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NB 2 CONS SVCS CONT. 01-21-85
,AGENDA DATE: JANUARY 11, 1985 NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 1-21-85 'Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER AWARD OF CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT - LAGUNA ROAD RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of January 21, 1985, approve the selection of Robert Bein, William Frost and Assoc{ates to perform the consultant civil engineering services for the easterly extension of Laguna Road between the Auto Center development and Myford Road and authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $34,500.00 for said work. BACKGROUND: The proposed Tustin Auto Center is being developed by the Irvine Company on approximately 55 acres of land located between Bryan Avenue and the Santa Aha Freeway and between Browning Avenue and Myford Road. This Auto Center development is being processed as Parcel Map No. 84-1032. Conditions of approval of this map require the Irvtne Company to construct all public i~rovements within the Parcel Map boundary as well as the construction of Laguna Road between Browning Avenue and Jamboree Road, the westerly boundary of the Auto Center. In the early planning stages of this development the city committed to the engineering and construction of an easterly extension of Laguna Road between the easterly boundary of the Auto Center and Myford Road. These road improvements were to include two travel lanes of street paving, street lighting and flood control facilities across the E1 Modena-Irvine Channel at an estimated cost of $350,000.00. DISCUSSION: The Irvine Company has employed the firm of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (R.B.F.) to furnish the civil engineering services as they relate to the public improvement requirements of Parcel Map No. 84-1032. In order to coordinate the developerLs plan preparation and the cityLs plan preparation for Laguna Road, staff has requested a proposal from R.B.F. to perform the consulting civil engineering services for the easterly extension of Laguna Road between the Auto Center and Myford Road. Utilization of the same consultant firm will help reduce the coordination efforts of city staff and help ensure that all construction work will be performed simultaneously resulting in cost savings to both parties. The attached proposal has been submitted by R.B.F. and is in the amount of $34,500.00 for all services required by the city and as outlined on page three of the proposal. This fee has been reviewed by staff and appears to be reasonable and competitive. JANUARY 11, 1985 PAGE 2 If this expenditure is authorized, the City Council will need to authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $34,500.00. Additional construction funding appropriation for this project will be required in later 1984-85 or 1985-86. The exact amounts can be determined after the completion of the plans and specifications. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr c] g. - eiz[,flTv ilh'am zOst c SSOciates PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS & PLANNERS December lg, 1984 JN 22886 Mr. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services - Laguna Road Dear Mr. Ledendecker: In accordance with your request, Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates (RBF} is pleased to provide you with this proposal for consulting civil engineering services associated with the extension of Laguna Road from Myford Road to the easterly limits of the proposed Tustin Auto Center. It is our understanding that the City of Tustin desires to retain a civil engineering consultant to prepare construction plans for street improve- ments and flood control channel improvements within the alignment of Laguna Road. Further we understand that the City desires to construct the pro- posed improvements concurrently with those of the Tustin Auto Center (Parcel