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
BOSCH REALTY Sheridan to permit sign of Bosch Realty, Main
SIGN GIVEN .. S~r~t, Tust~n, California, to be placed on
O.K. front of existing canopy and to protrude a
..... total of 18 inches at cen~er point of sign.
Motion carried.
..... Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by
CIVIC CENTER Councilman Mack that'acquisition of property
COMMITTEE TO for Civic Center be deferred to next regular
STUDY AND council meeting for study, report and recom-
REPORT AT mendation of the committee. Said committee
NEXT MEETING to have the power co secure adequate appraisal,
sufficient for the recommendation. Motion carried.
$500 BOND TO Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
BE RETURNED TO Sheridan that clerk be authorized to re~urn $500.00
STALER INC. cash bond to Staler Inc. Motion carried.
ATTORNEY TO Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
DRAFT ORDINANCE Councilman Humeston that study for sign ordinance
FOR SIGN OR- be referred to the City Attorney for drafting and
DINANCE rec0mmenida~ions. MOtion carried.
CERTIFICATE OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
COUNTY CLERK & Councilman Byrd that certifications of County
CITY CLERK Clerk and City Blerk as to sufficiency of
RECEIVED RE names on petitions for Vanderlip & Rowan
PETITION FOR Annexation be received. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION 566 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
TO BE READ BY Mr. Byrd that Resolution 566 be read by
TITLE ONLY title only. Motion carried, unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ADOPTION OF Councilman Mack that Resolution 566 - a
RESOLUTION 566 resolution of the City Council of the City
RE SPECIAL of Tustin declaring its intentions to call
ANNEXATION a Special Annexation Election, and fixing
ELECTION a time and place for Protests by p~operty
owners - be passed and adopted. Motion
carried by roll call - all councilmen
voting Aye.-
ATTORNEY TO Mo~ed by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
REPORT ON Councilman Mack requesting city attorney to
THE FORMING report on possibility and legal formality of
OF SANITARY foFming a sanitary district for the city of
DISTRICT Tustin. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack that Resolution 560 be
REVERE HOUSE. drawn authorizing the City Attorney to
RESOLUTION 567 determine the amount of improperly dis--
BE DRAWN UP tributed sales tax from the Revere House
REQUESTING RE. and requesting its return of the Orange County
TURN OF IM- Board of Supervisors. Motion carried by roll
PROPERLY DIS call, all councilmen voting Aye.
Motion made by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Humeston authorizing the payment
of. Bills:
Petty Cash-Replen (R.C.Poe)...$ 44.22
Hanson & Peterson ............. 150.00
Atlas Coverall & Uniform ...... 3-95
B Orange County Auto Parts ...... 1.55
Auto Service Center ........... 147.39
I Patio Florist ................. 10.40
Tustin Hardware Co ............ 36.16
L Thermo-Fax Sales, Inc ......... 35.00
Kaare's Car Wash .............. 24.00
L Kenneth G. Hebard ............ 10.00
First West. Bank (utilities). 16.73
S Orange County Blueprint ...... 58.25
First West. Bank (utilities). 55-24
Tax Service of Orange County. 386.50
U.S. Post Office (stamps) .... 40.00
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Humes~on that the meeting be ad-
journed. Motion carried.