HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 09 05 275
Meeting called to order by Mayor pro tem Humeston at Z:35 P.M.
Present: Humeaton, Bvrd Mack Sheridan
Absent: Kidd
City Engineer: McBride, present
City Attorney: Rourke, arrived at v:40 P.M.
Upon the recommendation of City Engineer J. _.
R.J.NOBLE'CON- McBride, it was moved by Councilman Byrd,
TRACT (PROJECT seconded by Councilman Sheridan shat the contract
24) IMPROVEMENT of R. J. Noble Company for the improvement of
OF WEST MAIN ST.' West Main Street being PFoject 24, a major city
ADOPTED street, be accepted as completed in accordance
with the plans and specifications. Motion carried.
CURB CUT ON Moved by Councihnan Sheridan, seconded by Council-
6TH & D' man Macl~ that the change in curb cut on the north-
REFERRED TO ~est corner of 6tb ahd "D" Streets be referred to
ST. COMMISION- t~e Street Commissioner to be worked out with Mr.
ER McBride and work completed. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded. by Councilman
MINUTES OF Sheridan tha~ the.Ninutes of August 14th regular
8-14-61 adjourned meeting be approved as mailed ~nd re-
APPROVED ceived. Mction carried.
THANK-YOU Clerk directed to write a letter of appreciation
LETTER TO FABCO to Fabco Company and Martini& Co. for venetian
MARTINI " blinds installed in the Tustin Youth Center.
Motion made by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ANGELS BASE- Councilman B rd City
y . that the Attorney draw up a
BALL CLUB IN- resolutio~ Zn favor of inviting the owners of
VITED TO the Angels Baseball Club t~: locate their American
ORANGE COUNTY League baseball franchise in Orange County. Motion
carried by.roll call - all councilmen present
voting ~e.
TRAILER PARKS Letter from the County Health Department pertaining
HEALTH & to health and sanitation enforcements in Trailer
SANITATION EN- Parks be referred to the City attorney for study
FORCEMENTS and report.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
CORRESPONDENCE man.Byrd that qorrespondence be received and filed.
Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman D~ack, seconded by Councilmmn
MRS. STAFFORD Sheridan thqt City Clerk be authorized to hire
EMPLOYED Mrs. Stafford as full-time clerk at $]00.00 per
month to serve at the pleasure of the council.
Motion carried.
ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Mack seconded by Councilman
155 SECOND READ- Sheridan that Ordinance Ne. 155 have second
ING BY TITLE reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously,
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Sheridan that Ordinance Noo
155 - ABATE- 15.5, Relating to the abatement of unhealth-
HENT OF UN- ful or dangerous conditions created. by weeds~
HEALTHY CON- rubbish and other material, and providing for
DITIONS BY liens for the cost of removal~ be passed and
WEEDS ETC. adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all
ADOPTED Councilmen prsent voting Aye.
ORDINANCE NO. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
156 READING Councilman Byrd that Ordinance No. 156 have
BY TITLE ONLY second reading by title~only. Motion carried
ORDINANCE N0. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
156 RE TRAINING Counc~!man Byrd that Ordinance No. ~6 accept-
OF LAW ENFORCE ing the requirements of ~ection 13.522 of the
MENT OFFICERS Penal Code of the State of Californi~ relating
ADOPTED to t~etrai~ing of law enforcement officers,
be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll
call all councilmen present voting Aye.
BILLS TO BE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
PAID Councilman M&ck that Bills be paid. Motion
Assoc. Chambers of Commerce ........... $.50o00
Santa Ana Book ~ore .... ~ ............. 7.31
Orange Co. Business Service .......... 6.2~
Ben Wheelock ......................... 70.00
J. L, McBride ........................ 700.00
Vic!Case ............................ 2.5.00
Orange County Radiotelephone ....... 30.00
Signal Oil Co ...................... 98.00
Tustin Drug ........................ 3.12'
Buel A. Williamson (expenses) ...... 27.60
F. Morton Pitt Co .................. 3.5.80
Albro Fire Equipment Co ............ 8..53
Division of Highways ............... ?82.30
Orange Co. Title Co .................. ~.60
Atlas COverall & Uniform .............. 3.9.5
Lee Johnson ........................... 23.83
Mullin Lumber Co ...................... l~1-99
Carson & Oo!ding ...................... 80.10
Van Hove & Dean ....................... 119.81
L. A. Stamp & Stationery Co ........ :.. 78.~0
n S Porcelain Plant ............. 23 09
Tustin Paint Store .... ~ ................ 129.01
First West. Bank (utilities) .......... 388.6.5
Santa Ana Blue Print Co ............... 1.?0
Tustin Hardware ....................... 3l~3.04
Blower Paper Company .................. 2~.06
Jo] m dl 6 26
Santa Aria Office Supply .............
Tustin News ......................... 88.88
Tustin Pire Dept.. .................. 2.59.00
PaPasworth Jewelry Store ............
J. Rourke ........................... 8~0.29
Tax Service ......................... 386..50
Orange Co. Treasurer ................ 367.9!
Orange Co. Treasurer .........
RESOLUTION NO. Moved by Councilm~n Mack, seconded by Councilman
565 ADOPTED TO She~ida~ ~hat Resolution No. 565, declaring that
START BEN BROWN proceedings have been initiated to annex certain
ANNEXATION uninhabited territory designated "Ben Brown
Annexation~ be passed and adopted. Motion carried
by roll call, all councilman present voti~ Aye.
ATTORNEY TO SEND Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
LETTER TO Councilman Mack that the City Attorney be author-
PLANNING COM. ized to prepare a letter to the.City Planning
RE REQUIREMENTS Commission advising them of requirements for the
FOR GRANTING OF granting of variances and stating the council's
VARIANCES objections to apparent lack of adherence to
these requirements. Motion carried.
MEETING Moved by Councilma~ ~heridan, seconded by
ADJOURNED Councilman Byrd that meeting be adjourned.
Motion carried.
'Mayor Pro Tem