HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 05-19-86MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E cIT~ OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 19, 1986 Iio III. CALL TO OI~)ER/PLEI)GE OF ~I.LE6IANCE/INgOCATIO~ The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:00 p,m. in the City Council Chan~oers, 300 Centennial Way. The Provost Marshal's Office Color Guard from the United States *Marine Corps Air Station, Tusttn, presented the flag colors. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Isabella McClements, Recreation Coordinator. The Invocation was .given by Nick Ogden, Site Manager, TLC Program. Council persons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: Donald J. Saltarellt, Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tm Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D, kanm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Oir. of Public Worts Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Otr. of Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 50 in the audience SPECIAL PRESENTATION 1. UNVEILING OF SENIOR CITIZEN C~NTER P,~NOERIN6 At Mayor Salt~rellt's request, Councilwoman Kennedy announced that the rendering of the proposed Senior Center was to be unveiled this evening. She asked the following members of the Steering Committee for a Senior Center to stand: Ron Hoesterey, Rose Zuccarelli, Janet Schwartz, Ruth Jacobsen, Jim Kane, Nick Ogden, Ken Hoesterey, Ruby May, Margarete Thompson, Ron Paige, Royleen White, Isabella McClements, and Susan Jones. Janet Schwartz, on behalf of the Tusttn Area Women's Club, pre- sented the first Community donation to the Tustln Area Senior Cen- ter Fund in the amount of $500. Council woman Kennedy announced that fund-raising officially begins this evening with a goal of $600,000. City, County and Federal funds in the e~nount of $2,000,000 have been obtained to date. Six audience meni)ers were randomly drawn by Council members and Mrs. Schwartz for the unveiling. The unveiling by Hazel Spillman, Alyce Bemis, Glenda Farrell, Ida Sternberg, Ruby May, and Janet Schwartz was applauded by the audience. At 7:13 p.m. Mayor Saltarelli officially declared a five-minute recess to allow those interested to view the rendering. The meet- ing was reconvened at 7:18 p.m. with all members present. 41 CITY COUNCIL MINUT[S Page 2, 5-~g-86 2. Pf~OC~TIO# - MISS llJSTIN 1986 Mayor Saltarelli presented a proclamation to Christine Larson honoring her as Miss Tustin 1986. Miss Larson thanked the Coun- cil. Jeff Post, Director of Miss Tustin Pageant, presented the City with the official photo of Miss Tustin 1986 to be hung in City Hall. 84 PUBLIC ~:NIIN~S 1. ZONE QINI~ 86-2 -HEN. TI~NI£ MEDICAL C£~1'£R - ORI]INM~CE NO. 969 There were no Council questions of staff, and no additonal staff co~ents to the inter-c~ dated May [9, [986, prepared 5y the Com- munity Development Department. Mayor Saltarelli opened the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. Mike Fields, Manager of Market Development for Healthcare Inter- national, spoke in favor of the zone change. He indicated agree- merit to ell conditions set forth by the Plannlng Co~tsslon with the excegtion oK the two°story limitation. He agreed to accept a maxl~u~ restriction ,of three stories or 40 feet which was previ- ously agreed to ~tth City staff and Planning Co~mission. He urged Council's serious consideration of same. Mr. Fields responded to Council questions, 8t11, Greenwalt, ~epresenttng the current property owner, ~rovided tnfonaetion o~ butldlng heights on surrounding properties, stating they ar~ close to 40 feet. There were no other speake~ on the matter, and the public hearing ~as closed at 7:30 p.m. tn response to Councfl~oman Kennedy, the Community Development Director noted that Ordinance No. 969 provides for relocation assistance through rent reduction by one-third for a period of six ~onths, Councilmen Edgar stated that the two-story, 30-foot Ii=ira[ion for the entire parcel size is not reasonable. He felt that Lhe exist- ing hetght is acceptable recognizing that a use permit will be necessarT. [t ~s moved by.