HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 04-15-86OF THE CITY COIJNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJ~rlii, CALIFORNIA APRIL 1S, 1986 The .mottflg was ~allnd to o~dor by l~yor Gretnke at 7:01 p.m. in the City Counct1 ChamberS, 300 Cefltenntal tdey. The Pledge of Allegiance Nas led by Hayor G~tnke, and the Invocation vis gtven by Councilman Hoesterey. Count1 lpmrsofls Presen?.: Frank H. 6~etn~e, Mayor Dofleld J. Saltarellt, Hayor Pro Tam Rlcbard B. Ed~r R~ald B. ~ter~ U~ula ~. ~n~ ~ouncl 1 ~o~ ~sK: ~he~ P~t: ~t11~ A. ~ston, Ctty ~nager ~ E. ~nn, Ctty Cle~ Sus~ O~, R~t~on $uper~nt~ent EMrd ~t~, S~tor Planner R~aid ~ult, Ft~ncm Dtr~or Jm~ H~mr, ~ntsCraClve ~p~xtmCely ~ In the ~dl~ce ~e Ctty Cle~ p~t~ the C4flvess ~ the ~eral Municipal El~t~ and ~K M~tton ~ R~olutt~ No. 8~50, The C~vess of t~ ele~ton ~ as fo11~: For Nmbor of Ctty Count11 Ursula E. K~nedy John Kelly Roflold H. ~tte Stml~#en O. JOhnson John Norton Sutler ,~mes A. Nlmrlec £tleen 14. Dov Clyde F. Tracy t,936 Votes 1,431 Votes 1,28~ Votes 635 Votes 499 Votes 476 Votes 343 Votes ~04 Votes 95 Votes It Ks mvtd I)~ Hoestmrl*/l secondld by Edit, to adopt the foiling: ~l~ ~. ~- A ~l~ ~ ~E CITY ~U~XL ~ ~E CITY T~TIN, ~IFORNIA, ~CITI~ ~ F~ ~ ~E ~NER~ ~lClP~ ~E~I~ ~O IN ~ZO Cl~ ffi ~IL 8, 1986, OE~IK ~E RE~LT A~ S~ 0~ ~ERS AS ~VZDED BY ~ Morton carrted 500. 48 IV.AEMINISTIATIOI OF OqTllS (F ~rzCZ ~I THE CITY CLERE Hayor Sretflke turned the meettflg over to the Ctty Clerk and left the Counct1 dots, The Cl.ty Clerk admtfltstornd the Oaths of Offtce to Councilwoman Ursula £. Kennedy and Counctlmafl John Kelly. Counctlvamn Keflnnd~ and Counctlmn Kelly toQk thetr seats on the dots as r~tlectecl and nevly elected Counc~lpersons. ¥. RffiJGJlZATIQII OF COUNCIL It wes gloved by Edqarl secondecl by Keflnedy. that Counc~lmn Saltare111 be 41)potntecl as ~4~yor o~' the ~lt), ot [us~ln for one year. Carried 5-0. CiTY COUNCTL ~qINUTE$ Page 2, 4-15-85 it wes moved by Ke~ned~t seconded by Edger, that Councilman Ronald ~esterey Im appointed as ~layor pro T~ for me ~ar. ~t~ 5~. Vl. ~MI~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~, ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~yor Salta~l~l p~ Fra~ H. 6~tnke ~ a Mvel pla~ue for ,~s one ~ar M~tce n ~yor ~ a plaque for hts ~r ~yor Salta~l;~ ~lc~ dohfl ~el~y as a nm ~uflc~;mn. VIII. ~ It ~s mv~ by Edur. s~M~ by H~te~, ~ ~ou~ at 7:25 p.~. to a ~ttofl tn C~ty ~i]. ~r~ 5~. The ~tlofl ~l ~flor ~st ~yor II. 14IIIJTES ~F A I1~ IEETING O~ THE CITY COUNCIL Glr THE CITY (IF 1USTIN, CqLIFORlilA · °RIL 21, 1~86 The m~ettn9 Nas ci111d to o~ler by lqayor GretflPa at 7:00 p.m. In the Ctty ~ctl Ch~em. 3~ Ce~fltal ~. T~ Pl~ ~ All.lance ~ 1~ by ~unct~n Kelly. a~ the ln~iCI~ ~s gtv~ by ~yor Salt a~l 1 t. Counctlpersons PPlsent: Cou~ct 1persons Absent: Others Prmsl~: III. OILqL PNESENTATI~I Donald J. Saltare111, Mayor Roneld B. Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tern Rtcharcl 8. Edgar dohn Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy If111~am A. Hus~ofl, CtCy Manager Jums 6. Rou~ke, Ctty A~oroey Hil'y £. Yynn, CtCy Cler~ Raj)eft S. Lldlndecker, I)Jr. of Put)11c Voeks EMrd PI, Kntght, Sefltoe Pl~nner Cherles R. Theyee, Chtm* o~ Pollce Reylee. Ao I~htt. e, Dtr. of Cam. &Admn. ~$en Jones, Rec~NaCton $upertnCefldent A4)proxtmte.!y 80 tn tN audteflcm T4STII AIIEA ~ (TJ~-I) STATUS W - CNAIRNM JOE NI]ERSON Joe Anderson, Chatmln of TAC-1, acknwlldged comdttee members prmim~t. ~n Chi audt~. MI'. Ande~on provtdld afl update an Nhat the cmlmtttN hms him1 doJma Jn the Mst 3-1/2 yNa~s, and JdenCt- fted the comdttu's goals ~nd objectives. Mayor $eltare111 thanked Mr. Mderson for bls r~oort and for the vor~ the Cmlltttee h~s done thus far. NOlte. V. RI~,IC IF, qftll~S VI. MIMIC lllMff Yll. CONSENT CALE]MAR feels 1 and 8 Narc removed rrm the Consent Calendar by Kennedy. It wis then moved b~ Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to ~oprove the I'Ml~tndeP eT till ConsK ~41eflder. Cirrle~ 5-0.' 2. APgt0VAL (F M IN THE N~OUNT OF S1,106,685.80 tATIFICATION OF IMTlt0LL IN THE AMOUNT air $136,672.46 60 3. flEJELTI011 OF Ct. AIR NO. 86-10; (:l. Allqfllfl': ENILY & ANIM COLLINS; DATE Rejected subject clatm as recMmmnded by the Ctty Attorney. 40 4o ItE,,]ECI'IOII OF CLAIR NO. 85-38; CLAINIIWr: S.qNUEL BEC. EL; OAT~ OF LOSS: 5/30/85; IIqTE FII~D MI'hi CITY: 8/19/85 ReJactnd subject elate as *~cmmm~d~d by the C'~ty Attorney. 40 CITY GOUICIL MINUTE5 Page 2, 4-21.-86 5. RE~U/TION NO. ~-SI - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~JSTIll. CALIFORllIA. CONSENTING TO ANG PROVIDING TERH$ A/~ CONGI- TIONS FOIl RELOCATION OF CERTAIll PIPELINES WITHIll ~ PUBLIC RIGHT- OF-IMY Adopted Resolution No. 86-51 es recmme~ded b~, the P~f~ltc bdorks Doperteeflt, Engineering DlvJstofl. 104 6. mO~ATI~E ~B~T NO. m6-O~ Authorized th~ Yeyor and Ctty Clerk to ~.cnte sub3~t agree- ,mt ~tth the County of Orange; and authorized a supp]menta! budget ~PPr~P~ttofl ~dthtn tim I~ter Enterprise Fund tn the a,munt of $8,~00 to fund setd ~ort ~s r~ommflded by the ~ub]tc llorks Dop~rtmflt, F~Jtnee~lmj Dtvtstofl. 4~; 86-Z1 7. IIESI]LU~OII NO. 8~-41 . A RF.S~UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~JSTIll, UPHOU)INO ~ IR.AlINING COIOII$$ION'$ ~NIAL OF ~E P~RNIT 86-6 FOR All OFF-SITE BEER Alto aliNE SAL£S LICEllSE AT 13042-A NEIdPORT AVENUE Adopted Resolu~lo. No. 86-41 purSuant to Council ac~lofl off Retch 17, 1986. 9o IIESOUJ~(JII NOo 86-49 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF l~JSTIll, CALIFORlllA, APPROVING FILIAL PARCEL IMP 85-287 LOCATED AT 138~ REIdPOIFF AVEllIE Adopted Resolution No. 86-49 as recommflded by the Community Deve1opaem: Ooperbsefl~. 99 10. II~.S~LUTIall NO° 86-S3 - A RESOLUTION (IF TI( CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIll, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANE Alto SPECIFICATION$ FOR FISCAL YEAR 199S-86 SlO£iLeLK AND CUR9 REPAIR PROGRAN Adopted Resolu~¶on Noo 86-53 as rlcoslieflded by ~tle Public ~dorks Oe~er~eeflt, Engineering 01vtstofl. 