HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 04-07-86 (3)DATE: APRZL 7, ~9~ ~j~~/ Inter-Com TO: WXLLIAlq A. HUSTON, CITY I~NAGER FROM: MARY E. ~rNN, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 967 FOR JU)OPTION ,/ RECOI~qENDATION: M, O. - That Ordinance No. 967 have second reading by titly only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 967 be passed and adopted. {Roll Call Vote} AGENDA Ill,M: ORDINANCE NO. 967 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING SECTION 3.0 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 8) AND EXHIBIT "C" AS THE LAND USE PLAN. 'BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 967 had first reading by title only and introduction at the March 17, 1986, City Council meeting. MARY Eo WY~! CITY C~ERK L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 10 2{) 21 22 23 2{ 25 2¢ 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 967 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING SECTION 3.0 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 8) AND EXHIBIT "C" AS THE LAND USE PLAN. The City Council of the city of Tusttn does hereby ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: That a joint application was filed by the city of Tustin, and Montca Flortan on behalf of the Irvine Company for the purposes of adopting a comprehensive land use plan for the property indicated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, commonly known as East Tustin. B. That a comprehensive land use study covering the subject property was commissioned and completed. Ce That as a result of the land use study, a Specific Plan was prepared in accordance'with Sections 654S0 through 65457 of the California Government Code. The plan is detailed in Exhibit "B" attached, along with Exhibit "C". O. That a public hearing before the City Council to consider the Specific Plan was-duly called, noticed and held. That pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Final EIR 85-2 has been prepared, certified and considered which adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the proposed project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect for the proposed project. The City Council, having final approval authority over this project has reviewed and considered the information contained in Final EIR 85-2 prior to approval of this project. Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project which mitigate or avoid certain of the significant environmental effects thereof. Pursuant to Sections 15091 and 15092 of the State CEQA Guidelines all significant environmental effects and corresponding mitigation measures together with the requisite findings and facts related thereto have been comprehensively set forth in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28 which is incorporated herein by this reference. Conditions have been adopted as part of this project or will be incorporated at the appropriate level of development review which incorporate all of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. The benefits of the project have been ~balanced and considered against its possible unavoidable environmental risks and against the project alternatives identified in the final environmental impact report and those benefits are found to be overriding, all as set forth in Attachment A to Resolution 86-28, which is incorporated herein by this reference. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 Ordinance No. 967 Page ~o He That a draft environmental impact report (DEIR 85-2) has been prepared in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. That establishment and implementation of the plan as submitted, under the circumstances of this case, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: The proposed residential and commercial development is consistent with the Tusttn Area General Plan as amended and adopted. Reasonable alternatives to the plan and their implications have been considered. The scope and depth of plan analysis are commensurate with the level of detail contained in the plan and the specificity of land use entitlement its adoption authorizes. The various components of the plan as well as the plan in its entirety are sensitive to the environmental and Public policy impacts of the proposed development. Appropriate mitigation measures are incorporated in the plan to ensure that concerns identified at this level of planning are resolved as part of the more detailed site plan review which must be completed before private development may proceed. 6. Administration of the plan is thoroughly integrated into the city's development processing system. All subjects required in a specific plan by the California Government Code and applicable city ordinances are appropriately and adequately covered. Se Adequate time and opportunities have been afforded interested organizations and members of the public to comment on or propose changes to the plan if they so desired. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the plan as submitted will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be approved. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 967 page three That Section 3.0 of the East Tusttn Specific Plan as prepared is intended to establish land use regulations and development standards, as well as administrative procedures necessary to implement said regulations and standards for residential and commercial development within the East Tustln Specific Plan Area. Further, Exhibit "C" is established as the land use plan, by Ordinance, and shall present the development guide for the East Tusttn Area. That the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 2298, recommending to the City Council that Section 3.0 of the East Tustin Specific Plan be adopted by ordinance by the City Council. II. The City Council hereby adopts Section 3.0 of the East Tustin Specific Plan as presented in Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C" attached hereto as the regulatory documents for the East Tusttn Area, subject to the changes enclosed as Attachment "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1986. ATTEST: FRANK H. GREINKE, MAYOR MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK e e 10.TM 11. 