HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 VARIANCE 86-3 06-02-86 Inter- Corn DATE: JUNE 2, 1986 TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL CO~UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTHENT CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF VARIANCE NO. 86-3 TUSTIN PLAZA SIGNING APPELLANT: ORIGINAL APPLICANT: LOCATION: CITY COUNCIL CARVER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1100 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NE#PORT BEACH, CA. TUSTIN PLAZA RETAIL SITE BOUNDED BY HAIN STREET, NEWPORT AVENUE, AND SIXTII STREET. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Counctl. SUFI~RY: On April 14, approval the 1. 1986 the Planning Commission approved Variance No. 86-3. With this following sign package was authorized. Six (6) driveway entry center identification signs (approval recommended by staff). Current code permits only three. Business wall signs for specific units equalling 15~ of storefront area even if such a ratio exceeds maximum sign area of 75 square feet (approval recommended by staff). The use of two (2) free-standing tenant identification signs providing signage for a maximum of six tenants (three tenants per sign). The sign code only permits these directory type signs in-lieu of all other free-standing signs on-site (denial recommended by staff). City Concil Report June 2, 1986 Page two As evidenced by findings of the Commission listed in Resolution No. 2323 (Section I., D.) it was determined that the sign package submitted met the intent of the sign ordinance and would not constitute a grant of special privileges. On April 21, 1986, City Council appealed the Commission's decision on Variance 86-3, and a public hearing was thereby scheduled for May 19, 1986. At the request of the applicant, consideration of the subject appeal was continued to this evenings meeting. A detailed analysis of the overall sign proposal and staff recommendation is contained in the attached "Report to the Planning Commission" dated April 14, 1986. JSD:pef Attachments: Report to the Planning Commlsion of April 14, 1986 Resolution No. 2323 Carver Development Co. Letter dated May 13, 1986 Corn munity Development Department Report to the Planning Commission ITEM # 11 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENYIROIg4ENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: ' APRIL 14," 1986 VARIANCE NO. 86-3 CANYER REYELOP#ENT 1100 NDIPORT CENTER DRIVE NEMPORT BEACH, CA TUSTZN' PLAZA RETAIL SITE BOUNDED BY RAIN STREET, I[WPORT AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET PLANNEO cmmUNITY cmeERClAL CATEGORICAJJ.Y EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRD[NIT OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVTRONI[NTAL QUALITY ACT (CLASS 3) VARIANCE APPLZCATZON NUMBER 86-3 REQUESTS AUTHORIZATION FOR THE FOLLOMING VARIANCES FROM THE SZGN COOE: I. THE INSTALLATION OF SiX (6) FREE-STANDING CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGNS. CODE PF. RMITS ONLY THREE' (3). 2. THE INSTALLATION OF TND (2) FREE-STANDING MULTI-TENANT SIGNS. CODE PERJ4ZTS ONLY ONE (1) DIRECTORY TYPE SIGN, AND THEN ONLY XN LIEU OF ALL OTHER FREE STANDING SXGNS ON SITE. 3. THE TNSTALLATXON OF FOUR (4) TENANT TDENTIFICATION HALL SXGNS EACH IN EXCESS OF THE 75 SQUARE FOOT RAXl14U# PERIqXTTED BY CODE. RECOFg4ENDED ACTION: It ts recommended that the Commission Application No. 86-3: 1. 2. 3. take the following acttons on Vartance Approve free-standing center Identification signs as requested. Oeny the proposed free-standing tenant Identification. Approve tenant Identification wall stgns for untts 23 through 26 consisting of stgn area of 15~ of storefront area. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Tustt n Plaza- page two SUIlqARY: Thts report analyzes and makes recommendations concerning a comprehensive stgn package submitted by Carver Development for the Tustin Plaza project. As submitted, the package requests three separate 'variances with the Municipal Code. In reviewing each request individually, staff Js recommending that a portlon of the package be authorized, with one section being denied and the third significantly altered. In short, staff's recommendations and 'reasons supporting such actton are as follows: 1. Approval of center identification signs based upon ~ardship created by structure locations and a required bike trail. Additionally, the aggregate sign area requested is less than othe~tse permitted by code. 2. Dental of free-standing' tenant identification signs in that no .hardship under the sign code exists for such stgnage. 3. Approval of tenant wall signs in excess of maximum square footage allowed provided that such area not exceed 15~ of storefront area of each individual unit. Justification is based upon distance from Newport, obstruction of vtow' by free-standing structures and that the 15% requirement will keep these signs in proportion to other signs in the center. BACKGROUND: After extensive review, several public 'hearings and considerable alteration of architectural design of the project, Tustln Plaza was approved by the Commission and City Council. The lengthy review process stemmed from Commission, Counctl and community concern over development of one of the last major sttes in the downtown area. Additionally, as a ."gateway" tn~o the E1 Camtno Real business district, aesthetic qualtty of the project was a major consideration. Presently, Tusttn Plaza ts under construction (with the exception of two free- standing structures) and Carver Development is marketing the project in search of major tenants which will act as a draw supporting the remainder of the center. It is Carver's contention that in order to secure these major tenants, signing in excess of that permitted by code is required. DISCUSSZON: As submitted, Carver's sign package requests several deviations from the sign code. Each variance will be reviewed individually in the analysis section of this report. However, it should first be noted that prior to granting any variance the Commission must make both of the following findings: Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report Tusttn Plaza page three That because of exceptional circumstances applicable to the subject property, the strict application of the stgn code ts found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under, st~llar circumstances. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustments thereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. ANALYSIS: For purposes of clarity, Variance Application 86-3 will be divided into three separate areas of discussion: Project monument signs; free-standing tenant identification signs; and tenant identification wall type signs in excess of square footage permitted by code. 1. ProJect Monument St~ns - As 'indicated on Exhibit "A", six (6) separate project identification signs {two situated at each major-entrance; one on the corner of Sixth Street at Newport and one "feature" sign on the corner of Main Street at Newport) are proposed. Each of these signs would be placed upon design features to be constructed as a part of the approved project. Surface. area supporting each sign is approximately 39 square feet, yet the actual sign, consisting of individual die-cast letters, will cover approximately ten (10) square feet. To be visible at night, each letter will be back-lit with neon creating a "halo" effect which would be con~attble with overall center design concepts. Pursuant to Tusttn Sign regulations, this site is permitted three, 75 square foot, double face monument signs. Therefore, the number of signs requested is in excess of the number permitted. However, ~the signs are to be mounted on structure~ady approved and since the actual sign area for each two signs is less than would be allowed on one double face monument, granting approval of signs requested should not constitute a grant of special privilege. Additionally, the configuration of the bike trail parallelling Newport and the positioning of structures on the site create circumstances that preclude effective use of a standard double face sign. Therefore, a claim that the project is deprived privileges enjoyed by other properties can be supported. With both criteria necessary to grant approval of a variance present, it is recommended tha~ the six center identification signs as proposed be approved. Free-standtn~ Tenant Identification Stuns Exhibit "O" attached shows locations of two proposed tenant identification signs. Each of these signs would be a single face, 35 square foot structures, with sign area for two "major" tenants. Each tenant would be given 7.5 square feet of sign area. Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report Tustl n Plaza page four Pursuant to Sign Ordinance 684, the Center ts permitted on]y one (1) tenant directory type sign, and then tt Is to be tn lfeu of all other free-standing signs on site. Further, each tenant is limited to a maxtmu; of six (6) feet of sign area. Given the fact that the applicant desires center identification signs, and that undoubtedly building number Z will want a monument permitted by code, free-standing tenant identification signs, proposed should not be approved. There ts not present any unusual circumstances tn. that the developer has opted for center Identification signs, and if approved, these signs could be considered a grant of spectal privileges. As astde note tt should be mentioned that the applicant has ctted the Mtller's Outpost monument stgn (1726! ~7th Street) as a reason for approving free-standing, stgns tn Tusttn Plaza. However, the Commission wt11 recall that the Mtller's stgn was approved because (t was a substantial and voluntary reduction of an existing non-conforming pylon stgn. Stnce this portton of Vartance Application 86-3 does not meet etther criteria requtred for approval of a variance, It ts recommended that free-standing tenant Identification be dented for the subject project. Tenant Identification Wall .Signs in Excess of Area Permitted by Code - In an effort to attract "major" tenants to the center, Carver is requesting wall signs for spaces 23. 24. 25. and 26 which would be over tWice the area permitted by code. If approved as submitted, this portion of the sign package would authorize 600 square feet of sign area. Under code, each tenant is only allowed a sign equal to 15% of their storefront area. not exceeding 75 square feet. In this tntance, signs for each tenant would be calculated and limited as roll.s: 'Unit Storefront Area 15% of Storefront St~ Area Allowed 23 704 sq. ft. 105 sq. ft. 75 sq. 24 594 sq. ft. 89 sq. ft. 75 sq. 25 440 sq. ft. . 66 sq. ft. 66 sq. 26 352 sq. ft. 52 sq. ft. 52 sq. ft. The applicant contends that because these structures are setback over 350 feet from Newport Avenue, and because of free-standing buildings encouraged by the Redevelopment Agency, visibility of units in question is restricted. It is as a result of these restrictions that Carver argues that special circumstances exist upon the property that warrant signs in excess of that permitted. Further, the applicant cites approvals of variances for other centers as grounds that a grant of special privilege would not be granted if this package were approved. community Development Department P lanntng Comdsston Report Tustln Plaza page ftve Tn staff's optnton, whtle these my be sufficient grounds to gran'c a vartance tn this tnstace, 600 square feet of stgn area ts not justifiable. Approval for l~tller's Outpost and Orug Emporium authorized stgn area equal to approx!mtely 10:t of storefront. In