£d~ar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Exhibit "B" of Ordinance No. 969 ~e =odifled whereby any structure built on the proper~y shall not exceed three stories or 40 feet in height, whichever is lo.er. Hayor Pro Te~ Hoesterey stated that since ~he property abuts resi- dential pcopef~cies he ~ould prefer the 30-foot restriction re~ain, and then based upon a suitable proposal, a variance application could be mode. Following Council discussion, the ~otion carried 3-~, Hoesterey and Kennedy opposed. [t wes th~n moved by [d~ar, seconded by $altarelli, that Ordinance No. 969 have first reading by title only. Carried $-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. g6g by the City Clerk, it was moved by [d~ar~ seconded by $altare111, ~hat Ordinance No. 969 be introduced as follows: OI~[NMICE ~0. 969 - AN ORDENANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUST[N, REZONING THE PROPERTY KNONN AS THE EANCHO LA PAZ APARTMENTS AT [[0! SYCAHOR£ AVENUE FROH MULTi-FAMILY R£S[OENTEAL (R-3) TO PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONAL (p&[) The motion carried 3-2, Hoesterey and Kennedy opposed. 110 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 5-19-86 AGENDA ORDER V. PUBLIC INPUT 1. SENIOR C~q~cR Ida Sternberg, 14400 Newport Avenue, #109, spoke in favor of the Senior Center. She expressed joy and thanks that the project is finally Coming to fruition. · APP£JU. OF VARIA/(C£ NO. 88-3 - TUSTIN PLAZA SIGNING, CARVER DEVELOP- The Community Development Director stated that Carver Development has requested a two-week continuance. There were no speakers on the matter. As requested by Carver Oevelopment, it was moved b Hoesterey, sec- onded by Edgar, to continue the appeal hearing June Z, 1986. The motion carried 5-0. 3. PROPOSED ~ NAJ~E C}~ANG~ FRO# HOULTON PA~Kt~Y TO EI)INGER AVE~ - RE$O~.UTION NO. 88-64 Mayor Pro Tam Hoesteray requested that if there were no speakers on the matter, that the it~n be continued to allow Council review of material received from affected businesses. Mayor Saltarelli announced that Council had receive~ seven letters from businesses in the area objecting to the proposed name change. Mayor Saltarelli opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m. Pau].Lothrop. Controllers [ntermac Corporation, spoke in opposition to the proposed name change. He noted the costs of changing all literature and advertising, notification to customers of an address change, and desirability to retain their identity. Mr. Lothrop felt Mayor Saltarelli'$ proposal was reasonable that stx-~nth period be allowed to phase-in the name change. The Mayor explained to Mr, Lothrop that Edinger Avenue runs through a number of political jurisdictions. A very small portion of it through Tustin has two different names. Therefore, within the dis- tance of 1-1/8 miles, its name changes three times. It is very confusing to people V/aD are not area residents. It wa5 then moved by Hoestere~ seconded by Ed~ar~ to continue the lot 1 ow~ ng: R£-<OI. UT]O# NO. ~-~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING DESIGNATION OF MOULTON PARKWAY, BETWEEN REHILL AVENUE AND HARVARD AVENUE, TO EDINGER AVENUE The motion carried 5-0. 96 4, PROI~)$ED ~-rR£k'T ~J~E ~3~J~NGE FRO# JA~BOR£E ROAD TO TUSTIN RANCH ROAD - R£SOLUTION NO. 85-65 Mayor Saltarelli opened the public hearinG at 7:50 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Hoestere),~ seconded by Edgar, to adopt the follow- ing: R£SOI. UTION NO. 86-85 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING DESIGNATION OF JAMBOREE ROAD, BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND BRYAN AVENUE, TO TUSTIN RANCH ROAD Motion carried B-O. 96 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 5-19-86 MLIC INPUT 1. I~EqtEST FOR I~OCI. kMTION - 'LITERACY kI[EK' Dean Beck, President of the Orange Literacy Project, LVA-Orange, requested the Tustin City Council join t.he Orange Ctty Counctl in declaring the week of July 27 as "Literacy Week." The Mayor thanked Mr. Beck and asked him to leave a number where he could be ~eached by staff. 