HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 04-07-86r Ze Il. IIio #INb*TES m: A REGU~m ~ING OF ~ C~TY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY flF 11JSTIN, GqLIIqMIMIA APRIL 7, 1986 The meeting wes called ~o order by Nayor Srs~nke aC 7:04 p.m. tn the Ctty Coun¢11 Chambers, 300 Cm~ceflntal ~y. The Pledge of Allegiance vas led by Counctlmn Hoestorey, a~ the Znvocattofl vas gtven by Count11mia Edgir. BOLL C~L Coun¢~ 1persons Present: Count1 lp~ons lbseflt: Others Pr~sen~: Frank H. 6retnke, Mayor Donald J. Saltarellt, Hayor P~o Tern Rtchird B. Ed~r R~ld B. U~ula E. ~ ~rl~ R. ~ay~, Chtef ~ Police Royl~ A. ~tt~, OtP. of C~. & ~n. S~cs. Rmild A. ~ult, F~n~e ~p~xtmtely ~ tfl ~ sodtmce UONS 14iyor Gr~fnke ~ a proclamation ~G~or~ng Keri Hoester~y for hts any ml~Nr ~tc~ tn ~or ~rm. Mr. hsterey thank~ the ~n~l. M Hayor Grttnim prssented a prnclamatton to Norm Metzger commending btm on hts rscent selecttofl as P~stdenC of the tiestmed Gold Club. 14r. I~z~r e~p~ss~d I~is thenks ~o the Counc~1. 84 3. SMUEL LYQNS - commm S~XVIC~ Hr. I.~onc eloqu~tly t~aflked the Counctl. H~ the~ ~ntroduced Ernest £1chlepp, n~ prestd~t of Reason 6utck Company. 84 Hayor Gretnke announced the follOW'lng excursions and events: Las Vegas Turnaround, Apr11 26 and 27, 1986 Catallna Crutse and Tours, May 17, 1986 E1 CamJno Reel Championship Cht1~ Cook-Off, June 1, 1986 TusCan Htstor4cal Soctety Tenth Anniversary Victorian Garden Pa~cy, Hay 4, 1986 General ~4un~c4pel Elec~on, Apr~l 8, 1986 · CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-7-86 V® ~l staff r~ ~ r~gt~ ~ pr~ by the C~dtty ~, p~r~ by the C~ntty Develo~t ~e publlc h~ ~s o~ by ~yor Gretnle at 7:25 p.m. ~ere ~ m ~ke~ m the rotter, a~ t~ ~bllc ~a~ng ms close. it ms th~ mv~ by Edglr, $~ by K~n~y, ~: 1) Dt~ gaff ~ mk. ~pr~ate ~ang~ ~ the B~tng Corri- dor defta~tt~ (terence Page 10, ft~t p~ragraph); 2) ~t~ gaff ~ s~ the E~ste~ ~dor m a11, f~ure ~u- ~ as r~tly ag~ u~ by Tusttn and 3) Dt~ ~aff ~ ~fl~t ~e ~rr~ status ~ ~tghts f~ John ~ M~ (~fe~ce P~ge 11, l~g paragraph); and ~ C~tty O~el~t 0tr~or pr~t~ the staff r~o~ and p~l~ by t~ C~ntty 0evel~ O~t. ~e Otrector ~ke FteTds, 37~ ~rk~ ]~, [~ne, ~ke tn favor of G~eral Plan ~t ~e~ ~ no other sp~ke~ m the ~tter, a~' the publlc hearlng ~s clos~ ~ 7:36 [t mS mv~ bff Saltare11~ s~ b~ Edgar, to ~pr~e ~eral Pl~ ~t ~Zc m tn. b~lS that It ls -tn the public ~t" ~ brtngt~ I htgh~uallty ~tcal ~re factllty I~o Tusttn. tn ~e to C~nctlmn H~te~y, the C~n~ty 0evelo~t 0t~or stat~ that the ~y ts pr~ently approv~ as an aM~t ~o3~t.~r long-tern ~ ~-transt~t ~tal ~cupancy. Zf chang~ to ~bllc & [nst4tuttonal (P&Z), all us~ Gld r~utre a ~ttt~il Use P~tt (~P). ]f the ~spttal cmve~K the ~a~ts f~ long-tern ~cu~ncy ~ s~-tem transt~cy for ~tMtt~ ~t~cy, tt Gld ~nsttt~e a ~ange ~n ~e ~u4rtng a use pe~t~ ~t~ ~unctl c~ld app~ or d~y, a~ ~uld be vt~ as a violation M 1ts p~s~ ~p~ la~ use. Transtency ts noilly constder~ up to 30 days. H~els/~els a~ n~ sup- ~sK ~ ~c~ ~at ~ mst ~y a trans4~t ~upancy tax for S~Ch, ~e C~ntty 0evelo~nt D~r~tor rKpond~ to Counc~t quKt~ons r~a~tng R-3 vs. P&] ~ne ~ulattons. He n~ that ~f the ~s- pttal h~ a~ tnt~tt~ of ust~ the p~pe~y for residential-type pu~os~ ~ch as sm~-te~ or ~tpatteK, they auld Zn response to the Hayor, Hr. Ftelds p~vtd~ a prellmtna~ ttm~ t~le of ~ developmnt plans for sub3~t prope~y ~11 b~ug~ back to Count11. ;y COUIKIL #INUTE$ Page 3, 4-7-85 ¢oun¢tlvmaen Kennedy atatnd that there has no~ been any ~os1 assur- ance the property will narc be used for drog or &l¢ohul rehabilita- tion. Idhon thy ne~ IxJtldtng wes al~ro~cl, the size of the hospital actually reduced. The hutldlng no~ betng constructed ts four sto- ries and ts & modtcal ofl'tce butldtng althuugh many people thtnk ts a hospital. 