HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 03 06232 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL March 6, 1961 Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.'M. by Mayor Eidd PRESENT: KIDD, StTERIDAi~, MACK HUMESTON, BYRD ABSENT : NONE CITY ATTORNEY: PRESENT CITY ENGINEER: PRESENT Moved by Cot~nci~man ~ck seconded by Councilman i~umeston that the m~nutes of February 20th meeting be ayeproved as ~zailed ant] received. ' Motion carried. P0LLARD & He~r~ng ~,ras immediateIv ooend on zone change request GREENWOOD of Pollard and Green~ood. CLOSED There being no one Dresent with protests or comments the bearing was declared closed. APPROVAL 0N Moved by Mr. Humeston, seconded by Mr. Sheridan ZONE CHANGES that recommendations of the Pl~nning Commission APPROVED for approval of zone changes be approved. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan that Ordinance No. 149, "AN O~DINANCE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIF. N0. 149 AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 71 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND RE-ZONING CERTAIN PR0PERTY IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN DESCRIBED HEREIN", have it ' s first rea~ing by title only. Motion carried unanimously. SEAGRAVES Moved by Councilman HumeSton, secended by ACREFIgmENT ON Councilman Mack that the city enter into an AGREEMENT ON agreement with the Seagraves Corp. for a regu!sr MAINTENANCE 6 months check on Seagraves Truck at a cost of FOR TRUCK '.$97.~50 per year and appropriate officers to sign necessary papers. Motion carried. CROSSWALK Moved by Mr. Rumeston, secon(]ed by Mr. Byrd that SAN JUAN crosswalk be established at NewZ~ort and San Juan NEWPORT Streets as requested by Chief Sissel. Motion carried. Mr. YTumeston was excused from the meeting at 8:05 AUTHORIZATION Chief Sissel was suthorize~ to have traffic lights ON TRAFFIC at D Street an~ Main Street, puton automtatic at LIGHTS such time as pads or coatroller go out. Moved by Councjln~sn Sheric~sn, seconded by Council- BURL STONE man Byrd that Mr. McB ~de be authorized to hi~e r .~ HIRED FOR 'aurl C. Stone as Assistant on ~ temporary basis ENG. DEP'T. at $500.00 per month to serve at the pleasure of the Council. Motion carried. 233 ACCEPTANCE Moyed by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- OF TREES ma.n Byrd that the city accept 2 trees from the FROM TUSTIN Tustin Ares x/omen's Club to be planted in front AREA WOMEN'S °f the Cit~ H~ll. Motion Carried. CLUB Moved by Councilman Sheridan, secon(~ed by REQUEST ON Councilman Mack that request of the Chamber DIRECTIONAL ,AL of Commerce for c~irectional signs be referred SIGNS RE- to the City Engineer for cost of signs and FERRED TO........ D TO hosts and to the City Attorhey to.. check with ENG. & T0 the County i~oad Department for permission to CITY ATT'Y install sj~ffs and report at next regm!ar meeting. Motion carried. CANCER FUND Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded~ by Council- REQUEST 0.K. m~n Byrd that the Cancer Society request to conduct a fund-raising campaign in April be granted. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by AERIAL Councilman Byrd that aerial photograr. hy PHOTOGRAPHY questionnaire from County Planning Commission QUESTIONN- be referred to the City Engineer. Motion AIRE REF: carried. ENG. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by BOYD HEARING that heirring ~efore the Council on Boy Variance appeal be set for Monday, March 20th at 7:30 P. lq. Motion carried. Mo~ed by Councilma~ Mack, seconded by Council- ORD. N0.148 man Sheridan that Ordinance Plo. ]_~8 LiS!tING SPEED ZONES" be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION 0N Moved by Councilman Mack, secon6ed by ORD. #148 Councilman Sheridan that Orc]inance Mo. be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen present, voting Aye. EASEMENT Report on easement and vacating proceedings VACATING for station at 1st and D Streets deferred DEFERRED