HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 6 CLAIM #85-13 04-01-85· ~T~: 03/26/85 Inter- Com FROH: $ USJ ~CT: /~RABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: YOSHIDA, JAMES; D/L: W/CITY: 2/25/85 ; CLAIM NO: NO'. S41257MRH 12/15/84; DATE FILED 85-13; CARL WARREN FILE After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. JGR(F4.se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 ~6 ~7 (SP.4~ ~P..LOW FOR FIL,~G STA,M~ ONLY~ Attorneys for Claimant JAMES YOS~IDA JAMES yO$~IDA, VS. Claimant, CITY OF TUSTIN, Respondent. CLAIM FOR INDEMNITY (Government Code Section 910) TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CITY COUNSEL: YOU ARE EEREBY NOTIFIED that claimant JAMES YOSHIDA whose is address is claims damages from the CITY OF TUSTIN, in the amount of any settlement or judgment awarded to or entered in favor of plaintiff CAROYLN CONWAY, in action number 44-80-29 entitled Conway v. Yoshida et al.~ now pending in the Orange County Superior Court, the exact amount of which claim is not and cannot be stated with any exactitude or certainty at this time. On December 14, 1984 a 1978 Datsun owned and operated by the claimant collided with pedestrian CAROLYN WINFIELD CONWAY at or near the intersection of First Street and Tustin Avenue in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, at which time i pedestrian CONWAY was eastbound across the intersection and the claimant was turning left from westbound First Street to 3 northbound Tustin Avenue. 4 Following the accident, CAROLTN CONWAY, acting through 5 her attorney, filed a complaint against the claimant in the 6 Orange County Superior Court as action number 44 80 29, in 7 which she alleges that the claimant negligently caused her 8 alleged injuries. Claimant maintains that a proximate cause of 9 the accident was that the CITY OF TUSTIN negligently owned, 10 controlled, designed, maintained, inspected, built, marked, 11 lit, and repaired First Street and Tustin Avenue at or in the 12 vicinity of the accident scene so as to proximately cause and 13 contribute to the personal injuries sustained by CAROLFN CONWAY 14 in the accident. The above captioned claimant now seeks 15 indemnity from the CITY OF TUSTIN on the aforementioned grounds 16 in accordance with established principle of equitable indemnity 17 and comparative indemnity. A copy of the complaint filed by 18 CAROLYN CONWAY is attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. 19 The names of the public employees causing the personal 20 injuries of CAROLYN CONWAY which give rise to claimant's 21 subject claim under the circumstances set forth above are 22 unknown to claimant at this time. 23 Claimant's claim for indemnity accrued, as against the 24 CITY OF TUSTIN, on or about January 21, 1985 when claimant was 25 served with summons and complaint in action number 44 80 29 now 26 entitled Conwa¥ vs. Yoshida, et al. now pending in the Orange 27 County Superior Court. 28 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 The amount of money claimed by claimant by way of indemnity, from the'CITY OF TUSTIN, is equal to the amount ultimately awarded or entered in favor of plaintiff CAROYLN CONWAY by way of settlement or judgment, in action number 44 80 29 now pending in the Orange County Superior Court, and that amount cannot now be stated with any exactitude or certainty. Ail notices or other communications with regard to this claim should be sent to B. Kent Warner, Law Offices of Alvin M. Cassidy, 600 West Santa Aha Boulevard, Suite 400, Santa Aha, California 92701 (7154) 835-9431. Dated: February 19, 1985 LAW OFFICES OF ALVIN M. CASSIDY B. KENT WARNER SUMMONS (CITACIQN JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (A~iso a Acusado) j.A~r~S YOSHIDA, CITY OF SAMTA ANA and DOES L :brough 20, ~ncLusive JAN 9 4 1985 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (AUd. le e~M demandando) You have .30 C.4LENDAR DAYS after this sum- non", ~s served on you to file a tyDewrft'ten re- A le~er or phone ca!l will not 13rot-'~ct you; your form if you want the cou~ to hear your case. ~ you do not file your res~nse on time. you ~ lose the case. and your wages, money and pro- ~e~y may ~ taken w~ fu~hef warning f~om Oespuds cie que le entre.Burn esta: citacidn iud;¢ial u~t~ tiene un plazo de 30 DIAS ~LENDA~IOS ~m p~ntar uno Uno ca~ o uno /lamada t~eJd~ica ~ 1~ of~ce~ p~t~cldm cumpiir co~ quie~ que de su pmpi~ad fin ~i~ adi~nal ~r ~de ge la code. the coup. ~ u~ quie~ There a~e othe~ legal requirements. You may /lamer a un a~do /nm~a~men~ ~ con~e a un wun~ to caA an a~O~ d~h~ away. ff you do not know an e~o~ney. ~ ~ caJl an a~orn~ refer- a~dG pu~e IlamJr a un ~'ido de ~f~ncia de raj se~ice ~ a legal a~ . t~efdnico). The na~e and a~dre~s of t~ O~GE CO~ S~ERIOK CO~T 700 Civic CanCer ~ive West San~a ~a, Ca!ifo~ia 92701 1801 E. 2arkcourc ~lace, SuLce ~-102 San~a ~a, Califo~ia 92701 (714) 953-6682 PAMELA A. MOCC0 1. ~ as an ;ndividual Z. as d"~ !