Map No. 84-1032) and that the services provided under this proposal must be performed in a time frame consistent with the Auto Center development schedule. SCOPE OF WORK Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates will provide the following services: 1. Perform a field topographic survey required to locate the horizontal and vertical position of existing surface improvements to be joined with those under consideration in this scope of work. 2. Prepare Concept Street and Drainage Plan for review by the City of Tustin and Orange County EMA. This schematic plan will be prepared at a scale of 1"=40' and will be used to formalize the design criteria relative to interim versus ultimate street and channel improvements, right-of-way acquisition requirements, and geometric and phasing con- straints associated with construction of interim improvements. I=O BOX 2~90 * 1401 QUAIL STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 · (714~ 833.0070 Mr. Bob Ledendecker Proposal for Laguna Road JN 22886 Page 2 Prepare one set of Public Street Improvement Plans for approximately 1,900 lineal feet of roadway conforming to the alignment, grade and cross-section approved with the Concept Street and Drainage Plan pre- pared under Item 2 above. The plans will incorporate preliminary structural sections which must be verified and/or modified to satisfy field conditions upon receiving final recon~endations from the soils engineer responsible for the project during construction. Plans shall be prepared at a horizontal scale of 1"=40' and vertical scale of 1"=4' on reproducible mylar and shall be designed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the City of Tustin. Roadway grading: shall be referenced to existing ground as presented on aerial topo- graphic maps prepared by the land owner in October of 1984. Work. under this item shall include signing and {triping details in addition to street lighting facilities for the interim road improvements. Work relating to design of street light facilities and electrical cbnduit shall consist of coordination efforts with Southern California Edison Company in the design of a secondary street light extension system. Any work relating to design or coordination of design for a primary system is specifically excluded from this work effort. Prepare one set of Channel and Culvert/Bridge Improvement Plans for the road crossing of E1Modena-Irvine Channel (OCFCD Facility No. FO7}. The improvement plan set shall include construction details for the proposed ultimate width culvert/bridge and appropriate channel tran- sitions to and from the existing channel section and shall conform to the alignment, grade and cross section shown on the approved Concept Street and Drainage Plan. These plans will be prepared at a 1"=40' horizontal scale and 1"=4' vertical scale on reproducible mylar with de- tail~sheets at a scale appropriate to clearly show the intended work. Design of facilities within the Orange County Flood Control District easement shall conform to the standards and requirements of OCEMA. Work under this item shall be based on the findings and recommendations of a soils and geologic engineering sub-consultant to be retained by RBF. Prepare project specifications, special provisions, and a construction cost estimate for the work proposed on the construction plans. Prepare one Legal Description and Exhibit for use in acquisition of right-of-way for the road and channel system. Provide coordination and consultant services to the City, County of Orange, and the land owner as required to insure that the design of facilities under this proposal meets the needs and requirements of each agency. Work under this phase is based on expenditure of 20 manhours. Mr. Bob Ledendecker Proposal for Laguna Road JN 22886 Page 3 COMPENSATION Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates will complete all services out- lined herein in accordance with the following