92 It ms then moved by Kefln~dy, ~_nnded by ~stG;~-, to ~pr~e the Ht~ of t~ Ha~ 17, 19~. R~lar ~1~ aS corral. ~ton ca~ 5~. ,,Consent C~lee~_; l~ II~r 8 . Geeer~l Iqee Ammdeeat . Edgar. s~o~ by ~te~y, ~ ~t the fo11~ng: ' 8. ~Z~ ~. ~ . A KS~ON ~ ~E CITY ~U~ZL ~ ~E CITY U~ ~ F~ ~ ~N ~ G~ ~M F~ 1101 SYC~E AV~E The morton carried 4-1, JCe~nedy opposed. Viii. OlIDIJUUIC~ RJlt INTRtBIEFIOR IX. Nofle° CImlNNICE FOIl ~OOIq'lOII OII~IMIICE NO. 964 & RESOLUTION NO. 86-14 ' CITY COUNCIL IIINUTES · Page 3, 4-~'1-86 The City 14anoger ~at~ thet at] ~OSN' ~ts have L~tslott~ C~ttt.. Regarding the matter of ~ho should pa}, the fees to adnrlntster the p;~ra., he noted that there are t~o fees Involved. One fee Is for actual disclosure e. forclment . the cost of Ftre 0~arl~ent person- ne! to enforce the disclosure requtrmmot, it ts .o~ State mandate ann the City cannot gee retmursmn~t for sama. The Seeond fee ~s for actuat adadntstreeton of the energe~cy plan for hazardous ~t115 or an3~thtng reloted to the ordinance ttself. Staff estimates the total cost to he in. here from approximately' $60-100 thousann per }'ear to adnrlntster both the energe~cy plan and disclosure req-trneent. Thts Involves tospoctton on a case-by-case basis of a~y business that would have to roport, vhtch the City and Thts ts r.~ an opttonal program and ts pased sole1}' an State law. The question now ts vho pa~s thot cost? Should the City absorb the tees, or should businesses subJoc~ to rngutottons pay? if the City pa}'s the fee. there ts ou recourse but to take It from the ~lril Fund. The fils ~ould range from $110-$220 for the disclo- sure program, ann fram S157-$230 for admtntstrettm of the eeer- gene}' plan. The ~}'or stated that stnce ~t ts a State-nendatnn program, the fees should he potd b}, th,-- ann not passed on. Additionally, he fel. t a cetllng sheuld be placed m the fm so that they are not raised adnrlnt strett vel}'. The Ctty Nanager clartflnn that the ordinance adopts the disclosure ~- ..... ; [,, ~ u~rr, a~m; aS ;he a ...... · -.k,f a .~.4~ro ill esllnlstef~ the r (~unt}' would collect the fee. og p ogram, the Htchael Cate. Ftre 14arshel. spoke on the County's plans to admin- Ister the program. Hi stated that the Count}' wtll annually ~v'low the nmabor of bustneesos that t'811 under the ordinance under State la~ vs. program costs. They ~111 strtve to matntatn conservative staffing ann contlnee to meet ~th ctt~ representatives prtor to recoamendtog an), actton to the Board of Supervisors. #ayor Saltare111 ,~pressed concerns rogardtng costs. ?ended. that the Clt~ adopt the Steee-mand-*-~ ........ o~ reeolutlon until the County has an 1dee of costs. If th~ are reesonabTe, the Ctt}' could thin contract for sane and The Ftre Harshal tnntcated that the Count}, has alresdy adopted fee schequle ann proceednn to expTatn Councilman Hoesterey expressed concer~ that there vtll be duplica- tion of Information from the lack of an overall State program. The Ftre Harshel stated the County is nektng efforts to 11ak data bases and then Joint-share tnfornettou ~htch wtll probably take 2-3 years to coaq)leee. Ftre Narshel Cate responded to Count11 questions. it vas then ved b~ No. g64 h,vema Ho.terey..--~.~d.onbl~y.K Following second reading b.v 'tttle only of Ordlnance NO. 964 by the Ctt.v C;erk, tt wes moved b~ Hoesterey! seconded b~ K&~r,~, that Ordinance No. 964 he passed ann adopted is follovs: OIO[IMIICE NO. 964 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF TUSTZN, CN. ZFORNZA, N}DZNG SECTZON 5600 TO THE HUNZCZPN. COOE' ESTA6LZSHING REQUIREHENTS AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE O;SCI. OSURE OF HAZARDOUS NATERIA)..S CITY ?age Xe Frank ar~tnka, Jr., Tusttn Chamber ot' Cemmrca, suggested