HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1961 02 06226 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 6, 1961 Meet%NS ca]lel to or.let at 7:30 PoMo by Nayor Kidi. VNEg~T{T :K!j)D H~TM~;'Sm0N MACK BY!!D RSEi TD%lq ABSENT : NONE CITY ATTORNEY: PieR]SENT The NayoF rece}.ved an a~rr~ved g{ !, oreseated -.-o ave _ %o the City v~th the compliments of Farnsworth Jewelry. Moved by Coumci!man Byrd, sec{~nded by Councilman Idack that the ragmutes of J"}nuary !6th Regular Neering and January ],8th and 19th Hegu].ar adjourned Meetings be alvGroved as mailed and received. Notion carried. insurance data on an extra ca.r for PoIice ';xork was referred to ~.~e ~._ey .... , .- ~ Moved by CollDoj, Iu]aD_ Humeston, seconded by LIGHTING C OU~ O ~ lmmn S~ er.i da~ that the C 5 ty Eng5 neer LARWIN SQUARE ~F.YIN S?~U;~NEcheck with larwln Square af~d Pollard and POLLARD & Greenwood and contact the Edison Co. for a GREENWOOD street lighting survey for area of F~rst St. H. St Preble Dr. and Secor~d ~t Notion carrfaed. Moved by Cou.ncS!man Nsck~ sec~ nded by Councilman SCREENED Sherfi dan that request from Mr. W. Tucker for a INTRO. permit to comaduct m Screened Introduction TUCKER Service be referred to the ~ty Rttcrney. Notl oD can~;ried. i{oved by Councilman SReridan, seconded by Coumci!man DANCE ~l~ Dance Permits be Zranted the~ Nel!a PERMITS Byrd b. :.~ ~ MELLA DEE Dee Inn and. bhe Signal Cafe. Notion carr~ SIGNAL AND Roved by CouNcilman Sheridan, seconded by Council- HOLIDAY m~n Mack that Dance Permit be gra,.teC, the HGlidy~y ~oa~ when checked out 'b~. tle Police n~i~ and ...... · -i~-h the s~me ~-~m~ t~ne Pi-ne Chief ~_ ~ ....... ~,~.=,. stipulations as Dr'ev~ou.s license. Motion carried. SIGNS r;~ McBride anal Cotanc~Ir~lan Rack were aske.d to TYC check Snto sgKns ?or the T~stin Yeuth Center ~:;nd P8 M ve~ o by Cou~.cilrrlan Hack~ secoaq.:~'~ by C~unoiE- ORD. 146 men Hurheston tb=:~t OrdSnsnce No. !~6, RN 0R])!NANeE SO. TUSTIN mTT<vmlE Ol~ m~;E '~'~Y OF TUST!N APPROVING mn~R' ,tSC)U,2H NO. 2 TUg:PIN, .Bin: l~l;]{k]) !3Y TITLE ONI:Y. Notion carrZed Roved by Co~]llciliq!aD Hack, seconded_ by C-urlc~3~8~ ORD. 146 !L~6 Humeston that said 0rdh~a~,oe No. !46~be~as.a;a ADOPTED ~mrv~ adopted. M t~o~ ca~ed roll call all CouNcilmen rotira Aye Novei b,'7 C.oumc,ilman S},erjdan, seconded by Counoi!mg~n Byrd that ,Ond, inance SIc.. aZ~7, AN 0riD!NANCZ 0P THE CITY 0F ORD. 147 . i]}7 TUST!N ES%%BIiSNKNG ,ZOS!NG, AND, BH!ID!NG LiNE SETBACK ZONING NiE,%UIi{ENENPS P.CR, TidE. Tjl:Ea!SORY KNOWN ,~,ND DES!SKATED MARSHALL ...... ~,n~,A.l~ ANNEXAI!ON'~ be reaB~ by title only. ~,:' o CePni~a Hoved by Csunoj_].san ~{ask.