HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 08 07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 1961 Meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor pro tem Humeston Present: ~umeston, Byrd, Mack, Sheridan Absent: Kidd City Attorney: Rourke, present City Engineer: McBride, present Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack that the minutes of July 17th regular meeting be approved as mailed and cor!r~ctn~ Motion carried. SALARY INCREASE Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- FOR POLICE man Sheridan that the salaries of Police De- DEPARTMENT pa~tment empIoyees be increased as follows: Chief Sissel - $495.00 to $540.00 Sgt. Allec - 440.00 " 465.00 Patrolman Runson - 420.00 " 440.00 '~ Hell - 420.00 " .440.00 " Lawless _ 385.00 " 400.00 Patrolman.Lawless to be increased to $415.00 (Including $5.00 step raise) January l, 1962o Above raises to be retroactive to ~uly l, 1961., Motion carried. CHAIN SAW Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by PRICES BE Councilman Mack that Chief Sissel be in- SECURED structed to secure prices on chain saw and submit at next regular meeting. Motion carred. R. J. NOBLE Moved by Councilman Byrd~ seconded by Council- GRANTED EX~ man Sheridan that R. J. Noble Company be granted TENSION an extension of 30 days from August 10th to September 10th. Motion carried. J. FULLER'S Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council- REQUEST FOR man Sheridan that request of J. Fuller of 17512 INGRESS ON Leafwood Lane, Tustin, California, ~or ingress YORBA DENIED from Yorba Street be denied. Motion carried. CLAY & PEARL Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by WHITE'S REST Councilman Mack regarding request of Ciay HOME and Pearl White, that the clerk be directed C to write to the ~ounty Building Department stating that a rest home is substant~ly equivalent-to and no more objectionable than a hospital or sanitarium and permit be granted. Motion carried. C. L. STUTSMAN Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ANNEXATION REQ. Councilman Byrd that request of C. L. REFERRED TO Stutsman, Jr. for annexation of property COMMITTEE south .of Tustin be referred to committee for study and report. Said committee con- ~sisting of Mayor Kidd, Councilman Humeaton and Councilman Mack. Motion carried. 270 APPROVAL OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded HORSE RACING by Councilman Byrd that the clerk write FOR 14 DAYS the California Horse Racing Board that AT LOS the City Council of the City of Tustin ALAMITOS wishes to go on record as approving the RACE TRACK application of the Los Alamitos Race Course for fourteen days of thoroughbred racing. Motion carried. NIGHTLETTER Moved by ~odncilman Sheridan, seconded by TO HIGHWAY Councilm~n Mac~ that~the City Attorne~ ENGINEER'S be instructed to send a night letter with OFFICE RE the complete approval of the Council, re- NEWPORT FREE- garding Newport Freeway Construction to WAY CONSTRUCTION the proper authority at District State. COPY TO GOV. Highway Engineering Office,Los Angeles, BROWN and a copy to Governor Brown. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by TO ATTORNEY FRM Councilman Mack that correspondence from HAHN, WISE & Hahn, Wise and Barber regarding Planning BARBER ~Grants be referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. EXTENSION Mayo~ pro tem Humeston appointed Mr. McBride, OF FIRST Chief Sissel, Chief Hilton, and Councilman STREET Byrd a committee of four to study the facts fo~ the extensionof First Street to present to,the County Planning Commission. 6th & "B" ST. Chief Sissel recommended to the Council that REMAIN TWO_ the cornerof 6th and ~'B" Streets remain a WAY STOP two-way stop and that he will see to paint- ing the curbing red. GRANTED E.G. Moved by Councilman ~ack, seconded by Council- BUNKER LICENSE man Sheridan, t~at Mr. E. ~G. Bunker of Tustin FOR SUMMER Summer Theater be grante~ permission to have THEATER a business license under Ordinance 87, sub- ject to all other ordinances and laws. Motion carried. Report from Chief Sissel regarding parking restrictions deferred to next regular meeting. ORDINANCE 154 Moved ~y ~ouncilman Sheridan, seconded by READ BY TITLE Councilman Mac~ that Ordinance 1~4 be read by title only. Motion carried, unanimously. ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ORDINANCE Councilman Byrd that Ordinance No.l~4, Fixing NO.154 ~ a~d determining/the .amount of revenue necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property within the Cityof Tustin and the amount of revenue necessary to carry on the variou.s departments of the said City for the fiscal year 1961-62 be passed and adopted. Motion carried b~ roll call - all councilmen present voting Age. SALARY INCREASE M~ved by Councilma~ Sheridan, seconded by TO $45 FOR Car_ci!man e~^~ seconded by Councilman CUSTODIAN AND Byrd that custodian be paid ~4~ per month~ $100 FOR and CiVilian Defense Director'sosatary be CIVILIAN raised to ~100.09 per month, both retro- DEFENSE CHAIR- active to July 1, 1961. Motion carried. MAN Moved b~ Councilman ~heridan, seconded by BILLS BE.PAID Counci~m~n Byrd that bills be paid. Motion carried. J. L. McBride $675.00 Mullin Lumber ..... 68.83 Orange County Blueprint 55-35 Hardy & Harper .. 499.12 Tustin Hardware . 109.47 ~-~ Foothill Hardware ~: · ~ 17.22 ' Signal 0il Co. 110.25 i Farnsworth Jewelry' . ~- 3.12 R. W. G. Printing Co. . . 27.35 Tustin Radio & Television · ~ 24.:91 Carson & Oolding . . . 60.34 Van Hove & Dean Garage 274.43 Smith-Corona 5.72 Les Johnson . . 33.42 Gerald C. Mack 20.00 Orange Co~mty RaAiAtAiAp~one. 30.00 Thermo-Fax~Sales, Inc. 26.57 Fun 'IN Fabrics · ' · 3~37 MacPherson Stationers .. 47.47 Jerome C. Kidd . 51.50 Carl Entenmarn~. & Son 49.92 Kleen Line corp. . . 15.13 Seagrave Pacific Corp . 97.50 Tiernan's Office Equipment 39.00 James Rourke . 780.00 Tustin Drug1& ~a~iAt~ . . 18.43 Petty Cash - Ruth C. Poe 45.13 Tustin Food Center 9.52 Tustin Paint Store . 20.45 Santa Ana Book Store . 30.11 ~'~ . Santa Ana Office Supply 94.55 ~ Santa Ana Blue Print 3.30 ' First Western Bank 166.50 R. J. Noble Co. ~3,463.64 Seagraves 60.90 Paid ~ Fred B. Hirsch (fire truck) 5,257.85 OrangeICounty Ins. Co. 1,580.29 John Hancock insurance . 46.75 Calif. Physicians Service 61.55 Holthe Disposal 874.80 U. S. Post~0ffice 9.00 Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by CounciLman Byrd that meeting be adjourned to a regular adjourned meeting Monday, August 14, 1961, at 7 P.M. Motion carried. Viffcenb Humeston,' m~yo~ pro tem R Poe, Secre~