14r. Ftelds rlSpOfKInd that the second, thlrd and fourth ~'loors wtll be it¢I1 oft'tces for phystctaos. The eft'cite devoted tov~rd iI&ter~ servtcas (one-d~y surgery, phystcal therapy, all outpatient sorvtces)CO provtdi more o~c- pattent services. He assurod Councilucmin Kennedy that the hespt- tel v111 not be reduced further. CounctlIn Kennedy also expressed concern regarding buildtng hetght, SHe asked abou~ the possibility of a tonan~ relocation ~rogrI. 14ayor Grotnke expressed opposition CO relucatton bene¢its n thts tnstencI. The a.~ to the ma~tos by $altaro111 CO approve Generol Plan I 86-2c vlth 'the provision that tenants be alloyed up CO ntne months for rilocatten purposes tf requested Second. The ~ to the morton b~ Grotnke to ~prove General Plan Amenckaent 86-Zc ~tth the provision th&L the applicant sut)mtC develo~ plan CO Count11 vlthtn 14 mo~chs dted for lack o1' a second. ' ' Further Count11 discussion followed. CounctIIn Edgar ClUestloned placing a condition on the geflerol plan /. The Itty DeviIopment Otro~cor concurred, s~attng that at Chi General Plan I s~age, nothtng can be done to cG-.~tttoe I. let, ~ zone chiflbi ~s at the Planning Cmitsston level .nas~ tlNdtatIly follov, whtch vould then come Coun¢t1. Reck legislation / allowed couucils co condition zone changes vri~h the applicant's coflcurroucI. At that point, the Coun- ¢tl cosld condttien such Chtngs as ir of months to vacate the property, or perhaps a rolocatton package stipulating a month°s frmo r~n~o Such conditions could be pu~ into the zone change only tf the hospttal agreed Co same, The ort91nai .~cton by Saltaro111t seconded by £dgar, to approve GenerI1 Plan ~nendmen~ 86-2c on the b~sls that it ls 'In the ~b11¢ tn~erosC' by brtnging & high-quality 1t¢al care feciltty into Tusttn carried 4-Z, Kennedy opposed for r~asons GENEILiL KNI ~ 86-2e - ]800 ~ JUAN STREET - I~SOLUTZON NO. 86-42 The start' rapo~ and recommafldatton vero presef~cnd b~ the Coflenuntty Oevelopmont Otructor as contained in thy triter-cpm dated April 7, 1986, prepared by thy Conenuntty Oevelopment Dapart~nont. tiayor Grotnke expressed surprtse that at a recent meeting of The Church'of t. atter Day Saints, no mention wes m~de of Chis proposed W. He requested that the Director ndvtsa the church htshop of Council actton on sam. lqayor Grotnke opened the public heartng at 8:06 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the pub11¢ hearing vas closed. Tt vas then moved by ;dgart seconded by Hoestero~, to adopt the fo1 lowt ng: RF~LUTZOil NO. M-4Z o A RESOLUTTON OF THE CZTY COUNCZL OF THE; CZTY OF TUST~No C~LZPORNZA, NiENOZNG THE LAND USE ELI;~ENT OF THE G£NERN. Carr~nd 5-0. 56 CITY ~OUNCII. #INURES Psgn 4, ¢-?-86 e GEIIBML PUd AIENDflE]IT 86-~f LUTIOII NO. MM3 The COlluntty 0evelopMfl~ Otrector prisan~ed the s~aff re~or'c and recammanda~ton as contained in the Inter-corn ~ted Agrtl 7, 1986, pre~ared I~ the C~mu.t~y Devalol~mt The public heartng vas opened by Hi,or Grannie it 8:08 ~.~. There vara no spe~ers on the vattmr, and the publtc ha~rtng wis closed. Counctlean Ho~Sterey vo~lered hay many other ~lrclls under County 3ur~sdtctton ~ere zoned stngle-f--tl~ bu~ developed as multi° fmolly, and the pol:mntHal for tt reoccurring tn the future. It vis than moved by Hoester~ seconded b~ Kannedy, to deny Gen- eral Plan AmncmanC Counctl dtscusslofl follovad regarding spot zan~ng tn generat and rezontng sub;lect ~.-~q~rty to PlJO-Restdant~al o The mottofl carrted S-O. 56 ~ms then moved by Edqart seconded by Saltarellt, to dtrect staff report har~ to Plannlng ~,11551on aM Co, nc11 (recognizing the 1dca of' PUD) ~lth a zone change recommendation; and t1' necessary. recmesend a G4fleral Plan Mend~ that would no~ perpe~rata w~at ts there but have a prec'ctcaltty ot' ec¢,pttng ~hat we can do. Mo~to, carrted S-O.. 56 No~n: Pursuant to Count11 aC~o~ to any ~eral Plan Mend,~nt ~L"Zf, the follo~flg resolution vas no~ adopted: RESOUITIOII I~. 