HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA DESIGN REVIEW 06-16-86AGEN DATE: dUNE 16, 1986 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 'lO. 4 6-16-86 Inter- Com TO: FROM: S U BJ ECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COI~UNII~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DESIGN REVIEW/730 EL CAMINO WAY RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Agency review and approve revisions the office project located at 730 E1Camino Way as approved by Use Permit 85-14. Action should be taken by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 86-6. St~ARY: On May 26, 1986, based upon information contained in the attached "Report to the Planning Commission," revisions to a previously approved office project were authorized. Specifically, the structure located at 730 E1 Camino Way was lowered in height, the lot size of the project reduced, and the site plan/parking layout was altered. However, the architectural theme has not been changed, and in fact the structure's appearance has actually been enhanced resulting from its reduced scale. Each of the above mentioned changes are required due to a change in Santa Ana Freeway modification plans proposed by Cal Trans. As is the case with all projects in the Redevelopment Project Areas, Agency approval is required for architectural and site plan aspects of this revised plan. EMK:JSD:em EDWARD M. KNIGHT Senior Planner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 10 21 22 ~5 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY. OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF AN OFFICE STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 730 EL CAMINO WAY AS APPROVED BY AMENDMENT NO. i TO USE PERMIT 85-14 THEREBY SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. RDA 85-7 · The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City .of Tustin, California does hereby approve the design of the office project proposed to be constructed at 730 E1Camino Way pursuant to Amendment No. i to Use Permit 85-14 based upon the following findings: That the architecture of the revised project, as approved by Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14, is consistent with the goals of the Town Center Redevelopment Plan and is compatible with the surrounding area. PASSED AND ADOPTED at.a regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency held on the day of , 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI Chairman MARY E. WYNN Secretary Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: NAY 26, 1986 ANENDMENT NO. I TO USE PERMIT 85-14 MARK O. CERNICH 1745 ~. KATELLA, SUITE k ORANGE, CA 92669 730 EL CAMI#O IIAY CENTRAl. COI~ERCIAL (C-2) DISTRICT REQUEST: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION gAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ZN CONgUNCTION #ITH USE PERRIT 85-14 IN COMPLIANCE gITH THE CALIFORNIA EMVIROI~RTAL QOALITT ACT.- AUTHORIZATION TO AP, END USE PERMIT 85-14 AS FOLLOgS: 1. TO REDUCE THE HEIGHT AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE APPROVED PRO~ECT. 2. TO CONSTRUCT A REVISED PROJECT ON A S~ALLER PARCEL AS THE RESULT OF A STATE PROPOSED FREE~AY ~IDENXNG PROJECT. RECOI~ENDED ACTION: It ts recommended that the Commission' approve Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2335. BACKGROUND: In actions taken by the Planning Commission and the Redevelopment Agency in 0une and July of last year, Use Permit 85-14 authorizing construction of a 15,316 square foot offtce butlding at 730 E1Camtno Nay was approved. Subsequent]y, as a result of a change in freeway alignments proposed by Ca] Trans, a large portion of the stte w~]l be used for freeway right-of-way. The appitcant st~11 wtshes to construct an offtce butldtng on the remainder of the parcel and Is requesting that the revised site plan and elevations be approved as an amendment to Use Permtt 85-14. Cal Trans'has been notified of this evenings public hearing via certified mail (return receipt received) and no comments were received at the writing of this report. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report May 26, 1986 page ~o A#ALYSIS: As revised, the subject project reduces overall height of the building by seven feet and decreases' square footage from 15,316 square feet to 7,450 square feet. Further the lot size has been decreased from 27,314 square feet to slightly over 1S,000 square feet. Virtually all other aspects of the project (e.g. setbacks, building materials and architectural design) are the same as those approved by Use Permit 8S-14 and are in conformance with the C-2 Zone District Regulations. Exceptions, however, are: (1) the nominal amount of retail floor space in the previous project has been eliminated; and (2) 30~ of the parking area has been designated for compacts. This ratio is in excess of the standard 20~ maximum. Given the location of the structure, staff concurs with the applicant's contention that retail is not a viable use within this project. Therefore it is recommended that all retail area requirements be deleted. Further, .since the increased use of compact spaces is negligible, and this ratio is consistent with development standards recently adopted for other portions of the city (First Street Specific Plan), it is recommended that the site' plan be approved as submitted. CO#CLUSXO#S: As a result of circumstances beyond the applicant's control, modification of the previously approved office project is unavoidable. Modifications proposed, however, actually enhance aesthetic qualities of the structure and therefore, staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14. Associate Planner jSD:EMK:em:pef Attach: Senior Planner Resolution No. 2335 Resolution No. 2252 Approving Use Permit 85-14 Reduced Copies Original Site Plan/Elevations Reduced Copies Revised Site Plan/Elevations Full Size Site Plans/Elevations Development Review Summary Community Development Department 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 10 20 21 22 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2335 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. i TO USE PERMIT 85-14 AUTHORIZING MODIFICATIONS IN BUILDING SIZE, ELEVATIONS, AND SITE LAYOUT OF THE OFFICE STRUCTURE APPROVED BY USE PERMIT 85-14 AT 730 EL CAMINO WAY. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application (Use Permit No. 85-14) was filed by Mr. Mark D. Cerntch requesting authorization to construct a 1B,361 square foot, three-story office building.at 730 E1 Camino Way. Be That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said appl t cati on. C. That Use Permit 85-14 was approved as submitted. That as a result of a proposed freeway widening project, the State of California will be acquiring a large portion of the subject property. That because of the loss of property, the office structure, approved by Use Permit 85-14, must be modified reducing its height and gross square footage and the site plan must be altered. That in accordance with all applicable regulations, the project applicant has requested that Use Permit 85-14 be amended to reflect a revised project. Ge That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held considering Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14. He That all of the findings, determinations, and conditions of approval (with the exception of condition IIQ which is to be deleted) for Use Permit 85-14 are still valid and will remain in affect in conjunction with Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 28 Resolution No. 2335 Page two II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 85-14 subject to the following conditions: A. That all conditions of approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2252 shall apply to the revised project with the exception of condition 1IQ which shall be deleted. B. That the structure approved by Amendment No. i to Use Permit 85-14 shall not exceed (2) two stories or 40 feet above existing grade. C. That the maximum square footage of gross floor space of the modified office structure shall not exceed 7,450 square feet. D. That compact sized parking spaces on the modified site shall be limited to a maximum of 30% of total space required. PASSED AND ADOPTED.at a regular q~[ing of the Tustin P~ning Commission, held on the~__~day of_~ , 1981 Chairman Recording Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PEHNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Plannin~ C~mmtsston of the City of Tusttn, California; that Resolution No.