a user pay progrI so that the local bustness cInJty does not bmar the bnJnt of ~ progrio He Ixprisaed I destre tncluded tn the Mneral Fund Is part of total ftre sirvtcso charged to ~he City of Tusttn. Thts VlWld i11o~ better undirstandtng of the total ¢o~ to the cIntty and ~etber TusSah' is recitvtng rtsp~mstbln sorvtc., fram ~J~ Further ¢ounctl dtscu$stou follmmd. Roll C~11 AYES: Edit, ~, Kelly, ~/y, ~ltarellt ~yor Saltar,11~ s~oka ~n appostt.tou ~ P. esol~?ofl felt there should be local c~rol on Tees, m~ annual e of It ts ~ ouv~ by EditI socon~ by Kw.y, to: II~.SGUITI(Xl I~. 8~-14 - A RE?a-_UTIOll OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN 1~4ING THE ORANG[ COUNTY FIRE DEPARTHENT AS THE AG~lICY RESPON$ZBtr FOR ~I41R. ERENTTNG AND ENFORCING THE REQU~R£- RENTS OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSEI~LY DZLL NO. 2185 8) Hake Rouoluttou No. 86-14 eff~c~4ve for a m~-year pe~tod; and 3) Stipulate ~hat amy proposed tnc~se tn f~ma fr~n the Sl10-S220 fro- the dts¢losu~ progrmn, and SLS7-S230 fo~ mmrg~cy plan admtnlstratlou, must Im approval by ~J~ Ctty of Tustln. At I¥. 6r~tnke~s r~lUmat, the*follo~lng addttton ~as made to the mttou wtth approval I~ the tkm' and soco~l: 4) TI~ County shall repo~c to ~,.tm C:tty th~ total ¢os~ of ser~tcma to bua~n~ssma tn Tus~tn so that tt can be considered tn 1, tot&l overall em of ftre services. The mttou ca~ ~1. ~l~a~llt mPma~. 1~ ~ staff ~ m pm~t~ W t~ Ctty Hana~ as co~atn~ 4n the t~ ~t~ ~r11 la, 1~, ~lrK by the ~tntstrattve ~tlmn Ke11~ s~Ke tn ~tCt~ ~ ~he Ght]t C~k-of~ and r~ ~ncellatton ~ ~h ~s. C~nctl~ Ed~r ~ke tn ~ ~ Tu~tn Ttller Days ~d urg~ C~nc41 ~std~ the tm ~ s~arately. it ~ th~ mv~ b~ Saltare114~ s~o~ by Kelly. ~ cancel the E1 C~t~ R~I Ch411C~-Off. C~c~l~n K~n~y ~pr~s~ ~ tn hav4ng ~ ~thdra~ suppo~ of t~ ~t1~ C~-Off d~ to ~mtcs. Couoc41mn Ho.ter~ ~s The ~1~ ~arrt~ ~1, ~te~y ~pos~. The Ctty ~naQer ~pond~ ~ C~nctlman Edgar that t~ CI~y could ~ advise a p~ or c~ ~sttt~ on P~posttton 61. ~ tndtcaC~ ~haC the Ctty c~ld, M~e~, ~tfy ~he p~11c throuQh ~ustln T~ay' thg the E] Cmtno Real Ch~tonshtp Chtlt Cook-Off ~as can- cel~ ~e Co t~e cos~ of Insurance prmtum. 1. ~4TY CO,NC IL Page 5, Discussion followld on ~her Insurance c~ld ~ o~atn~ e~sler tf al¢o~l weft ~ ivatl~le it Tusttn T~ller mri ~blm ~ ~ople brt~ tn ~hetr ~ ~r ~an ~ alcoho~ mutd ~C~ ~ ~l~e ~ ~ t~ C~Ct~ In 1ts cw~a~ of Chi ~. Se~f-tnsu~ t~C~ ~ov~age. a~ tf n~, GO~t ~he ev~ under N~Or ~i]~a~]~t ~S tn ~avor ~ Tus~tn Tt~er DaMs ~houC ~he sale ~ alc~]. ~KI~M. Xe~2 spoke t. fair of ~ recto.. The Ion¶on wis ImldId b~ Ed~rl _%~c__M.~ded bM Kennedy, ~o proceed ~tt.h .T.us.~.I.n.~Tlll .~. ga)1 and hlv.i it coYirld m~der the CttM's erII Ilil)ll~M pOll¢~, ~ttJl no &lCOM)l beYerages pemtCtedo ~or Pro TI ~lltl~ ~lfll;Cld ~ ~hl Situation of C~ Insurance T~ ~t~ ca~ ~. 4~ ~ ~ ~ P~ltc ~s ~. E~t~r Olvlst~, t~ ~s ~ ~ ~e~ s~ ~ ~, ~ ~ C~ Folding: ~IN, ~IF~NIA, ~I~ ~ l~I~ ~ ~ A ~IC ~I~ 0t~or of ~11c ~s ~ ~o Counctl~. ~.