~ee's,c.~ sued u~et -- COP 416.10 CC:P 416.20 (cle~unct Corl;>~ati~) ~ , . //~ 11 CCP 416.50 (minor) CCP 4.16.70 (conse."ve~ee) JOHN A. ROSENBAUM LSOL E. Parkcour~ PLace, Suite Santa Aha, CaLifornia 9270L E-L02 953-6632 CAROLYN C 0 .~..;AY 87020 O~WGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 700 Civic Center Drive Wes= San~a Ama, Ca. 92701 CAROLYN W. CON'WAY OE~NCANT JA~S YOSHIDA, CITY OF SANTA ANA and _20 COMPLAINT--Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongi'ul Death *.~...~. MOTOR VEHICLE ~'-OTHER (specify): [_-.~Progerty 0amage ~ Wrongful Death _~.-. Personal Injury rm,s o~eac .".g ,,'lcrud:ng alta(:h,.'nents ar.d e,~h,.~,l$. COnS~SlS Of t~e follow,~g nurmOer Of ~ages C-q a guOhc e~,~y (descr,Oe) ~a re,no( ~ an adult ~ fo? whom a guatOman or con~erva(o? RI the estate o? a guard,an a~ h(em na~ ~een a~ointed ~ of~e, (spec,/y) ~ otme~ ($Oec~fy) ,s ~Jo,,~q ~u$,nes$ unde, :~e t,chf,~us name RI ($~ec,~y)' ~ Int.3¢m'labon a~'aout &do,bol'la) ~a,mh~'f~ ,.hO afc riot comc..e(en! a~ult$ ~S S~'10.,,m mn Coo'l!Ol~lnt-- A~lacm~en! 2C (COmh~r~e~3)_ ................. COh~WAY VS. 3 a ~ac~ defendanl named aDoYe and Does 1,2 and 7-20 ~ an Un,ncor~orate~ entity (describe): ~ a ~u~{,c e~t,ty (descrtDe)'c~c~ Of ~ a ~aus~ness o¢~anizat~on, form unknown ~ a corporation ~ an unincorporated entit'f ~ Excelat defendant (name)' ~ Ezcef~t defendant (name): ~ a Dus~nes$ organization, form unknown ~ a corporation ~ an un~ncorfaorated enh!y (descrit~e): ~ a 0uOhc entity (~lescr~Oe) ~'-"i otme"'r$13ec/fY) ~ a i~us~ness organization, form unknown ~ a cor[3oration ~ an unincorporated entity (describe): ; , a Oulah¢ entity ~ other ($peczfy) The true names and caoac.,l;es of defendants sued as Odes are unknown to ola~nttff ~ I~formatiQn aC)out ac~-,~lt~or, al cte~endant$ who are not natural persons ~s contained in ComDla,nt~ Attaci'~men[ 3c ~ 0etendants who are lo,ned oursuant lo Code of C~vH Procedure section 382 are [names)' D ~ ~la~nt,tf ,S excuseC~ from complying ~ecause [spec/fy). 5 Th,s dour! ~$ the grOOer COurt ~aecause ~,.-"~ al re~.st one detention! now res,aes ~n Hs jur,sdictronal area ~ ~nlUry to 0arson Or dam=ge TO ~e~sonal proC, arty OCcurred tn ,tS jurLsd~ct~onal area ~ T~,e foHow~ng ~&ra~r&Dhs of t~,s COmDla~n! are alleged on infor"~at~on (Conhnued) Pa~e t.e CO ~%~AY vs. YOSKIDA, CAUSE OF ACTION--Motor Vehicle ATTACHMENT TO .~¢--.-,LC om Dlam t ~'---CrO$'~'COm~laint al. ~ Page -- CAROLYN C 0 ~'AY Tus~in, Orange County Califo~ia MY-2 a r)cq r~e defenCants ,~no oCerazed a motor .,emc:e ars (aamco). James yoshida :~_. Ooes 2' to t5- -- '- O Z ~'%e ,le,er~anr'~ ..~o emDIo'~e"J [ne :erSons ~mo ooerale~ a molor vemcle ,n tree course at me~r em~lo'/menl arerna~es> Doe 1, Doe 2, and Doe 7-20 ~-- Ooe$ to J~mes Yoshida 5 18 ~ Ooes Io -- ~'~e detendant$ w~o entrusted Ir~e motor vemCl.e are (names): .w"'Oees 8 ~ to ID ot the agency were(~a~es). 3~eS Yos~Ld~ ~d ~ 70oes _1-._ . to __ ]..0- ""--i I,ste~ ,n at:acnment UV.2f ('--]~ Iollo,,~s Plaintiff will seek leave of :he Court :o amend when such facts becaome known or upon proof :hereof. '~ ,,., ~, ,'~.".. VS YOSHIDA COMPLAiNT--Personal Injury, Propert7 Damage, Wrong;ul Death'(Continued) The carnages cia,mad for wrongful ~eatn and. me relat~ons~'liC3s of ¢lamtdff tO t~e deceased are .'--'-t hsted ,n ComC31a,nf--A~facnment 7 ~ i as follows: ~ noso,tal and mad,cai exoenses - '~ ~?o¢9?W damage C~ oma? ~amage Io~a OI use of ~roDe~1~ general damage loss ol earning caoac=~¥ 9 ~0 r~ comoe~sa~or~ da~a~es ~ ~ ($upe~ior CouP) accord,rig tO Droot ~ (Munmcioal and Justice Court) in [ne amount ot$ . __ The follow,ng causes ol action are attached and the s~atement$ a~3ove aPOiy to each: (Eac,~ complaint mu~t have One or more causes ol act;on affacne~.) ~ General Neghgence ~ I~en~:unal TO,f [~j Products ~.. J ~?em,se5 L~a~dmfy ~ Other JOHN A. ROSENBAU~