HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 MYFORD EXTENSION 4-1-85TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY'ENGINEER MYFORD ROAD EXTENSION BETWEEN MOULTON PARKWAY AND BARRANCA ROAD RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of April 1, 1985, approve the Agreement for Consultant Services for the preparation of the Environmental Assessment Document for Myford Road between Moulton Parkway and Barranca Road subject to final approval by CalTrans/FAU. BACKGROUND: The subject project provides for the extension of Myford Road between Moulton Parkway and Barranca Road. It is proposed that this six lane roadway would extend through MCAS(H) adjacent to and westerly of Peter's Canyon Wash and then traverse westerly near the southerly boundary of the base to align with Jamboree Road (in the City of Irvine) at Barranca Road. This project is in the current Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program in the amount of $205,000.00 for Environmental Document preparation and preliminary engineering. The agency cost breakdown for these items is as follows: FAU share (86%) .................................. $176,300.00 City of Irvine share (5.6%) ...................... 11,500.00 City of Tustin share (8.4%) ...................... 17,200.00 $205,000.00 DISCUSSION: The attached Agreement for Consultant Services provides for the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Document for the subject project and designates the firm of L.S.A., Inc., the consultant, to perform said services. Staff solicited proposals for said work to eleven environmental consultant firms and six firms responded with proposals. These six firms were screened by a three-member selectipn committee and rated in nine pre-determined areas. The three top rated firms were as follows: 1. L.S.A., Inc. of Newport Beach ................ $ 27,500.00 2. P.B.R. of Irvine ............................. 27,280.00 3. Sanchez-Talarico of Newport Beach ............ 33,577.00 MYFORD ROAD EXTENSION BETWEEN MOULTON PARKWAY AND BARRANCA ROAD MARCH 26, 1985 PAGE 2 The cost breakdown for each agency on this phase of the work is as follows: F.A.U. (86%) .................................. $ 23,650.00 City of Irvine (5.6%) ......................... 1,540.00 City of Tustin (8.4%) ......................... 2,310.00 This Agreement is of the same format as previously used for F.A.U. projects and has been reviewed and tentatively approved by CalTrans/FAU. Additionally, it has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's office subject to two corrections which have been completed. Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES (AGREEMENT NO. ) FOR PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR MYFORD ROAD BETWEEN MOULTON PARKWAY AND BARRANCA ROAD THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1985, by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred .to as "CITY" and the firm of L.S.A., Inc. , a California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". W I TN ESS ETH WHEREAS, CITY intends to prepare an Environmental Assessment for.the construction of Myford Road between Moulton Parkway and Barranca Road, hereinafter referred to as "Environmental Assessment"; WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has submitted a proposal dated November 1, 1984 to CITY to perform the consultant services in conjunction with the preparation of said ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (hereinafter referred to as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein as though set forth in full herewith; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to accept said proposal; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. GENERAL A. CITY engages CONSULTANT to perform'the services hereinafter described in Exhibit "A" for the compensation herein stated. B. CONSULTANT agrees to perform said services upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. C. CONSULTANT represents that it employs, or will employ, at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services required under this Agreement. D. CONSULTANT agrees that all services required hereunder will be performed under its direct supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under State and local law to perform such services. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or transfer any work except as otherwise provided herein. -1- E. CONSULTANT shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work. II. Services to be Performed by CONSULTANT CONSULTANT hereby agrees to perform all the services as outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. III. Duties of CITY CITY hereby agrees to supply CONSULTANT all information, materials, data, reports, records and maps possessed by CITY, and necessary for carrying out the work outlined in Exhibit "A" hereof, without charge by CITY and CITY shall cooperate in every way reasonable in carrying out its responsibilities without delay. IV. Ownership of Documents Original drawings, reports, notes, maps, and other documents relating to the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT shall become the property of the CITY and may be reproduced as deemed necessary by the Public Works Director or his designated representative. V. Consultant in Charge Les Card shall be the Project Manager in Charge of the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT preparation. In the event of termination of the Project Manager in Charge, the designated replacement shall be subject to approval of CITY. VI. Right of Termination A. CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time for its own convenience by giving written notice to CONSULTANT of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials shall, at the option of CITY, become its property. If this Agreement is terminated by CITY as provided herein, CONSULTANT wilt be paid a total amount equal to his percentage of completion as of the termination date. "Percentage of completion" shall include direct labor costs, employee benefits, overhead, direct costs and the pro-rated amount of the net fee, as set forth in Exhibit "A", but not to exceed the maximum fee set by this Agreement under Section IX, following. B. CITY may, by written notice to CONSULTANT, also terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement in any of the following circumstances: 1. If CONSULTANT fails to perform the services called for by this Agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or e If CONSULTANT fails to perform the services called for by this Agreement or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, and in either of these two circumstances does not correct such failure within a period of ten (10) days (or such longer period as CITY may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from CITY specifying such failure. Furthermore, if this Agreement is terminated as provided above, CITY may require CONSULTANT to provide all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, services, drawings, maps, photographs, reports, etc., prepared by CONSULTANT. Upon termination as provided above, CONSULTANT shall be paid a total amount equal to the value of the work performed. In ascertaining the value of the work up to the date of termination of this Agreement, consideration shall be given to both completed work and work in progress, to complete and incomplete drawings, and to other documents whether delivered to City or in possession of CONSULTANT and to authorized reimbursable expenses. VII. If, after notice of termination of this Agreement under the provisions outlined herein above, it is determined for any reason that CONSULTANT was not in default under the provisions of this Section VI-B, or that the default under the provisions of Subsection VI-B was excusable, then the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the notice of termination has been issued pursuant to Subsection VI-A. Coordination CONSULTANT shall work closely and cooperate fully with Public Works Director or his designated representative, CalTrans, and FHWA. The Public Works Director or his designated representative shall be the principal officer of CITY for liaison and sh~ll