HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1960 12 19216'
December 19, 1960
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Kidd.
PRESENT : Kidd, Humeston, Sheridan, Byrd
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
Sheridan that minutes of December 5th meeting
be approved as mailed and received. Motion
Marshall Annexation Protest Hearing opened
PROTEST There being no one present with protest the hearing
HEARING was declared closed.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
ORD. 105 Humeston, that Ordinance no. 105, "AN ORDINANCE
MARSHALL ANNEXATION", have its first reading
by title only. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
DIRECTION Councilman Humeston, that requests for directional
SIGNS signs be referred to the Chamber of Commerce for
study and report. Motion carried.
CAMP FIRE. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
PEANUT Sheridan that the Camp Fire Girls be granted
SALE permission to hold a Peanut Sale as per request.
Motion Carried.,
REVERE Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
HOUSE _,-.~.=~ Byrd, thst ~h~ Eeyere. House. df~c~ pertort be
DANCE ten,awed, fpr. 196!.~ NoZion oarfled.
H}aring, one SonSrig. and, setback requiremenets for
MARSHALL }~,~'s~ AnDexation opened ~t 8:00 ~
AND Reco~men.iations. of ~h~ Ci;by. EngS~eer for
SETBACKS zoning as subr, i.ttSd. tO ~he Courtoil by the
P!apnjng Corr~misslon r~ad by the C]erk,
nO ObjeCt~orns to s~ ~ zoning the
~e lsr~'~ ~!
Nove,i by CouncilsaN Humeston~ seconded by Councilman
Sheridan %,~=
t~,~ recommendations of the Pl~n'~i~S
Commission be accef:ted. Notion c;,rried.
Moved hy Counc~Imen Shergdan, sacended by Councilman
PLANS & ~ Humeston that the i':]sns and_ sfz~ecifications as
SPEC, heretofore submitted to the n~tv of Tustin for
FLOOD CONTROL the constru. ction of the E! }godeno - Newj>ort P!ood
Control Channel portions ly~nS within t~e
T~ ,t~ be nn~prved ams two (2) Certified ooeies
of this trio%ion be forward, e% tc the Orange County
Flood Cel, ltPo! District by the City Clerk.
Motion carried.
Moved by Counci!msn Sherida, n, second_ed by Counci!ma, n
CONTRACT Byrd that contract for improvemet~t of Third Street
AWARDED be awarded to 5ul]y Miller being the lowest bidder aria
THIRD ST. the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign contract,
subject to approval of PerSormance end Material Bonds
by the City Attorney. Notion carried.
Moved by' Conncj lman Byrd, secondea by Councilman Sheridan
CHECKS that the Clark be authorized to deposit checks from
THIRD ST. property owners for said Third Street %uprow~rnents.
IMP. Hotlon carrfed,
Moved by CouNcilman Humastor, seconded by Councilman
BULLETIN Sheridan th':~t the Tustin Paint Store ~e employed to
:BOARD make a iRuiletin Board for the Co~ncil Chamb.~-rs ~snd Clerk
bo }'ave board and existsfinS map mounted on wall in
Chambers. Mot~ or~ carried.
Moved_ by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman
Byrd that Holthe Dispos~,l Contract be extended for a term
HOLTHE of 3 years, With the option to ooen negotiations for
CONTRACT renewal for another 3 years if sSrvice:proves satisfactory~
and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign
said contract. Contract to be drawn uD by the City
Attorney. Not ion carra ed.
Moves by Counc}!man Sher{da~, ....
~ ~ _,~ n. seCondeta ]s~ Councilman
CARRUBA ~vPc~ that Joseph Carruba be a.i. 'z,d ~30.03 Unifo_.s
~ t~t~OP1 e ~
CLOTHING a!lownance. Motion carried.
Chief Sissol and Chief Hilton directed to contact El Toro
PICK UP M:nrit~:e Base as to prices on 3/~ ton pick uD truck and
TRUCK report to Council.
Move& by Councilman Sheridan, secoy~ded by Councilman
S!SSEL Byrd, that Chief Sissei be reirr}bursed for 8 days unused
UN USED w~cation time in !96!. Noti o"n carried.
Moved by Councilman Museston, seconded by Cousci!man
ALTERATIONS Sheridan thab Police Chief be authorized to make alter-
P.D. atjons in tk~e Police Department at a cost not to exceed
~'110 nn.
~ .. _, Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, second.ed by Councilman
CHAIRS Byrd that the City Clerk purchase I dozen foldfinS chairs
~or the Council Chambers. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilm;,n Humastor, seconded by Councilman
BILLS Sheridan that the bills be paid. Motion crytried,
Santa Ana Book Store .~ I2.26
T !stl ~ *o Parts
u _n ...... 1.28
Tustin Bardware ....... 62
Hardy anQ HarDer, 190o29
James V. Downs. 2j. 00
Santa Aria Blue Print 3.03
Tieman' s. 9.36
Hanson and Paterson
a ~e o~ Calif Citie~
First Wester~ Bank. . . 8.00
Orange ~o. Ea~9~ote~e,~hon Serv
At]a.s Coverall .... 3.60
$a S~,~c~ of Orange Co. i~.00
Tustin Ne~.vs .....
Mg]!er Overhead Doors~ ~ ~20.00
Munse] Ie Sup~] y Co. 6.
John F. Wa, rd!ow . 810.92
Ken~eth G. Hebard, D. 0. !0.00
Orange County B]ueor~nt . . 21~.87
F~rst Western Bank' (Uti]itjes 6.89
218 ~
Moved by Counci!s~an Sherid?n, seconded
by CouncS. lman Humeston that bhe meeting be
sd. journed to Tuesday January 3rd at 7:30 P- M.
Motion c~:~rrie~.