to next meeting. = ~.ioved by Councilman Maok, seconded by Council- man Byrd that RESOLUTION NO. '~'7, "RELATIVE RESOLUTION TO ACQUISITION OF FEDEILn~L SUI~PLUS PROPERTY NO. 547 BY MUNICIPAL GOVER~]MEMTS" be rea.d by title ' only. Motion carried unanimously. Fioved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by ADOPTION C0u~cilman Mack ~hat RESOLUTION NO. on No. 547 be pass~d~a~a~]opted. MOtion carried by roll ca~l, all Councilmen present, voting Y ORD. NO. 84 ' R~port on' Ordinance ~Yo. 82, ~eferred to next DEFERRED ~egut~ ~ti~g~ MOved by CoUnCiim~n Byrd, seconded by Council- man Mack ~h~t ORI)IFIA~CE NO. 150, "A!Y 0RDZ~AD~CE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTR~TION OF BICYCLES ORD. NO.150 IN THE CITY OF TY~STiN AND PROVIY)ZrYG PE~YALTY FO~I ViOLATI0~[ THEREOF~ have first rea~ing by title only. ~F~otion carried unan~mous!y. ESTABLISHMENT Moved by CoUncilman Sheridan, seconded by OF RESOLUTION Councilman A~ck that RESOLUTION NO. NO. 548 PER- "A ]~ESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SICK L~kVE TAINING TO ~ ~ S FOR CITY EMPLOYEES" be read by EMP. SICK LEAVE title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councilman Sherids~n, seconded PASSED & by Councilman Mack that HESOLUTION NO. ADOPTION ~, be passed and adopted~ Notion carried, roll call, a!! Councilmen present voting Aye. Any action on Amendments to the Brown Act DEFERRANCE was deferred~ to the next regular meeting. ON BR0WN ACT Mr. Victor Grant eppeared before the Council LITTLE LEAGUE to speak ~n behalf of Tustin Boys Bssebsll ASSISTANCE and request donation from the City. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by $750.00 Councilman Byrd that a donation of ~?~0.00 GRANTED LITTLE be given Tustin Boys Baseball. Hotion LEAGUE- ' 61 carried. Moved by Councilmen Byrd, seconded by Council- man Hack that the city purchese zoning books PURCHASE OF ~from Hahn, Wise and Barber For resaIe to the ZONING BOOKS Dub!i c for %it.00 each. Notion carried. Noved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by RES. NO. 546 Councilman Byrd that Nesolution No. j~s6 he READ BY TITLE read by titIe only. Motion carried unanimously. ONLY. Nr. Humeston returned to the meeting at 10:1~ P. M.. RES NO. 546 Noved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- INITIATION OF ~ man Sheridan that r~esolution No. ~6 "DECLARING PROCEEDINGS ON THAT PROCEEDI[jG.$ HAVE ...... ~ INITIATED ~}~.y THE 17TH STREET, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUgTIN T0 ANNEX T0 YORBA TO PROS- Ss~tD CITY CE~TAIN UNII{HAN}!TED TERRITORY DESCRIBED PECT " Annex. HEIiEIN AND DESIGNATE "SE~E'~m~}~T~t S~PP~ YORBA T0 PROSPECT ANNEXATION," AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION" be passed and adopted. Motion carried, ro]! call, all Councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Council- man Byrd that the bills be paid. I~{otion carried. Jerome C. Kidd. .~32.00 Blower Paper Co. 211.35 Suel A. Wi!!ia~so~. 55.~0 Tustin Fire Departmentl 103.00 Orange County Ins. Agency. .-. · !~6.33 Parns~.rorth jewelry. . . 3.9~ Tbermo-Enx Sales, inc .... ~.32 Sears Roebuck & So. 101.39 Atlas Coverall. 3.60 Hahn, Wise amd Beber ...... 1000.00 Orange County Radioteler}hone Set. 50.00 Los Angeles Stamp & Statn'y. 6~.62 235 ~to!l Glass Co. .. !~12.92 Santa Ana Office Supply. . 20.4~3 Orange County Bh~eprint Co. 103.18 California Tree Service. 190.00 Petty Cash, 2~th C. Poe ..... A~6.63 First Western Bank (utilities). -3~5~23 ~B Les JohnSon . 23.68 Carson & Golding. 129.81 I Tustin Hardware. 16.!~ Tustin Radio and ~. V. Shop. ~.!1 L Signel Oil Co. 11~.?I ~ V~n Hove & Dean. . ~2.63 L Signal Flash Co. .. 39.50 Tustin Paint Store .... : 8~.88 S Tustin Blscksmith Shop 1~.6~ Graves & Howley. 8.32 Pearce's Parking Lot Maint. 107.00 J. L. McBride ~73.00 t3en Wheelock. .. 222.00 Dick Turner. 39.00 League of Cities. .. 115.50 Moved by Councilm~n Sheri~tsn, seconded by Councilman Byrd that ~eeting be a~journed. M~tion carrie~.  ROME C. KIDD, MAYOR , bI