HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 02 20 229
February 20, 1961
Meeting called to order by Mayor pro te~! at
7:30 P. M.
PRESENT : Humeston, Sheridan, Byrd, MaCk.
CITY ATT'Y : Present
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Sheridan that the minutes of February 6th reg-
ular meeting be approved as mailed and received.
Motion carried.
ACCEPTANCE Moved by Councilman Sherildan, seconded by Coancil-
OF PLOT PLAN man Mack that the Council acce~}t the recommenda-
SERVICE STA tof the City Engineer for the p}oposed plot plan,
18-56X-ATT- Service Station 18-.56X, and the City Attorney
'Y TO PRE- prepare the necessary vacating proceedings and
PARE EASE- the Engineer Nrepare easement deed of 10 feet
MENT DEED. in addition to existing 40 feet to the City,
from the property ~owner, Louis Schutman. l<otion
BROOMELS The City Clerk was directed to write a letter
THANK YOU thanking Mr. and Mrs. George Broomel, Mrs. P.
LETTER Dunston and the Lemon Neights Investment Corp-
oration for their co-operation in the best
interest of Tustin and the Tust!n Area..
TURN-DOWN Moved by Councilmen Kack, seconded by Councilman
ON TRAILER Byrd that request of the North Tustin United
PARKING AT Church to park a trailer at the Tustin Youth
TYC. Center be denied and a.letter sent exoressing
regret and stating as the Youth Center is in a
R-t Zone this would be in violation of the
City Ordinance. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
ON ACQUISI- man Mack that the City Attorney be --'mthorized
TION, FED. t.,o dr~aw a resolution favoring acquistion of
SURPLUS Federal Surplus Property by Municipal Govern-
PROPERTY. merits and a letter be written to Garden Grove
City Adminstrater~ William Richards informing
him of said action. Motion carried.
Mo~ed 67 CSunjillman Mack,l seconded by Councilmen
Skeridan that the correspondence be received
and filed. Motion carried.
PURCHASE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by'Council-
OF FIRE-PRE-man Mack that the Fire Chief be authorized, to
VENTION purchase necessary addi riohal ,eZra prev'ention
CLOTHING clothing to conform with State Compensation
FIRE DEP'T laws at a total approximate cost of ~%700.00
Motion carried.
LEGALITY The City A6torney was resuested to look into
ON DIP- the legal aspects of!a d~p at Newport and
NEWPORT & Laguna ?d . and the City Engineer to make an
LAGUNA RD. estim, ate of the costs and report.
EXTRA INS. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Counc!I-
COVERAGE man ,~3herid an that insurance coverage be extended
to cover extra car f'or police work. Notion
PERMISSION Moveel by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ASKED BY Councilman Byrd that request from the First
BANK FOR RE- Western Sank to remove tree at "I)" and T?!ird
MOVAL OF TREE Streets be approved and the city accept the
Bank's offer to replace said tree at an
appropriate ~esignated place as approved by
the City Park Commissioner. Motion carried.
AMENDMENT Moved by Councilman Sheridan~ seconded by
FOR ORD. 84 Councilman Byrd that request for amendment to
UNDER ATT'Y 0rdinence No. SAp be referred to the City Att-
STUDY orney for study an~ recommendations at the
next regular meeting. Motion carried.
HIRING OF Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
LANE FOR Councilman Mack that Mr. Hubert Lane be hired
ST. DEPT by the Street Deportment and Park Department
& TYC at a salary of ~[')3~0.00 per month, to serve at
the pleasure of the Council. -Motion carried.
Moved .by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
man Sheridan that the bill~s be paid. Motion
James G. Rourke.! ...... ~30.00
Tustin News. 109.89
Orange County insur~nce A~n]cy 10.~0
So. Calif. Edison Co ...... l~16.00
Signal Oil Co. 13~.7~
Orange County Treasurer. 2.00
Atlas Coverall & Uniform Supply 3.60
Tustin Building and Maint. Co. 9~.00
Orange County Radiotelephone... 30.00
First Western Bank (Utilities). .25.29
California Tree Service. . 6~.00
Hardy and Herper. 120~.91
Santa Aria Engraving. 15.~3
Don D. !tillyard ........ 8.~0
First Western Bank (Utilities) 1z~ 0~
FIRST READ- Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
ING ON Sheri~an that Ordinance No. 1i~8, an Ordinance
SPEED LIMIT establishing Speed Limit Zones, have it's first
ZONES. readi~g by title only. Motion carried unal~!imously.
TITLE READ- l'ioved by Councilman Sher~idan, seconded by Council- --
ING 0N man Mack that Resolution No. 5.~a, "Defini~g and
RES.#545-- Establishing Certain Streets and Farts of Streets
ESTABLISH- as Through Streets, Stop Intersections, Raitroa, d
ING ST. Gra6e CrossingS, No-Farking Areas, No Stopping
RESTRICT- Zones,. Truck Routes and Commercial Vehicles-
IONS. Prohibited Streets',' be read by title only. Motion
carried unanimously. ]
ADOPTION Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ON RES. Councilman Byrd that Resolution No. ~Z~
#545 be passed. and adopted. Motion carried by
roll call, all Councilmen present voting
ATT'Y TO Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
DRAW UP Councilman Mack that the City Attorney draw
RESOLU- up a !tesolution opposing the proposed amend-
TION-- merits to the Brown Act.
Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Mack withdrew their
WITHDRAWAL motion and second respectively and asked for
ON MOTION- a continuance to the next meeting.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
ADJOURN- Councilman Mack that the mee~in~ be adjourned.
MENT. Motlon carried.
Mayor pro tem
Poe, City C!~'~kg~