fee schedule. RBF will invoice the City of Tustin monthly on a percentage of completion basis plus the direct cost of blueprints and reproductions. Work Area Fee 1. Field Topographic Survey $ 1,400 2. Street and Drainage Concept Plan 2,700 3. Street Improvement 'Plan 9,200 4a. Channel and Culvert/Bridge I~rovement Plan b. Soils Investigation 13,000 4,200 5. Specifications and Cost Estimate 1,500 6. Legal Description and Exhibit 1,500 7. Coordination and Consultation l~O00 Total $34,500 The fees shown herein are valid for a 90-day period following submittal. Due to ever-changing costs, RBF reserves the right to automatically in- crease those portions of the contract fee for which work must still be completed by a factor of 10% should any of the work outlined herein need to be completed after February l, 1986. Standard Provisions of Agreement are attached hereto and made a part hereof (see Exhibit "A"). Any work relating to traffic signal design, environmental documentation, sound or acoustical engineering, underground utility {sewer, water, gas, telephone, CATV, etc.) planning and design {except as specifically provided herein), landscape architecture and construction staking or monumentation are excluded from the engineering, mapping and surveying services proposed herein and, if required, must be contracted for by the City under a separate work authorization. We believe that Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates can provide the depth of engineering expertise and personnel necessary to complete this important project in a timely and cost efficient manner. At RBF, we re- cognize the importance of on-time consultant performance, but we also stress the need for a top quality final product. Our engineering staff is trained to identify construction cost-saving alternatives during the preliminary design phase which will result in a better overall project. Mr. Bob Ledendecker Proposal for Laguna Road JN 22886 Page 4 It is this con~nitment to quality and recognition of the needs of the Client which has allowed us to provide over 40 years of uninterrupted service. We look forward to your review of this proposal and an opportunity to discuss our proposed scope of work with you personally. In the interim, if you have any questions, please call me or Mr. Bob Kallenbaugh of this office. Sincerely, ~OST & ASSOCIATES ( james~E. McDonald ~resident Civil Engineering Attachments cc: Bob Bein, RBF Bob Kallenbaugh, RBF 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 232, Sacramento. CA (916) 444-3060 Form RM 82-1C © lgT3 by C,ali/om/,~ Council of Civil En~,/nee~s and Land Surveyors STANDARD PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BE'P~EEN CLIENT AND CONSULTANT Cb·n! and consultant a~ree ltst the followiMc provtsions shell be pmr~ of their ellreement: (Kzklblt Ne.) Co·al·ant: I CJicnt: (Initlel,~ ) (Inlfi~ds) 1. 'F~LiS sires·est shell be ~mdinl up~z the h~rs. ezerutors. -d~!mctrttors. succe#ors nod las/Ins of client sad ca~s"ttenL 2. TJds sires·est shell not be mil·ed by either cbem or co·mi·not Mthout the prior M~tton consent of the other. 3. This q~Wmem contains ~e enbre ilz~ement between client sad consvlunt fei·laS to the project end the .._p~ov~on of so~dcee m the project..Any.prior it?re·ems. promises, noir·mumm or r~presenteuono not ezpretsly tm forth m this qTeemont f~re of no force or effect. Subeequem modificiuofls to ~ sires·err shell he m re'cng ·nd s~lned by belt cbem sad ~ 4. Comuit~nt's waiver of ·ny term. condition, a~ coverall or breech of ney term. condiLina, or covewt, shell no~ con·tiaa ate v;Mver of any other Mr·. co·dS·inn, or cover·re. or the breech of ~ny other term. condition, or cover·rtL 5. ]~mty term. condition, or covewt of this riTes·est is held by · co~ of competent juri0dier, ion to he invalld, void or use·force·bis, ate remiinnl prov~iorm of'this shaft he valid end bindin~ on client end 6. CormuL,.tm is not respa··ibis f.or dihy cousnd by acrid·ins or f~ctoru beyond cannel·art's re··arable couLrol, mchdinl but not limited to. dehys by reason of str~kla, k)ckouts. ~ork ,lo~.dow or ·topples. KcidentL acts of' God. failure of client to furuis h Umeiy in,arno·inn or ippFove or dis,pprov· con s~tent's ~ promptly, huJty perform,nc· by c Ue nt oF other con·rectors or Invernmontel ·loncJc8. When ouch deinys beyond con~dtent'l rnononobk control occur, client ·lrecl consultant m not reopen·ibis m dsmqes nor shell co·suite· he deemed to he in dehu~t of' this ·l~'eement. 