MAY 2nd, 1960
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kidd, Mack, Humeston, Sheridan,
ABSENT : None.
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
CITY ENGINEER : J. L. McBride, present.
Mayor Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of April l8~h and April 19th, approved
as corrected. Moved by Councilman Mack,
seconded by Councilman Sheridan and duly carried..
Mo~ed by Councilman'Humeston, seconded by
YORBA Councilman Sheridan, following Council members
CANVASS be appointed a canvassing, board to canvass
BOARD returns and count absentse vote on "YORBA STREET
Inspector . Councilman Humeston
Judge Csuncilman Byrd
Clerk Councilman, Mack
Clerk ~. Councilman Sheridan
Canvass of ~YORBA STREET ANNEXATION,' votes and
CANVASS Count of Absentee Ballots was immediately
YORBA ST. started.
AND The whole number of votes cast in the election
ABSENTEE was . 17
Official number of votes cast for annexation l~
Official number of votes cast against annex. 4
It was moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by
RESOLUTION Councilman Sheridan that RESOLUTION NOt 508,
N0. 508. reciting fact of Yorba Street Annexation election
ADOPTED be adopted. Motion carried, all Councilman
voting Aye.
Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council-
FIRST man Mack, that Ordinance 135 have its first
READING reading in its entirety. Second reading to be
ORD. N0. May 9th, 1961 at 6:45 P. M. Motion carflied,
135 all Councilmen voting Aye.
Mayor Kidd appointed the following Commissioners;
COMMISSIONERS Police Commissioner Vimcent Humeston
APPOINTED Fire Commissioner . . Jerome Kidd
Street Commissioner . · Lee Byrd
Finance Commissioner. . Myrl Sheridan
Parks & Recreation Gerald Mack
Motion made bY Councilman Byrd, seconded by
THERMON Councilman Mackl to acce~t resignation of
MEANS Thermon Means from the Tustin Planning Commission.
RESIGNATION Motion carried.
Adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 509, appointing
RESOLUTION Councilman Sheridan and Councilman Humeaton
NO. 509 to the Tustin Planning Commission and Frank E.
ADOPTED ~acon, Jr. to replace Termon Means, moved by
Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Mack.
Mo.tion carriled, all. Councilmen rotion Aye.
SANITATION Move& by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
DISTRICE 7 Councilman Mack that Mayor Kidd appoint Councilman
ALTERNATE Humeaton as Alternate Director to serve on
DIRECTOR Sanitation District No. 7 Board. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman
RESOLUTION Byrd, that "RESOLUTION N0. 5107 expressing
NO.510 appreciation on behalf of the City Council of the
ADOPTED. City Of Tustin, for services of Frank E. Bacon, Jro
as Councilman, be adopted. Motion carried, all
Councilmen voting Aye.
Correspondence read. City Clerk directed by
Council to file same.
Recommended that Fire Chief Morgan Hilton and
WEEDS Police Chief Siseel as property owners to clear
weeds where necessary.
Motion made by Councilman Humestom, seconded by
AMERICAN Councilman Mack, that permission be given to the
LEGION American Legion to sell fireworks at the corner of
FIREWORKS Third and D Streets, subject to inspection by the
Fire Chief. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by Councilman
BOY SCOUTS. Mack, that Boy Scouts be given permission to use
GIVEN city-owned stage for circus, with provisions that
PERMISSION they have proper Insurance coverage. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Rumeaton, seconded by
POSTPONE Councilman Byrd that the request for funds by the
TILLER DAYS Chamber of Commerce for Tustin Tiller Days be post-
REQUEST OF p~ned until budget time. Motion carried.
Moved by Councilm~n Byrd, seconded-by Councilman
Sheridan, that the plan submitted by the City
Engineer for the reconstruction of the culvert
CULVERT opening on the n0rthside of First Street, at its
FIRST AND intersection with Pacific Street, asdrawn by
PACIFIC "MacBird & Associates, dated 4/27/60, Plan No.
1996-1 sheet" is hereby approved, and the Enginee~
is authorized to issue a permit for same -- subject
to entire cost to be paid by owner. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Byrd, seconded by
Councilman. Mack,.authorizing Mr. McBride to write
SOIL Mr. Koch, County. Surveyor and Road Commissioner,
TESTING requesting agrsementobetween County and City for
soil testing..Motion carried.
