HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1960 11 07 MINUTES 0F A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL November 7, 1960 Meetring called to order by Mayor Kidd at ?:30 P. PRESENT : Kidd, Humeston~ Byrd, Neck, Sheridan ABSENT : None CITY ATTOENEY: Present CITY ENGINEER: Present Moved by Councilman Humester, seconded by Councilrr~an Mack, that minutes of October tTth meeting be read. Motion carried. Moved by Council~an Mack seconded bv ,j'Cou:~cilman Humesto~, that minutes of October !Tth meeting be approved as read.. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Byrd~ PERM. APPT. that Officer Melvin Hei! be retained as a oermanent OFFICER HElL Police Officer to serve at the pleasure of~the Council. Mot:~ on carried.. CR0SS WALK Moved by Councilman Hume~;ton., seconded by Councilman 1st & Sheridan that a cross walk be painted at the inter- PROSPECT section of First and Prospect, crossing First Street west of Prospect. Motion carried. WALK ON Moved. by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Byrd 'D St. that request for cress walk on D st between First and REFERRED TO o cone Streets be referred tn the Police Chief ~r POLICE CHIEF study. Motion cPrried. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman DOORS FOR Byrd~ that Purchasing Agent be authorized to ourchase FIRE HOUSE new doors for "be Fire House from Miller Doo~ Inc. Motion carried. Dj saussion opened on trees for Tustin Youth Center. Councilman Mack to give f~Srther study to request of area TREES TYC residents to be p~rm!tted to plant Ash Trees along fence and reDoft at next regular meeting. }{r ~nRPide to contact the Str~te~Division of Highways requestjnS bushes on Freeway;side of said fence. Moved by Ccunci!man ByrS, seconded by Councilman REMOVAL OF Sheridan, that City Engineer be authorized to em'olov;: TREES California Tree Service to remove Blue Gum trees on LAGUNA RD. ra~u~a Ed. Said company bai~ the lowest bidder Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Humeaton sec nded b~ Councils]nan FORMS TO Mack that City.~ttorney send forms to State Alcoholic STATE ALC0- Beverage Board i ' on-sale for ta~rern DrotestLnS license a HOLIC BEV. on the cow'her of Main St. a;qd Preble Dr., due to reasons discussed. Motion carried. Hoved by Councjlman Byrd, seconded by CoYncilman Sheridan.th~:~t City,Clerk~be authorized to collect, at THIRD ST. the ~ate.of ~1.80 For !jnial foot, for combjna~ion IMPROVEMENT curb and.gutter on Third. St between "~" St and Pacific St. and on,California St. The City En%ineer hereby authorized, ,whem the money has been depos~ted~ to award~contract to~Jewa!ske and Markel, be~nS the lowest bidders. Motion curried. 2O8 Petlticn from residents of Malena ~rive Read. Councilman Mack to bring repcrt on number of trees needed, kind and price to nest meetings. Moved by Cot~ncjl~an Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack, that Public hearing on 0rtinance Mo. ll~l be held November 21st anl notice of said bearing p~blished for two consecutive weeks ~.n the Tustin News. Motion carr~ Ordia:~ce No. t~0, Prohibiting Alcoholic Beverages in C~ty owned parks and recreation areas was re-read ~ amemded Ordinance No. !~2, an 0rd~ance establishing setbacks on certain property had its first reading in its entirety~ Moved by Co~ncj lman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Sheridan tbst Ordinance No. I~ covering new Uniform onl . Building Cede, have its firsts reading by title y Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Council. man Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan that bearing date on Ordi~anc9 No. 1~3 be set for November 21st and notice of s~id hearing be published . in the Tust~n News. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Byrd tha. t pay to City Auditor be ~raised to a basic fee of ~1~0.00 per q~arter. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by~Coumcilman Sheridan tb~t Petition of Athena L. Harshall for Anme'Kation to the Clty of Tustin be received an~. accepted. Motion carried~ ~ioved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Coumcilman Byrd that Resolution No. ~3~, acknowledgeing rece~pt of a Petition fer the annexation of certain uninhabited territory to the City of Tustin~ designated as Marshall Annexation, and. setting date of hearing be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen vot~'~ Aye. Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Byrd that Eesolution No. ~36, giving ~otice of Public Hearing for the purpose of considering and determining use zon. ing snC setback requirements for Marshall Annexation be adopbed. Motion carried by Roll call, all Councilmen voting Aye. Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Cou'~cjlmsn Sheridan that the City Attorney proceed and answer suit filed by Revere House and also stop condemnation of highway property. Motion carried. ~,Zove.~] by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Cot~ncilrnan t of Mack~ that comp]aj~ s Featherstone and Mrs. Sauers be referred to t~e City Attorney. Motion carr~ed. Moved by Cour. qilman ~ck secorded by Cc~ar~c~lman Sber~lam, ~ bi s ~ Motion carried. B!I!,S Withholdgng Taxes - 0ct2 .... ~ 3A~7.60 ~ First Western Bank (Utilities) . . 30~.27 Church of Latter Day. Sajnts(TYC refund . 20.00 Orange County Blueprint. ' ~8. i john, Sle~e] & Co.. . ~ · Screenprint 8n Plas-Tech. 7,28 209i: Bills cont. Blystone Machinery Rental Co. ~28.00 Tustin Hardware Ce. . . 1].65 Tustin ~ire Department. !87.~0 Santa Ana Office Supply 1~.87 James G. Rourke 646.00 American Right of Way & App. Contr. 37~.00 Hahn~ W~se and Barber 2~0.~8 S~nts Aria Book Store 22.~0 Dennis Printers .... 4.16 County of 0range~ S~eriff's Dept 1,60 Van Hove and Dea~ Garage. Fernsworth Jewelry. 28°66 Western Union .... 3.48 Orange County Title Co 28.2j Vista DruS Store .... ~.S8 T~stin Building/ and. Maintenance Co 30,® Lea Johnson. 20.~6 F. Mcrton Pitt Co ..... 1.68 2 Munselle' Welding Supplies . 3 · 28 Carson and GoldinS. 27.10 Mulli~ Lumber, CO ....... !3o31 Ornge Cbunty Ra~liote!ephone. 30°00 Tustin Garage . J6.00 Fhe T~stiN News . 13.09 Ohio Chemical Co ...... Fire Department (dinners) 12 00 Kenneth G. Hebard~ D. O. . 20 00 Ben Wheelock. 3~] 00 J. L. McBri~.e o . . ~21 00 Don's Tree Service ..... 4j 00 Petty Cash Replenishment, City Clerk. 36 'Jerome C. Kidd (Expen}es) 30.00 NISSON RD Moved by Councilman Sheridan~ seconded by Councilman PALMETO Humeston, that both sides of Nisson Road, between Red Hill_ PALMS and Newport be desj. gn~ted for pa!metoNalms for Parkways. Motion carried. Moved by CouncilMan Mack, seconaed by Councilman Humeston that meeting be adjourned. Motion carr5edo d/ Mayor ~. ~,~ lerk..