JULY 5th, 1960
Meeting called to order by M~yor pro tem Humeston
at ?:30 P. M.
PRESENT: Humeston, Mack, Byrd, Sheridan. __
CITY ATTORNEY: James Rourke, present.
CITY ENGINEER:~ J. L. McBride, present.
Minutes of May 20th, regular meeting approved as read.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Byrd, carried..
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Councilman
Permission Macki that~permission be granted to the "March of
March of Dimes Dimes" ~to conduct January 1961 campaign, with no fee
involved. Motion ~carried~
M~ved~by Gouncilman~Sherida~, seconded by Council-
MARCH OF man Mack/that 'City Attorney be instructed to
DIMES MONTH draw up 'a-~esol'~tion ~rOcIaiming J~nua~y i961,
as March 'of Bis]es month. Motion carried.
Motion made'bY Codneilman Sheridan,~ seconded by
PATTON ANNEX. Counciln~an MaCk 't~ia~ eh~ ~equest for annexation
REQUEST by C. A. Patton, that property described in his
letter Of Jandary'3rd; I960j Be postponed until
first meeting~in August 'f~r'discussion. Motion
carried ~ ....
Clerk directed. to'set d&t~ ~o~; Variande hearing
MYAMOTO VAR. for NObUo Mya~ato *a~d'H616n~Mgyamato for regular
DATE August meetin~jj 6f 'Tdstifi Pl~n~i,~g Commission.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Byrd, that correspondence be filed. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
Sheridan, that 0RDIMANCE NO. 136, approving the
0RD. 136 annexation to the City of Tustin of certain
SOUTH TUSTIN inhabited territory desi.~.!nated as "SOUTH TUSTIN
AVENUE ANNEXATION" have its second reading by
title only. Motiofi carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by Council-
0RD. 136 man Byrd, that ORDINANCE N0. 136, be approved as
APPROVED read. Motion carried, all Councilmen voting Aye.
Annexation of property on Newport Avenue (as per
ANNEX REQUEST request of imm, Salisbury, Farnsworth and Canale)
NEWPORT AVE. deferred to meeting of July 18th.
Request by Mr. Wilcox for Taxi Stand, approved
TAXI STAND by City Attorney and. deferred tO adjourned meeting
APPROVED of July 7th for approval of Chief of Police.
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
GRANT DEED Sheridan, ths.t (]rant Deed of Dixon W. Tubbs for
TUBBS 10 foot strip for widening First Street, right-
of way from 40 feet to 50 feet in width, North
of surveyed center line and lying Westerly from
the Westerly line of the Newport Freeway right-of
way, be accepted. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman .Sheridan, seconded
by Councilman Mack that the city enter into
TUSTIN TILLER contracturuat arrangement, contract to be
DAYS, CHAMBER drawn up by the City Attorney, for Advertis_
CONTRACT and Publicity not to exceed ~
· !~750.00 (seven-
,hundred and fifty,eight dollars) for the
following described. expenditures; Stationery,
Postcards, Stamps, Tel~nhone, Float, Tronhies,
Signs, and Formation Ar~a Portable Toilets
and material for the 1960 Tustin Tiller
Days Progr~m. Motion carried·
Moved by Sheridan, seconded bYCouncilman Byrd
PAINTING that City Clerk be instructed to complete
CITY HALL paimting of building inside and. out as per
motion of previous council, Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
FLORESCENT Councilman Mack that City Clerk be instructed
LIGHTS to proceed with procuremerit of Florescent
lights as per instructions of prior council
and to obtain same Florescent lights for
council chambers. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
WATER PIPES Councilman Mack that City Attorney be instructed
HYDHANTS to write Tustin Water Works with regards to
their future planning for water pipes and
hydrants within the city of Tustin. Motion
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
BILLS man Mack that bills be paid. ~n-authorized
bills subject to approval of Police Chief·
Motion carried.
Ben Wheelock. .
Raloh Van Busklrk ~228.00
~ · 45.00
Tustin Fire Department. '. 189.00
Orange County ~BluePrint. . . 52.56
California Tree Service Inc. 175.00
Safeway Sigh Co.
Tustin Florist. . . 12.~8
Jezowski & Markel. . 127.52
Vlier Contracting Co .... 685.00
State Emp. Retirement System. 4.05
J. L. McBride 500.00
County Dep't of Trans--Communication 16.60
Utilities. .
Santa, Aria O~fice Suitply: 28.87
Santa Ana Book Store. 19.~4
Dennis Printers .......... 109.56
Inspector, So. Tustin Annexation. 15.00
inspector, for use of Garage. · 10.00
Judges, S. Tustin Ave. Annex. each
$10.00... 20.00
Van Hove & Dean
Signal Oil Co ....... 120.00
County Sheriff ' s Department. 10.40
Carson & Golding. .
Tustin Blacksmith ShopZ 71.16
· 2.08
Tustin Paint Store ..... 33.8?
League of Cities' Dinners. 21.00
Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council
man Sheridan that Public Hearing date for
RESOLUTION NO. 518, stating the facts of
HEARING DATE vacating and abandonment of an irregular
RES. 518 shaped parcel of land at Northeast corner
of Tust~n Avenue and First Street as per
map on file in the office of City Clerk, be
set for ?:45 P. M. August 1st, 1960.
Motion carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Byrd., that
meeting be adjourned to Thursday, July ?th,
at 7:30 P- M. at the end of which meeting
Council will adjourn to 7:30 P. M., July
14th, for Budget Discussion. Motion
~ 'F[a.yo~v p'ro 'tem ' ~)