~ was duly passed and adopted ak/ a regular..me~ing of the Tus~i~n~g Commission, held on the~q~ day of_~~_~, 19~'~. ! 2 3 5 $ ? 8 10 11 12 16 18 ~0 2I RESOLUTION NO. 2252 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF THE'CITY OF I~JSTIN, APPROViNG.USE PERMIT 84-14 AU~q(ORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF 15,361 SQUARE FOOT, ll~R£E-STORY OFFIC£ BUILDING IN THE C£NTRAL COMMERCIAL (C-2) OISI~ICT AT 730 EL CAMINO WAY. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A: Tha~ a proper appltcatton,..(Use Permit No. 85-14) has been filed by Mr. Mark D. Cernich requesting authorization to construct a 15,361 square foot, three stor~y office buildtn~ at 730 E1Camino Way. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said appl t cart on. Ce That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be de. mental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or genera~ welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: nat the.use as proposed ts in conformance with the Tustin Area Gene~l Plan as it pertains to commercial development. l~at. the use as proposed is t~ compliance with the Tustin Zoning Code in that it is hereby found and determined that the construction of' a general office building is more compatible with surrounding uses in the area then permitted retail commercial uses based on the following: a) The Irregular lot shape and location is not conducive to retail uses. b) The traffic volume in the immediate area will not support retail uses. De l~at the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not he injurious or detrimental to the property and tmp~ovement~ in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. 1. P. esolut,ion No. 2252 Page Two 23 F.. Proposed development, shall be in accordance wtth the development. poltcies adopted by t,he City Counctl. Untform Bu~'ldtng Codes as ad,rintstered by the Butldtng Official, Ftre Code 'as administered · by the Orange County Fire l~arshaTM st,rent, t,~rovement requirements as ad,rintstered by the Ct~y Engineer. F: A tl~gat,lve O~clarat,ton has been applted for tn compliance the California Environmental qualt~Y Act, and ts hereby approved. 8 6. Final development, plans sh&ll ~equtm the ~evte~ and approval the Co,,,unl~/ Development, Oepar13,ent. II. The Planntng Comrisston hereby approves Conditional Use Permtlc ~1o.' 8~,-t4 te authorize construc~on of a :tS,$6:t offtca butldtng at, 730 Ca,rlno Way subject te the following condtt,tons: A. The ftnal stte plan shall be stendardtzed and reflect all te Ct standard drawtng numbers. The developer approprta ty __ s~reet t,~rovement,s ~ satd. construct, all ,ri~3tng or damaged . .... Ct of Tusttn Minimum Design $~near~s development, per the · ~Y__ ndards". Thts work Publlc Wor~s, and Street, Improvement, ~tacurt~s and guttars. but ts not 11mired shall consist of, sidewalks, drive apron, and street, pavement,. 9 11 15 1 17 18 19 :2O :21 B. Trash enclosures sho~n'on site plan mst, be relocated on site, t,o the rear of the'propertY. Sparta1 arrangements ~th the Ct~'s refuse hauler will ~ required. C. Re~ve lands~ptng from along ~e wall screening parking salls and mloca~ els~hem on the s~te. The ex~s[~ng t~ sh~n on O. A s~x (6) foe~ block ~all sh~11 ~ cont~nued along the no~he~ and wes~ pe~. The no~ elevation of the ~all sepa~a[~ng the subSec~ p~ope~ f~om the adSo~n~ng shopping cen~ shall be t~ea~d w~ the sa~ ~ate~als and colo~s at~l~zed on ~e p~opoeed building, ~nclud~ng a ~ ~P ~ch~ng ~e con[~as~ fea~es of the s[~uc~e. 26 $ ? 