constantly review and give his approval of the details of the work as it progresses, subject to overall review by CalTrans and FHWA. Reviews at appropriate stages of the work may be made by CITY, CalTrans, and FHWA. -3- VIII. IX. Time of Comp1 'on The execution of the Agreement by the parties hereto constitutes an authorization to proceed. The work required as set forth in Exhibit "A" shall commence within ten (10) calendar days of the CITY's written notification to proceed and be completed within 365 calendar days, contingent upon actual review and approval time requirements. If the work is delayed at any time by reason of a suspension ordered by CITY or because of any other act of CITY, or if the work should be delayed at any time by reason of strikes, acts of God, the public enemy, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, abnormal force, violence of the elements, or for any other unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of CONSULTANT, or for any other reason which, in the opinion of CITY is proper justification for such delay, then CONSULTANT shall be entitled to an extension of time equivalent to the time actually lost by such delay. CONSULTANT shall file a written request with CITY for an extension of time within ten (10) days following the beginning of such delay and failure to do so shall constitute a waiver thereof; provided, that in case of a continuing cause of delay only one claim will be necessary. CITY shall decide whether and to what extent any extension of time shall be allowed. A request for an extension of time or granting of an extension of time shall not constitute a basis for any claim against CITY for additional compensation. CONSULTANT shall be deemed to have waived any claim for additional compensation and does hereby so waive any such claim unless he shall, at the time of filing a claim for additional compensation on account of such delay. Fee Schedule and Payment.. The basis of payment for the services provided under this Agreement shall be cost-plus-a-net fee. A. The Local Agency shall reimburse the Consultant for actual costs (including labor costs, employee benefits, overhead and other direct costs) incurred by the Contractor in performance of the work, in an amount not to exceed $ 25,364.00 exclusive of any net fee. Actual costs shall not exceed the estimated wage rates and other costs as set forth in the Contractor's proposal. B. The consultant's actual costs, direct and indirect, eligible for State and Federal participation shall be those allowable under the provisions of Federal Procurement Regulations, Principles and Procedures for Use in Cost-Reimbursement Type Supply and Research Contracts with Commercial Organizations, Title 41, Subpart 1-15 Code of Federal Regulations. -4-- Xe XI. XlI. XlII. In additio,, to the costs referred to in pa,~graph 1 of this Article, Local Agency shall pay the Contractor a net fee of $ 2,137.50 . Said net fee shall not be altered unless there is significant alteration in the scope, complexity or character of the work to be performed. Total expenditures made under this contract including the net fee shall not exceed the sum of $ 27,500.00 CITY agrees to pay the CONSULTANT for services rendered under this agreement in accordance with the following provisions: 1. CONSULTANT shall submit to CITY during each month of the term of this Agreement, a certified invoice based on a percentage of completion of services described in Exhibit A. 2. Promptly after the receipt of each invoice, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after this receipt and approval, CITY shall make a partial payment based on the invoice amount of allowable costs. Project Scope Revisions No change in the character, extent, or duration of the work to be performed by CONSULTANT shall be made except by a supplemental agreement in writing between CITY and CONSULTANT and approved by CalTrans. The supplemental agreement shall set forth the changes of work, the extensions of time and the adjustments of the fee to be paid by CITY to CONSULTANT, if any. In special cases where it is essential that extra work or changes in work be performed immediately, execution of the supplemental authority covering such change shall be accomplished as soon as practicable. Hold Harmless CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harml'ess CITY the State of California and the Federal Government and their officers and employees, from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in CONSULTANT's performance of this Agreement, or in the work or services herein provided. Subcontracts CONSULTANT shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by the Agreement, provided in Exhibit "A" without the prior written approval of CITY and CalTrans. Cost Accountin~ and Audits CONSULTANT and his subconsultants shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement to include the records supporting cost proposals used to enter into a contract with CITY. XIV. XV. All such records shall be maintained on a generally accepted accounting basis and shall be clearly identifiable. CONSULTANT and his subconsultants shall make available to the representative of CITY, CalTrans, and FHWA, or their appointees, during normal business hours, all such books and records, and the right to examine and audit the same, and to make transcripts therefrom as necessary, and the CONSULTANT and his subconsultants shall allow inspection of all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of four (4) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. CONSULTANT and his subconsultants shall maintain records to show actual time and allowable costs with r~spect to each task set forth in the Exhibit "A" as required by CalTrans and FHWA. CONSULTANT shall permit the authorized representative of CITY, the U.S. Department of Transportation and Comptroller General of the United States to inspect and audit all data and records of CONSULTANT relating to his performance under this contract. Reviews at appropriate stages during the work may be made by CITY, CalTrans, and FHWA. Non-solicitation Warranted CONSULTANT warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, CITY shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or likewise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. Conflict of Interest Prohibited interests are as follows: No officer, member or employee of CITY during his tenure or one year thereafter shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. The parties hereto covena6't and agree that, to their knowledge, no member of the City Council, officer or employee of CITY has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwide, in this transaction, or in business of the contracting party other than CITY, and ×VI. XVII. that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made in writing to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under applicable laws. CONSULTANT hereby covenants that he has, at the time of the execution of this Agreement, no interest, and that he shall not acquire any interest in the future, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner of degree with the performance of services required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. CONSULTANT further covenants that in the performance of this work, no person having any such interest shall be employed. Congressional Conflict of Interest Interest of member of or delegates to Congress shall be restricted as follows: No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States nor any Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit arising therefrom. Civil Rights Act A. Compliance with Civil Rights Act. In connection with the execution of this contract, CONSULTANT shall not discriminate against any employee or.applicant for employment because of race, religiRn, color, sex or national origin. CONSULTANT shall take affirmative reactions to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during their employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The applicable provisions of Executive Order 11246 relating to Equal Employment Opportunity by this reference are incorporated herein and made a part thereof. Wherever the word "contractor" appears to said Executive Order, it shall mean CONSULTANT. B. Non-discrimination Civil Rights Act of 1964. CONSULTANT, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will comply with the regulations of the Department of Transportation relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation (49CFR21). XVIII. C. Solicitations for Subcontracts, includin~ Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitation, either by competitive bidding or negotiation, made by CONSULTANT for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor, supplier, or lessor shall be notified by CONSULTANT of CONSULTANT's obligations under this contract and the regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. D. Information and Reports. CONSULTANT will provide all information and reports required by the CalTrans or FHWA regulations or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, and other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by CITY, CalTrans, or FHWA to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such regulations, or'ders, and instructions. Where any information required of a CONSULTANT is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information CONSULTANT shall so certify to CITY, CalTrans or FHWA as appropriate and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Non-compliance. In the event of CONSULTANT'S non-compliance with the non-discrimination provisions of this contract, CITY shall impose such contract sanctions as CITY, CalTrans or FHWA may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to 1. Withholding of payments to CONSULTANT under this contract until CONSULTANT complies; and/or 2. Cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. In the event that legal action is commenced to enforce or declare the rights created under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs and reasonable attorney's fees in an amount to be determined by the court. Assignment This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigned of the parties, but it shall not be assigned by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. -8- XIX. Contractual Relationship CONSULTANT shall be an independent contractor, not an employee of CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF TUSTIN a municipal corporation By: City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: CONSULTANT City Attorney By: L.S..A., Inc. -9- CERTIFICATION OF CITY Of TUSTIN I hereby certify that I am the Mayor of the City of Tustin and that the consulting firm of L.S.A., Inc. or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly, as an expressed or implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this agreement to: (a) Employ or retain, or agree to employ or retain, any firm or person, or (b) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organization, any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind; except as here expressly stated (if any): None I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the State of California, the Federal Highway Administration and U.S. Department of Transportation in connection with this agreement involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal law, both criminal and civil. Date: Mayor, City of Tustin -10- CERTIFICATION OF CONSULTANT I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a Principal of and a duly authorized representative of the firm firm L.S.A., Inc. whose address is 610 Newport Center Dr., Suite 555, Newport Beach, CA 92660, and that neither I nor the above firm I herein represent has: (a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) to solicit or secure this Agreement; (b) Agreed, as an expressed or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the service of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the Agreement; or (c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the Agreement; except as herein expressly stated (if any): None I acknowledge that this Certificate is to be furnished to the State Department of Transportation in connection with this Agreement involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Date: Les Card -11 EXHIBIT CITY OF TUSTIN MYFORD ROAD FROM MOULTON PARKWAY TO BARRANCA ROAD JUSTIFICATION OF FEE PROPOSAL Z. DIRECT LABOR HOURS Principal in Charge 50 Senior Traffic & Transportation Engineer Project Manager 168.25 Registered Engineer/Land Surveyor Engineer/Designer 13 Designer/Draftsperson (Assistant Planner) 88 Typist 59 3-Man Survey Crew 2-Man Survey Crew (includes Cul. Res. Mgr.) 53.5 TOTAL II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (included in overhead) III. DIRECT COSTS A. Reproduction 8. Travel C. Survey Truck & Equipment D. Computer (Graphics) TOTAL IV. SUBCONSULTANTS V. SUMMARY A. Direct Labor B. Benefits @ n/a % C. Overhead @ 150 % D. Direct Costs E. Subtotal F. Net Fee G. Subconsultants H. TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COST * Subconsultants Noise - Mestre Greve & Associates Air Quality - Hans Giroux QUANTITY 90 COST PER UNIT 22.00 MAX. RATE 31 2O 12 12 11 14 TOTAL 1,550 3,365 156 1,056 649 749 7,525 TOTAL 2,000 200 350 2,550 4,000' 7,525 11,287.50 2,550 21,364 2,137.50 4,000' 27,500 EXHIBIT "B" OVERHEAD ANALYSIS FISCAL YEAR ENDING 1983/84 DIRECT LABOR OVERHEAD Indirect Salaries (Supervision, Clerical, Administration, Training, Vacation, Sick Pay, Holidays) Payroll Related Costs (FICA, Workers Compensation, Health Insurance, Unemployment) (also accounting) Office Supplies (includes equipment lease, postage/ shipping, and repair and maintenance) Depreciation Automotive Professional Services (includes legal fees) Occupancy Business Insurance Communications External Relations (includes travel) Proposal Costs Taxes Licenses Miscellaneous {includes dues, subscriptions, seminars) PERCENT 100.0 52.3 17.9 19.7 7.4 4.6 18.5 15.4 7.3 6.1 .7 .3 1.5 OVERHEAD TOTAL 151.7' *For purposes of our budget proposal, we have assumed that our overhead rate for the current fiscal year will more closely resemble the "average" 150 percent overhead rate. PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MYFORD ROAD BETWEEN BARRANCA ROAD AND MOULTON PARKWAY PREPARED FOR CIllf OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92680 PREPARED BY LSA, INC. 500 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 600 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (714) 640-6363 NOVEMBER 1, 1984 PROPOSAL FOR PROFE~ICES MYFORD ROAD BETWEEN BARRANCA ROAD AND MOULTON PARKWAY INTRODUCTION The extension of Myford Road requires completion of two major tasks: project management and environmental documentation. These tasks are very closely related. Project management consists of coordination of the project among several agencies involved, and review of cooperative agreements and relevant Memoranda of Understanding. The project manager will oversee prepar- ation of necessary technical reports, letters, and recon~endations that. meet concerns of the City and the approving agencies. He will also coordinate public hearings, meetings with community groups, and prepare monthly progress reports. The environmenta) process'consists of preparation of environmental docu- 'ments in the form of a Federal Environmental Assessment (EA) and an Initial Study {IS). The EA/IS will be in accordance with CalTrans, FHWA, and City of Tustin standards. The process also includes revisions to the EA/IS in response to comments from public agencies, attendance at public hearings, and processing the Historic Property Survey. Our strategy for expediting this project is based on the participation of team members whose experience and expertise will allow them to assume full responsibility for the project, its ultimate goal, as well as all of the attendant logistics and details. We interpret the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) as a desire for a consulting team which, through extensive experience, can provide its own direction, and has the skills to execute theselneeds. We believe that LSA offers this experience and expertise. PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH LSA will be the lead consultant for both project management and prepara- tion of the EA/IS. The firm has multi-disciplinary