HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 07 17266
JULY 17, 1961
Meeting called uo order by Mayor Kidd, at 7:37 P.M.
Present: Kidd, Byrd, Mack, ~heridan
Absent: Humeston
City Attorney: Rourke, present
City Engineer: McBride, present
MINUTES OF On a motion by Councilman ~yrd, seconded by
JULY 3rd & Councilman Sheridan, the minutes of July 3rd'
10th and July 10th were approved as mailed and
APPROVED received. Motion carried.
AUTHORIZATION Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
TO HIRE man Mack, that Street Superintendent Sissel
GARY HEIL be authorized uo hire ~ary Hell as a full
time street worker at $360.00 per month start-
mng August l, 1961. Motion carried.
SALARY Moved by CoUncilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
RAISE FOR man Mack, that 0.0. Phillips salary be raised
O.O. PHILLIPS to $385-00 per month as of July 1st. Motion
EAST FIRST Moved by CouNcilman Sheridan, seconded by
STREET Counci~m~n Mack, that East First Street as
CLOSING constructed by Orange County Highway Com-
mission in 1915, at its intersection with
NewpOrt Avenue, be closed and Street Super-
intendent be authorized to construct suit-
able barrier at approximately 100 feet west
of Newport Aven~e. Motion carried.
SALARY RAISE Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council-
FOR HUBERT mk~ ~heridan that Mr. Hubert Lane's salary be
LANE ~ ~aised to $375-00 for Parks & Recreation, plus
a flat rate of $25.00 per month for extra TYC
w.ork. Motion carried.
COUNCILMAN On motion by Councilman Byrd, seconded by
MACK GRANTED Councilman Sheridan, councilman Mack was
PERMISSION TO granted permission to leave the state for
LEAVE STATE the last three weeks of August. Motion carried.
Moved by Counci'lman Mack, seconded by Council-
COUNCILMAN man Byrd, that Councilman Sheridan be granted
BYRD GRANTED permission to leave the state July 27th, 28th
PERMISSION TO and 29th. . Motion carried.
Moved by Oouncilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
SALARY INCREASE man Mack, that the salary of the Deputy City
FOR DEPUTY CITY Clerk be raised to $350.00 per month. Motion
CLERK carried.
CITY CLERK'S Upon request of the ~ity Clerk, the Council
OFFICE HOURS ~pproved a change in office hours for City
9 A.M. TO Clerk's office to 9:00 a.M. to 5~00 P.M.,
5 P.M. with 1/2 hour for lunch.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
6TH AND "B" CounCilman Mack that petition for 4-way
STREETS RE stops and red curbing at 6th and ~B~ Streets
4~WAY STOPS be referred to Chief of Police for study and
AND RED CURB- report. Motion carried.
SHOPPING Moved by bouncilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
DISTRICT Byrd, that Street superintendent be authorized to
SIGNS. place Shopping District signs at Laguna and Red
Hill, Seventeenth and Yorba and Sycamore and
Newport (after off.rampconstructed.) Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
;Mac~,.tha~ request for signs at Laguna and Newport
~a~d Holt and Newport be referred back to Chamber
~CQm~itt~e.fOrlstudy.and further recommendation.
.MOt~o~ Carried. I
TUSTIN [M6v~d]b~ qoUn~ilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
SUMMER Iman.Byrd, ~that request of Mr. bunker of the Tustin
THEATER S~mme~ Th~a~er,~be referred to the City Attorney
REQUEST for report and recommendation. Motion carried.
GRANT DEED ]M6v~d 'by ~odn6iYman Mack, seconded by Councilman
OF DOUGLAS ~Sheridan, lthat Grant Deed of Douglas 0il Company
0IL RE .fQr proDert~ at Newport Avenue and Laguna Road,
NEWPORT & b~ ~c~ept~d~and ~lerk be authorized to endorse and
LAGUNA Ir~cQrd Said~Deed. Motion carried.
RE MOv~d~b~ Qouncilman Mack, .seconded by Councilman
PARKING .Byrd, lr~stricted parking on First Street from "D~
RESTRICTIONS .Street to.Newport Freeway be referred to Chief of
FIRST & "D':. ~PQlice Eo~ ~epo~t and recommendations. Motion carried.
MOved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Mack, that correspondence be received and filed. Motion
carried. ~
~ Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
RESOLUTION Byrd, that RESOLUTION NO. 563, acknowledging the re-
~ NO. 563 ceipt of Notice of Intention to circulate a petition
READ BY for the annexation of territory designated as
TITLE ONLY "Vanderlip & ROwan Annexation" and an Affidavit of
Publication thereof and approving the circulation of
the petition, be read by title only. Motion carried
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
RESOLUTION Sheridan, that Resolution No. 563 be passed and adopted.
N0. 563 Motion carried byRotl Call, all Councilman present
ADOPTED voting Aye.
REGISTERED Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
VOTERS IN Sheridan, that City Clerk be authorized to obtain
VANDERLIP names, addresses and Assessed Valuations and check
ROWN ANNEX. on Registered Voters for Vanderlip and Rowan Anne~
tion. Motion carried.
HEARING FOR The City Clerk was directed to contact Mr. L. Wise
ZONE ORDIN~ of Hahn, Wise and Barber to set hearing dates for
ANCE & MAP City Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map for weeks of
IN SEPT. September 10th and September 17th.
~'~ Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by Councilman
ORDINANCE Byrd, that Ordinance No. 154, Fixing and Determining
~I NO. 154 the Amount of Revenue necessary to be Raised by Taxa-
ADOPTED tion and the Amount of Revenue necessary to Carry on
the Various Departments of said City for Fiscal Year
1961-62, have first reading by title only. Motion
carried unanimously.
CITY TO Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by Councilman
PAY 1/2 Mack, that the city continue to pay 1/2 of employees
CPS FOR share of C.P.S. including increase. Motion carried.
MAYOR KIDD GRANTED Moved by Councilman ~heridan, seconded by Councilman
PERMISSION TO Mack, thqt the Mayor be granted permission to leave
LEAVE STATE the state. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
BILLS Mack, that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Tiernan's . $2-75
First West. Bank (~t~l~t~e~)~ :243.74
Whitney's 4.50
Ralph Paulson .o. 9.90
Tustin Blacksmith Shop. 16.38
Mullin Lumber Co. 3.49
Kenneth C. Hebard, D:0~ 10.00
G. B. Grant ... 7.50
County of Orange, Sheriff's De. 2.80
Atlas Coverall ...... 3.60
Orang~ County Radiotelephone.. 30.00
Tustin Water Works ..... 360.00
Hanson & Peterson . 35.00
Tustin Hardware 16.01
Tustin Radio & T~V: 8.73
Orange County Blue Print: 64.48
R. J..Noble Co. ~683.32
Tustin News .101.24
Regents of g of 6 3.12
Judy Newman 70.00
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
man Mack, that the meeting be adjourned.