2. NOISE FROM IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COJd~EX Wiley Kennedy, [471[ Oanberry Circle, complained that a business in the I~vine Industrial Complex. off of Franklin and Dow Avenues, operates 2C-hours a day and creates noise which is a public nui- sance. The ~yor' requested that staff investigate the matter and report back to Council on same. 3. SENIO~ CENTER BUILDING Lyn Van Dyken, 235 South "A" Street, expressed delight at seeing the artist rendering of the proposed Senior Center. She requested, however, that part of Pedpertree Park not be taken for parking. She suggested underground parking to save the parkland. Councilwoman Kennedy was sensitive to MS. Van Dyken's comments. She stated she would take another look at placing parking on the other side of the School District Administration building. 4. COMPI-~XNT$ FROM I%~J~SMAI.L LANE NOHEOWN~ A~SOCIATION Daniel Alfonzo, [3312 Marshall Lane, referenced a letter addressed to Council and various governmental agencies from the Marshall Lane H~meowners' Association. Mr. Alfonzo requested that the issues in subject letter be brought up at the next Council meeting for reso~ lutton of those particular problems. Mayor Saltarelli stated that rather than discussing the matter at a Council meeting, Council would contact Mr. Alfonzo and advise him of staff's investigation on the matter and how to best handle same. Tulen Gallian, [3262 Marshall Lane, requested the Mayor divulge the contents of subject letter, and spoke in defense of adolescents in subject area. The Mayor informed Ms. Gallian that she would be included in any discussions relative to the problem. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, to approve the entire Consent Calendar. The motion carried 5-0. 1. ~PNOVAL OF MINUTES - MAY 5, [986, REGULAR MEETING 2o APPROVAL OF OF. NNfl)S IN THE A~IOUNT 0F.$916,932.86 P~ATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,128.89 50 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-19; CLAINANT: JACK WOO0; DATE OF LOSS: Z/15/86; DATE FILED Will( CITY: 4/22/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 4. REJECTIO# OF CLAIM NO. 86-18; CLAIMANT: J. STUP¥, M.D.; OATE OF LOSS: 4/3/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 4/21/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 5-1g-86 REJECTION OF CLAIH NO. 88-15; CLAIMANT: FRANCES M. WATTS; DATE OF LOSS: 3/20/86; DATE FILE]) WITH CITY: 4/15/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 6o RE~)ECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-14; CLAII~ANI'( TERESA LA REIHE QUICk; DATE OF LOSS: 1/4/86; DATE FILEO WIlll CITY: 4/11/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 7. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-16; C~AIMANT: H. TED & SANDRA K. HERTZ; DATE OF LOSS: 1/13/86; DATE FILEO wITH CITY: 4/16/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 8. RESOLUTION NO. 86-60 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 86-36Z LOCATED AT THE SOUTH- WESTERLY CORNER OF WALNUT STREET AND NEWPORT AVENUE Adopted Resolution No. 86-60 as recommended by the Community Development Oepa~ment. 99 AT&SF RAZLWAY CO#PANY, ET AL V. STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, SAN FRANCISCO SUPERIUR COURT CASE NO. 855589 (CLAIM NO. 86-20) Authorized the County Counsel of the CSunty of Orange to defend - the City of Tusttn in the above-referenced action pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 5149 as recommended by the City Attorney's Office. 40 RESOI.UTXON NO. 86-61 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION DON A PORTION OF MYFORD ROAD AND TO FIX A TIME HEANIIt~ THEREON Adopted Resolution No. 86-61 as recommended Dedartment/Engtneering Division. COUNCIL OF THE CITY TO VACATE AND ABAN- ANO PLACE OF PUBLIC by the Public Works 105 11. RESOLUTION NO. 86-62 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSEC- TION OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD (JAMBOREE BLVD.) AND EL CANINO REAL (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1, PHASE VI) ANO DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopted Resolution No, 86-62 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. g4 12. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS CITY EQUIP~NT TO BE AUCTIONED ON dUNE 28, 1986 Declared items on subject list as City surplus and authorized same to be sold at the City Police Auction June 28, 1986, as rec~,.