HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 13 NO-SO RD STUDIES 4-7-86AGENDA
MARCH 25, 1986
NO. 13
Inter- Com
That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of April 7, 1986, authorize staff
to request the County of Orange to remove that segment of the north-south road
between the Santa Ana Freeway and Santiago Canyon Road from the scope of work for
the Eastern Transportation Corridor studies.
The County of Orange Environmental Management Agency is currently administering
the Eastern Transportation Corridor Study between the Santa Ana Freeway and Route
91 (Riverside Freeway). This studyalso includes a parallel north-south arterial
roadway between both freeways.
Both the cities of Orange and Tusttn have completed land use planning studies
referred to as the East Orange Spectftc Plan and the East Tustin Specific Plan.
As a result of these plans, tt has been determined that both cities should jolntly
pursue engtneerlng and environmental studies for a portton of the north-south
arterial roadway located between the Santa Ana Freeway and Santiago Canyon Road in
Orange in order to accelerate construction of this segment of roadway.
In order to accelerate the construction of this portion of the north-south
arterial roadway, it will 6e necessary to remove this segment of roadway from the
scope of work for the Eastern Transportation Corridor studies. This removal would
require the cities of Orange and Tustin to prepare a comprehensive environmental
document of construction level detail. The Irvine Company would be responsible
for all costs assocated with the engineering studies and document preparation
related to this segment of the north-south road.
The attached draft letter is proposed to be sent to the County of Orange by both
agencies and requests that the north-south road study be removed from the scope of
work for the Eastern Transportation Corridor studies. This removal would provide
a potential construction start date of November, 1987.
MARCH 25, 1986
An exhibit wtll be posted at the Council meeting which delineates a preferred
alignment for this north-south arterial roadway which has been incorporated in to
both cittes speciftc plans.
Bob Ledendecker
01rector of Public Works/City Engineer
March 31, 1986
Murray Storm
Director, Environmental Management Agency
County of Orange
Dear Mr. Storm:
The cities of Tustin and Orange, in cooperation with The Irvine Company,
have been collectively involved in the preparation of land use studies for
their respective Jurisdictions. These planning studies have required that
the two cities develop and maintain an excellent relationship in order to
achieve a comprehensive transportation and land use plan for this region.
In that context, the cities of Tustin and Orange desire to jointly
pursue engineering and environmental studies for the north-south arterial
road between the Santa Ana Freeway and Santiago Canyon Road currently being
studied in conjunction with the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC). The
cities have identified a preferred alignment for this arterial roadway which
has been incorporated into both adopted specific plans. We propose that the
segment of the north-south road between the Santa Ana Freeway and Santiago
Canyon Road be removed from the scope of work for the Eastern Transportation
Corridor studies, allowing the cities to prepare, on their own, a comprehen-
sive environmental document of construction=level detail. The cities, in
conjunction with The Irvine CompanY, would be responsible for all costs
associated wtth the studies and the processing for this segment of the north-
south road.
Near term development is anticipated with the recent adoption of the
specific plans. In that ltght, both cities require establishment of the
north-south arterial tn early to mid-lg88, tn order to meet the circulation
needs within the two communities. To that end, the objective and primary
incentive for requesting this responsibility ts to maintain an accelerated
construction schedule separate from, and independent of, the Eastern Trans-
portation Corridor. Thts would atd tn avoiding any delays which may occur
-during the course of the Eastern Corridor approval process.
A preliminary schedule has been outlined below, Which reinforces the
advantage of an independent study of this arterial highway link.
Agreement to proceed with
independent studies 5/86
'Agency review of preliminary alignment 5/86
Notice of Preparation of EIR 7/86
Screencheck EIR 9/86
Circulate Draft EIR 11/86
End of Public Review period midDec 86
Initiate Final engineering design 7/86
Response to EIR comments 12/86
Public Hearings/Certification of EIR 1/87
PS&E first revtew 3/87
Construction start 8/87
It is recognized that a key concern in proceeding with a separate study
is whether the north-south road alignment will conFltct wtth any of the
viable Eastern Corridor alternatives. It is our belief, however, that the
north-south ro~d will netther confltct wtth,' nor preclude any of the primary
routes under consideration by the County. This ts demonstrated on the at-
tached exhibit, which illustrates the preferred alignment of the north-south
arterial, as it was adopted in specific plans, and logically extended between
the planned areas. It also depicts ~he potential location of the Eastern
Transportation Corridor facility, along with a logical extension of a most
westerly corridor alignment through Segment 'B' of the ETC study area.
Existing improvements on Myford Road between Irvine Boulevard and I-5 are in
potential conflict regardless of any change in the north-south road process-
We ~re seeking early resolution with the County regarding this proposal
in order to expedite the separate implementation process. The County's
cooperation in these efforts is critical to our goal of achieving an
accelerated schedule. We appreciate your efforts in achieving this critical
transportation planning goal.
Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works
City of Tusttn
Frank Page
Director of Public Works
City of Orange
Attachment: Arterial Highway Alignment Exhibit