86-43 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF 3USTIN, CALIFORNIA, ~IENOING THE l.AND USE EL£~ENT OF TIE GENERAL Pt.M POR 13881 TO 1389S 8ROMIIN6. FRO# (SI=) SINGIZ-FAf~II.Y TO (~F) NULT; -FA#ILY At Counctlwmwn Kannedy's r~quest, the me. lng vas recessnd to the Redevnlopmm: Agency i~ 8:19 p.m. The moettng vas rKo,vi, ed ~t 8:41 p.m. vlth all members present. VI. PIIILXC INPUT E~lee~ Sally Vtntng, 400 gist I~atn Street, thanked the Counctl for 1ts Ktton on ~rch 17, 1986, to discontinue the study on any overlay zon- trig of H~tn Street. I~yor Gretnke graciously thanked Hfs, V~ntng for her CMiN,tS. VII. CON56m' gnLEm)M Items 5 and. 6 wire removed frmo the Consent Calendar by Gratnke. and Itl 10 b.v P4)EStlrlyo It vas than moved b.v Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the rmltnder of the Consent Calandar, Carrled 5-0. 1. AI~I~ML OF RIlIU1T. S - I'L~RC~ 7, 1985, ADJGURNED REGULAR ~I~ 2. ~ ~ ~ IN ~E ~ ~ $1,325,5~.66 3. ~I~I~ ~ FX~ ~ ~lN - YA~ ~, ~IN W. ~ Dent~ the A~pltci:ton ~o Ftle ~a:e ~]atm and dtrK:K ~he ~1~y C~e~ to n~t~y clatmn~ a~ clatmn~s ~preen~a~tve o~ such dKlal, as ~dK by the ~t~y A:to~ey. g r C~ ~Y COUNCIL Page S, 4-7~86 4. ~IOII I10. 66-44 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF 11JSTIN, CALIFORNZA, SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 43 (Conmunlty Pa~k- 1&rids Act of 1986) Adapted Resolution No. 86-44 as ~omended by the O~r~tor ~ Commm~t~ and Admtntstrmt~v~ Services. 77 7. IIf. qOLllTlOII ND. ~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1USTIN, CALIFONNIA, APPROVING Iq. AilS N(D S~ECIFICATIONS FOR BELL MENCE STORI4 DRAIN EXTENSION AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVER- TISE FOR BIDS Adopted R~soluCton No. 8G-4~ as ~ecmm~ded by the Engineering Division. 91 8. RF. SI]I. UrION ND. 8~-3~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~IJSTIN, CA, IN 9JPPONT OF THE REgOTE ACCESS NETHORK OF THE CALIFORNIA IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (CAL-ID) Adopted Resolution No. 86-38 ns reconamnded by the Ch~e¢ of Pollce. 82 ~r~ ~ ~1t~ts~ ~ ~c~s ~g~s ~ galnut Argue f~ Tra~ ~. 1~15; aM lut~rtz~ ~he ~yor ~ exK~e a ~CclatB ~ for satd ~l~nquts~t, subJ~t to Ctcy a~val of a plan for sitd ~, as r~d~ by the 0tr.- COP ~ P~11c ~rks/Ctty ~n~r. ~ No~ S - Fourth of Jui~ Ftrouorks Cou~ract - The ol~or ~nl~ ~nts~ttv. S~tc~ ~p~ to ~yor G~tnke. th~ staff c~ld att~ ~ n~l~e a ~llty clause for late ~ ~i~. All ~r~s ~atn t~ ~ ~ton for Ct~ t~tty~se, h ht~ly c~ ~ S~acula~' past per- fo~' ~o~ ~. hfl Dt~ Ft~s, ~tch ~s c~tract~ tn ~5. fo11~ng: S. ~t~r4ze ~ Ct~y ~nager ~ ~ute ~r~ tn the ~unt of ~,~ b~ the Ct~ and ~ S~tacular Ftr~s ~gny ~ ~-Gv4de a W~stcal s~ for the ~al F~h gly Cel~ratt~ as ~~ by 'the C~ntty ~a~t. The mtt~ ~a~K 6-0. 45; Consent ~11endm~ Ire No. 6 - E1 C~lno Ra~l CI~onsMp ~1t ~- o~ - counc11 co~u~ mt~ ~yor Grmtnke's ~u~t Co ~fer thts lt~ to ~tnctde Mth N~ ~stn~s No. 2 (s~ Pa~ 8). ~pr~rtaCe $2,~ f~ the G~eral Fu~ ~ s~ mney for the Z~ E1 C~no R~I Ch~tonshtp Ch~11 CooK~f~ as ~nd~ b~ ~ R~ton Supertn~.. 4~ Follovlng a question-and anser pertod, tt ~s moved b~ Kenned~ sec- onded b}, Saltare111, 1;o adopt the following: 10. RESQLUTION NO. 8~-37 - A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1USTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE COHPENSATION OF PART-TIHE EHPt,OYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Car~ed 5-0. 79 VIII. ORDIIINI~ FOR IIITHGgU~IOII l. CONTING~ CONSIDERATION OF ZONING ~INANC~ ~ NO. 8S-8 PI~IgI~ITION OF TOXIC td~STE ~ STATIONS - OROIIM/I~ NO. gr34 COUNCIL 14INUTES The ~,,Buntty Oevelopment Otraotor preseoted the staff r~or~ aa centatned tn h~s tnter-cm dated ~ortl ?, Tg86. Fran~ 6retnke, Jr,, reprasenttng the Tusttn Chamber of Commrce, stated that the ChaSer's posttton Is tho ordinance ts not nflded because adequate protection extsto for the Ctty to prevent enythtng drasttc rrm I~apentng tn Tusttn, and the tntent of the.laY was not to aboltsh waste otl. . Counctlvemn ICenned~ stated