~ended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divi- sion. 87 13. R~SOkuTIUR NO. 86-63 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT ANO AUTHORIZING RECORDA- TION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION ("B" ST. & MITCHELL AVE. HCDA STREET IMPROVEMENTS) Adopted Resolution No. 86-63; and if no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days after date of recordation, authorized payment of the final [0% retention amount as recom- mended by the Public Works Oepartment/E~gineering Division. - 95 14. REVISEO LANOSCAPE AUREEMENT, TRACT 12345, EAST lllSTIN PHASE I RESI- OENTIAL Directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the revised Lend- scape Maintenance Agreement between the City and The Irvine Company as recommended by the Community Development Department. 45; 86-22 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 5-19-86 VII. O~I)IIiANCE FOR INTROOUCTION 1. PROPOSED CATV ~HISE FOR ~NITY ~LEVISION - O~I~E ~. 970 ~ rec~end~ tn the inter-c~ dat~ April 2, 1986, prepar~ by the City Attorney's Office, it was ~ved by Kennedy, seconded by , that Ordinance No. 970 have first reading by title only, d 5-0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance NO. gTO by the City Clerk, It was moved by Edgar~ seconded by K~n~y, that Ordinance No. gTO be lntroduc~ as follows: ~I~ ~. 970 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF TUSTIN, C~IFORNIA, ~ENDING ~E FRANCHISE FOR A CABLE TELEVISION SYST~ GRANT~ TO CO~UNI~ CABLEVISION COMPANY The ~tton carried 5-0. 53 VIII. ~I~E FOR ~ON 1. ~ ~ ~CR~TIO~ VEHIC~S ~ ~LIC R~DWAY - O~IM~E NO. g~ It was ~v~ by Kennedy~ second~ by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 968 have s~ond reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 968 by the City Clerk, it was ~v~ b7 Ed~ar~ seconded by KennY7, that ~dinance No. 968 be pass~ and adqpt~ as follows: O~I~E ~. g~ - AN OROI~NCE ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF T~TIN, C~IFORNIA, ~ENDING ~STIN CITY CODE SECTIONS 5340e, 5330e A~ SECTION 5311 RELATIVE TO THE STORAGE OF VEHICLES ON PUBLIC ROAD~YS Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, ~esterey, Kelly, Kenn~y NOES: Saltarelll ~SENT: None ~ IX. ~D ~IN~S ~. ~IN ~EU LI~TI~ The staff repo~ as contatn~ in the lnter-c~ dat~ May 12, 1986, ~s presented by the Director of Public Works. The Director noted that the County currently will not authorize installation of any additional lights in the old lighting district. Tustin would have tO pay the ener~ charge on these lights until tt assumes adminis- trative ~erational duties of the district fr~ the County. Council~man Kenn~y ~nder~ If a Victorian thee could be used for the replac~ent lights.. The Director respond~ that there are nine ~tSttng lights on ~od poles. The staff r~ort proposes r~lac~nt of those lights with conventional marbelite-type stan- dards us~ throughout the City. Six or seven additional new lights would fill in the gaps and provide ad~uate lighting. Each inter- section ~ere a traffic signal is installed will have conventional traffic safety lighting over it so that those particular areas will be ~ll-lit. Easterly on Main between Prospect and "C," staff continued theme- type lighting ?r~ the E1 C~tno area with a misslon-bell-type lumtnaire. Staff could obtain different samples of any type light- ing destr~, as long as it's ~anufacturable. It was mov~ by Ed~ar~ s~onded b7 Kennedy, to proce~ with planning for the construction ot replacement street lighting on Main Street; to include undergroundtng for street lighting; to consider upgrading the standards; and to reaffi~ that the area between "B" and "C" Streets will be fund~ with Redevelopment ~ntes. The ~tion carried 5-0. 63 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 5-19-86 NEW 1. Councilwoman Kennedy suggested that .members of TRUST (Tustin Resi- dents United to Save Tustin) be advised .of Council action. 