~ seconded by Councilman ORD. 147 Sheridan t~a,:b sa.id 0~.:tjnance. No. ~7 be passed ADOPTED adopted. }!o~on. car.r~ed. bff ~o~I call, all councilmen voting Aye Noved. by COUZICj ]SaN }z~a~k seconded, b~r Counc~ tman Byrd AGENDA that Friday noon, b~ sea as. deadline for items to b3 DEAD LINE placed on She aSsNtis. og ReguS_aF !st and 3rd MoNday z,ight. Couno~l meetS,~,s ~'~ ~n o · ,iO~ ..... C~PPj Moved. by Conmeg!man Huseston~, seccndel by Councilman ShePidan ~haS ~eSter of appPeoiation be sent %o PaPnsworth. jewe]sPs fop the Gave], pPesested 8o %be Motion caPPied. TIME CERT. Noved }.v Councilman Humeston, seeended by Cou~ci 0F Byrd that m~me Certificate of Deposit for a~'~0 000.00 DEPOSIT be renewed u. nti, 1 such time as a bPtter imvestqent can 30,000.00 Re ~,n~ n0 be ~,~ ~,;,.-~, found. Netion c,epried. Council, man Sheridan vottnS no. Noved by Couz ciIman Neck seconded b~ Counc% ] man Rumeston t}~sn't a letter from the Council. be i~itten}to the SAMMY LEE County Planning Commissinn re;~u~st~ that the hearing SWIM on the Ssrnmy Lee Swim School be Dostooned until after SCHOOL the Tusti:n P].ann~ng Commission m~eti{ng February ]-3~ and HEARING e copy of said letter ~ent to Nr. T. J. }TCiZ~Nj S, Hotj on carried. Hoved by Ce mci!msn Hack~ seconded by Councilman Byrd that bills be paid. Notion carried. BILLS Tusbin Water Works. ~ n ~ 21 Ben Wheelock '~' ~ 309.00 J. L. NcBri de . ~ 52A~. 0~ Tustis HardwsTe . 37 - 83 Hardy and Herr}dr. Petty Cash~ r,' ~ m~Oe q6 8~ Sto]! Glass Co. . 29.08 jezowski ~. }{s~ke] lo~ g~ M~!].in Lumber Co, , , 2,66 0range County n S!uenrl. t ~J, !8 Economy Office Equipment Co n 6 ] ~ Santa And Blueprint' Co, 123,52 Su]ly-Ni].ler .... 5,718,31 Califorr~ia Tree Service . 5qn 0C Blvstone i',"~chimerir Rer~] Co '~ Ca s r ~ " r~o_.~ and Oolo. mng. ]-~.86 Whitney' s 2 n0 Les j 'a'a~ n G, B. Gw'ant . . v ~0 Dennis Printers 58 ...... Si.~rnal qi ] Tustin Paint Store. 77.8? ~.~pna~ Flash Co, ~ 25 Tust':e lP. lacksmjth ShoD. o 9 25 Sar~Se:c:t-gowe]l~ Inc ,, o !8 O'ear, n:e Co. T-,~,-,~ of Trans.&Comm .... Sf~c Cor:o. 2$2 96 Narc'nart Nursery, . q ~ 9 ~ ' D6 nn j. C. ~int~(enn~aise/ ~ .... o~o~- Western Bank(uti!itSes Z Fsr'cs,vorth Jewelry. .0 joe Preyoct, Jr. T~-~,-~ 16] . 00 2ustin Fgre VanHove and Dean ]78.52 "'~ ~ ....... <}lower Shoq 3.50 Ntirl!CiOS] F~Darce Officers Assoc 5,00 Tustin No* · john Siegel &; Co james G. Z~ou?ke ~.-. ,k of Z,,e~.~ ca ( W. H. for ......... 284-. 00 Can ~ ~n~N~ a P ' ~ q ~0 .......... z.e Chiefs Asoc. PrintinS DiV. ~' ~z~d.n'~ ~te~'. National Fire Pr -be'f~ n 6Lu. 0 _ o c..~o. Assoc. , 0 Sfi~'~ E~u~loyme~' t lZeti reTent Z}67.29 Moved by Cou-,.ciqman °herrdan, seconded by Co~ncll_~aazl h,~cz .n ~ e meeting be adjourned, Hotion carri