~ Chat ~I1 ~Ku~ tn a ~ I ~ange ts to ~r~ ~h ~r~t ~n ~ ~IC c~1~e the ~l~tal ~rrant ~udy for t~ four-~ stop tnstallattm at Otr~or p~ t~ ~Jnd~ of the staff r~o~ as con- taln~ t, ~bltc ~s D~a~. Engtn~ng Division. a~ th~ m~ t~ Jntem~lm ts signalize. ~t wt~; encour- mm tmfftc ~ ~111ze ~at ~tcuiar tntemKt~on Co ~tn 'acc~s Co ~atn $t~ or ~ c~s Hath St~t. a~ tncrease no~h much trafflc ~s mv~ by Edqar~ sKond~ b~ H~te~. to ~t~ze the EnD1 nNrlng Olvtslm traffic st~al at ~e tntem~t~ ~ ~tn a~ PKtflc Struts. C~ct~ ~scusst~ l~atlm for t~ trafflc stgnal. ~uncllmn K~n~ sugg,t~ a C~orary mmlng 11ght ~cause of trafftc traveling ~stbound ov~ the ht~1. ~e Ot~tor stat~ th~ durtng the destgn ~hase staff ~lt tnv~ttgate ~her a ~nent ~vance ~rntng tg~/sl~ ts r~ulr~ for eastbou~ trafftc app~ach~ng t~ tnter- s~ton. c~?~ ~OUN~I~ ~iNUTI$ PAg~ 6, 4-21-85 The ~o~ton CArrted S-O. g4 I~L4FT E~II-EZS FOR 111E ~A ~ (Z~) ~Y ~[N ~ s~ ~t Al~e~ittv~ 2 ~ 3 vtll aff~ ~e f~ntage of Tus~tn flt~ Sc~I. Ht~ S~1. Zt wis mvK b~ ~te~/sK~d~ bY K~n~, to con~tnue ~onstd- ~1~ Ed~r ~tc~ s~ ~ ~ ~1~. ~r, ~ r~- ftcs ~ ~ p~ ~wtgh C~ ~s redue~ed by ~he Ctty glnlger, tt was roved by Hoestere~ - ooded by Kennedy, to con~tnue subject 1tea to ~y b, 1986. s~e mz'Clon c~rrled 5-0. cJS XlI. Follovtng Council/scArf discussion, t~. was ~oved by Keflned~t sec- ooded .by J4oestlPey, to 8ppeA1 .Vll~lnCl 86-3 f11edby Carver Oevel- olxBen~ to ver~ frei vertous secCtons of the StUn Code, The cir.! ed S-O. Zt is ~oved b3~ Edglrt seconded by Hoecter~y, to r~ttfy the der of t~e Apr1! 14, 1~86, PlAnning to.mission Actton AgendA. G~'rrt ed 5-Q. 8Q 7111 & 7UTII SEllER NliZnfrJAl~ DLSTRICT Zt vas ~ovod by Edgir! seconded by goester~: to recetve and ~le sul~3ec~ rs~or~ 41ted Aprt~ ~1, 1986, pr~Area by t~e Pub~tc I/orks D~Ar~mnt, Engineering Division. 14o~tofl carrted 5-Q. [t vis ~oved b3~ ;dglrt secoflded by Ho~ter~j, to recetve And ft;e sub~lect: rg~orC cited Apr11 ~6, 1986, I)r~i~cl by the Develqment Oedlrtment. CArried S-Q. SS XllI. OILER BUSII1~c The Ct~y IMnAger ~quesCed a Closed Sesston for dtscussto, of personnel matters. The Otrtc~or of Puhltc VOWS responded to Counctlw~mn ~ennedy on the sCa~us of parktng loC/street alignment Improvements at TusCtn Hetgh/cs Shopptng CanCer. A~ ~he Ctme ~he C1~y Appropriated funds CITY COUNCIL #I.NUTES Page 7, 4-21-86 for parktng lot/stredt aitgoment ~l~rove,ients. tt ~s assumed the Center had budgeted funds for the pro.lecC. HI stated that durlng staff's 1asr coatact ~th the Center 3-4 weeks ago. they ~ere 9otng beck to check wtth ned ~rlaglBlnt about budget:lng the project. To date. staff has not he~rd beck from them. He explained that the City ffas gotng to contribute lledlvelolment funds for revamtng of traffic md Nork ~thtn the pabltc rtght-of-N~y, and the property o~mm- ~ould ~ork on-stte. Council concurred to dtrect staff to proparo a letter for the ~ayor's signature to Tusttn Heights Shooptng Crofter In efforts Co proceed ~tth the project. ' ~lyor Saltare111 suggested the City proceed wtth the project and then o~tatn retmbu~_..-~Tt_ through whatever means are required. 3. EAST. 11~TXl S~ECJFIC RAI Nayor SalCar1111 Jnfomed Coonctl~n Kennedy that Edwards Ctnama has cmwnttted to a theatre complex at the Y~ford tstersectton the mtxed uSe am of East Tusttn whtch wt11 contel, stx theatres. Couect1~oasn [Imldy roquested that the ClOy Counctl conttnue to prass for pldedtr4an and btc~cle:tretls tn East Tusttn so that Ig~ctal ceat~ tn the ned am .aro eccessthle by foot as they are tn lr~tne's ~oodbrtdge subdivision. 