1"dS'TIN TILLER DAYS pAR/~I)I~ David Edgar, Tustin Jaycees, presented the Tusttn Jaycees request as contained in his letter dated May lg, 1986. Mr. Edgar responded to Councilman Kelly's concern on the $1,500 expense for band Judges. It was moved by Edgar~ seconded by Kenned),, to approve the follow- ing proposals: 1) The Jaycees will procure adequate liability insurance to cover their o~m involvement in the Parade while the City procures its own coverage to the extent of its own involvement, with each party then having coverage to the extent it may deem necessary; 2) Only those equestrian units with substantial parade experience (i,e., six parades within last 12 months) and good safety records will be allowed to participate; in addition, with the exception of military units, these entries will be required to provide evidence of at least $1,000,000 of liability coverage and sign an agreement relieving the City and Tustin daycees of any liability res~lttng fram their participation in the parade; 3) The City will provide advance funds to the Tustin Jaycees to Kun the Parade in an amount not to exceed $4,250; and 4) The Parade route will remain the same as in lgOS; staging will be on "A,' Third and Second Streets. The motion carried 5-0,' 34 2. STREET LI(R4TING - TUS'TIN ~ (CARVER DEVEt.0PNENT) 3e As recommended in the inter-cam dated May 12, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was ~oved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, to authorize the installation of ten street lights along Newport Avenue, Main Street, and Sixth Street adjacent to Tustin Plaza; and appropriate funds in the amount of $1,3g0 in FY lg86-87 Budget for electrical energy and maintenance of said lighting. The mOtion carried 6-0. 63 AWARD OF (~)IITRJ~b'T FOR FY 198~-86 SIOEWALK& CURB REPAIR P~O~RAM Bids for subject project were received on May 13, 1986, as follows: Dudley Masonry, Inc., Anaheim $114,863.12 Loant Construction, Buena Park $122,791.74 Am & Hammer Concrete Removal, Tustin $123,273.76 Bruce Paving Company, Inc., Gardena $198,563.73 Pur%uant to the recommendation contained in the inter-cam dated May 13, ~goB, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to award the contract for subject project to Dudley Masonry, Inc., Anaheim, in the amount of $11¢,863.1Z; and authorize staff to add additional work to the contract to utilize all budgeted funds ($136,000). Motion carried 5-0. 96 ~g86-87 BUOGET WORKSHOP Council concurred to conduct a FY 1986-87 Budget Workshop on dune 2, lg86, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 5-19-86 CON.~i-IBATION OF ELECTIONS Mayo~ Pro Tem Noesterey suggested tablin9 subject item for 2-3 months to allow Council review of data from other cities, mayors, and con~lttees. Councilman Kelly spoke in favor of consolidation of City elections and suggested Council conduct a public hearing on the matter. Meyor Pro Tem Hoesterey debated that the Tusttn City Council has always taken a position of local control in local elections on local issues. He noted arguments against consolidation as con- tained in the inter-rom dated May 14, 1986, prepared ~y the City Clerk. Councilman Edgar concurred. He suggested the Mayor send a letter to each Mayor in Orange County on their feelings relative to con- solidation of elections. Mayor Saltarelll stated he was prepared to vote on the matter this even'ing either way. Ed Shaheen, 14611 Alder Lane, spoke in favor of consolidation. It was moved by Kelly~ seconded by Saltarelli, to consolidate the City's General Municipal Election with the general statewide elec- tion in November. Councilwoman Kennedy spoke in favor of continuing the matter. She noted that the most powerful argument against consolidation is that the City absolutely takes the spotlight in an April municipal elec- tion. A substitute motion was made by Kennedy) seconded by Hoesterey, to continue the matter for two months. The motion carried ¢-1, Salta- relli o~posed. 48 Meyor Saltarelli requested that staff provide additional informa- tio~ on the matter and prepare a letter to all non-charter cities, irrespective of size, on the Mayor and City Manager opinions on advantages or disadvantages of consolidating. 5. MNIN[R OF APPOINTING PLANNING COI((ISSION[R$ It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, that Council policy on the manner of appointing Planning Commissioners be done on a single selection by each Council member subject to ratification of the City Council. The City Attorney co~aented that there is a question in the law applicable to general law cities whether any group other than the Council as a whole can make appointments to the Planning Commis- sion. He suggested that if the Council wishes to have single selection by each member, that it could be done, but it should then be ratified by a vote of the whole Council. The motion carried 5-0. 