HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 7 MSG SWITCHER SYS 6-17-85TO: FROM: S USJ ECT: THE HONORABLE MAYORAND CITY COUNCIL C. R. THAYER, CHIEF OF POLICE LAW ENFORCEMENT MESSAGE SWITCHER SYSTEM The County of Orange must replace certain computer message-switching equipment in the very near future. The Orange County Chiefs of Police and Sheriff's Association and the Orange County City Managers Association have each worked independently with the Orange County Communications Department for several months to come to an equitable formula to help finance the upgrading of equipment. The message switcher is a device that assists in the communication pro- cess when handling record checks and returning data to in-field police units when checking for wants and warrants on subjects, vehicles, and property. This system is critical to the effective use of law enforce- ment when searching out these items. Cities' costs are based upon a formula which is established each year based upon the previous year's percentage of use. The City of Tustin will only have to pay that amount for which it uses the system. This seems to be the most equitable way, thereby causing the high users of the system to pay the higher rental fee. (The City of Tustin is one of the lowest users of the system.) Fiscal Impact: Approximately $9,000 per year. It is currently allocated within the 1985-86 proposed budget for the Police Department. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Law Enforcement Telecommunications Agreement with the County of Orange, which contains the items discussed. CRT:kk Attachment: Letter from County of Orange in re Law Enforcement Telecommunications Agreement GE R~CE~VED £~PR 1 ? CiTY MANAGEr, GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY SUPPORT SERVICES 1300 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana, California 92705 (714) 834-5737 Dimc~ GSA R.S. CAMPBELL DirectorofSuppo~tSe~ices April 16, 1985 Bill Huston City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 The Board of Supervisors has agreed in concept to the shared cost approach for the upgrade of the Law Enforcement Message Switcher System. The Board has authorized the General Services Agency to issue a Request for Proposal for the Message Switcher upgrade; directed the General Services Agency to present a revised Law Enforcement Telecommunications Agreement to the participating jurisdictions and agencies for their approval including provisions and procedures for cost sharing; and directed the CAO/Bond-Capital Financing Program to analyze and put together a Capital Financing Plan with options that would benefit the County and all participating jurisdictions and agencies. The City Manager's Association has indicated agreement with the shared cost approach to the Message Switcher upgrade. Your Association directed the Police Chiefs and Sheriff's Association to recommend a suitable cost sharing formula. The Orange County Police Chiefs and Sheriff's Association has rec- ommended the sharing formula based on percentage of use. (See attachments.) Two copies of the revised Law Enforcement Telecommunicati6ns Agreement are included with this letter. This revised Agreement follows closely the format and terms of the previous 1968 Agreement. The changes incorporated in this revised Agreement are those that address changes in technology, leased equip- ment vendors, and the cost sharing approach. April 16, 1985 Page 2 The revised Agreement includes a breakdown of the existing monthly equipment charges made to each jurisdiction or agency for telephone lines, modems, and data terminals. Also included in Exhibit A is the estimated monthly contribution by each participating agency required to fund the Message Switcher upgrade. This monthly contribution is based on the percentage of use by each agency for calendar year 1984. The estimated monthly contribution to the fund assumes that the Message Switcher upgrade will be financed, and includes estimated interest and financing charges. The $10,000 monthly cost is based on 9.5% interest, a loan principle of $500,000, amortized over 60 months. These are estimates only and will be readjusted to reflect the actual system cost. The revised Agreement addresses the short and long term aspects of the Message Switcher upgrade. The County will establish a separately identifiable fund for Message Switcher upgrade purposes. Provisions are included in the Agree- ment to dissolve the fund in the future and distribute the funds to the users should that become necessary. All users, including the County, will be charged on a proportional basis for their share of the cost. The monthly contributions will go .into the fund to pay the cost of the initial upgrade and to accumulate funds for future upgrades. The revised Law Enforcement Telecommunications Agreement provides for a review of the on-going requirements for data communications in the law enforcement community by the Orange County Automated Teletype System Commitltee (OCATS). The Committee's recommendations would be used by the Cities and County to determine the need for future system upgrades. Future upgrade requirements would be addressed on an as-needed basis. There are preliminary recommendations for additional capacity increases that may be needed in years 3 to 5 of the upgrade plan. In order to proceed, the various participating agencies must officially enter into the revised Agreement. It is requested that each City Manager submit the revised Agreement to their respective City Councils for approval. When the approved, revised Agreements are received from each jurisdiction, they will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval. Action on the revised Agreements is being undertaken concurrent with the issuance of the Request for Proposal. Completion of the Agreement revision process in a timely manner is essential. April 16, 1985 Page 3 Your response by June l, 1985, will enable us to meet fiscal year time constraints. Please return an approved copy of the Agreement to: Robert C. Jones, Manager GSA/Communications Division County of Orange 481 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92668 If you require any further information or assistance, please call Robert S. Campbell, Director of Support Services, at 834-5737, or Robert C. Jones, Manager, GSA/Communications Division, at 834-2122. Sincerely, RSC/cef Attachs. CC: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Officer R. A. Scott, Director, GSA 1 3 5 $ ? 