YORBA Motion m~d~ by~Cbuhcil~a~ Byrd, seconded by
ANNEX. I C°uficilm~n'H~m~tohthatlnumbers on '~orba
NUMBERING Street A~n~x&tio~,,~hbu~e~ re~ain as numbered
accbrdin~ to]C~u~ty ~u~bering system. Motion
Moved byoCbuhcil~ah Byrd, seconded by Councilman
MULTIPLE Mack to ~e~m~t~the~SbUthern California Chapter,
SCLEROSIS Nat~onal~M~lti~le Sclerosis Society to solicit
in the Clty bf Tustin, without a fee. Motion
carried.~ .......
Moved by'Cbuhcll~anIShe~i~anlahd. second~d by
TAX C°uhcilm&nlH~m~sbon that City Attorney, Dennis
CANCELLA- Hay~en b~ authorized to sign Tax Cancellation.
TION. Motion c&~ied.
Motion m~d~ by'Cbuncilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
WARRENT Mack, directing City Clerk to checkon warrents
FOR for~badg~s'fboM G~o~ge F. ~ake Co. and call Mr.
A. BEESON A. Beeson, requesting him to present cancelled
chebk to°d~termine payment for badge by him.
Maybr Ki~d~authorized to sign Warrant to reimburse
Mr.~Bees~ffir So determened. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Sheridan, seconded by
MEETING Councilman HUmeston to have a meeting with the
CHAMBER Chamber of Commerce and Planning COmmission for
PLANNING the purposeof unity of thinking and future
COUNCIL planning. City Clerk to coordinate date of May
23rd at 7:30 P. M. in Chamber of Commerce Office.
Motion carried.
YOUTH Moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
CENTER Councilman Byrd to set date of May 17th at 7:30
P.M. for meeting with Tnston Youth Center Board
to be held in Council Chambers.
Motion mkde by Councilman Mack, seconded' by
PETTY Councilman Sheridan to limit amount of purchases
CASH by departments, without a purchase order to the
LIMIT amount of $5.00. Motion carried.
City Clerk authorized to get an accounting of all
KEY keys to the building. Mr. Sheridan directed to
ACCOUNTING bring in a recommendation for any new locks
needed in City Hall or Fire Station.
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
SEWER Humeston that the City pass a Resolution, favoring
RESOLUTION Sewer Bonds. City Attorney Hayden asked to
prepare said Resolution. Motion carried, all
Councilmen voting Aye.
Bills presented and authorized paid.
Orange County Fire Prevention and
BILLS Conservation Education Comm.. · $ 15.00
J. L. McBride
ki ...... 421.00
Ralph Von Bus r
Ben Wheelock · 24.00
· · · · 120.00
Tustin Drug Store . . 24.50
The Tustin News ...... $59.40
Dennis Printers & Stationers . 19.89
Orange Daily News .... 72.48
Martin & Chapman Co.,~t~.i 70.55
Signal Oil Co. . ·
Santa Ana Book Sto~e · 2.29
Screenprint & Plas-Tech. · 9.28
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Co. 43.00
United Automotive Service. 3.64
Kenneth G. Nebard, D.O... 40.00
Orange County Firemen's Assoc. · 1.70
First Western Bank (Utilities) . 182.74
Munselle Supply Co. . . 3.85
john F. Wardlow . °153.50
A. 0. Park .
Assessment Notice ~o. i9A9 · · 1.65
BILLS Ruth C. Poe-Petty Cash Replacement 40.69
Orange County Radio Telephone Serv.. 26.80
J. Kidd (Sacramento Trip) · ~ · 23.21
Withheld taxes for April ..... 314.00
Dennis D. Hayden(South Tustin AnneX.(1250.00
Tustin Fire Department
Election Officers Ordinance NA.'i~2 259.50
Inspector - Margaret Lo Kinyon.. 15.00
Judge _ Marjorie J. Balmer. 10.00
Judge _ Adah L. Willis. 10.00
Meeting was adjourned until Monday, ..Mayi:- 9th,
at 6:45 P- M. on motion of Councilman Mack, seconded
by Councilman Byrd. Motion carried.