HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 CLAIM #85-23 05-06-85 ..... CONSENT CALENDAR · ~/~ r~ !1~ h ~ NO. 4 TO: ~o.o~.~ .~o~ ~_C~_~O~_~CT~ FILE NO: Unknown After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. JGR(F4.se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim 1 2 4 § 7 10 11 12 lA 17 18 lg 20 21 22 2~ 24 2§ 2~ 27 28 KINKLE:. RODIGER AND SPRIGGI Post Office Box 1558 Santa Aha, CA 92702-1558 (SP.&CE BL'LO~T IK)lt i~rtT~TG ~.LM~ for defendant, CITY OF SANTA ANA SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE CAROLYN CONWAY, Plaintiff, VS. JAMES YOSHIDA, et al, Defendants. CITY OF SANTA ANA, Cross-Complainant, VS. CITY OF TUSTIN; and DOES 1 through 50, Cross-Defendants. No. 44 80 29 CLAIM FOR INDEMNITY; CONTRIBUTION; PRORATION; AND DECLARATORY RELIEF (Government Code ~910); NEGLIGENT ACT TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the undersigned claimant claims that it has the right of indemnity, contribution, proration and declaratory relief from the above-mentioned public entity in an amount not yet ascertained, but to be computed and presented prior to or at the time of trial of the above-referenced lawsuit. The names of the public employees causing the alleged injuries or damages of the underlying plaintiff are unknown to this -1- 1 $ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 claimant at this time. Ail notices or other communications with regard to this claim should be sent to counsel representing defendant in. the underlying action, KINF~LE, RODIGER AND SPRIGGS, Post Office Box 1558, Santa Ana, California 92702-1558. CLAIMANT'S NAME: City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California 92702. ACCIDENT LOCATION: Tustin Avenue and First Street, City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California. AMOUNT OF G~NERAL DAMAGES: This is a claim for indemnity, contribution, proration and declaratory relief, we do not presently know the nature or present extent of the claim filed by the plaintiff in the underlying action. We attach a copy of the plaintiff's complaint. INJURIES: We have very limited information concerning the claims at this time. FACTUAL STATEMENT: On or about March 4, 1985, the claimant was served with the complaint, filed on behalf of CAROLYN CONWAY, seeking damages for injuries sustained via an automobile accident on December 15, 1984. In plaintiff's complaint, she alleges that this claimant, as well as other named defendants, negligently performed the acts described in the complaint so as to proximately cause plaintiff's damage. This claimant is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges that any and all events and happenings, injuries and damages, if any, referred to in plaintiff's complaint, were proximately caused and contributed to by the negligence or other -2- 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 ].6 ~? ].8 19 2~ 27 tortious misconduct of the CITY OF TUSTIN in that it was negligent or otherwise acted tortiously with respect to the ownership, design, maintenance, supervision and repair of the intersection and its lighting and signal devices so as to cause the accident. Accordingly, demand is hereby made for the CITY OF TUSTIN to undertake the defense of the underlying lawsuit filed by the plaintiff, cAROLYN CONWAY, being Orange County Superior Court Case No. 44 80 29, and, further, to indemnify claimant from any and all judgments for settlement which might accrue or be paid. Further, that the CITY OF TUSTIN indemnify, contribute, prorate and/or be the subject of a declaratory relief action as hereinabove set forth. Dated: April 9, 1985. KINKLE, RODIGER AND SPRIGGS Attorneys for claimant, CITY OF SANTA ANA -3- JOHN A. ROSENBAUM 1801 E. Parkcourt Place, Suite Santa Aha, California 92701 CAROLYN C0~AY E-lO2 (714) 953-6682 87O2O ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 700 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 PLAINTI~ .... CAROLYN W. CONWAY USE ONLY ~k OEFENOANT J~MES YOSHIDA. DOES, TO __20 ___ dlTY OF SANTA ANA and COMPLAINT--Personal Injury, property Damage, Wrongful Death ~_~. MOTOR VEHICLE .