10 15 16 17 ~3 ~5 JOINT AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY AUTOMATIC TELECOmmUNICATIONS SYST~ THIS AGREEMENT is by and between the COUNTY OF ORANGE, a body politic and corporate, hereinafter designated as "COUNTY," and all the USERS listed on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, hereinafter sometimes designated as "USERS". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the administration of State, County and City government and the operation of law enforcement agencies by such governmental units requires the maintenance and operation of coordinated message switching facilities. WHEREAS, such facilities have heretofore been established within the County of Orange and have been maintained and operated under the provisions of certain agreements by and between the parties hereto, and WHEREAS, it is recognized that Users in addition to the parties hereto may from time to .time in the future desire to avail themselves of message switcher service and to become parties to this Agreement, and WHEREAS, rates and charges for message switching service are not constant and may vary from time to time in the future, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions, a~eements and stipulations hereinafter expressed, the parties hereto hereby agree.as follows: 1. That the message switching service heretofore established in the County of Orange and the same may be hereafter extended by the connection and addition of new Users thereto shall be under the general supervision and control of COUNTY; that COUNTY shall from time to time enter into such agreements with various vendors for 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~3 24 ~6 28 such installations, service and maintenance as may be necessary and required in order to effectuate the purposes and objects of this Agreement. 2. USERS hereby constitute and designate COUNTY as their lawful and appointed agent to: duly a. Negotiate and enter into a~reements with the various vendors as contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Agreement. b. Make the payments falling due under such agreements. c. Negotiate and enter into agreements with Users which may hereafter desire to avail themselves of message switching service pursuant to this Agreement provided that any such User or Users hereafter desiring to become a party to this Agreement may do so by executing a copy of this Agreement and assenting and agreeing to all of the terms and conditions hereof. 3. USERS and COUNTY agree to the following: a. Based upon rates and charges as provided by the County and approved by the Orange County Automated Teletype System Committee (OCATS)', the USERS hereto agree to pay to COUNTY a monthly recurring charge for equipment as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. b. In addition to payment of such monthly recurring charges as herein provided, each party hereto shall promptly pay the actual costs and charges as fixed by the COUNTY and approved by the OCATS committee for original installation of equipment necessary for the use of such party, as set forth in Exhibit "A", as well as the actual costs and charges as approved by the OCATS committee for any special equipment, modification, changeover, or subsequent installation of equipment provided for the use of such party. 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 2O ~2 2S ~7 4. SYSTD4 UPGRADE FUNDING a. System upgrades may be needed from time-t~m-time to meet the changing needs of the USERS. The OCA!S co.w~lttee will continually monitor the needs and make recom~endations to the COUNTY and USERS. System upgrades recommended by the OCATS committee will be reviewed by the COUNTY and USERS. System upgrades agreed to by both the COUNTY and USERS will be implemented by COUNTY. b. The COUNTY will utilize a separately identifiable fund, hereinafter referred to as "FUND" for the purpose of funding message switching system upgrades. c. The COUNTY shall make a contribution to the FUND sufficient to fund the initial message switching system upgrade. The USERS will contribute a monthly prorated amount to the FUND. USER contributions to the FUND will be prorated to each USER based on a sharing formula agreed to by the COUNTY and the USERS as set forth in Exhibit "A". d. Contributions to the FUND become the property of COUNTY. Contributions to the FUND shall be accumulated for future system upgrades recommended by the OCATS committee and agreed to by the COUNTY. e. The total Monthly contribution by all USERS to the FUND shall be calculated by dividing the cost of each system upgrade by 60. The monthly contribution for each individual USER shall be recalculated annually, and the rates changed in accordance with the provisions of the sharing formula. f. Contributions shall be accumulated in the FUND only to the extent required to repay the initial contribution by COUNTY and additionally to the extent required to provide reasonable funding 3 1 3 4 5 $ 7 $ 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 18 21 22 23 ~5 for future system upgrades. The level of funding to be considered reasonable shall be determined by the OCATS c~wfttee. g. After the first five year term~of this a~reement the FUND may be dissolved by mutual agreement of COUNTY and USERS. Should the FUND be dissolved in the future the funds remaining in the FUND will be distributed as follows: 1) COUNTY will be reimbursed up to the original contribution of COUNTY including all costs associated with the funding of the Message Switcher System upgrade. 