that the ordinance was never meant to tottmtdato ser~tce stattous rrm recycling motor otl. The tdou was that Tuottn dtd not want to he & reglouei center for toxtc waste. If Coun¢tl ts hesttent to adopt in ordinance, she suggested resolution ~tch would lot the enttra county knou that Tusttn wtll ~t tolerate, or go throug~ the use I~mtt pro,ess, for &toxtC ueato center t n Tustt n o coucurTed vtth the Chmher's posttton that tf ho:F-dg~r ,se ,.,et ti. to HI flit it no~ .tcIsaer~ ~o ~l'la~I II .... - evir~ use that could ever be peo~oued. Councllaan Hmter~ stated he was tn favor of the ordinance until he attainted meottngs of the Chaeber and Orange County Fire Oepart-. cent and ~earmed that 700 cmmfl c~aetca~s ara ltsted aa hazar- dous, He noted that thera ts probably ~o bustneSs tn toM1 that does not heft hezlrdous watartals. He d~d not see ~-,o'~ Counctl could det'tnltlvety structure en ordinance nou th~c would s~fld mssege to the county that sa3~ "dou't ever 'cam here." I~yor Pro Tm Saltarallt coucur~ed ~tth Counctl~mmfl Kennedy. He stated Tust, fl ts a Sell1 tram, It' ts the only ¢tty dtvtded tnto t~-- .-+~ ~rvtsoetal districts, and political decisions .r~..~'"_'~,_--,'..-.'o4. He felt tt ~se that Tusttn go on recor~ tO ~ln(] I1~ In that ~t does not want certain vastes or transfer stations. he su~gent~l that Cauacll ask legal staff ~o ~swarch the ar~ ~d fl~ ~ ~C the State a~ ~ntY p~t, a~ th~ ~aps con- st~r ~ ~tct~ ~ ~ ~o1~t~ that stat~ c~re ara ce~atn thtn~ Tusttn ftn~ un~C~C~le, Af~ fu~h~ discussion, tt wis ~v~ by [dgart s~ond~ ~ ~t~ ~ld ~kl Tunttn's p~ttt~ cl~r that tt d~ n~ t~ ~ ~vl i ~xtc ~ste transfer s~tlon ~thtn 1ts c4ty ~t1~ ~t~ ex~ml~ c~cl~ that tf Tusttn do~ a~ms ~ icier ~ a ~l~ai ~sts, ~era rill ~ an 4nceease tn t11~1 d~t~ of toxtc ~st~. ~c41~n ~n~ ~o1~ ~ tll~il ~tng ~lm. She ~ tha~ ~h ~he ~ ~ trafftc p~l~ tn the City, Tustt~ ~s ~ unltkely safe s~te for a ~xtc mate tr~sf~ statlon, Frank G~tnke, Jr.. mtte~t~ the Ch~tr's ~sttton ~ the ~er. The mttou carried 5-0. Note: There Nas no Couflctl actten on the folloutflg ordinance: ORDINN~[ NO. ga4 - kN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING ZONING OROINANC~ N~ENOI~ENT 8S-8 PROHIBITING THE DEVELOFNENT /glO/OR OPERATION OF TOXIC gASTE TRANSFER STATIONS ~ITH- IN THE CITY L[MITS · IX. CITY COUNCIL ~IWJTE$ Page 7, 4-7-86 I. ~ I~I~ItlAL$ OISCLO~I~ ~IIOIIIIUI~ & I~ATI~ ~ . ~I~ ~. ~ & ~I~ ~. ~14 ~ C~ ~ve]~t Ot~or pr~t~ t~ s~aff ~. He s~t~ ~ ~s ~ ~h ~ ~er ~ ~e ~ Orange C~y F~re D~a~ r~t~ the Chef's conce~s. ~e Otr~tor SCat~ t~t ~ Clty ~ ~e C~nty to ~fo~e f~. C~nct] ~ d~t~ ~h~ tt d~tr~ the ~unty ~ btI; the CtCy or the ~stn~s~ ~yor ~tnke ~ta~ ~ Wst~ton m thl ~Cter. ~yor ~e C~cy ~na~ clar~ft~ th,t thts Is StYe ~ndat~ ,~ a Mstt~ ~ ~ ~; ~y for' tr. The ~edHne for ~ect~t ~ thts has Ft~ ~hall ~ke ~ce s~e ~a~t~ C~ ~m a~ C~ exc~C~on for ~ka~ It vis t~en roved b~, Sattare11~ seconded by Edg~r. to conCtnue Chi fo1]ovtng Co Ag~I Z1 and ~o nave SOml lnformCl(m regarding fees. OIDIIIRI~ .1~. g~4 - AN OROI~ANCE T~TIN, ~IF~NIA, ~l~ ~ION ~LI~I~ RE~IR~ ~ ~. R~TI~ ~ ~ OI$~OS~E ~ ~ ~T~I~ ~l~ ~. ~4 - A R~I~ ~ ~E CI~ ~IL ~ ~E CITY ~ ~IN ~I~ ~ ~ ~ FIRE ~P~ ~ ~ ~E~Y ~I~ F~ I~I~ ~ E~CZ~ ~ RE~IR~S OF ~A~ ~ ~IF~NIA ~LY 8I~ ~. 2185 ~ ~t~ clrrt~ ~0, G~tnke ~sCa~n~. ~yoP G~nke mW ~ Chatr. It ~s ~v~ by Edgar~ s~d~ b~ 5a]ta~l]t. ChaC O~tnance No. gM hive Fo]]~ s~ ~dt~ ~ tttle ~ly of O~tnance No. 966 by ~he Ctty ~e~, n~nc~ ~. ~6 ~ p~ss~ ~ ~opC~ ~s roi]M: ~ ~- T~TIN. ~ONI~ ~ ~N~ ~I~ ~ ~N~ ~NITY/RESI- DE~I~; ~ C~NI~/~CI~; W ~N~ ~I~/~NI~ FACILITIES F~ ~E MEA ~D BY: .D~O~ IN ~ Cl~ ~ ~STIN MO ~ UNZ~R~A~D ~NI- TIES ~ LW H~I~S ~ C~ HEI~S ~ ~E ~; UNINC~RATED I~UE~ LINE (~YF~ Roil Cai] V~e: AYES: Edgar, Gre~nke, Ho~terey, Saltare111 ~BS~: N~e C~C~e only of Ordinance No. 967 by 2he p ~ aS TOIIO~: . C~TY COUNCZL HIgu,f.S P. age 8, 4-7-86 ~I~IMIMM~ ND. ~ - AN ORDU~ANCE OF THE CITY COUNCU. OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING SECT~O~ 3.0 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECZF~C ~AN (SPE¢ZF[C Pt.N~ NO. 8) AND EXHIBIT "C' AS THE LAND USE Pt. AN. Roll Call Vute: AYES: ' Edgar, 6retnka, Noextarey, Saltarellt NOf:S: Kennedy ~BSENT: None XI. m.o _m_~_ZNEsS None° As recommnded tn the inter-cmn dated ~rtl 1, 19~6, prepared by the Commmtty Servtces Deplrtm~. t,.tt wis mo.ved ondnd by Edqar, ~hac a concession ~s approp~ace at COlUmbus /usc~n snack bet, and to dtroct Community S~vtces staff and CtCy Attorney to ~o~k togathe~ to assure thg all legal redutremeflts are met tn tho process of astabllshtng the Columbus Tusl:tn Park Concession stafld. Mayor Gretnkl expressed that he thought tho concession stand vas a ~ Idea. HI asked tf the proceeds ~uld go to the onJantzatton or to the Ctty. The Otrector of Cmmmmtty and Administrative Ser- vtcas responded that staff ~111 rape~ back on sma. She stated that the ¢tty cannot preclude duc the contractor wtll do. The contract does conCatfl a clause-Chat a ce~aJn pe~cefltage of the monChl~ gross ~11 be patti to the The macton carrted 6-0. 41 The Ctt~ Manager Mll consult w~th the Ctty Attorney on uheCher such I p;Gposal requtres open. co.lpettttve btds. SP~CXAL OBIT IlISlIPJilI~ - allLZ COOg-~'F MO 11~i'1N TTLLER OATS Count11 considered thts 1tax tn con3oncttofl vlth Consen~ Calesdar It~ No. 6. ~ Callmiar lam NO~ 6 - El CastleD I~! Chiptmuhtp Chtlt Cook-Ol'Y- The Recreation Supertutende~t clarified that the seed money wt11 be repl&ced and then the p~oflts N411 go to the Tusttn kr~ Sentor Ce~tar Fund, Inc. lC was moved by Edgart seconded by SaltarellJ., to approve the following: 60 fl. C~lgO R~L (31~PIONSHIP CHILI CIIK-O'F - aiNIE 1, ISM Approp~ated $2,000 fr~u the feflerel ~und as seed mane~ ~or the 1996 El Cmut~o Rexl Chmagtonahtp Chili Cook-Off as reconmnded by the Recreation Superintendent. Norton carrted $-0o Im hstms Itl No. 2 - SNcJil Event Insurance -Chtlt Cook-Off aM Tustln TlllIr ~ - The Ctty HInager stated that the Count11 should appropriate ~oney for Insurance for the event. It ~s roved by Gretnket seconded by Edgar, to appropriate $20,000 for insurance for the E1 Caedno Reel Championship Cht11 Cook-Off and the TustIn Tiller Days events. FoTlovtn(J further 'discussion, a substitute motion ~es made by Saltarelltt seconded by Edgar, to continue the matter to April 1986, Carried 5-o. 41 Page 9, 4-7-86 30 ESTABI.ISIII~IT OF 1~SLZC IF.4fllJl6 DATE - SlllEEF IIIU( (3Lqfl6E FIIOll ~NOIREZ lINe ~1) I'dSTIN RANCH ROAD - ItL~LUFXON NO. 8647 As recameflded ~fl the ~nter-coa dated ~rch 28, X986, prepared by the Ot.rector o~ Public ~r~s/Clty ~glneer, tr. Nas moved by Edgar, secoflded bZ Salta~e111, to: 1) Adopt the follow, fig; and RF.~OLU~IQII NO. 88-47 - A RF~SOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF ~HE Cl~ OF 11JSTIN, CALIFORNIA, O~-ARING THE INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HL~RIN6 TO D¢,P. KHINE UHETH~R OR NOT ~0 CHAN6~ THE D~SZ6NATZON OF JAHBDAE~ ~OAD, ~EN ~ ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA ~ IL4ZLROAO RZ~(i' OF ~AY ANO BRYM AVENUE, TO TUSTZN Z) Estibl~$h the publlc heardflg t~me and date ~o be at 7:00 p.m. m Hofldty, JqlY 5, 1986. Cir~ed 5-0. 98 4. ~ OF BID - POLIC~ aNIJNZCATIDIS NOTLOZNO NOOZFTCATZOIS Btds fo~ subject p~o:lect we~ ~ecltved as folloNa: UltJmo ~ecaJ Contractors, Oini Point $16.322.00 Sonth ColSt COflstruCt~o~, inc., ri Toro $26,870.00 Oeperbe~t of Zfltertor Coantrvcttofl Co., Zrvtfle $z7,SOO.OO ~4lans & Ulctch Cofltrac~o~s, Senti Aaa · S27,700.00 L~n Frm, ~,w'ml C~trmntors. E1 Toro $Z~.O00.O0 S~s~or~ inte~to~s, ~Ytne $22,6S0.00 ~en-Sec~ Associates. inc.. Santa Aaa S31.96S.00 Admus/Nullor7 Co~sCructtofl, SCanton S32.685.00 Tho third btdder ms the lowest Mdder ~o cmu~l~ed ~th all Ins~ruc~tofls durtng the btdd~ng process. Pursuint '~o ~he recom- medltlofl contained tn the Intel-cea dated Ap~tl 1, z986, prepared by the CAter of Poltco, tt wes moved b;y Seltarel~t seconded by ~?