HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1960 10 17204 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 17 1960 l'~ieeti. ng ca!led to order by MayOr Kidd at ?:3j P- M. PRiiSENT : Kidd, Humeston, Byrd, Sheridan, Mack ABSENT None CITY ATTORI,~.[.',Y Present CITY ENG!NEE~ Present Moved by Counci]z~an Mack~ seconded by COuncilman Minutes Sheridan, that the minutes of October 3rd meeting ~be a?proved as ~na~led and received. Motion carried. 'Moved by Counciln~an Humeston~ seconded by Councilman SQUARE DANCE ~Sheridan[ that ~p~rmissiorl be granted for Square Dance permission classes st TYC ~n 'adcordanc~ with sbi'puIations set forth in letter of 'a~ireer~eft 'and applic:~tion~ ~Motion Carried. ~Moved by Counc}lman Humestcn, seco~ded by Councilman Painting curb ~Sherid. an~ th~}t 'CP~ief Sisset check %~it~ Mr. Currie on ELEM. school area to ~'~ paint6d 'in front of auditorium for school ~Bus stop and ]Proceed with paintfng. Motion carried~ Moved by Codz~}dilman Sheridan~ ~seconded ~y Mack that Abandonment ~the nouncii ~e'nd Taii Stand on "D" St~ i~ front of Taxi Stand Rub ' Cafe has been abandoned nnd letter of aban- .... y s donment from W. W.- Wilcox duly received. Mr. Wilcox to be notified that Taxi Stand permit and business license have been revoked. Hotion carried. Moved by Co~ancil8an Mack, seconcSed by Councilman Byrd, Prop 1 that a resolution be drawn supporting Proposition No. I. Mo~on carried. Moved by Co~ncilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilsan Resolution Mack, that City Attorney prepare a Resolution estab- granting lishing Taxi Cab stands for Black and Green Cab Co~ cab stand and Yello~ Cab Co. of Santa Ana. ?.'lotion carried. Motion made b,~ Councilor'an Sheridan, seconded by Hwy Patrol Councilsan Byrd ~ granb ing Chief SissOl authorization to patrol to contact State HiShway Patrol. ~ requestix, g said Freeway Patr~}! to tak6 over the Santa Ana Freeway traffic between TustiN Ave. and Redhill Ave. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Humeston seconded by Councilman Truck Byrd, that Clerk be authorized to purchase ~000 Decals Deca!s ¢or Police Deeartment to identify trucks having City Licenses. Motion carried. Moved by Councilman Mack, seco'nded by C{}uncilman Ord. 140 Byrd~ tht Ordinance No. 1~0, Probibitin~ intoxicating beverages on or near City Parks and recreation areas be read by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Councg]man Sheridan~ seccnded by Councilman 0rd. 140 H~mess;tcn that Ordinance No. 160 be passed and adoDted~ Moved by Councilman Sheridan~ seconded b.~' Councilman Humeston th~t above Motion be ~vithdrawn and Ordinance Ord. 140 No. 1~0 be referred to the City Attorney for further study~ Motion carried. ~; veal b,r Counci!man~ Mack, seconded by Councilman Sheridan~ that the Board of Supervisors of the County BD. OF SUPER. Ro of Orange, State of. California be, and the same TO AUTH. are pe~itioned. to aut>,orize the Building D~rar, t~pt BUILDING the County of. Orange to~ enter, into negotiations for DEPT. TO the execution. of a contract between the County of Orange COUNTY and the. City of. Tustin, a municipal corporation, whereby, the. Building Dep~rtme;~t of the County of Orange would assume~ and. per~orm the duties of building department for the City, of Tust~n., upon Zbe terms and conditions to~ be agreed upon therein. Motion carried Moved by Ceuncilman~Sheridan,. seoonded by Counci]ms~ Bv~,d ORD #195 that,]that part,of Ordi~amce No. 9~ requiring curbs REFERRED TO and sidewalks, be referred~ to the City Attorney and CITY ATT. City Engineer fort study and recommendations. Motion car~i~ Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Councjlman DIV OF HWYS Hack, that City~Cou~cil~ reqwest~the Division of Highways BIDS FOR to proceed forthwith to advert~ se for bids and award a NEWPORT contract for the construction of Newport Freeway, FREEWAY Route ~] - ora~ from McFadden St. to Riverside ~ v reew~ Motien carried. Moved ~v Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman TREES F0R Humesto~ that, res~,denbs sggni~TMDetit~on for trees TYC FENCE along TYC fenc~,be notified of fi~dings of the Park Commissioner and the recommendations of the Council that Blue Oum~ Eucalyptus w~fid be unsat~ sfactory a~d that Pitus Forum Undi!atum s~ould be us~zd. Motion ca~ ed Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman REVERE HOUSE Mack~ tht petition for de-annexation of the Revere DE*ANNEX House be officially~denied in-as much as the City of DENIED Tustin~has provided an adequate solution to said Heyere House sanitation prob]er~ which was orally agreed to by t. be City Council and Principals at a Special Meeting September 30, 1960. Motion carried. Clerk directed to send copy of above minute order to owners o~ the ~evere House. Hoved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Counci!man~ SETBACK AT Sher!dan~ that City Attorney prepare an Ord~na~ce in NEWPORT & accordance with Tustin Planning Commission request FREEWAY for a 60 foot setback northeast of and para]_let to Freeway right of way betwee~ Newport Ave. and D St., a portion of S Tustin Tract, B]ock Motion carried. Moved by Counc~lman Humeason, secoDded by Councilman ORD. #141 Sheridan, th'~t Ordinance No. i~+I have its first reading by title only. Hotion carried unanimously. Hoved by Counci123an Humeston, seconded by Councilman BILLS Mack that bills be paid. Motion carried. BILLS Director of internal Reyenue State Emp. Retirement 592.62 Thermo-Fax Sales. 26. Signal Oil Co. 98°00 Tustin Fire Dept. 271.50 Kenneth G. Hebard, D. O. 17.~0 gounty of Orange~ Trans. & Comm 26.93 Roy Carver Pontiac. 15.00 Tustin Wa~er Works. 360.00 Smith Corona. Orange County Treasurer Tustin News 28. I8 , ~ ge County Blueprint 12~.38 John'Siege] a; Co. Les Johnson ~ 33.60 Carson and GoldinS. 9~.70 State Compensation Ins~ Fund. 830.00 Farnsworth Jewel ry ~ !0. ] 9 Tust in Hardware ....... 30.8] F}.rst Western Bank {Utilities) i0.13 Ear!_ Vinson. .. 2~}. ll Tieman' s 19. Jerome C. Kidd ~ reimbursement Hwy 22.00 Tustin Tiller Days as per cont. , item~ zea below Farn. sworth Jewelry - troehies. ~ ~john P-Gree~lFlOat (city share 150.00 Tustin Radio S TV (inv7658). 3.95 Smiling Sign Service .... ~7.50 M. E. Taylor e Son (inv. A01607) I] Tustin News (job 1552). 11.69 !iowland Signs. . . 29.12 Santa Ana Engravjng'C~ .... 7.02 Porter's Direct Mail (job !731) Porter's Direct Nail (job 183A}). !2.7~} Charlotte Bix!er(Bi ] 1 Bowman). 1 Stoecker's Signal Service. . 3.~5 Orange Empire Chem. Toilet Co. 25.00 Expenses incurred by Chamber to be re-imbursed by the C~tv, itemized list on ~ine in C~tv C!erk's Office. 62 67 Moved by Counci!rnan Sheridan, seconded by Councilman Mack, that meeting be adjourned° Motion carried. City C3erk