HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 CLAIM #85-17 04-15-85 JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY F~OI~: CLAIMANT: SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC.; D/L: $~JEC?: DATE FILED W/CITY: 3/18/85 ; CLAIM NO: ~ WARREN FILE NO: S37601GH j 12/6/84; 85-17; CARL After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced clai'm be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. JGR (F4.se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAW OFFICES OF RAYMOND J. MOSHER k PROFE~IONAL CORI:~ORAT~ON 270 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE N~WPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926~ TELEPHONE (714) 759-0323 Attorneys for Plaintiff, a FamJ. c~pal corgoration~ and DOES I ~'hrough X, I~clusive, CASE No. 44 16 23 CLAI~ FC~ pArtIAL ~'x= C~ ~ COMPARATIVE FAULT BASIS CONTRIBUTIC~ COSTS C~ SOIT A~ COURT COSTS~ AND REASONABLI ~~S F~-q To t~e Clerk of ~ Board of Directors of t_he_ City of Tus~in: 1. YOU are hereby notified that Signal ~aintenance Inc. whose actress is 2720 East P~gal Park Drive, Anaheim, California, 92806, cl~ partial i~demnification on a comparative fault basis, contr/bution, costs of suit ar~ court costs incurred herein, and reasonable attorney's fees from the City of 2. This claim arises and is based u~on a collision between a 1971 Datsun automobile, California iicease nu~.ber being operated by Paul F~ward Coo~er a~d a ~edestria~, Larry Gilbert ~ee~_, on Dec~-',er 6, 1983 at the intersection of Newport Avenue an~ McEac~en Avenue in the City of Tustin. -1- I 3. ~r. ~_-~ was att .--I~ing to cross the intersection in the area 2 designated as a cross-walk in c~nfonmance with the traffic l~ghts, ~n a west ~ east ~irec~ion and while att_ .-3Tting to cross said intersection was negligently 4 struck by Mr. Cooper's 1971 Datsun automdoile causing Mr. ffead to suffer 5 injuries. .' 6 4. On October 18, 1984, Mr. Head filed Orange County Supersor Court 7 Case No. 44 16 23 nam/rig, among others, SigDal Maintenance Inc. as ~-f -e~4~nt 8 Doe V in the action. Service of the complaint ar~ the ~ to the ected ' n Sig~n] Ma/nte~ance Inc., February 14, 1985, the 9 COmL)~a~nt ~a~ e~ u~o . . . ~st ~z~_ ~catio~ si~ ~j~teeance .t~d tb~t £t ~es a ~e~e~t ~ t~e a~t~on. 10 5. In the ~J~t, I~t~ Gilbert Head see~s to recover 11 zo_ 15 injuries'~ $ig~ _D~_~tan~e ~- s~ antitled to the telse~ff e~_~'~ ~bo~e. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 se~t to Law Offices of P~ymond J. Mosher, 270 Newport Center Drive, Beach, California 92660. ~g~ED'. March 13, 1985 LAW C~FIC~ C~ PAlMeD J. ~ Attorney for Claimant, SIG~L MAINm~CE D~. 24 26 27 28 -2-