4. LXGNTS A~ COUIIOS-11~TXN Counctl~nan Kennedy reported she recetved continuous cooplatnCs from residents off of Prospect that the 11ghts at ¢olumbus-Tusttn Park stay oa unttl 2:00 a.m. She requested that staff have the ttomrs reset. I~Q~.$T RION 90~S & ~ CUI OF 11~1~l The Ct1~ ~inlgl~ responded to Couectl~aln Kenflldy that star! has hid dtecussto~s regarding the Boys ama Gtrls Club reduest for font- lng on thetr property. Staff ~tll report back on same. Couact1~nmn ~mm~dy roported that she has recetved coopTatnts from property miners aiof~ Nln~ort Avenue Chic an abandoned tra41er the lot whtch belongs to an cuT-of-trainer t$ betng used for smok- Ing. pirt~tng asd drtnktng by )~)uflg people. She requested that the matter be Investigated. 7. OUIIISTEI$ Il RII.]C Counc¶l~n Konn~dy roported that there ar~ dumosCer~ on the publlc right-of-way on £1 Candno Res1 (formerly Liguria Road). She has recetved complaints Chat the ned strtptng on E1 Cmntno ~eal omktng trefftc travel vlr~ close to subject dumpsters whtch are unltt. The 0troctor of ~)ltc ~orks stated that subject aroa was recentl~ annexed from the County (Penkey island). Staff has requested the refuSe conq)a~ to r~move 1ts dumpsters out of the publtc right-of- way and not roplece them after they've bee~ ptcked up and The street strtptng ts the same as tt's always been; there ts some different str~ptng rtght tn the tomedtate Intersection at 8rmmtng and £1 Camtno RenT. A stop stgn w~11 be Installed for sou~hboond Brmmtng trafftc at E1 Callao to prevent continuous turns, thereby eliminating htgh spedd trafftc roundtng subject corner. 8. 11tU(~S NIO 11tAXLER$' PN~XNG tN TUSTTN Counctl~nan Kennedy reported she has recetved a complaint that trucks continually park tn Tusttn as though tt Is a truck stop. Spectflcally. t.h~y are parked on E1 Camtno Res1. East Tustln CITY GQUIClL 14ZNUTES Page 8, ¢-21-86 Red Htll Avenue, and several other areas. The ~htef of Poltce responded that the Pollce Oeparl~e~ ts ~forctng the ¢tty's new ordtnaeca prohibiting sane and wtll ¢oflttnue to do so. The Otrec~or of Publlc Idols responded to Gounctlwanan Kennedy's coecem rmgardlng tree dotage m D~noh~. ~ s~at~ that tt ts Ul~Elt~tOU~lllG OF Jtlll STREET Co,,ctlmn Edgar r~orted thR last reek the Orange Count). TraM- portutton Coumtssto, ~l)proved all subatsstons for different ¢tttes tn tmlS of ~R ts rofer~eced as 'OKA' ,oney (interest on Transit ~str~cC funds). Tusttn's reduect ~s to r~laca pivemnt off H~tn Stree~. fra, 'C' Str~c westerly as far ~s funds vould alloy. To ~otectcle wtth subject sCre~ t~prove,en~s, he suggested under- gro~ndlflg that porttofl of Hetn Street (almoR to Pactftc) ffhe~e thir~ ts no htgh voltage po~r. He dtd not recommend going further west Nhere there ts htgh voltaga ~rtq and costs Nould be ver~ high. If the cost is prohlb~ttveo he tecommmled that condutt be put tfl ~o that ~edergroundtng could be ~e ~ ~v~t~ In ~he ~td~ta1 ~e Otr~ ~ ~bllc ~s stat~ staff could prffl~ a full ~. ~ ~ mtt~, ~ eplitfl. ~ mdlqroufldtflg ts acc~ pitsh~ ~ Rule ~ fu~s. If uMe~uMt~ ~ ~tn Scr~ ~s aR~ uslng Rule ~ f~ds, tt Eld C~e a ~nl~ of 3~ t~. ~n SC~ ts tn i ~ 11ghttng mtnt~ance dls~rtc~ t~ ~ ~ ~ CtCy R ~ C~nCy's ~t. Staff ~11 c~ bl~ tn t~ n~ ~ ~ ~th a p~grl ~t~ ~ld tnvolve oylr]i~tq ~her St~ Ltg~t~ Ass~ District. ~ts ~ ~ to co~ i]1 of t~ ~ cher~ b~ause the~ ts not ~gh f~t~ R tM ~t ttm ~ ~ the ~tsttng dwnd. Hair SilCa~llt ~u~t~ tMt ~ff ~are a b~ef ~o~ ~ ~ C~ c~Cs n1~ be. ~ al~ ~C~ ChaC al~ ~Ctlt~y c~ thR all ~ In tM a~ ~ ~ d~e st~ltan~sl~. CNtS ~ 011 Crl~ ~ IdrIM 'l~e SALE' SI6NS Couflctlmfl Edgar complatfled thaC sore arterial streets have become "used car lots," vd~ere cars for sale are left Darked, Following taint rrm tM Chtof of Poltca and the City Attorfley, Count11 con- curred to direct stiff to come back ~th mn ordinance prohibiting ~ounc~l~in Edgar reported that Phase I of the I-S/S5 Freeway Inter- change project ts scheduled Co 9O out to btd tn June, 1987o Phase Z! of the project ts scheduled Co ga out to btd tn August, 2989. Vtdentng of the [-S rrm the 405 to Route 55 is presentl~ scheduled to 9O out to btd in Aprt~, ~989. The YO, ford ~nterchange project ts scheduled 1~o 9o out to btd in May, 1968. XIV. ..,Y COUNCIL IIINUTES Page 9, 4-21-86 13, SIGNN~ OM ~DHILL & [-S FROMM .Hayor S~ltarelll thanked Staff for r~licl ~ thl synch~tza- tt~ ~afltsm tn ~e trsfftc st~al ~tml ~x at R~htli a~ the ~m ~ F~y. ~ steam C~afftc ts ~vt~ safely a~ quickly a~at n. ~yo~ ~ltaml]l ~ a pa~tal ~tst of c~ttt~ ap~tnt~Cs X9~87 as Cmmrlttem O.C. hnttetton Dtstrtct #! O.C. Senttetton Dtstrtct P7 0.~. San¶tat~ofl 0(steer Jotnt Powers Authority, Eastern Transportet~on Cort~ dot 0.¢. V~ctor ~onCrol t~ague of C~ttes #EOCCS XS. EAST TdS~# STREET SYST~ Representer1 ve A1 remote Hoesterey Sol tarel Edgar Saltarel Kennedy Sol ta~el Sol tarel 1 t Edgar ~Ce~y Edgar Kelly Mayor Saltarmlll referenced a letter he reCetved from County Super- vtsors Stmeton and N~tande regarding 1.maces 04' the street system telettra to East Tusttn and the County's plans. He reported thee the letter states per'titular tnterest tn analyzing the tmpect of both the East Tusttn plan and the normal future r~gtonal trafftc Increases on mxtsttng I~a Coltna. They further pr~5~e that the Jotnt effort be g. tded by a central pu11cy of utilizing ~ Collna and parallel routes for serving pre.rarely local . trsfft¢ and focustflg r~Jtonal trafl'tc on more efficient r*outes such as Zrvtnm Boulevard. The Miyor stet~d that such ecl:ton by the County vould vorsen the trefftc sttuetton ~n Tusttn. He Indicated he you,d provide all Count11 emmhers vtth a cot~y of sm so Chat ¢oonctl can take a pesttton on the matter. At XO:O0 p.m. tt was moved by I(ennedy, SeCOnded by Edqar, to reCess to a Cl~ed Sesston to ~onstder personnel matters pursuant TO 6overnment Code SeCtton S4gS7; and thence ad3ourn to the next regular meeting on Monday, Mi), S, 1986, et 7:00 p.m. ~lrrted S-O. #INUTES OF A ~ I~TTINO OF 111E ~gk'V~,OPlmlT ~ENCY OF THE CITY OF 111S1'I#, CALIFOelI~ APRIl. ~l, 1986 CAU. TO W The ,meting w~s called to order st 8:43 p.m. by Chatman Sa]tarellt tn the ~l~y ~ounctl Chambers. 300 Centennial tiay. Tusttn. ~aItfornta. Agency 14mnbers Present: 3e Agency Heuhers ~bsent: Others Present: OESZel REVZEN FOIt ~ FEIIffTT 8i-].q, I~LTZPUItPOS~ ~lllOll CXTXZBI ~ . ~SOLUTIO~ NO. NOA 866 The Senior Plan~er presented the staff report as cootatned tn the Inter- cmo dated April 2X, 1966, prepared by the Commmtty Oevelopmert Depart- merit. Agency melber Saltarellt recomesnded replacing planter boxes wtth tree eells tn the parking lot. In response to Hr. Edgar, Ron Patge, project arnhtte~-t, stated that the timetable to complete construction dravtngs for suW,lsslon to the Ctty for ftnal check ts vlthtn 3-!