_~, to_M.rd the cont_rmc~ for sub3ec~ pro:jeer ~o Oepar~mefl~ o? An~o~or ~ofls~ruc~o, r~mny, lrvtno. ~n the emoun~ o¢ $X7.SOO.OQ. Cerrted S-O. 82 The meting Nas recessed at ~0:08 p.m. by Hayer Gretnke. ~s reconvefled at lO:Z6 p.mo ~th a11 mmubo~s present. ~e mee~Ing FOOI~IIU./EASI~R#/I-6 BOTTLE]IECE NMLYSlS & TOLL ~ FEASIBILITY S~ The Ot~or of ~bl~c ~s pr~t~ ~he s~aff repo~ and rec~- ~a~ofl n ~Catfl~ ~n hts ~nte~-c~ da~ ~rch 26, 19~, no~- 1fig at~ac~s d~crtbtflg the four p~ al~e~attves. ~yor G~tnke sugg~C~ several changu tn the l~er ~tch he fel~ rake TusCtn's ~st~ton rare asse~tve as fo11M: A]~e~atlve ~2, ~o~ s~Ce~e - "~e c~su~ants s~u]d add,tis thee p~Ktel lane ~t~s es th~ . . ." A]~e~e~tve ~3 - "A ~antl~attve ~nt o~ ~11e~ ~o ~ra~tc con- g~Ct~ sh~ld ~ IndtcaC~ , . ." "~dtC~onal]~, ~he s~u~ ~a~ S~u]d ~d~ss ~ ~dt~tona] tm~c~s . . . Page.~,. s~o~ perag~oph, ]as~ s~ce- "Vtdefl~.~ ~u]d des~y the ~s~fl~s ~ntC~ a]oflg thts ~ed~ ~A ~splec~Cs." Page 2, tht~ pe~agrap~ - "~e A~e~el A]Ce~8~t~ shou]d tnclude an~ ~gradlng . . ," C~flc~]men Edgar sugges~K tha~ the ]eCCe~ as mdt~t~ ~ s~. [n addition, he suggesc~ Council adopt a ~esoZu~ s~aC~ng TusCtn's s~o~ ~post~ofl ~o Z~tne 8ou]eva~ and ~u]~On Pa~Na~ as CITY COUNCZL ~rr4UTES Page 10, 4-7-86 7e 'sulxr" streets, and opposition to double dKktng Of the I-5/55 It ff~ th~ mv~ b~ 6retnklt s~o~ b~ Edit, to: 1) ~thort~ stiff ~ r~ ~ the 0ran~ ~u~y Trans~8tt~ ~sst~ (~C) ~r ~ c~s/c~ce~s ~tltn~ ~n the 1~ dgM ~h 26. 1~. f~ the DJ~or of ~bltc ~s/ Ctty ~gtn~r ~ S~ Gr~e. P~J~ ~nlger. Orange Tr~s~a~t~ ~sst~ i~ as ~ ~ G~tnke; a~ 2) ~zl s~ff ~ p~ a m~se. for st~atu~ W all s~tftca!l~ glttng ~ctl's pr~e~c, a~ ~l~t~ t~ F~hI1T/East~/Z-5 B~l~k ~al~ts and Toll R~ Fmtbtlt~y Study (i.e.. op~tton to doubl~t~ Z~/SS; o~sl~ton ~ ~nst~ ~ ~ ~11na; opposition to Z~t~ B~I~I~. 17~ St~t. or ~lton Pm~.ay as 'super The ~t~ ca~ 5-0. ~yor Grltnke ~ ~t ~tl s~ousl~ ~stder tn ~dg~ s~/t~ the a~ltt~ ~ a full-Otto trlns~aCl~/trafftc expl~ fo~ ~e Dt~ of ~itc ~s/Ctty Engtfl~ edd~ Chit the final ~ ~~ tn C~ t~lr~m ~t~ ~h 28. 1~6. pr~ar~ ~he D4~or ~ Publlc ~s/Ctty ~gtn~r. tt ~s mv~ by Edgar. sK~ by G~tnkl. to dt~ s~aff to c~tca~e ~th and Fo11~t~ ~c~ dtscusst~ ~tng the t~e¢~ ~ ~, 1986, ~ by ~ Dtr~tor of Publlc ~s/CJ~y Enqt- neet. tt vas moved by Hoester~t seconded by Edglr. to dtrec~ staff Co tmplment a nan change fro~ Houlton Par~vay to Edtnger, betvaen the Rou~e SS (Costi #ese) Freeway and Hirvlrd Avenue. The ~ottofl c&rrted S-Q. 98 ~ (IF COIfllMCT FOR ~ AllEIIIE FAU PII&IECT N-#01.6(0~) 81ds for subject project varo recetved on ~rch 21, 1986, as follova: Stetny and Company, Inc., Fullerton Hoore Electr4c&l Contracting, Brel ~SX, Inc., Taaecul& Bextm'-Grtfftn C~q~iny,. Inc., SCenton S188,714.00 S189.800.00 S202.222. O0 $730 ,o00.0o It vas moved by Edgart seconded b}, SIltarollt, to a~ard the con- tract for s.bJec~ proJec~ to Stetfl.v and Company, Inc.. Fulle~on, tn the amount of $188,714, as reconiNflded tn the t~er-com dated l~4rch 31. 1986. prepared by the Engineering Dlvlslon. Carried .qlkqO CF ~ ~ ~IC ~ ~ ~c~v LI~I~ AT ~ Bt~ for subJ~t proJ~t wro r~etv~ on ~rch T8, ~986, as fotl~: XlI. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Pmge 11. 4-7-86 Paxln Electric, Inc., I~ncaster $ 96,2~2.00 Stetny end ~any, l~., Fulle~on $ ~,7~.~ ~ El~rtcal Cmtr~ttng, B~ $106,~.~ ~X, Inc., T~ula $123,545.00 ~ ~ tn the ~or-¢~ dat~ ~h 31, 1986, pr~ar~ b~ the Engtn~ng Dtvtst~, tt ms mv~ by Ed~r~ s~ond~ b~ Salta- ~ ~ am~ the contra~ for subJ~ p~j~ to P~ln E~trtc. Zhc.. L~cast~. tn ~e ~nt of $g6,2~2, ~t~ carrt~ 6-0. M ~f~or e brtef ques~ton-end-enst~r I~rted, tt ~es moved by Ed~ar~ s~o~ b~ Saita~llt, ~ ~thortze t~ ~hase Of ~ traller- ~unC~ ar~ b~ ~ Starltte/Bltnk~ltte Saf~y Suppl~ C~ piny, ~ ~rMi. tn ~ ~unt of S7,1~.16 for the ~ter Dtvtstofl ~ ~~ tn t~ t~m dat~ ~h 29, 1~6. prepu~ by the ~gt~rt~ Otvtst~. ~ carrt~ S-0. 