capabilities, and will be responsible for all general and technical studies relating to the EA/IS, except for noise and air quality assessments. These tasks will be completed by Mestre Greve Associates and Hans Giroux, respectively. The consultant team will be managed by direct principal involvement. This individual will be Les Card, Principal-in-Charge of LSA, Inc., Newport Beach, Professional Engineer and Traffic Engineer licensed in California. He will be responsible for administrative tasks, scheduling, team/City coordina- tion, scope of services compliance, total traffic/transportation analyses, and overall project management. The names of key staff and their proposed respon- sibilities follow. Management Responsibilities 1. Les Card, P.E. (LSA, Inc.) 2. Dana Lyons {LSA, Inc.) 4. Beth Padon (LSA, Inc.) Principal-in-Charge - Project Manager · Management of project team and scope of services. · Liaison with City. · Attend/speak at all meetings/hearings. . Management of traffic study. · Compliance with project schedule. Assistant Project Manager - Environmental Analysis · Research and analysis. · Environmental assessment and documenta- tion. · Attend public hearings as necessary. ArchaeologisE · In-field archaeological reconnaissance. · Historical surveys. · Cultural resource records. Paul Dunholter (Mestre Greve Associates) 6. Hans Giroux Project Manager - Noise Analysis · Noise measurement. · Impact assessment. · Attenuation recommendations. Consulting Meterologist Air Quality Analysis · Analyze existing area ambient air qual- ity. · Document air quality standards. · Impact assessment. · Determine compliance with applicable programs. Other personnel from LSA will be involved as necessary to research functions, document preparation, and graphic illustration. and project experience for these personnel are available on request. perform Resumes PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE Brief resumes of personnel assigned to the project are summarized in the following paragraphs. Complete resumes on all project staff are included in the attachments to this proposal. LSA~ Inc. Les Card. Mr. Card was directly responsible for all project manage- ment, administrative, and processing activities for the projects listed as examples in the Consultant Team Experience section of the proposal. Managing this volume of CalTrans/FHWA projects has fostered an excellent knowledge of project development procedures and environmental review requirements. Mr. Card has also conducted public hearings and prepared records of such for these projects. In addition to formal public hearings, Mr. Card has also conducted numerous public community/homeowners' association meetings related to project design aspects and environmental impacts. Management responsibilities for these examples are consistent with the tasks outlined for the proposed project. LSA and Mr. Card have direct, suc- cessful experience in all specific tasks suggested for project management. The management and processing for this volume of CalTrans and FAU projects has resulted in the development of outstanding professional working relationships with all levels of CalTrans personnel, as well as an excellent appreciation and understanding of CalTrans project development procedures. This same sound relationship and processing experience also exists with the FHWA. Dana Lyons. Ms. Lyons, Assistant Project Manager of the Newport Beach office of LSA, will be responsible for all aspects of preparing and pro- cessing the EA/IS, attendance at all meetings and hearings, and managing tech- nical subconsultants. Ms. Lyons earned her B.A. in Geography/Eco-Systems from the University of California, Los Angeles. Ms. Lyons has been responsible for a wide variety of environmental studies, including transportation, residen- tial, office/commercial, industrial, and large planned-conmunity projects. Ms. Lyons has developed expertise in managing projects which require coordina- tion with local, regional, State, and Federal agencies. She served as assis- tant project manager for the Sand Canyon/I-405 Overcrossing, Irvine Center Drive Widening, Culver Drive Bridge Widening Environmental Assessments, Brea Mall Civic Center Area Expansion Project EIR, Nixon Library EIR in San Cle- mente, and Canyon Springs EIR (5,253 residential units} in Los Angeles County. Beth Padon. Ms. Padon, Manager of LSA's Cultural Resource Division, will prepare the Historic Property Survey for LSA. Prior to joining LSA, she served as Cultural Resource Manager with CalTrans District 7. Ms.~ Padon is, therefore, familiar with State and Federal requirements, and can provide valu- able expertise in carrying the Historic Property Survey through the CalTrans/ FHWA process. Mestre Greve Associates. Paul Dunholter of MGA will provide the technical noise assessment for the extension of Myford Road. Mestre Greve Associates provides noise analyses for all of LSA's environmental documents, including CalTrans/FHWA projects. Mr. Dunholter is familiar with requirements and acoustical report standards, and has prepared several noise analyses for NEPA/CEQA documents. Hans Giroux. Mr. Giroux, consulting meterologist for LSA, will pro, vide expertise related to air quality issues. Mr. Giroux provides air quality assessments for all LSA projects, which includes over 100 analyses in recent years, several of which are CalTrans/FHWA projects. 'CONSULTANT TEAM EXPERIENCE LSA has prepared several documents on projects and issues similar to the extension of Myford Road. Most notable, is Mr. Les Card's long history of involvement with this project's development; directing the earliest formal activities in January 1981, which evaluated alternative alignments for the roadway. Mr. Card's efforts and negotiations with the Marine Corps Air Station-Helicopter (MCAS[H]), Tustin, resulted in a perceptive understanding of military concerns as they relate to air operations and housing impacts. More recently, LSA has been directly involved in the preparation of the Proj- ect Report and Initial Study for the extention of Myford Road between Barranca Road and Moulton Parkway. The project team, under Mr. Card's direction, has significant experience in working together. For the last five years, LSA, Mestre Greve Associates, and Hans Giroux have jointly prepared many environmental documents on roadway, commercial/industrial, and residential projects. The firm is recognized as a leader in the field of transportation planning, environmental assessments, and the attendant processing. The utilization of team member's services by a variety of government planning and public works agencies demonstrates the team's understanding of environmental requirements and procedures. Described in the following paragraphs are several recent or current LSA projects rele- vant to the proposed EA/IS. Jamboree Boulevard/I-5 Interchange An Environmental Assessment for Jamboree Boulevard at I-5 in the City of Tustin is currently under preparation. Project management is another major component to this project. The primary issues involve development of the interchange in a manner which will accommodate future expansion of the circu- lation network in the region. Secondary issues involve land use and relevant planning, geology, and hydrology. Client: City of Tustin. Altont Barranca~ Irvtne Center Drive/ Route 133 Interchange/Overcrossing ~-~..An Environmental Assessment for Alton, Barranca, Irvine Center Drive/ Route 133 freeway interchange/overcrossing is currently under preparation. Because each of these facilities are closely related to the others, concurrent processing is necessary to evaluate the various environmental issues. These issues relate primarily to the interface between significant f'orecast growth and impacts to the freeway syst.em. Client: The Irvine Company ........... Harvard Avenue/I-405 Overcrossing -'; An Environmental Assessment/FONSI for the locally-funded Harvard Avenue/ 1-405 overcrossing in the city of Irvine. Concerns were noise and~ circulation impacts, and visual effects. Client: The Irvine Company. Yale Avenue/I-50vercrossing Preparation 'of a traffic analysis and management of the Environmental Assessment for construction of a new I-S overcrossing