12. Al~FACHMENT "A" EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS BY TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL Page 3-6, Change Lot, Width to read "the width of the front of the lot measured at the setback of the main structure." Page 3-12, Change 4 to read "any revision to increase the number of dwelling units by a total of 15 percent or less .... " Page 3-22, Section A-l, Change to read "permitted density, maximum dwelling units per gross acre." Page 3-26, Section B2, letter C5, Change to read "garages that have rear access from a private drive or alley shall maintain a minimum 3 foot setback from property line and include an automatic garage door opener; and" Page 3-29, Change'C1. to "Table C1." Page 3-30, Under open space, Change the last sentence to read "areas retained as permanent open space shall be maintained by a mandatory private homeowners association." Page 3-34 Letter "H"-, Change to read "A certificate of compliance With. applicable . . ""... will be issued by the homeowners association and will be required .... " Page 3-35 letter h. Department stores, change to permitted in General Commercial, letter q. Liquor stores, change to use permit in General Commercial. Page 3-39 Letter 3.7.4.E. Change to read "A certification of compliance with applicable .... " Page 3-19, add letter R. The use' of outdoor speakers, buzzers, music, or other devices with noise amplification outside of the interior of the structure is strictly forbidden in the entire planning area, except in the case of special events, and these will require a temporary use permit. That no sector plans, tentative tract maps, or building permits be issued in the East Tusttn Spectf!c Plan area until a Development Agreement for said area is considered, and adopted by the city of Tustin. That Racquet Hill Drive shall be deleted from the Land Use Map for the East Tusttn Specific Plan. Community Development Department Exhibit "A" page two 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page 3-19 letter O. Change to: Plans for the noise attenuation of units located near arterial highways or freeways or under the Browning Corridor which insure that interior and exterior noise levels do not exceed the city of Tustin noise ordinance, shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of builder's tentative tract consideration for residential development. Page 3-46. Change: Medium Low and Medium & Medium High 1. Detached; the credit for guest on-street parking from 100% to 50~. Page 3-46. Change: 3. Multiple Family (apartments) 2 bedroom; from 1.8 required parking spaces to 2.0 required parking spaces. Council hereby authorizes staff to correct typographic errors and clarifications in the Specific Plan text. Staff shall not be authorized to alter any policy, regulation or use as a result of these corrections. Exhibits A-G, as indicate in Section 3.11.5 on page 3-52, are hereby enclosed and made a part of said section. The City Council hereby authorizes staff to amend the East Tustln Specific Plan in the following areas: Ae The East Tusttn land use map will be modified to include medium density in Sector 8, which includes approximately 26 acres adjacent to "Future Road," as shown in Exhibit "C." Be The East Tusttn Statistical Analysis in Section 3.0 shall be modified to include twenty-six (26) acres of medium density in Sector 8, with a total allowable unit count of 233 units. The medium density residential in Sector 7 shall be equally reduced to the acreage and unit count added to Sector 8. 19. Amendment to section 3.6.3 B2, (C)3 and 3.6.3 C3, 3d shall read: Rear yard setback in Sector g, 10 shall be a minimum of 25 feet with an average 30-feet adjoining existing residential area along the Specific Plan boundary. The rear yard setback in Sector 8 shall be a minimum of 30 feet adjoining existing residential areas. Exhibit "A" page three 20. Addition to Section 3.0 of the East Tusttn Specific Plan, section 3.5, letter S. The Tustln Unified School District ("TUSD") and The Irvine Company ("TIC") and have entered into the School Facilities Agreement, dated January 27, [986, as amended, which obligates both parties to cooperate in the expeditious completion of one or more mitigation agreements to enable TUSO to obtain financing for the acquisition, construction or use of the necessary school facilities to accommodate students generated by development of residential subdivisions. City will review the status of the implementation of the School Facilities Agreement at subsequent levels of project approvals, such as the approval of tentative builder residential tract maps. City will address the impact of TIC's project on District facilities as such time as TIC submits tentative builder residential tract maps for approval. In processing any such future approvals for properties within the East Tustin Specific Plan boundaries, City will not object to any legal action taken by the TUSD on the grounds that the CEQA statute of limitation has run, provided however, that any such future actions are brought within 30 days from the date the City causes to be filed a Notice of Determination as to the approval of any such tentative builder residential tract map. FREEWAY "PLANNED COMMUNITY" TRAVEL DIRECTIONAL SIGN POLICY: Shall consist of one, two, three or four panels maximum, debending upon the number of communities requiring identity at that location. Each panel mall display the name of a planned community or significant regional land use and a directional arrow. May be double faced if required. Signs mall be located prior to freeway off ramps. A community shall be identified only on the signs located prior to the primary access road to the community from the freeWay. Signs shall contain four panels for aesthetic balance even though some panels may be blank. LOCATION: Only one sign structure shall appear before the entrance to an existing freeway off ramp. This sign shall be located no les~ than 660 feet and no more than 1320 feet from the point at which the apron starts to widen for the off ramp. LONGEVITY: Each sign panei'shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date spa¢ified in the text for a planned community request, subject to renewal by the appropriate publio agency if new homes am still for sale in the community. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 97.5 square feet per sign panel. Total sign area approxi- mately 390 square feet. Signage EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT A HIGHWAY "PLANNED COMMUNITY" TRAVEL DIRECTIONAL SIGN POLICY: The sign shall be limited to a maximum of four panels, de;ending upon the number of communities re;uiring identi~/at that location. Each panel shall dis- play the name of a planned communiw or significant regional land use and a direc- tional arrow, only. Each of the panels may be double faced if recluired. Signs shall be placed only on major and primary roed~, and shall contain four panels for aesthetic balance even though some panels may be blank. LOCATION: Only one such sign structure shall exist within 1320 feet of a major intersection in each direction. The sign may be on either the right or left hand side of fl~e road. LONGEVITY: Each sign panel shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for a olanned communit~ request, subject to renewal by ;he appropriate public agency if new homes are still for sale in the communiw. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 36.6 square feet per panel. Total sign area approximately 146.4 square feet. Signage EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT B INTERSECTION PLANNED COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL 81GN POLICY: Shall consist of one, two, three, four or five panels maximum deqending upon the number of communities recluiring identity at a par~iculm' in~fion. Each panel shall display the name of a planned community or significant regional land use and a dir~.ional arrow, only. Each of the panels may bi double faced if required. LOCATION: Ideallv suited for intemections which require the motorist to make a coml~lete stop, and where directional a~listance is required for many commu~itie~ Such sign~ shall be within five miles of the communities they identify and shall be Ioca~d along direct route~ to a 131armed community. LONGEVITY: Each sign panel shall have a time limit of 5 vear~ from the date specified in the text for a planned community request, subject to renewal by the appropriate 13ublic agency if new hom~ are still for sale in the community. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 4-1/2 square feet per panel. Maximum total area 22.5 square feet. Signage EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT C REASSURANCE SIGN POLICY: Such signs sl~all be not more man five feet in vertical height or horizontal length exclusive of ground clearance and shall not exceed a total aree of 15 square fee~. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Such signs shall be located only along direc~ rou~ to ~he plenned community or $ignifican; regional land use. They shall be within five miles of the community or land use ~hey identify, and they shall be at least one-half mile from any other r~=_~urance sign identifying ~he same planned community or r~ionei land use. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of five yeer~, subject To renewal by the appropriate public agency if ~till serving a public need. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 13.5 square fee*. Signage EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT D Park Hom TRACT 'SUBDIVISION IDENTIFICATION' AND COMMUNITY DIRECTION SIGN POLICY: Shall not exceed 120 square feet in sign surface area. May be used as an on- site (within the boundaries of the planned community) or an off-site sign. Shall display only the name/s and/or symbols of the daveioloer/s wflo are currently building and/or marketing homes in that community or the name or names of the tract development within that community (maximum of 2) and the name of the planned community and a directional arrow, and the name "lrvine.' May be double faced if recluired. LOCATION: To be located before critical inter,actions which introduce the major afltry/ies to a Planned Residential Community. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of five years from the date of issuance of the sign permit. Subject to renewal by the appropriate public agency if new homes . are still for sale in the community. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 120 square feet. Signage EAST USI N SPECIHC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT E COMMUNITY ENTRY SIGN POLICY: Wherever possible shall be used al an on-site sign (within the boundaries of the community). Shall be double faced where required. LOCATION: At or near the main entry/les to the residential community. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for the planned community, Subject to renewal by the appropriate public agency if new homes are s~ill for sale in the community. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 160 square feat. Signage EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT F FUTURE. FACILITY SIGN POLICY: The sign shall identify facilities which are planned as pert of a planned community and are to be constructed in the immediate future. General symbols, signed to identify and not to advertise, will rel=resant the same type of facilities in each of'the Irvine communities. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Always installed on the site of the facility and oriented to the nearest street. One sign to be utilized for each street fronting on the site. LONGEVITY: From the time the site has bean zoned for the facility until construc- tion and/or leasing is completed. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 96 square feet maximum (including 4 "rider" panels). Signage EAST ~USiiN SPECIfiC PLAN City of Tustin EXHIBIT G