May 15, 1961
Meeting called to order at 8:30 P.M., by Mayor KidS.
Present: Kidd, Humeston, Byrd, Sheridan, Mack
Absent: None
City Attorney: J. Rourke, present
City Engineer: J.L. McBride, present
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Byrd that minutes of May 1st regular meeting be
approved as corrected. MotiOn carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
Councilman Mack that correspondence be received
and filed. Motion carried.
MORE SPACE FOR Mayor Kidd appointed Mr. Byrd, Mr. Humeston and
POLICE & STREET Mr. Sissel a committee to check into more space
EQUIPMENT for Street and'Police Department equipment.
APPROVAL OF Moved by Mr. Byrd, seconded by Mr. Mack that
PROJECT 24 contract for improving Main Street (Project 24)
be approved and City Clerk and Mayor authorized
to sign. Motion carried.
GRANT DEED OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
L.. SCHULMAN man Numeston, that Grant Deed of Louis Schulman
ACCEPTED AND for property at First and D Streets be accepted
RECORDED and be recorded with County Recorder. Motion
ADOPTION OF On a motion by Councilman Mack, seconded by
CONTRACT WITH Councilman Byrd, the Mayor and City Clerk were
COUNTY RE authorized to execute contract with the County
UPKEEP OF covering the construction, engineering and in-
CITY STREET spection of city street improvement projects by
IMP. PROJECTS' CSuhty Personnel. Motion carried.
.... Councilman Mack, Tustin Youth Center chairman
...... in~ited the council members to the following:
' ' First meeting of the Senior Citizens
Group - May 17th
TO TYC Memorial Day Service ll A.M. May 30th
FUNCTIONS honoring Phil Griset, Jr.
..... Work Day - Saturday, May 27th
TYC NAME Nam~ ~h~nge of Tustin Youth Center Committe
Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
REVIEW AND Councilman Mack that Mayor Kidd contact Hanson
CERTIFIED REPORT & Peterson requesting a review and certified
FROM HANSON & report based on anticipated revenue per i000
PETERSON RE population, exclusive of sales tax. Motion
REVENUE PER carried'.
ORDINANCE N0. 152 Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
READ BY TITLE Councilman Sheridan that Ordinance No.
ONLY 152 be read by title only. Motion
carried unanimously.
ADOPTION OF Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by
ORDINANCE N0.152 Coun~ilman Sheridan that Ordinance No.
RE ADVERTISING 152 "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin,
ADJACENT TO ~ regulating advertising displays ad-
LANDSCAPED jacent to landscaped freeways," be
FREEWAYS passed and adopted. Motion carried.
City attorney requested to study weed
abatement ordinance and report.
THREE DIRECTORS Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
EMPLOYED BY TYC by Councilman Byrd that the three
FOR SUMMER EM- ~ directors recommended by the Tustin
PLOYMENT AUTHOR- Youth Center Committee be employed for
IZED AND ADOPTED ~ummer program as specified. Motion
COMMITTEE APPOINTED Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded
TO STUDY EBEL by Councilman Mack that the Mayor appoint
PROPERTY FOR A a committee to study all aspects of ac-
PARK SITE quiring the Ebel property for a park site.
Motion carried. Th~ mayor appointed him-
self, Mr. Mack, Mr. Humeston, and Mr.
Rourke to said committee.
PROSPECT AVENUE Motion made by Councilman Sheridan, seconded
SETBACK FROM MAIN by Councilman Mack thst the City Engineer
TO FIRST STREET - remove setback'on ProSpectAvenue from Main
60' RIGHT OF WAY Street to First Street and leave the
~ street a 60' right-of-way. MotiOn carried.
City attorney was asked to investigate
other Group Hospitalization Insurance -
Medical Plans.'
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
'Councilman Mack that the bills be paid.
James G. Rourke . .$~60.00
CliffOrd A. Hennen' ~ 29.?0
B Robinson Fertilizer 6o. 62.40
Printing Div - Sacrament~ .78
I Santa Ana Blue Print Co. 16.64
Orange County Blueprint 24.56
L Orange County Lumber Co. 46.94
Les Johnson . . . 34.00
L Tustin Paint Store . . 19.35
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 8.11
S Mullen Lumber Co. 29.95
John F. Wardlow 1,184.20
O. 0. Bixler ... 150.00
Smith-Carona . 12.27
Atlas Coverall. 3.60
Tustin News . . . 19.60
Orange County ~aiigtAlephone 30.00
Tustin Hardware ....... 129.90
Dairymen's Ferti.~izer Co-op Co. ll7.00
First Western Bank (utilities). 209.07
Petty Cash Replenishment. 39.70
J. L. McBride . 35-54
On motion by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack
and duly carried, the meeting was adjourned to a regular ad-
journed meeting May 22nd at ?:30 P.M.
'~ic l 0M