8O The Mayor suggested that nominations be made at the June 2 or June 16 meeting for ratification by a majority of the Council, with seating of Planning Commissioners the second week of July. XI. REPORTS 1. Pt. ANNING COFi~I$$10N ACTION AGENDA - ~AY 12, 1986 It was moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Edgar, to approve the entire May 12, 1986, Planning Commission Action Agenda. Carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 5-19-86 STATUS ~1: REVISION TO CITY NOISE OP. DINANCE It was moved by Kenned¥~ seconded by Noesterey, to receive and file subject report dated May 19, lg86, prepared by the Community Oevel- opment Department. Councilwoman Kennedy pointed out thab a speaker this evening reminded Council that the City's noise ordinance is inadequate to protect its residential communities from the noise impacts from the industrial park. She stated that the existing loopholes must be closed. Richard Vining, 400 West Main, commented how quiet his n~eghborhood is since the helicopters (Sky Stallions) stopped flying over the area in the past month. He requested that the decibel level of helicopters be included in the noise ordinance. The motion carried 5-0. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. APIN)I~I(f OF EI)~ TI) BOTTLENECK POLICY CO~II1-FEE 81 3. COBBLESTONE CROSSgALKS O# EL CJ~INO REAL Councilman Kelly reported that the cobblestone crosswalks on E1 Cemino Real have beceme extremely dirty, and motorists are not aware that it's a crosswalk and speed right through them. He requested that the crosswalks be painted along the cement sepa- rating the asphalt from the cobblestone for more distinction. 4. OR~6E COUNTY VECTOR COffI'ROL Councilwoman Kennedy reported that Orange County Vector Control has traps available to people who have problems with opossums. They have recently been declared a vector {disease-carrying animal) and are considered dangerous in residential areas. Mayor Saltarelli suggested an article in Tustin Today on subject matter. 5. JOIIIT FOYERS AGENCY AGREEHENT At Mayor Saltarelli's request, it was moved by Ed~ar~ seconded by Kennedy, to direct the Mayor to execute the Joint Powers Agency Agreement. Mayor Saltarelli relayed his misgivings relative to joining the Agency. The motion carried 4-1, Saltarelli opposed. XIII. RECESS - REI)EVELOPFE~T AGENCY - A~)JOURNMEIfl' At 8:52 p.m. the Council. recessed to the Redevelopment Agency; and thence adjourned to a Budget Workshop -on June 2, t986, at 4:00 p.m., and thence to the next Regular Meeting on June 2, lg86, at 7:00 p.m. by unanimous informal consent. / CIT6CLERK~ Following a brief oral report by the City Manager, Council con- curred to appoint Councilman Edgar to fill the vacancy of former Mayor Greinke as the City's representative on the Bottleneck Policy Committee. 100 REQUEST FOR LI~T FIXTURE ON THIRD STREET Councilman Kelly reported he has received complaints of inadequate lighting on Third Street behind E1 CaminO Pet Grooming or the Black Sheep Bistro. He requested staff look into some type of light fix- ture at that location. 63 INUTES OF A R£GUI. AR MEETING ur ll(E REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 19, 1986 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:52 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. in the ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Agency Members Absent: Others Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Chairman Ronald B. Hoesterey, Chairman Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Community Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Captain Steve Foster, Police Department Royleen A. White, Dir. of Com. & Admin. Services Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 50 in the audience APPROVAL OF NINUTES - HAY 5, 1986, REGULAR MEETING It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the May 5, 1986, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve demands for the month of April, 1986, in the amount- of $17,151.62 as recommended by the Finance Department. The motion carried 5-0. 60 5. OTTIER BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT At 8:53 p.m. it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on June 2, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. ~IRMAN