at Yale Avenue. This project required a significant amount of traffic impact analysis in determin- ing the overall benefits of the project given diversion of traffic from the adjacent interchanges. Client: City of Irvine. ~oulton Parkway Realignment An Environmental Assessment/FONSI for the widening and realignment of a portion of Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive through the cities of Tustin and Irvine. Concerns were downstream water quality impacts, cultural resources, growth inducement, agricultural lands, and noise impacts on adja- cent residential development. Client: City of Tustin. ~effrey Road/I-5 Interchange ~n Environmental Assessment which included the analysis and project man- agement for reconstruction of the Jeffrey Road interchange with I-5. Primary issues for this study were the evaluation and recommendation of a preferred alternative. An Historic Property survey was prepared for two houses which would be affected by widening Jeffrey Road north of the interchange. A public participation program was conducted to identify any potential impacts which could occur for an existing commercial center and apartment complex. Client: City of Irvine. Sand Canyon Avenue/I-40$ Interchange An Environmental Assessment is currently being prepared for the potential impacts of constructing a locally-funded interchange on the 1-405 freeway at Sand Canyon Avenue in southeast Irvine. Issues involved the phasing of inter- change ramps, connecting ~ith Sand Canyon to the south,, and the 'proposed coastal State park. ~lient: City of Irvine. -~ ~' ~ ~ ~. ~istoric Property Surveys ,;..~: .. ~ ~,. In addition to the above-mentioned environmental documents, LSA's Cul- tural Resource Division has extensive experience in preparing Historic Prop- erty Surv6y reports for CalTrans/FHWA projects. We have successfully com- pleted and processed Historic Property Surveys for 1-40$/Jeffrey Road, Alton Parkway/I-5 Freeway; Highway 15 and Via Rancho Parkway in Escondido, Pacific Coast Highway Widening Project, Harvard Avenue/I-405 Overcrossing, and Moulton Parkway/Irvine Center Drive. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION LSA will prepare an EA/IS in accordance with State and City CEQA Guide- lines and CalTrans/FHWA regulations. The EA/IS will consist of a single docu- ment describing the project, the need for the project, design variations con- sidered, alternatives to the project, potential impacts, and feasible mitiga- tion that will meet the requirements of both CEQA and NEPA. A technical appendix will be part of the EA/IS, and shall include copies of all supporting documents. In addition to State and Federal requirements, the document will also conform to specific requirements of CalTrans and FHWA environmental pro- c~dures, and shall follow the Federal EA format. The Federal EA will be pre- pared according to procedures described in Volume III of the CalTrans Local Programs Manual. The EA/IS will describe the purpose and need for the proj- ect, based on existing and projected traffic volumes, and a review of relevant planning efforts. The EA/IS will describe specific impacts from the proposed extension to major topics as follows. Traffic The traffic assessment for the EA/IS will discuss the proposed project's relationship to local and regional transportation plans. Existing travel pat- terns, traffic volumes {both peak-hour and daily), and forecast future traffic volumes provided by the Orange County Environmental Management Agency, or the Cities of Irvine or Tustin, will be discussed in relation to projected capa- city. These forecast traffic volumes will also be utilized for air quality and noise assessment. Land Use This section will include a description and illustration of existing land uses within and adjacent to the proposed extension of Myford Road. Euture uses will be described based on the General Plan, zoning designations, and proposed development plans. Potential impacts of the project will be addressed including any changes in operations of existing businesses or MCAS(H), Tustin. Current land use in the project vicinity consists of MCAS(H), Marine Corps housing, open space, agricultural production, and light- industrial/office space. We will provide a discussion of current policies, land use designations, and planning programs that have a bearing on the project area, including Tus- tin's General Plan and the Irvine Business Complex. Proposed land uses in the area are: manufacturing and research, general commercial, regional commercial, and speciality commercial. Additionally, residential uses will include medium-density, medium/high-density, and multi-use projects. Additional mili- tary housing is also planned between Peters Canyon Wash and Harvard Avenue. Cultural Resources LSA's Cultural Resource Division will prepare an Historic Property Survey within the Myford Road extension project limits. Since the Historic Property Survey is subject to a separate review process under CalTrans/FHWA procedures, LSA will not only prepare the report, but will guide it through the review stages. LSA will actively coordinate with CalTrans/FHWA and the Office of Historic Preservation to expedite resolution of any sensitive historical issues. LSA will conduct a records check to determine whether other archaeolog- ical, paleontological, or historical resources have been recorded within or adjacent to the project area. This archival search includes the following sources: files, site records, and maps housed at the UCLA Archaeological Sur- vey, the State-recognized clearinghouse for archaeological records for Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties; old editions of topographic maps 'housed at UCLA; and local, State, and National directories of historic· monuments and landmarks. The National Register of Historic Places and its monthly supple- ments will be consulted, as well as letter inquiries to the State Office of Historic Preservation and local historical societies. A paleontological records check will also be conducted at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. The lighter-than-air hangars at MCAS(H), listed on the National Register, will not be impacted by the construction of the proposed arterial highway since the fence that now runs along the northeastern border of the air station will be moved, and reestablished to the southwest, directly adjacent to the proposed alignment. ~. ..No other,hi~tjrical~ archaeological, or cultural properties are expected to be present within the area of potential impact; however, the alignment has not been surveyed.. ~ ~ ,,,.. ~..'-.. ~ . '~ "It'may be ne6essary" to conduct' an in-field'reconnaiss'ance to determine Whether unrecorded archaeological, historical, or paleontological resources exist within the project area. Any properties identified as eligible for the National Register, and which may be affected by the project, will be submitted for a determination of eligibility. ..~. In the event that any unknown significant historic resources are found to be potentially impacted by the project, a Statement of Effects report must be completed prior to approval of the EA/IS for public review. LSA will prepare the Statement of effects report for CalTrans/FHWA approval and transmittal to the National Register in Washinqton, D.C. Should any further documents beyond the Statement of Effects repor~ be necessary, LSA will provide a scope and budget for ~hem at a later date. Flood Risks Existing information (Flood Insurance Rate Maps) show the project limits located in and adjacent to 100 to 500-year flood zone {Zone B). A formal floodplain evaluation will not be necessary, however, since the project is not located within the lO0-year flood zone (Zone A). Much of the area is unmapped and, therefore, exact floodplain boundaries are uncertain at this time. It is known that the floodplain area is a direct result of a combination of inade- quate channel capacities and substandard bridges that cause constrictions in Peters Canyon Wash. The document will review existing floodplain conditions in the project area, and will provide a discussion of impacts. Water quality The proposed project would result in the elimination of agricultural