contrast, the Carver package asks~ for al;ost 30:;. Therefore, as an alternative to the proposed package, staff ls recomendtng that each untt be restricted to 15~ of storefront even If that ftgure exceeds 75 square feet. However, tt ts further recommended that tf by re-configuration .of untt floor plans, storefronts are Increased, that a mxtmum of 150 square feet be laposed. In this fashion, a tenant would have to have a front area of at least go ltneal feet to get mxteum stgnage. Also, 'this method will keep these signs tn a proportional relationship to other slgns fn the center.' As demonstrated tn the body Of this report, .there are certain conditions upon the subject site that Justify sone deviation from the strict application of the stgn code. At the same tier tt has also been noted that these circumstances do not warrant disregard of the Intent and purpose of these regulations. Accordingly, staff has mede recommendations on the subject application that are considered to be consistent with community goals, and recommends that the Co;mission approve the sign package as detailed tn this report. A formal resolution reflecting the 'Commission's decision will be available at the next regularly scheduled meeting. ,1SD: em Attachments ,, 'Corn munity Development Dcpartmem I-.. Z LU 0 LU 17 LLI 18 I 1 2 3 4 The Planning 5 follows: 6 I. 7 8 9 10 1'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 RESOLUTION 2323 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING VARIANC£ NO. 86-3 FOR THE RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER KNOWN AS TUSTIN PLAZA AT 1368! - 1379! NEWPORT AVENUE Commission of the City of Tusttn. does hererby resolve as The Planntng Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application (Variance No. 86-3) was filed by Carver Development requesting to vary from requirements of the City of Tusttn Sign Code by authorizing the following: 1. Stx (6) center identification signs; 2. Two (2) free-standing tenant Identification signs; and 3. Four (4) tenant identification, wall type signs, !50 square feet each. B. That a publtc hearing was duly called, noticed and he~d on satd application. Ce That through the course of public testimony and Commission dtscusston,.constderatton of the application submitted was ltmttad to center identification signs, as reauested: free-standing tenant signs, as requested: and tenant wall signs not to exceed 155 of storefront areas. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance deprives subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: Aggregate sign area of center identification signs is less than would otherwise be permitted by the Sign Code. e The location and configuration of a bike-trail paralleling Newport Avenue and positioning of structures on the site impairs- the use of standard double face center identification sign. e Structural setbacks in excess of 350 feet from Newport Avenue and the large size of building frontages are such that exceptional circumstances exist on the property that justify additional sign area. e That structural setbacks in excess of 350 feet from Newport Avenue and obstructed visibility resulting from other free-standing buildings on the site, a hardship exits Justifying limited use of free-standing tenant identification. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2t 2~ 28 Resolution No 2323 Page two That the granting of a variance as herein provtded will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations, upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. F. That this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental (Class 11.) That the *~ranting of the variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the public safety, health and welfare, and said variance should be granted. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Variance No. 86-3 subject tc the following conditions: Lettering on center identification design features at compi,:~; entrance points shall be, individual, back-lit, letters not to exceed 12 inches in height. Wall signs for tenants occupying suites numbered 23, 24, 25 and26 as shown off the attached site plan (Exhibit "A") shall beltmtted to of each suite's stop, front area. In no case shall sign area exceed 150 square feet. Two (2) free-standing tenant identification signs, final locations to be determined by the Director of Community Development shall be permitted. Each sign structure be a maximum of 35 square feet and above grade. These signs shall be allowed to be double faced signs, situated perpendicular to Newport Avenue, with three tenants maximum on each side of the sign. 4. All signs shall conform to letter types, styles and colors established in the approved master sign plan for the center onPASSEDthe .C~Y¥~'~ayAND ADOPTED or--at meeting of th? TustJn198.~. Planning Commission, hel, - PENNI FOLEY, ~ Recording Secretary Chairman b'I'AT~ OF ~,~LTFORM~ZA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIM ) Z, PEMN! FOLEY, ~he undersigned, hereby cer'ctfy ~hat ! am Re¢oPdlng .Secretary of ~he P]ann~_n~g C. qamrlsston of the CtW of Tustln, California, ~hat Resolu~cton Mo. ~ vas duly p~ssed and adopted a ~egular/mpe~.lng o~f ~e Tus~/n Fl~i~c: Coamrlsston, held on ~y of _~,~_~, 19 ~... DEVELOPMENT May 13, 1986 Hand Delivered Mr. Jeff Davis, Associate Planner CIT~ OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Tustin Plaza Request for Sisn Variance - t86-3 Dear Jeff: With this letter, we are requestin$ that you postpone our hearing, with the City Council, on the above referenced matter, from May 19, 1986 to June 2, 1986. · Please advise us at your earliest.convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. S~ncerely, Scan G. Scholey, Project M--ager SGS/clc HO0 Newport Cemer Drive Newport Beth, CA 92660 (71~) 644-9040