7. Conm~tent sh~ll not he bebie for dmnqla remdtinI from the or~ona or inoc~on· of Isys·mantel ·len~.ies ~cludinl, bu~ not limited to. pe~mitp.to?, s~in~, efl~'onmentai impact report~ dedic~Uon·, fen·raj pit· end mnondmenu thereto, za~nI matters, mmcnuons or con·elitist·ns, uor or cond~uon~ use permits, andbelldin! permits. 8. Consultant shell only oct la an adv~2r in ell lavernment~ rased·ns. O. ]fclientmstjtute··hg·uitqAmctconsuhntfor·ay&beSednoll§lcnce, srror~mislionor~lteriniluretoperf~nn.sadifclientf'·bet~b~n·jud~mentincbent.sf'·v~.~ the J-wsuit is dis·rased, oF if )udlm·nt is renbel~d f'or co·mdt&at, cbent qrees to pay consultant 8]] coots of dcf'onor, inoludin~ ct·oasys' ~ee·, ·zpe~ vA·no# fees, cour~ costs and any and dl other ·xpeMee of defense. Such payment shill be made imtl~tlty f.ollowinI dismLsosl of. ate cm or upon enU"y of ! 0. [f any ac·inn ·t bw or equi~, inca·din18n scion for derhrs~2~/relief, is broulht to enforce erin·afl)ret the p~ovisinno of d~s airs·mart, ate prevoilinl party shell be snuffed to Mit·table ut·omens' fees. which f.eee m~y he set by the coat in th· uae ·ct~on or in · separate sc·inn brought for the· purpose, in addition to ney other relief to which be may be en~tl·d. ! I. Client ·lreee the· in the event client inct~tutos lifilttinn to enforce or interpret the pFo~sinns of due ·freemen·. such lit~l·tion is to be hroufht and adjudicated in the appropriate court in the county in which consul·ear's principal piece of. bUm·eM is inc~Md, and clbnt ~oives the rilht t~ bra·l, u'y or ~move sucli little·inn to ,ny other county or chef,ct. ~2. All m~lmdi pSpeFL documents: drew·hi.? and erbar vmrk product of consultant, nod copies ltoron£ produced by coMultsnt pm"senn· to this qr~emont, e~cept documents which ire required to be f'bed Mth puh~J~ Illncllll, IL~ ~ the property of. conlultef~t lad my he ulad by co~ltdteor v~ltout the cooulent of clicnL Ali toe'cee ProVided pursuant to t~· ·lr~mont my he used by cbeut only for the pro~ec~ described on the f'~ce hereof. ~4. Cbent nod conm~Mnt f~ree to cooperate ~ corh other in eve~ way on the projecL ~pon wT~ttef~ request, client and co·malt·n· shaft ezorutc end bell~er, or cumse to he ·secured and belivered+ such nddibondiinsu-~ments 8nd dorumonts whcb are necesotr~.' to perform the terms of this sloe·em. 16. TJ~b 81~ement sh~ll on· he coos~rued to alter, affect or wi·ye no~ lion or utop no,ce rilhtl which conoultent may have f.or ate pert·ms·ce of ~ccs pure·mn· to th~s l?. ]~' payment f.or confu~tlut's ~er'/inee is to he n~:le on hehllf of. chert by · third-I~eFtY lender, client 81rase t~t cormuitent ah'il not be r~quiFed to indemni/~ the third*paY lender, in ate fern of ~n endorsement or oltel,~or. ·s · condi~on of receivmI iMymont for tor~iceL iS. Cea·right ,~k~s no rel3eesonte~on concereinl ate set, ms·ed qon~tities and cost filvres md· in connec~on mit mips, phns, specific·ti·ns, or dr~v~nls alter Lben that ·la ach f'~tree m ep~imstos only ~nd co·suites· shell nm be ~eepoamble for fluctuates· in co~t f'sctorL ~9. Conrad·est dnos not luoronMe ate completion or qvslity of pert·Fmc·c· of contract or ate compiet~on or qu'lity of perform·ac· of contructs by ate con0troction conLFIctor or coatrtctorL or other Ll~rd p~ctila, nor is he re·pon·bis for theU' ec~ or amis·sari. 20. Cons~tent utl~es no war, sty. cisher ·zpre# or implied, so to his ~mdinls, re~otm~ondAtiomL speci/'zcstinm, or