uses, and thus would eliminate those constituents of the agricultural runoff that contribute to Upper Newport Bay water quality problems. The construc- tion, however, could produce increased sedimentation for a short period. Runoff from the roadway itself would contain other types of pollutants {e.g., oily substances and heavy metals). These latter pollutants have not been identified as critical problems in the maintenance of Newport Bay water qual- ity, and will have a small effect on the watershed as a whole. Biology Generally, the project is comprised of cultivated croplands, scattered residential areas, and light-industrial development. Vegetation has been transplanted to the area in a variety of field crops, trees, and shrubs. Secondary noxious weeds are found onsite including Johnson grass, puncture vine, and nox grass. Other weeds found onsite can be identified as purolane, lamb's quarter, wire weed, spotted spurge, pigweed, bermuda grass, and tumble- weed. The native flora in the area has been heavily impacted, and natural habi- tat diversity and productivity has been greatly reduced. Croplands are capable of supporting a relatively small number of wildlife species. These include several perching birds (startling, mourning dove, western meadowlark, horned lark, and several sparrow species), and birds of prey (red-tailed hawk, turkey vulture, and white-tailed kite), few reptiles (gopher snake and side- blotched lizard), a number of small rodents, and medium-sized man, hals (meadow mouse, house mouse, beechey ground squirrel, and Audubon cottontail), and an occasional larger mammalian predator (coyote). The type and number of wild- life vary with the crop present and the season. The use of flood control channels and irrigation ditches by wildlife depends largely on their location, design, substrate, presence or absence of surface water, and degree and frequency of weed control and silt removal. Most are dry for the greater part of the year and/or are frequently managed. Thus, permanent resident wildlife populations are limited. The field review conducted by CalTrans and FHWA indicated that there are no wetlands within the project area. There are no known flora or fauna onsite that could be classified as endangered species, nor of a character requiring extraordinary precautions to preserve their habitat. 10 Air Qualit~ The project will improve circulation in the area and improve ambient air quality due to improved traffic circulation and reduced idling times; however, the potential for carbon monoxide hotspots will need to be analyzed. This will be accomplished by analyzing the proposed project and the no-project alternative for the years 1985 and 2000 using the CALINE3 model. Background carbon monoxide concentrations will be added to the future estimated emis- sions. The study will consider regional and local impacts, and short-term .impacts resulting during construction. Discussion of the project'S consis- tency with local and regional air quality planning efforts, particularly those .of the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan, will be included. The EA/IS willy provide feasible mitigation measures for any identified significant Visual/Aesthetics ,: '-~: . * ~ :~' The project proposal WOuld result in the Creation of a grade separation at Moffett Drive. The grade separation embankments may obstruct lateral, views from military housing units to the northwest, but will not result in any visual impacts not normally associated with grade separation.~. All other .~ntersections will be constructed as conventional at-grade facilities.' WOrse Impact~. The EA/IS will present a quantitative assessment of acoustical impacts along the project route. A technical noise study will be included in appendix form, and major conclusions of the study will be sun~arized in the body of the EA/IS. The Study will measure existing noise levels as representative sites along the project route. Noise levels will be quantified in terms of the CNEL scale (used for Cities of Tustin and Irvine) and Leq (CalTrans/FHWA stan- dards). Noise impacts will be projected using the FHWA Highway Noise Predic- tion Model {FHWARD-77-108). CNEL noise contours will be presented in map form, Showing effects of existing noise boundaries. Helicopter approaches and landings are existing noise sources at the project site. AFeI$ of potential noise sensitivity will be identified, and mitigation measures will be prepared. The study will identify areas along each alternative where noise barriers will be needed to comply with City and Federal standards and general height ~requirements of barriers. 11 Geologic Resources Southern California is a seismically active region. Earthquakes center- ing on any of the region's active faults can be expected in the future. Although no active faults have been mapped in the Irvine area, seismic activ- ity has been recorded along the Newport/Inglewood fault to the southwest and the Whittier/Elsinore, San Andreas, and San Jacinto faults to the north and east. At the eastern portion of the air station, seismically-induced ground motion and liquefaction can be expected during a seismic event. A detailed discussion of possible seismic-related occurrences that could impact the area of the project site will be provided in the document. Much of the soil within the project site is classified by the Department of Agriculture as Class I soil that has few limitations restricting agricul- tural uses. A small portion of soils on the east side of the air base and east of Harvard Avenue are classified as Class II and III soils which have moderate and severe limitations restricting certain agricultural uses. Construction of the roadway will remove some of this land that is cur- rently in agricultural production. These lands are designated by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) as "prime agricultural soils" due to their soil characteristics and suitability for agricultural uses. Coordination with SCS is required and will be conducted by LSA. Public Utilities and Community Services LSA will contact the purveyors of community services and public utilities and identify those agencies or companies responsible for providing service, as well as the locations and sizes of those facilities. Services and utilities that will be examined include electricity, natural gas, water, sewers, tele- phone, schools, police, fire protection, and transit services. It appears that existing facilities may require relocation, and impacts on those facili- ties will be identified. Military Interface Issues involved with this project that will most likely require special treatment are possible safety and noise issues related to the height of the g~ade separation, and potential impacts to aircraft operations and the prox- imity of military housing. LSA will document these issues, and others that Mr. Card has developed a thorough knowledge of, in appropriate sections of the EA/IS. 12 HEARINGS/PUBLIC MEETINGS LSA is prepared to conduct two public hearings, one public hearing in each city {Irvine and'Tustin). The services we will assume for these meetings include public notices, scheduling, and attendance by the project manager (Les Card). Other personnel will attend hearings as necessary. Should more than two public hearings be necessary due to unforeseen complications or extension of the environmental process, we will be willing to modify our scope and bud- get accordingly. SCHEDULE tion time LSA is prepared to p~oceed with the projec't immediately upon authoriza- from the City. We anticipate following schedule (Public Agency review is an estimate): Preparation of a Screencheck EA/IS 8 to 10 weeks City review of Screencheck EA/IS 2 weeks Revision of EA/IS in response to City review 2 weeks CalTrans District 7 review of Screencheck EA/IS 4 weeks Revision of EA/IS in response to CalTrans District 7 review 2 to 4 weeks FHWA review of Screencheck EA/IS 6 to 8'weeks Final revision and issuance of EA/IS for public review 3 weeks Public review/Response to Comments/public hearing/final document 2 to 3 months Request for FONSI reviewed, forwarded to Headquarters 2 weeks, if no changes CatTrans Headquarters sign and forward to FHWA 