87 ~ ~~ ~n ~e 1Kef-cra dKK ~h 26, 1~, pr~arK b~ the Ot~or ~ ~bllc ~s/Ct~y ~gtn~r, tt ms mv~ b~ Salta- ~11t~ s~ b~ Hmte~, ~ app~ve t~ ~vts~ sub3~ ag~ ~t ~ ~ Clty ~ The l~tne ~ny; a~ ~t~r~ze the ~ a~ Ctt~ Cle~ ~ ex~e sm,. ~e ~tm ca~4~ S~. 45; 86-~0 AOllilIIMIOI TO Bids for subject; tti ~ reCltVed o~ ~tlrch 21, 1986, as follmes: Ntxo~ Eg11, Santa Fe Springs (Broom S~eepor) $ 84,147o04 Hseker E~tl, i~mone (Rege~ernttve Att) S103,Z46.42 At~ter e ~tlo~-sed-errs~r petted, tt vms tved b~ Xenned~t sec- onddd by Eclair, to authorize the purchase of tm) Elgin Crosswtnd s~ers frl Haaker Equipment Company, I~lone, tn the amount of $202,290.M. as recoie~ded tn the inter-cmo dated ~arch 29, ~986, prepared by the Engtnmor~ng Division. Cerrted S-0, 6relnKe o~pused. 87 AS ~i~ In the inter-eno dated March 26, 1986,. prepared by the D¶roctor of P~blt¢ Uorks/Ctty Engineer, tt was moved b~ Salte- rllltI seconded b~ Edger, to authorize staff to request the County of Orange to rImve that segment of the north-south road between the Santa Aaa Frse~ay and Santt&ge Cenyo~ Road fram the scope of work for tJte Eastern Trenspurtatton Corridor studtes. Council concurred ~th I~lyor Gretnke's suggestion thet the letter be slgned by the 14ayors of Orange and Tusttn, and that It be addressed to Sugervisors Tom Rtle~ and Bruce Nestende. The motto, carrted 6-0. There was same discussion regerdtng fundtng of. the Joint P°~ers Agency It wes moved b~ Hoestere~t seconded by Edger, to recetve and file sub,leer report d~tea Aprll Z, LY~, pr~ar~ by the Finance D1r~- tor. Carrt~ 6-0. ~ ~A ~ (~ ~) ~T ~~ ~ It waS'~v~ b~ Ho~ter~ s~ond~ b~ Edger, to r~etve a~ file subJ~ ~o~ ~t~ Ha~h ZB, 1986, ~ar~ by the O~rector of Publlc Horks/Ctty ~gtn~r, Carrt~ 6-0. ~ CXTY COUNCXL N[NUTES Page 12, 4-7-86 3. ~ :~iu~G[ ~1) OZSi~IIS[IIG F~CZLZTZES ~ Zt vas moved b~ HoeStare~t seconded by Edgar, to recatve and ftle subj~c ~or~ diced April Z, 1986, prepared by the DtrecCor of P. Iollc ~orks/Ctty rngtnflr. Altar & brtof questton-end-ensv~r parted, Chi mat¶on carr4ed 5-0. XlII. The Ctty 14anagor requested a Closed $isston for discussion of personnel matters. 2. IMIIOUA ~ P~UC - PLAYOIIOIIO EQI~.IFI~IT II[Iq. ACB~E~ 34, 4e In accordance fftth Councilman Heeatarty's reduisC, ~ ac p a~ ~u ~ at ~ol.~a [~ ~a~. ~nc~lmn Ed~r s~ ~t~ ~refftc i1~ ~Jn S~rfl~. ]~ vis C~ m~ bY Edgar, s~W~ taste11 I f~r~ sc~ sl~ at Peclflc a~ ~tn St~s. ~Ktl dtscusStm/~tl fo11~. ~ ~tef of ~1t~ stlC~ Chit ~nctl s~ld hi a~ of lawutts Chat ~ve ~cur~ ~ a ~ulC ~ ~anC~ st~ stgns ~tng t~1~ tn ~h~ cttt~. ~ an ~ln~ sC~ sign/signal ts t~Ca11~, t~ 11abtlt~y ecc~CK. ~ a~ that C~ ~t ~1~ ~splece tt. Rtcha~ Vtntng, ~ M~t ~tn ~ ~tof of ~11ce ~~ a trefftc st~ll at Pactflc and ~tn St~s, a~ a f~r-~y gap stgn at ~tn a~ '6" Str~s. In response to Councilman Hoisterey, chi Ctty 14aflagor stated chec staff could r~vtw the usa of bo~h aedevelOpmlflt and C:tty funds some proportionate share as Craff4c ts related to Chi pro~lecC area to pay for chi Crafftc stgnal. A substitute mattofl wis made by Hoestarey, seconded by Gretnke, Co dtrecC staff to rlpo~, beck at the next misttflg ~Ch a ,~--~,d&- tton on fundtng for & trefflc stgnal aC Pectftc and Hetn Streets, and p~oceed f~om Chic pot nt. The Dtre~cor of Publlc Uorks explat'ned that Chi pre~Ject at Sycamore and Nmq)o~c vis connected Co a Federal Atd Urban project and t:ha plans had to be processed and appreved through CalTrans Nhtch Cook close to tva years. He exCtmated Chat the projec~ vould take slx months total CO complete, from destgn to stgnal Installation. Thk moCton carrted 6-0. 94 XIV. CITY ~UNCIL HIfNUTE$ Page 13. 4-7-86 Coun¢llmon Edgar r~quented that the C:aamuntty Oevelopmont Depart- sent r~por'c mt the exact status of all elements .