--._--OTHER (specify): ~_~-Property Damage [--; Wronglul Deafll ~..._j Personal Injury ~'~_j Or.er Damages (specily): 4 Ezcepl Dta,nl,ff (name) ~ a corDoral,On cluahf,ecl Io dO busmess ,n Cahlorma ~"-_'~ an un,nco~poratecl enhly ~'~J a 0uDI,c enflly ~ fO~ whom a guard,an o~ co~servalo~ ol Ihe eslale or a guard~a~ ad hiem has been a0Oomted ~ olde, ~ olme~ (SP~C~fy) ,S clo,ng ::,us,ness uncle, me hChbOuS name of (Spec,fy) Allacnmen! 2c (Cnnh¢'ue'l) SHORT'TITLEco. NWA¥ vs. YOSHIDA, e: al. COMPLAINT--Personal injury. Propert-/Damage. Wrongful Death a Each detendanl named above ~s a natural 1'---I Except detenclanl (name); ~g Except defendanffnar~Jicy of Santa ~a and Does 2,2 and 7-20 ~abusmesso~gamzaho~ form unknown ~ a co~Dorahon ~ an umnco~oorated enhly (~escr~Oe): ~ a oubhc e~t~ly (describe) C~Cy o~ Santa ~ a public enti~ (~escr~oe): ~ omar fspec~fr) r-'"'l a business ocganization, form unknown ~ a COrl:)oratJon ~ an unincorDoreled enlity (describe): Except defenctanl (name) Except defendant (name): I--'] a bus,ness orgamzahon, form unknown r~ a corporation ~ an unmcorDoraled enhty (descnbe): ~ a DubhC eflltty (OescrwOe) [~! other ~ a bustness orgamzatton, form unknown [ ,ia corooration ['---J an un,ncoroorated entity (c~escnl~e)' ~.J a Dubhc enbty (c~escnbe). other (s~ec~fy) The true names and caD&crees of delendants sued as Odes are unknown Id bJa~nhff ~ Intormal~on aooul addmor, al clelenC~ants who are not nalural Dersons ~S contained ~n'-Com~la~nt-- Attachmenl 3c ~ Defendants whO are lo,ned Dursuant lo Code of C~v~l Procedure section 382 are (names). b ~ Dla,nhl/ ,S excused Iron comply,rig because (sDecffy)' S Th,s court *s Ihe prober cour! because ~ at le;.st one defendant now ~es.'Jes ,n ,ts lur,sd~ct,onal area ~l Ihe Dr,nc,oar Olace o~ busmess of a co~DorahOn Or unrncorDotale~ assoc,a~,on ,S ,n ,IS lUres~,cl~onal area ~ ~nlurY to petson O~ oamage Io personal DroDerly occurred m ~ts lUr~s~acbonal area _~ ot~er (soft,fy) The follow,rig Daragraohs Of lh~S COmplaint ate alleged on ,nformahon and behef (s~oecffy ~aragra~l numbers): Para§raphs 3, and HV-2 (Conl~nue(~) aa,ge iwo ISHO~lT TITLE CONWAY VS · YOSHIDA COMPLAINT--Pe,"o,=I InjurT. Prope,ly Damage. W,ongful Death 7 ~""'~ The ctamages cla,mecl for wrongful cJeafh and the reJaltonsh,ps of plaintiff Io the deceased are i J listed ~rt Compla~nI--Attachmen! 7 ~as follows: Pla,ntllf has 5utfe~'ed wage JOSS hoSDilal and medical expenses property damage other :amage ~s~ec,/y; I-'-"1 loss pi use of properly (-~ general damage ~ loss of earn,ng caoaC,ty 9 lo Rehef sought ,n Ih~s COmDlalnl ,s w;!h~n the lUnSd~cf,on of thts court. PLAINTIFF P~qAY S ComDe~satorY ~amaoes (Superior CouP) acco?d,ng to p,oo~ --- (Muflicmpal and Juslice Court) ,n the amounl of S . __ -~ other f:Dec~ly) 11 The follow,rig causes of act*on are attached and the S~alements above apply fo each' (Eac~ complaint must have One Or more cau3e$ Of achon attacl~ecl ) ~ MoIof Ve~cle ~ Gene,al Negl,gence ~ Intent:unal Tort ~ PrOdUCtS L~aD,l,ty [ ': Prem,se5 L~aO,l,ty JOHN A. ROSENBAUM ......... ISHeORTTiTLE ] C*SE~uMeEa CONWAY vs. YOSHIDA, et al. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION--Motor Vehicle Page 4 ATTACHMENT TO ~'~'~Comolam! ['~Ctos$-Coml31aint (Use a separate cause of achon form for each cause of action ) Pla~nhtf (name)' MV-I CAROLYN CONWAY Plamf,ff alteges/J4're a'~'~danls .,,ere neghgent; fr~e acts were the legal (proximate) cause ut and damag/~6'fo plaint,If, the acts O~curred on rc~ate) / 12 - l 5 - 8 4 ) at(~mce)~ TusC in. O~nge County Californi a MV-2 DE;ENOANT$ a. ~ The cJelendanfs who o~3erated a motor yen,cie are (names) James Tush ida ~ Does 2' ' ID 15 ..... The ,'Jele~dant$ who emDIoye.'J the Persons '.vino operated a molor ',en,c~e ,n the course of :he,r employment are(names) Doe 1, Doe 2, and Doe. 7-20 ['-- Does __ to C ~'X~, The detenOanls *'ho owne0 the molor vehicle wtq~ch .*,as operated w,th their oerm,s$10n are (names) James Yoshida 5 18 ~'~ Does to __ 'd ~ ~e defendants wllo entrusted the motor vehicle are (names): -~'~, goes The detendants who were the agents and employees of the other detenPants and acted w,thm the ScoDe Of lhe agency were (names) James Yoshida and 33 Opes _1 .... ,o __ 10 _ f ~X~ The 0elendants who a(e I,a~le to Did,hi,frS fO, other reasons and the ,easons tot the I,a~rlity are '.". .'. .; hsted ,n AftacnmenI MV-2! ~-~ fOllOwS ?[ainciff will seek leave of ~he Court ~o amend when such fac~s becaome kno~ or upon proof thereof. ~ Opes