10 days FHWA signature 3 weeks Notification of FONSI to State Right after Clearinghouse/clerk FONSI signed 13 REFERENCES We are currently under contract to the County of Orange, the Cities of Brea, San Clemente, and Irvine, the Orange County Transporation Commission, and others. We strongly encourage you to contact the persons listed below for an objective testimonial of our capacilities. We believe that firsthand con- versations with persons who have worked with us are the most valuable source of insight about our work. Mr. Ron Koslnski Senior Environmental Planner CalTrans District 7 ~ (213) 620-3550 Mr. A1 Fisher Senior Environmental Planner CalTrans District 7 (213) 620-3550 ' PROJECT BUDGET Mr. Bill Zaun, Manager Transportation and Flood Control Programs County of Orange (714) 834-6737 Mr. G. Brent Muchow Director of Public Works ...... .;City of Irvine ';~(714) 660-3672 Mr. Ron Cole Director of Programming and Planning Orange County Transportation Commission (714) 834-7581 The following budget estimate was prepared based on our current under- standing of the project requirements. The project management component is a significant portion of the budget (5,000). This level of effort will minimize the time spent by the City staff to manage the project, and recognizes the long, complex process to complete the project. We estimate that the scope of services described for the EA/IS can be completed on a lump-sum basis for $27,500. NEGOTIATIONS In order to fully meet the needs of the City of Tustin, LSA is willing discuss and negotiate the scope of work, project schedule, and budget con- tained in this proposal. 14 STATEMENT OF OFFER This proposal constitutes a firm offer to perform the work under the terms and conditions described herein. This offer shall be valid for 90 days. The person authorized to enter into and negotiate amendments to this contract is: Les Card, P.E. Principal LSA, Inc. 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 640-6363 P.E. Principal ATTACHMENT A LSA R E U'S"O-~ES [] 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 600 Newport Beach, California 92660 phone (714) 640-6363 [] 2606 Eighth Street Berkeley, California 94710 phone {415J 841-6840 Community Planning [] NaturalResourceManagement [] EnvironmentalAssessment LES CARD, P.E. PRINCIPAL SUMMARY OF QUALMS AND EXPERIENCE EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Registered Civil Engineer, California Registered Traffic Engineer, California University of California, Irvine, Transportation Systems Management, 1977. University of California, Riverside, undergraduate study, 1973-75. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Principal, LSA, Inc., environmental planning and engineering consultants, offices in Newport Beach and Berkeley, CA, 1984-Present. Vice President, Van Dell and Associates, Inc., civil engineers and land planning consultants, Irvine, CA, 1981-84. Manager, Transportation Services, City of Irvine, Irvine, CA, 1975-81. Transportation Planning Engineer, City of Riverside, Riverside, CA, 1973-75. PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Primary responsibilities include management of Newport Beach office, and business and professional development of environmental planning and transportation engineering disciplines. Special emphasis is placed on transportation project development, planning policy, and governmental processing. Responsibilities have included overall administration and management of public works contracts and transportation planning/traffic engineering projects. Representative project management activities include Project Director for the Foothill Tranportation Corridor Route Location Study, a $600,000 engineering and environmental study for the County of Orange, and direct responsibility for administering and processing numerous free- way interchange projects with construction costs exceeding $20 million. Les Card Page 2 Initiated and directed City of Irvine's rapidly developing capital improvements and transportation programs. Implemented a "Residential Development and Circulation Phasing Program" designed to ensure that adequate transportation facilities were constructed to meet the demand of new development. Administered the planning and processing for numerous highway and freeway interchange and overcrossing projects through the California Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administra- tion. Other responsibilities included planning and development of the City's annual capital improvement program, traffic safety and traffic signal maintenance programs, implementation of a computerized master traffic signal control system, and transit and bicycle trail planning. Other principal responsibilities have included capital improvement plan- ning and design, comprehensive re-evaluation of highway and bicycle master plans and planning, grant preparation, and successful implementa- tion of a municipal transit system. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Institute of transportation Engineers American Public Works Association Orange County Traffic Engineers Council Irvine Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors Building Industry Association, Orange County Chapter Industrial League of Orange County [] 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 600 Newport Beach, California 92660 phone (714J 640-6363 [] 2606 Eighth Street Berkeley, California 94710 phone 1415) 841-6840 Community Planning [] NaturaI Resource Management [] EnvironmentalAssessment DANA LYONS ASSISTANT-FITO-JE"Cr-MANAGER SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE EDUCATION University of California, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts in Geography/ Ecosystems, Los Angeles, CA, 1981. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Project Manager, LSA, Inc., environmental planning consultants, Newport Beach, CA, 1984-Present. Environmental Analyst, LSA, Inc., environmental planning consulta6ts, Newport Beach, CA, 1984. Staff Consultant, Ultrasystems, Inc., environmental planning consultants, Irvine, CA, 1983-84. Pinecreek Investment Company, Inc., real estate investments, Irvine, CA, 1981-82. Planning Intern, City of Laguna Beach Planning Department, Laguna Beach, CA, 1980. PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Contributor and author of environmental impact reports, environmental assessments, and land use studies for commercial, industrial, residen- tial, and transportation projects. Responsibilities include research and data assimilation, project organization, and application of environmental data to the planning process, coordination with members of public agen- cies, and processing of environmental documents. Ms. Lyons has had experience in both the private and public sectors. Before becoming an environmental consultant, she was employed at Pine- creek Investment Company, a private development firm. She worked closely with the developers and understands project development processes. Prior to her experience with the private sector, Ms. Lyons was a planning intern with' the City of Laguna Beach. She wrote and prepared many sec- tions of the Laguna Beach General Plan and Local Coastal Plan. [] 500 Newport. Center Drive, Suite 525 Newport Bear~, California 92660 phone (714) 640-6363 [] 2927 Newbury Street, Suite C Berkeley, California 94703 phone (415) 841-6840 Community Planning ~ NaturalResourceManagement [] Environmental Assessment ELIZABETH F. PADON STAFF ARCHAEOLOGIST SUNHARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Master of Science in Anthropology, summa cum laude, Milwaukee, WI, 1977. Beloit College, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, cum laude, Beloit, WI, 1970. ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD TRAINING University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI {Crawfish River Archaeological Field School}, 1976, Lynne Goldstein, Director. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Staff Archaeologist, LSA, Inc., environmental planning consultants, New- port Beach, CA, 1981-present. Consulting Archaeologist, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Riverside Counties, 1979-1981. Research Collaborator, UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles County, 1980-present. District Archaeologist, CalTrans District 7, Los Angeles, CA, 1980-1981. Survey Archaeologist, UCLA State Historic Preservation Regional Office, Los Angeles, CA, 1980. Archaeologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Los Angeles District, Los Angeles, CA, 1979-1980. Research Assistant, Museo National de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1979. Archaeological Research Assistant, UCLA Archaeological Angeles, CA, 1977-1978. Numerous field crew member and supervisory positions on archaeological projects throughout Southern Costa Rica, 1976-present. Survey, Los professional California, Wisconsin, and Elizabeth F. Padon Page 2 PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Conducting archaeological research projects with principal responsibility for: · Expert testimony. · Data analysis and write-up. · Supervision of field and laboratory operations {survey and excava- tion). · Cultural resource records, literature, and background research. · Feasibility studies and cost analyses for cultural resource management projects. . Developing mitigation programs and/or outlining development alterna- tives for the preservation and management of cultural resources. · Preparation of research designs for archaeological data recovery proj- ects. PUBLICATIONS Archaeological Reports and Manuscripts on File at UCLA: Los Angeles, Ventura~ and Orange Counties. Occasional Paper 10, Institute of Archaeo- logy, University of California, Los Angeles, 1982. Author or co-author of numerous professional archaeological site survey and excavation reports (examples available upon request). Cultural Resource Management Track Coordinator and Chairperson at the State Historic Preservation Conference, May 1983, Orange, CA. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND ACCREDITATION Society of Professional Archaeologists (SOPA) Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Pacific Coast Archaeological Society (PCAS) Society for California Archaeology (SCA) UCLA Friends of Archaeology Southwest Anthropological Association National Trust for Historic Preservation Los Angeles Conservancy Environmental Management Agency, Orange County ATTACHMENT B MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES RESUMES PAUL H. DUNHOLTER, P.E. Associate AIRPORT NOISE ASSESSMENT NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE: Over seven years experience in acoustical engineering and airport noise assessment. Emphasis has been placed on the application of modeling techniques to achieve engineering solutions. Principle experience has been in airport noise analysis and assessment of noise control strategies. This includes computer modeling as well as the statistical analysis of the modeled results with field measurements. Considerable experience includes, noise measurement surveys, system calibration and system specification for airport noise control programs. Previous experience includes the following: Project engineer for Airport Noise Control and Land-Use Compatibility studies (ANCLUC) for Tulsa International Airport, Drake Field (Arkansas), Harlingen International Airport {Texas), Will Rodgers World Airport (Oklahoma City), and Wiley Post Airport (Oklahoma City).. Responsibilities included detailed computer moaeling, statistical validation of noise measurements and assessment of various airport alternative development and noise abatement strategies. Project Manager for'operation analysis and noise assessment for Buchanan Field Airport in Contra Costa County California. The projected assessed the effects of the addition of precision approach instrumentation at the airport. Assessment incl. uded aviation forecast, capacity analysis, obstruction analysis in accordance with FAR Part 77, and a detaileU assessment of the instrumentation requirements at the airport, ne effect of the project on the noise environment was also. assessed though contour modeling. Responsible for the computer noise modeling of alternative airport sites in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) alternative regional airport site selection study. A total of nine alternative sites were modeled as well as modeling the effect of the no project on tY, e existing regional airport system. Project Manager for the noise analysis section of the Environmental Impact Assessment {EIA) for Lawton Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma, Seminole .Oklahoma, Jonesboro Arkansas, and Fort ~ith Arkansas airports. 'Analysis were done in accordance with FAA 1050.1C requirements for an airport EIA. Responsibilities include Contour modeling, alternatives analysis, and in some i.nstances, field validation. Parti.cipated in a number of airport studies involving Envirrnmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Study, and Environmental Assessments, ANCLUC studies, and special airport studies.. Air'ports include: Salt Lake City International, Reno International, Los Angeles International, Long Beach Municipal, Ontario International, John Wayne Airport, Sacramento Executive, and E1 Toro MCAS. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in 1976 University of California, Irvine REGISTRATION: Registered Professional Engineer (Civil) State of Nevada. ATTACHMENT C HANS GIROUX RESUME [] 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite b00 Newport Beach, California 92560 phone 1714J 640-6363 [] 2606 Eighth Street Berkeley, California 947 ! 0 phone (415) 841-6840 Community Planning r~ Natural Resource Management [] Environmental Assessment HANS D. GIROUX METEOROLO~A~ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley; Bachelor of Arts in German Litera- ture, 1965. University of Utah, Salt Lake City; Bachelor of Science in Meteorology, 1966. University of Wisconsin, Madison; graduate studies in Meteorology, 1967. University of California, Los Angeles; Master of Science in Meteorology, 1972. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consultant, Air Pollution Meteorolocy, Irvine, CA, 1977-present. Instructor, Introductory Meteorology, Golden West Community College, Huntington Beach, CA, 1976-1982. Instructor, Weather Forecasting for Aircrews, Orange Coast Community Col- lege, Costa Mesa, CA, 1976. Senior Meteorologist, Meteorology Research, Inc. (MRI), Altadena, CA, lg75-77. Air Pollution Meteorologist, Systems, Science and Software, La Jolla, CA, 1973-75. Instructor, Basic Meteorology, California State University, Northridge, 1972-74. Research Assistant, California marine layer, remote sensing of pollutants by satellites and inadvertent climate modification from aircraft opera- tions, University of California, Los Angeles, 1971-74. Teaching Assistant, Introductory Meteorology and Atmospheric Hydrody- namics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1969-71. Hans Giroux Page 2 Staff Weather Officer and Chi'el Forecaster, U.S. Air Force, McChord AFB, Tacoma, WA, 1968-69. Weather Forecaster, U.S. Air Force, Truax AFB, Madison, WI, 1966-67. PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES In the U.S. Air Force, performed operational weather forecasting, trained new personnel, responsible for safety, security, records administration, quality control, forecasting methodology, research, liaison officer with other units, deputy ~ather detachment co,m)ander. With schools and universities, conducted laboratory sessions, instructed students on the use of meteorological equipment, demonstrated weather analysis techniques, supervised weather observation programs, gave lec- tures and tests. With private consulting firms, prepared impact assessments for coal- fired, oil-fired, nuclear,' geothermal, and wind energy power generation systems; prepared impact assessments for transportation systems, regional. industrialization, wastewater treatment, and oil processing; conducted atmospheric tracer and meteorological measurement programs; developed numerical airflow, modeling, and diffusion simulation techniques; per- formed building ventilation and airflow studies; prepared FIR reviews and re-analyses for airport conversions and a proposed major ski area; and analyzed the energy consequences of multi-modal transportation systems.