~o t~e General Plan Mttch have r~cen~ly been approved. If they a~e dellnquent, he requested a r~po~ on dten Counct1 w111 have a complm:e, updated set. of the General Plan. S6 SuIRq~RENTAL BUUGET APIqIOFtlATIOII - SIGNAL AT ~1) HILL I SARTA AMA Hmyor Pro Tea Sale'.are11¶ regorted synchrofllzat~ofl problems wtth the traffic stgnals at Red HIll and the Santa Ana Freeway tn the last month o It wes moved b~ Saltare111t seconded by Edgar, to authorize a sup- pl~lental budget appropriation In the mount of S14,000 for replacmoent of the synchrentzecton Imchan~sI In the traffic stgnal coflt, rol box ~t Red Htll ind the Santa Aha Freevay, Carrted 5-0, 8e ge ~yor Pro TM Saltarell~ cmmended heyor Gee~nke on his service on the C~ty Couflctl and as ~48yor durdng the ~ast )18r. 14ayor Gretnhe extended a velcmm to Peggy Blizzard. She ts subsc~- t~t~ ~r J~ Orr ~. ts mttt~ t~ bt~h of his ft~C child ~th hts Mfe ~na Orr, fo~ sK~a~ ~ the CtCy Council. ~FFI~IK JD41illlll~lff - CAll. filE F. FRENCH C~unctl c°flCurred wtth Counc~lmon Hoenterey to ad3ourfl the .~eCtng tn leery of ~lthertne F. French, mother of Kathy bdetl, Chatrhersofl of the Tusctn Planntng CMmtSSton, Mm passed a~ey on Apr11 7, ~__~__qq - (:LDSE~ ~SSZOII; OFFICIAL JGMMJRJII(MT III l~M01tY OF CATIIHINE At 11:19 p.m. the Count11 recessed to a Closed Sessten for discus- ston of personnel mCCers pursuant to ~overflm~t Code Sectlon 54957; and thence ad3ourond tn me,or? of Catherine F, French to the next Adjourned Regular 14e~r. tng on Tuesday, Apr11 15, 1986, at 7:00 p.m.; and thence I:o the next Regular 14eettng off 14ondey, Apr~l 21, 1986, by unani- mous tnfor~ml consent. #IWlXS OF A a~SUtJm ~I~ THE ffTT OF lllSTIII, C~LIFOIIIIIA APRIL 7, 1986 The mo~tteg ~as called to ord.' at 8:19 p.m. by Chatrmoo Sretnke ~n the Ctty Count11 Chambers, 300 Centennial tlay, Tusttn, California. ImI.L C~ Agency Agency 14tubers Absent: Others P~sent: Frank H. Gr~tnke, Chat rma. Donald J. Saltartllt, Cheer.mn Pro Tm Rtollard B. Edgar Ronald B. ~omoterey UrsUla E. Kmonm~y ¥t11~am A. Huston, Exec. Dtr~tor/¢tty lqaneger James G. Rourke, Ctty Attorney * Hary E. ttyon, Recordlng Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lmm, Cmmuntty Development Otroctor Robert So Ledmodecker, Dtrector of Public t~orks Charles R. Thaymr, C~ef of Pollca Roylm A. ti~tte, Dtr. of C~. a ~tn. Servtc~ Rmald A. ~lt, F~nancm Dtr~tor Fr~ ~lkefteld, Pollce ~atn ~san 3m~, R~rtitt~ SuH~K~ent ~p~xt~ely 60 tn t~ audt~e Ztmo No. S ~as constdermd ~ot of agenda order at thts potnt tn l~e meet- trig. ~ C~t~y Oevelo~ Ot~tor p~ t~ staff r~o~ as c~- tatn~ tn ~ t~ ~t~ ~rt1 7, 1~, ~ by the C~nt~y Devil o~t O~t. U~ g~s~, ~ ~1 Cmt~ R~I, adjoining p~y ~er, expr~s~ con- ceos ~t~ ~ ~tng ~ W H~tng 1~, s~ng ~hat ~ prope~y ~s al~l~ vm11~ o~ ~ ~m std.. She sugg~ ~he Ag~c~ provtde a ~nt-pl~ or c?~a~ ~ t~s ~ ~h ~es~rtan s~at~a~ KCKS Ch41~n G~tnke ~elt ~ ~ N~hants have a r~pons~bt11~ Co mrk~ ~l a~ ~ the ~bllc. C~t~n P~ TM Sa1~arellt ~cur~. ~y ~q, ~n ~ Unl ~.ey. Gke In ~postCton Co c~st~lon of a r~ ~ asphalt pmrkt~ 1~ ~ ad3otntng Agen~ p~pe~. ~ hop~ Ag~c~ ~e~ Gld ~stder a ~-~osal for ~ C~pe of ~s ~or ~st~rs ~ sh~ tn t~ am. b~ noCht~ Mjor su~ ~ a r~ or asphalt par~lng 1~ ~tch Gld ~aCtYml~ ~acC C~ 8~se~ ~td~ce. it ~s ~m mv~ b~ ~Cere~l s~ond~ b~ Edgar, ~ dtrect scarf ~ ~o~ bm~ ~t~ c~cs m~ a skeC~ ~or m p~pos~ l~tn~enmnce lmnd- scap~ ~. ~t~ ~t~an Kc.s (seal.ay) to the ~rktng sCru~ure. Ag~ ~e~ Ed~r ~ K~n~ c~cur~. H~. ~nn~ ~gg~ stgn- ~ tn C~ a~ ~ msst~ ~hi~s tn aCCrocCt~ shapers. Afc~ fu~her ~scusston. the ~t~ car~ S-O. was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve Mtnutes of the ~qarch 17, 1986, Regular ~teetlng. MOtlon carrted 5-0. RKnEVELOPHEHT ~GENCY I4%NUT~S Page 2, 4-7-86 vas moved b.v Hoec~ere~, secoflded by Edger. ~o approve demands tn the maount of S40.177.g2 for the mn~ch of 14arch; 198~, as recommondecI by ~e Dlre~.or of Ftnknce. Carrted 6-0. 60 At 8:41 p.m. tt wes moved b}, Hoes~ere~, seconded by Edgar, the next regular nmetlng on 4prll Zx, 'L~o r.4rrlea 5-0. adjourn to