9 11 .14' 15 17 18 19 2O 2! ~6 :17 Resol,,tton No. 2252 Page Three E. The maxtmum hetght of the proposed s~'uc~ure shall not exceed 47 feet from extstlng grade. [f as a result of required grading, the height of the 's~-uc~u~e wtll be tn excess of 47 feet from extsttng grade, the plans 'must be returned to the Commtsstofi for ~evtew and approval. F: A g~adtng p~an shall be ~equtred showing all key ftntsh elevations of the proposed development and exist.lng el,vat.Ions of all ad~lacent prope~tes. The cons~ruc'cton of all mlsstng or damaged s~'eet tmprovement.s ad~lacent to the property wt]l be required, Including but not. llM~d to the following: Curb and gutter 2) Sidewalk 3) I~H ye apron Street trees - 541 ~/ater se~vt ce/meter 6) Santl~ry sever connection All requtred public improvements should be shown on a separat.e ctvtl stte plan and so not.ed and referenced wtt.h applicable ctt.y s~ndard drawing numbers. A sant~ary sewer ts locatod along the northerly portion of thts parcel. This sewer shall be plott.ed on all stt.e 'plans, grading plans and ctvtl st~a plan to de,ermine tf the~e ts any conflict. wtth the proposed butldtng location. Following fees wtll ~equtre payment at the ttme .a buildtng pe~it Is Issued: Orange County Sanitation Distrlct NO. 7 sewer connect.fon fees tn the amount of $50.00 per 1,O00 sq. ft. of butldtng area plus any front footage charge for direct connect.ton to a Dts~'tct ~unk line less any previously paid Sanitation Dtstrtct charges. 1 3 $ 7 $ 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 21 26 Resolution ~o. 2252 Page ;our East Orange County Water Otstrtct fees. Amounts may be obtatned from Earl Ro~enhorst of Tustin Water Servtce. Hew developmont t~x tn the amount of $.10 per square foot, gross butldlng area. J~ The developer shall enter Into an agreement obligating the developer to participate Jn the £astarn/;oothtll Corrtdor Program, as adopted by the City Counctl. K. Compliance wtth the requirements of the Orange County Ftre Oeparlaent as ~ndlcated tn the preliminary plan check report dated Hay 29, 1985 ~s mandatory. lie Pe A complete, detailed, landscape and Irrigation plan must be subarltted for approval of the Coat, unity. Development Departmen~ prlor to'issuance to b~tld-~n~ permtt. A master stgn plan ~n conformance wtth Stgn Ordinance 584 must be subwltted and approved by the Community Development Oepaement prior to the Installation of any stgns. Continuous stx (5) 1rich concreto curbs shall be provtded along landscape planters adjacent to parking spaces and drtve atsles. All roof dratn do~n spouts and access ladders shall be constructed wtth~n the bu~ld~ng structure. All roof-top equipment shall be screened from vtew by the parapet sho~n on the approved elevations. On the ftrst 1floor of the proposed structure, 728 square feet of floor area shall be reserved for a fete11 use. This cond~tfon may be watved at a la,er date, by the Planntng Commission, upon evtdence presented by the developer that the area ts not leas,able for re~atl uses. 1 2 $ 6 ? 9 10 11 12 15 15 17 18 2O 21 R. The approval ~r~n~ed by ~ts Use Per;~ shall not be tn full force and effec~ un~tl a stgned "Agreement to Conditions ~.~osed' for~. t$ s~ned returned to the Gommu. n~ty Development Oep~r'ment. Recording Secre~ar~J PASSED AND'ADOP~ a~ & r~gula/~ mael:l, ng of ~he Tus'ctn~P.~anntng Commission, held on. the ~/~ day.o~ , $98_~. ~. . RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman ~D:~$ $TA'I~ OF" CALIFORNIA) ¢OUNTT OF' ORANr.~- ) (:ITl' OF TU~I'~N ) DEYELOPM£NT RE¥IEW SUMMARY Pro~ect: Amendment No. I Co Use Permit 85-14 Locat~on/D~str~ct: 730 E1 Camino Way/C-2 Action: Request authorization to modify structure previously. approved by Use Permit 85-14. U. P. 85-14 Original Plan Otstrtct Requirement Building: Front Setback o-15' Stde Setback min. 12" Rear Setback 47' Gross Square Footage 15,31~ Net Floor Square Footage * Nefght 47' Number of stortes Materials/Colors Lot Stze 27,314 Lot Coverage 35~ Parktng: Number of Spaces 3 Stucco/Tile Earthtomes 0 0 0 0 * 50' * * 2OO 100% 1:250%~ic~ ii~50 office Ratto (space/square ¢ootage)l:2OO retail Percent of Compact Spaces 20% Type Ac Grade Retail/Profess. Uses: Office 1:200 retail 20% Proposed - (Amend. No. 1) 0 - 15' min 4' 52' 7450 * 40' 2 Stucco/Tile Earthtones 15,177 1:250 office 3O% At Grade Retail/Office with a C.U.P. Office Number of Publlc Notiftcatfons (Owners): Envlronmental Status * No Standard 300' radius 7 A Negative Declaration was previously app~'oved for the project.