2) Any balance in the FUND will be divided between USERS based on the annual percentage rate of use in the preceding calendar year as determined by the sharing formula. 5. USERS agree to pay an increased monthly recurring charge if and when the present rates or charges are changed, and said changes are approved by the OCATS committee. 6. Whenever any User shall hereafter become a party to this Agreement as provided by subparagraph (c) of paragraph 2 hereof, the User shall pay an initial installation charge and a monthly recurring charge applicable to such User as fixed by the COUNTY to cover Data terminal services. 7. This Agreement is in substitution of all previous agreements entered into between some of the parties hereto and said prior agreements shall be revoked as of the effective date of this Agreement. 8. This Agreement shall take effect and shall become operative on the first day of July, 1985, or when executed by the parties hereto. 9- This Agreement may be terminated by any party hereto by serving written notice of termination on the other parties hereto. After the expiration of 1 2 3 4 $ 6 ? 8 9 10 /2 13 ].4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 thirty (30) days from the giving of such notice, the party so electing to withdraw shall cease to be a party to this Agreement. 10. The term of this contract shall be five ($) years, and shall continue for periods of five (5) years each, unless the legislative body of any party hereto votes not to continue the term at a meeting not more than one (1) year before the expiration of any five-year period. *OCATS Committee - The OCATS Committee shall consist of seven regular members and one advisory member. Two regular members and one advisory member from the County, and five members representing the CITIES. County members will be the following: 1 General Services Agency t Sheriffs' Department 1 County Administrative Office (Advisory) City members will be the following: 5 Members will be appointed by the Orange County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs' Association The Committee will meet bi-monthly and consider the following: 1. Need for changes in the operating procedures in OCATS. 2. Make recommendations regarding the changing needs for data in the law enforcement co, unity. 3. Make recommendations regarding the appropriatness of charges to the users of OCATS. 4. Make recommendations that will insure that the operation of OCATS complies with CLETS rules and regulations. The committee will report to the Orange County Police Chiefs' and Sheriffs' Association through the Communications Committee. All recommendations of the OCATS committee will be advisory in nature and will not be legally binding on any agency. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 Minutes of all meetinEs of the OCATS Committee will be distributed with the of the Orange County Police Chiefs' a~ld Sheriffs' Association. ~inutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the date set forth opposite their respective signatures on identical counterparts of this lnstr~ent, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof. DATED: , 19 ATTEST: COUNTY OF ORANGE, a body politic and corporate By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County Clerk By of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California DATED: June 17 , 19 85 ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TUSTIN a municipal corporation By MAYOR 1 5 6 ? .ORANGE COUNTY AUTGMATIC TELECO~FONICATIONS SYSTEM AGENCY 198& PERCENT MONTHLY MONTHLY TOTAL ME_$$AGE OF TOTAL FUND EQUIPMENT MONTHLY TOTAL M~-~SAGES COST· COST COST ANAHEIM 812149 6.24% $624.45 $1,043.9~ $1,668.42 BREA 184684 1.4h:~ $142.00 $374.54 $516.54 BUENA PARK 255824 1.97% $196.70 $575.24 $771.94 COSTA MESA 973042 7.48~ $748.16 $173.84 $922.00 CYPRESS 306755 2.36% $235.86 $374.54 $610.40 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 246368 1.89% $189.43 $679.53 $868.96 FULLERTON 466543 3.59% $358.72 $635.93 $994.65 GARDEN GROVE 440017 3.38% $338.32 $374.54 $712.86 HUNTINGTON BEACH 914535 7.03% $703.17 $679.54 $1,382.71 IRVINE 317294 2.44% $243.96 $632.61 $876.57 LAGUNA BEACH 245374 1.89% $188.66 $374.54 $563.20 LA HABRA 180634 1.39% $138.89 $374.54 $513.43 LA PALMA 108273 0.83% $83.25 $173.84 $257.09 LOS ALAMITOS 146003 1.1h~ $112.26 $374.54 $486.80 NEWPORT BEACH 615889 4.74% $473.55 $682.69 $1,156.24 ORANGE 487643 3.75% $374.94 $828.08 $1,203.02 PLACENTIA 200118 1.54% $153.87 $374.54 $528.41 SAN CLEMENTE 152138 1.17% $116.98 $374.54 $491.52 SANTA ANA 936895 7.20% $720.36 $833.31 $1,553.67 SEAL BEACH 184681 1.4h:~ $142.00 $374.54 $516.54 STANTON 143639 1.10~ $110.44 $374.54 $484.98 TUSTIN 237834 1.83% $182.87 $632.61 $815.48 WESTMINSTER 294660 2.27% $226.56 $374.54 $601.10 SUB TOTAL 8850992 68.05% $6,805.40 $11,691.13 $18,496.53 COUNTY,STATE FEDERAL AND 4154848 31.95% $3,194.60 $8,623.20 $11,817.80 MISCELLANEOUS GRAND TOTAL 13005840 100.00% $10,000.00 $20,314.33 $30,314.33 · MONTHLY FUND COST IS ESTIMATED TOTAL MONTHLY FUND COST MESSAGE UNIT COST $10,000.00' 0.009227 EI"HIBIT A