AUGUST 14, 1961
Meeting called to order byMayor.protem~Humeston at 7;20 P.M.
Present: Humeston, Sheridan~ Byrd
Absent: Kidd, Mack ...... ~""'~
....... ,
City Engineer McBride,.present~
City Attorney Rourke, present
Mo~ed by[Cgu~c~lman Sheridan, seconded by
Counci!man~Byrd that~thelmZnutes of August ?th
meeting be~aL~pro~ed as,corrected. Motion carried.
Mo~ed by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
RESOLUTION NO.. CouncilmanByrd thatRe~olution No. ~6~ be read~
564 TO BE READ by..titlelon!yo.. Motion carried unanimously°
Mo~ed by.Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ADOPTION OF CoUncilman,Byrd that~Resolution No. ~6~ - fixing
RESOLUTION and determining the amountof Revenue and Rates
NO. 564 of°Taxes°for 1961-62 be passed and adopted.
Motion carried.by roll,call, all councilmen
present ~oting,Aye°
Mo~ed byeCouncilman Sheridan, seconded by
ORDINANCE NO. Councilman.Byrd that Ordinance No. 15~ relat-
155 TO BE READ ing toabatement ,of unhealthful or dangerous
BY TITLE ONLY. conditionslore~ted by weeds, rubbish etc.,
have first readi~qg by title only. Motion
carried byroll call, all councilmen present
voting Aye
Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by
ORDINANCE NO. Councilman Byrd that Ordinance No. 1~6 regard-
156 TO HAVE ing Sectiin 13~22 of the Penal Code relating
FIRST READING toothelt~aining of law enforcement officers,
BY TITLE ONLY. have first.reading by,title only. Motion
carried byeroll call, all councilmen present
voting Aye.
HELPER FOR Moved byeCouncilman Sheridan, seconded by
TYC FOR TWO Councilman Byrd that one helper be hired for
WEEKS the TYC summer program for the last two weeks
in August at ~1o00 per hour. Motion carried.
COUNCILMAN Moved b~ Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
BYRD AUTHORIZ- Councilman Byrd that Mr. Byrd be authorized to
ED TO SIGN sign checks and any other necessary papers from
CHECKS August l~th until such time as the Mayor or
TEMPORARILY Mayor ~rotem returns to the city. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Byrd that bills be paid. Motion
Tustin Cement Pipe Company.
R. W. G. Printing Coo 18o~
Signal Oil Company
Sportsman's Headquarters ~1o0~
Tustin Drug and Variety 5.26
Knox Hardware 11.6~
Hanson & Peterson 2~0o00
County of Orange 1o00
APPROVAL OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
REQUEST OF man Byrd that the Council go on record as approving
LARWIN SQ. request of Larwin Square for street li hts on First
FOR STREET Street (city area) Newpor~ Boulevard ~city area)
LIGHTS "H'~ Street (city ' '
area) and Newport Boulevard
(county area), and th~ Secretary write the Board
of Supervisors r~qhesting that the Edison Company
install said lights. Motion carried.
SIZE OF Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
STANDARD Sheridan, that the Council interprets the phrase
GARAGESI Standard Garage as used in Ordinance No. 71 as
being a 10' x 20' minimum in conformance with
existing county ordinances. Motion carried.
MEETING Mayor pro tee Humeaton declared a short recess
RECESSED at 7:45 P.M.
RECONVENED Meeting reconvened at 7:50 P.M.
SHERWOOD Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
FOREST Councilman Byrd that Bond of Sherwood Forest
DEVELOPERS Developers No. 3 be accepted and Mayor pro
NO. 3 BOND tem and City Clerk be authorized to execute
agreement with said corporation as pertaining
to tract map #401~. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
CITY CLERK man Byrd that City Clerk be authorized to deposit
AUTHORIZED check for $1595.42 from Sherwood Forest Developers
TO DEPOSIT No. 3 covering inspections of streets, drainage,
CHECK FROM sewers and improvements. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
LETTER RE Sheridan that letter from the Tustin Water Works
FIRE HYDRANTS regarding installation of fire hydrants be ac-
FILED cepted and filed. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
TRACT MAP Sheridan that engineer's recommendation that tract
4014 AP- map 4014 be approved and clerk and city engineer
PROVED be authorized to execute same and sign map.
Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
IMPROVED Sheridan that improvement plans of Tract No. 4014,
PLAN OF 4014 sheets 1-5 as prepared by John H. Siegel and
APPROVED dated February 1961 be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
C. B. RUDD Sheridan that pepper tree on Main Street west of
TO REMOVE "D~' Street be removed as ~er recommendation of
PEPPER TREE Police Chief and City Engineer. Tree to be re-
ON MAIN ST. moved by C. B. Rudd, subject to his furnishing
a certificate of Insurance. Motion carried.
MEETING Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ADJOURNED Councilman Byrd that meeting be adjourned to
next regular meeting. Motion carried.
in~6~H .umes'on, ayor pro tem
Ruth C. Poe, Secretary