HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2 DEMANDS 04-21-86NO. 2~- 4-21-86 In accordance with 5action ]?20a of the GovernMnf Code, I hereby certify that the Itteohed' deminda Ilatlnga.ieccouqta payable of the City) have been found to conform to the approved budget except as noted and ~eve. been paid. These demndl are hereby submitted for City Council inapectlon ind confirmation. Listings: 03/31/86 o3/31/86 o4/ 1/86 Exceptions Total $729,099.82 <18,.o.78> 3'91 ,'~4'6.73 $1,105,685.80 Hand Issues VOids Warrant Run NONE rector_ of Finance AFFIOAVIT OF PAYROLL In accordance with Sectlon-3720e of tho Government Code, I hereby certify that the attached payroll listings have been found to conform to the approved budget except al noted and have been p~id. These payroll listings ere hereby submitted For Cl fy Council Inspectlon.and confirmation. ti st i nee: 04/04/8.6 $135,672.45 Exceptions NO.NE ~ AGENDR ZTEM RATIFICATION OF DF14ANDS AND PAYROLL BACKGROUND In September of 1972 Council approved the use of Section 37208 of the Government Code which expedites payment of city payroll and accounts payable obligations which are in accordance with an approved budget. Under this procedure, each purchase is not onl~ reviewed at the time the purchas? order is issued, but is reviewed by the Finance Department przor to payment of the invoice from the vendor to insure that it conforms to the approved budget. The City Council then is provided a listing' at each council meeting of the payroll and general warrants issued since the-last report so that it can inspect and confirm these warrants.. ATTACHED ARE THE FOLLOWING LISTING: TYPE OF LISTING: ~eneral Demands: ~ccounts Payable) Total DATE AMOUNT 03/31/86 $ 729.099.82 03/31/86 . ~15,360.75'? 04/11/86 ~ Hand Issues Voids Warrant Run Payrol! Listing: 04/04/86 $135,672.45 The Director of Finance has certified that the above listings are in accordance with the approved budget with the following exceptions: EXCEPTIONS: NONE ECO~i.!ENDED ACTIONS: M.O. --- that the attached payroll and demand listings be con- firmed and approved as submitted in accordance with Section 37208 of the Government Code. W W r_) (.1 [iJ ~ ~C kU ~ I0 ~. Ix. I I It. . la.I-- la,f?' la.. ,'*', "3' "~ ~- LU,~ "~ LU:~ n sl.qT UjIII COlv') _~..~ '7 )11-- al' ~'LIJ I "!' .-I LL. --1 ..., LIJ 1"4 I-- ILl ,.i LIJ I") ¥ '~' v ..I LU I.I.F-- ~.. I~ I~ I~ " I ':Z Ill-- ~ .'Z. t[. --¢3 ,~l._j C:,D. ..!, ",l' U") ..~ I "~ '--' .l', '=' .'Z- I ..,r -r- I-- 13. 1.1.1 -,~ -1, I } I ,.g, I -'~ · fo .fr. -1 t.~ ,I, ,16 ~ td Iai LI~ L.~ .-k, .-1 --I .--I II LW iai I.~ I.ul --I ~ .-I _1 .-I -J .,.,, -m 'Z ,WI-. f~ I-- ...J Ltl "7 fi,, f. % "'.'d- .'W. Iq, Iv) ,3', ,,D,{ ..,-, '11' I",., .l.',- ~ I ,~- "I I I I 'ti' I I I 21' ~ I'-,, I"- ,~ >.- >- ~.. ,~ .,~ 14, v '7 '7 m' _ --,7. I~J * * .~. '8' '=, -',1. ,-DPO ,.DPO q)PO ,.~PO ,.Dt~ ,.Dr~ ,.DPO '.DI~ "2' · -~-a ~O,J ~0--1 ~0....I ~0~- ',D_J ~0.11 ~-'~..% ...~.. --t LI. I-- I I % O. .7>- r~ % % ! I I I r,-- I--..J ..-., ¢ 13: 1'3 I I r',- ,~-T.. ! !