/2 months of Agency Wproval to procesd. Jmes blllmoth, no address gtven, spoke tn o~posttlon to the Hu]ttpurpose Sentor Ctttzen ;enter, stating that tt would get greater use as a com- munity center. Hr. ~ttmeth esprsssed unhappiness that park t,~orovements wt11 be torn clo~ to facilitate the but]ding. Edmund P. Sheheen, Clover Orive. spoke tn favor of the (:enter, stating that sentors deserve thts t3fl)e of facility. Richard Vtntng, 400 ties~: Hetn Street, stated he vas not mpesed to the center ttself, but objected to the locattm of the center. He rec~mended that tt be moved southerty so as not to reduce the stze of the park. Chairman SaltarelH clarified that the center ts destgned for general pur- pose use as well, t.e., banquets, town hall meetings, and not solely for senior clttzen aCCtvlt, tes. The Ctty Count11 and Steering Committee revte~ed vartons propesals, and what ts before the Agency thts evening Is what the consultad?.s and conmtttee have agreed upon. Victor Anderson, Or., O~ner of Tustln Blacksmith Shop, spoke tn c~posltlon to the center's locatton ~n Pepportree Park. He f'elt the matter should have been placed on the pallor. It was then moved by £dcjart seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: IIESOLUTZON NOo IIOA 8~-6 o A R£SOLUTIOR (Ac TH~ COf~4UNITY I~£D£VELOPIdE:NT AGENCY OF THE: CITY OF TUSTI:N, CALIFORNIA, APPROVZNG THE SITE AND E].£VATION PLANS FOR THE: PROPO$1.~) MULTIPURPOSE SEiNIOR CENTER AT 200 SOUTH "C" STREET. ~EDEVELOP~NT AGENCY Page 2, 4-21-86 Agency flmlbers spoke tn support of the project. After further discussion and pub]tc In, ut. the morton carrted 5-0. 60 Agency mr ICelly mmdermt tf s~eichtng less expensive could be done to sloff trafftc, such ~s stop stgns. Hr. Edger felt that the trafftc stgnal t5 the most dtrsct and effective method to slow dram trsfftc. L~n A. Van Dyken, 23S South 'A' Stre4t, recom,ended Installation of stop stgns tn the tnte~lst of savtng mney. Chatman Saltare111 polffCed out some negictve factors ~ stop s~gns, such ~ notse, t~ ab~11ty ~ c~ml tt~ of tra~c, a~ saf~y as~ S. HS. Van Oyken felt rsstdents on 141tn ~ould endure the ~olse of ~m stop- ptng/sta~l~ ~ ~ ~le ~ ~tt thor d~vwa~. S~ w~ tn fair of the stop st~s, ~ ~t~ flasht~ ~mtng 11ghts ~r d~vem traveling ~sterly ~ t~ f~ ore.ass. . Hrs. Kennedy suggested ChiC mil)ers of the nlwly~orgenlzed TRUST '(Tusttn Residents Untted to Save Tuican) group /ke In appointment ~lth the Dtrec- tm- of I~bllc tiorts and Chlef of Poltce to dlscuss area residents' feel- trigs on the vitter. The Agency then could proceed ~tth the residents' best Interests tn sdnd. Ns. Van Dyken vis r~ce~tlve to Hrs. Kennedy's suggestion. Chatm~n Selterellt suggested that the Agency could proceed Ntth tbe nl~on, but: deity 1ts tmplenentltlon, unit1 residents bane had an opportunlt.~ to meet ~th staff. The motto~ carrted 4-1, Kelly ;)posed. S. OTI~R BUSINESS None. At 9:36 p.m. the meictng vas adjourned to the next regular mee~tng on Hay 6, Z986, by unanimous tnfonnal consent.