prates·annul fdvine ezcept ·hit the wol~ wii pelger·ed puruvnot tO lo·creCy ·ccepMd s~ndord· of prsc~ce in cffcct ·t th· urn· of perform·ncc. 2 ~. Co~JluJtlf~ mt Jtd~l ~O re~lgelltetlOlll COI~ loll COIIdiY. inUS UAJlll Specific~ly mcluded in wnLmI in thio &Ires·ant. sad be is not respotuibl· for mU lmb~i~, the· may ieee of ·ttm'am/s nod alter ezpon~s which ~onou]tem my m~stein or ~ ~ · resuk of such un~onsnot~l chnol·L 24. Client qrees not to use or petlmt any alter person to use pl&~s, tire,Aris, or other document· prepernd by ca, traitors. ~hich phns. drewinls, or other docum·nu m not ail·ed by cousultenL CLient &Iraq to he hebie end ~lalMambie for any mob u0e of un~ I~t*n-. d~mnls, or ocher documents not siined by consultant and wmvla linbflity III·is· 2la. Consdit~nt he· · r~lht to complete 8la ser',~cee ~lre~i to be tendered pm'au·et to ltio eont.'~ct, in ate event ltie qreement is tef~mstod before ate completion of ·la sel"vi,s. un,sm ~ is reeponoibie for such els4y te~-**~-m, chert IIr~l to reis· con·fl·est from iii tiebility for wort performed. 26. if chert fliLI to ply connoltont w~thln thil't¥ (30) dayu mffmr m'mieem are ~ndered. chert il~ee conceit&st shall have ate rilht to co·eider such default in payment · mt·rial 2'/. Client ·~'eel ltmt consultant wgl not perfex· aa- site co·lire·on z~'-m~ for t~s Prelect un~lso Ip*cifir. allY prev~cled for in this Ilreemen f-. ltl· lUCh Iorvices m~l] he per formed by ·there. and tl~at the client v~l] daf·nd, inde~i~., nod hdid co·au]tam ha.nd·ri from any and ill bebillty I~ialng from or reeultMI from ate performance of conol3.uc~on rev·aw by erbar lite eonditinnl dm'·lilts course of corm·roman of the project, inelud~l Ilfety of ~J persona nod proport~, ltmt ~ req uiremcnt shall be made to apply cont/nuouliy and not be limit · d to normal wo~4rln! be·ri, oncl client fuz~lr ~s to defend, inbemn~ and hold consultant hen~ees from any and iii bebdity, re-I or allcled, in connoc~on ·1th the performance of work on lt~ projh-~ elcep~nl linbllity ·ri·mi from the ~ote nellilence of co~suitent. 30. Cltmlt al~wl to purcb~e and mlmtein, dUnnl the covree ~f con·tinactin·, builder's ~ -.n r~ak" inimlnCl which m~] name conlu]tent la an idditional insured i0 steer 31. All fee· and other chemise mol be bdied mont~y and sba~ be due at the ~ne of billS·( unless olte~rme st~6nd in ltie n~reemont. 32. Cliemt ~ ltmt the periodic billlnin from conauhant to chert m~ con-ct, conclumive, and bindinl on chert unieso client m~ltin ten (10) days from ate bets of rer ·ipt of such 33. Client lib. we to pay · lite payment ci~rle which ~ be comp·tad it ate per·dSc rite specified on ate front hereof and mO] be applied to ney unpaid b~anc· commencu~ d~ty (30) be~ of·or the da·* of t~ onlthnl 34. if cmtm~ltent, purmtl~ to ltis sire*me·t, p~xluela Plans. aP~lllcnlJOam, or o~her doe·manta nod/or performs fietd wo~k. and aueh pL~nn: ~ltlciflc~t~om. and od·er documents led/or fietd m~rk IL~ required by o~e or ~ [ovlro~lntl] Ilency. nod ·me or more luch Iove~amnote] allency chan~ll itl ordi.n~q~, pellci·~, pl~-~durel or ~qm~tlents after the dito of ltie nlz~mont, a~y ndditMno] ~ or field m0rk ·he, by required ~ be plid fur by client la ·z~m work. 36. Climnt Ilreee that if c~mnt requewtl in·ides· '] Iorvlcee mot I~t(cifild PWl~ll=t to Plrelriph A on t he ~roor here~, cllent alrl~ to pay for 'fl such insider**· sor~'ioel la ezL-I 37. bi tke event stat· OrlY Istl~l~.Ul is delt3~.rl~L all·ltl(ecL or did·zig·Id by on mc· of God or Pml~l~ alter ltll~ coltlt~lto]]t, ate co·il of t"mlt&kinl Ih·il he paid for by cilellt la ex·ri ~or~- fee~ m:d .zz other feel perm~L ~ W-~ .... ~ camlMny chrlel. ~ end r~Jroduc'mm& m:d ~ll other chsrlee nm speeifie~lly covered by ate terms of. th~ e&~eemen~ 39. in tb~ event 'dl or s]sY Port'on of·he wark Welmred or Pm't~'fl.. Y Pt~lr _~_d_ by cot·si·est he m11Mnd~d. ·bondonm£ or terminated, dine· shaft IMy coumdteat for iii feet. ch&~we$. %-_- ~'~A¥ ~)NINA~O~I~