FEBRUARY 1, 1960
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeston, Bacon &
ABSENT : None.
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
CITY ENGINEER : J. L. McBride, present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M.
The minutes as mailed were approved on motion of
Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Bacon and
duly carried.
NO ACTION A letter from the Feather River Project association
ON FEATHER was read requesting financial support in the effort
RIVER PRO- to formulate a State Water Program. No action was
JECT. taken by the Council.
City Engineer McBride submitted Plans & Specifications
DOUGLAS by the Douglas Oil Co. for a Service Station to be
OIL CO. located at Laguna Avenue and D Street and on motion
SUBMIT of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Humeston
PLANS. and duly carried, the plans were approved.
It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
man Humeston, that the City Engineer's request to submit
ENGINEER a map for Traffic Control at the intersection of New-
ASKED TO port Avenue and First Street to the Southern Pacific
SUBMIT PLAN Railway Co. and the Road Department of Orange County
ON TRAFFIC for their study and suggestions, and possibly financial
CONTROL assistance, be approved. Motion carried.
A report was made by Fire Chief Morgan Hilton and Act-
HOLIDAY ing Police Chief Glenn Sissel on the Holiday Cafe at
CAFE 505 West First Street, stating that parking facilities
were inadequate, cars parked in front of the cafe
projected over the sidewalk, others blocked the front
door and that the cellar door needed repairing.
The investigation of the Signal Cafe, 13962 S. W. New-
port Avenue was not completed.
DENIAL ON Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Humeston
REQUEST that a renewal of the Dance Permit for the Holiday Cafe
DANCE PER- at 505 West First Street be denied. Motion carried.
HOLIDAY It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
man Bacon that if the deficiencies as specified in the
CORRECT- police report are corrected that a permit be reconsidered.
IONS TO BE Motion carried.
Councilman Byrd moved, seconded by Councilman Humeston
CANCELLA. that a request by the California Division of Highways
TION ON that consent to cancellation of Taxes on the property
TAXES. deeded by Lucius Edgar Allen, July 9, 1959 to them,
be granted. Motion carried.
MOTION TO It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
PURCHASE man Bacon that the latest edition of the Uniform Build-
CODE BOOK ing Code, including twenty-five (25) condensed versions
FOR BLDG. of same be. purchased for the building department.
INSPECTOR Motion carried~
PETITION Councilman Humeston moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd
FOR LIGHTS that the petition by the property owners along the East
ON E. 6th Sixth Street extension for the installation of lights
STREET. be forwarded to the Orange County Board of Supervisors
Motion carried.
Councilman Bacon moved, seconded by Councilman
Humeston that the above petition be approved. Motion
Bids for a new police car were submitted by the
following firms:
Miller Chevrolet Co. of Newport Beach $2495.25
BIDS ON Selman Chevrolet Co. of.Orange 2473.90
POLICE CAR Bill Crown Ford, Orange 2505.79
George Dunton Ford, Inc. Santa Ana 2507.92
L. D. Coffing Co. Dodge, Santa Ana 2815.68
BID GIVEN TO Councilman Byrd moved, seconded by Councilman Humeston
SELMAN CHEVY that the bid be awarded to the Selman Chevrolet Co.
of Orange. Motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by Council-
PAY RAISES man Tadlock that the pay of Sergeant Glenn Sissel and
FOR POLICE Patrolman Lawrence Allec be raised five dollars ($5.00)
DEPARTMENT per month, and that Patrolman Ernest Ashmore be increased
to three hundred. and seventy dollars (375.00) per month
all to be effective as of January 1, 1960. Motion
RE*IMBURSE* Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd
MENT ON COX that Reserve Police Officer, Phillip Cox be re-imbursed
UNIFORM $30.00 on the cost of his uniform. Motion carried.
DEADLINE ON It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
POLICE APPLI- man Bacon that no further applications for the position
CATION TO BE of Chief of Police and Patrolman be received after
FEB 12th/60 February 12, 1960. Motion carried.
Mr. Harry Meyer, owner of the Holiday Cafe, spoke at
some length protesting the action of the Council in
not re-newing his Dance Permit.
CORRECTIONS Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Humeston
MADE AT that a Dance Permit be granted Mr. Meyer, if the Police
HOLIDAY, Chief and the Fire Chief file with the City Clerk, a
REQUEST WILL statement that conditions in Acting-Police Chief Glenn
BE GRANTED Sissel's report, namely, insufficient parking space,
ON DANCE causing cars to project over the sidewalk, obstructing
PERMIT. the front door and the door over the cellar opening
properly repaired, are all corrected. Motion carried.
Councilman Humeston moved, seconded by Councilman Bacon
that reports by Fire Chief Milton and Acting-Police
Chief Glenn Sissel be received and filed. Motion carried.
MOTION TO Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Humeston
PURCHASE that a new United States flag be purchased for the Council
NEW FLAG Chambers. Motion carried.
CHAMBERS The bills were ordered paid on motion of Councilman
Humeston, seconded by Councilmam Byrd and duly carried.
The Tustin News $66.35
The Tustin Garage 3.50
Van Hove & Dean Garage 37.68
Signal Oi~ CO. 114.00
B I L L S Kenneth O. Hebard, D. O. 35.00
W. H. Bowman & Son 32.40
Ben Warners. 3.64
Santa Ana Book Store 5.54
Tustin Village T.V. 13.32
Tustin Fire Department 207.50
Graves & Howley 6.00
Royce R. Williams, (for Fire Dep't) 7.33
Utilities 134.35
J. L. McBride, Engineering Services 200.00
J. L. McBride, " " 144.00
.~ ~~- ~
J. L. P1cB:^ide, Engineering Services.
3en ~-Jheelock', Drafting services, (Sewer) .
T3alph Van 3uskirk, (various ~?aps) .
:1. 0. Park, replenish petty cash. .
Hank ~f ~"~mericz, withheld taxes, January. .
Orlo iiouseholder, Surveying. .
State Printing division (co~?e books). .
7 0.0'~
Co;.~ncilman 3acon moved, seconded by Councilman ^'ac?lock that
the :~eeting be adjourned. [Motion carried.
---~ / .
r-. 0. Park, City Clerk
Jerome C. Kidd, Mayor