HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 EXT URGENCY ORD 07-01-85AG ND-A DATE: July 1, 1985 PUBLIC NEARING NO. 2 TO: FROM: S U bJ ECT: HONORABLE R~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL COI~UNITY OEYELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE NO. 936 - EXTENSION OF INTERIM URGENCY OROINANCE FOR FIRST STREET , J DISCUSSION: The City Council at its meeting on June 3, 1985 by a four-fifths vote adopted an interim urgency ordinance prohibiting development on First Street from the Costa Mesa Freeway to Newport Avenue pending completion of a specific plan. Pursuant to government code section 65858, the original interim ordinance No. 933 shall be of no further force and effect 45 days from its date of adoption unless extended by a four-fifths vote for a period not to exceed 10 months and fifteen days. In doing so, The Council shall make findings as proposed in the attached ordinance that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare and approvals of subdivisions, use permits and variances would result in a threat to the community. Ten days prior to the expiration of the interim ordinance now in effect, the legislative body must issue a written report describing measures ~aken to alleviate the condition whichled to the adoption of the ordinance. The following summary constitutes compliance with this requirement of state law: Following adoption of the interim urgency ordinance on June 3, 1985, Community Development Staff commenced immediate preparation of a request for proposals to cause the completion of a specific land use plan for First Street from the Costa Mesa Freeway to Newport Avenue. A copy of the Request for Proposals is attached hereto. The purpose of the specific plan is to inventory, analyze and propose the most appropriate land use designations for developable property along First Street based upon a market analysis and desires of the community toward development of the street. The plan should result in a workable document specifying consistent development standards. Preparation of the "First Street Specific Plan" should require approximately four months for completion upon award of contract. Staff therefore estimates this moratorium should remain in effect until November 15, 1985. City Council Report Urgency Ordinance/First Street page two RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council introduce, first read and adopt Ordinance No. 936 as an urgency ordinance by a minimum four-fifths vote of the council. DONALD D. LAMM, ~ Director of Community Development DDL:do attach: Ordinance No. 936 First Street Specific Plan RFP Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 ~ 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 936 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DE- CLARING A MORATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTIES ON FIRST STREET WESTERLY OF NEWPORT AVENUE The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ae The City Council has directed that the Commission prepare a specific plan development of properties on First Street, of Newport Avenue. Ce Planning for the westerly Existing lots and parcels are of substandard width and depth which preclude quality development compat- ible with a major arterial. Mixed land uses of residential, commercial, and office development and the absence of precise land use designations are injurious to the public health, safety and welfare. There is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare and the approval of the additional subdivisions, use permits, variances, building permits, or any other applicable entitlement for use which is required in order to comply with the zoning provisions of the Tustin City Code would result in a threat to public health, safety and welfare because existing lots and parcels are of substandard width and depth which would typically preclude development consistent and compatible with traffic and other aspects of their location on a major arterial street. Pursuant to Council direction the Planning Department and Planning Commission are conducting and will con- tinue to conduct a study of the need for an ordinance further regulating or prohibiting certain development and uses in the area described hereinabove. II. A. The City Council hereby declares a moratorium on issuance of permits or approvals of any kind for development projects in the hereinabove described area property without first obtaining a use permit therefor, pending completion of the study and report 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of the Planning Commission and action thereon by the City Council. The moratorium declared hereby shall extend for a period of not to exceed ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days from the date of adoption of this ordinance, unless duly extended or terminated, or such shorter period within which the subject study may be completed. B. This ordinance is adopted to protect the public health, safety and welfare and is adopted as an urgency measure by a four-fifth (4/5) vote pursuant to the provisions of Section 65858 of the California Government Code and shall take effect immediately. The urgency is based on the fact that the construction of projects on any of the properties in the subject area prior to completion of the study would pose a threat to the public health, safety and welfare by the existence of developments inconsistent and incompatible with the traffic and other aspects of their location on a major arterial street. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the ..... day of ._, 1985. ATTEST: FRANK H. GREINKE, Mayor MARY WYNN, City Clerk JGR:se :R: 6/18/85 (27) June 24, 1985 Department of Community Development SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL-FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 10 Gentlemen/Ladies: The City of Tustin is seeking a qualified firm to prepare a specific plan addressing the economic potential and preferred land use alternative for each developable parcel along the First Street corridor outlined on the attached Exhibit "A" from the SR-55 Freeway to Newport Avenue. Additionally, a major component of the plan will include the creation of a design plan that offers standards for architecture of buildings within the project area and on-site landscape/streetscape plan to create a theme that transcends the identified corridor. Should you or your firm be interested in preparing a Specific Plan in accordance with the scope of work detailed in the attached Exhibit "B", you are invited to submit brief yet concise documentation indicating how you would propose to accomplish this project. Each proposal must contain: e A section indicating your experience in preparing similar specific plans. Resumes of individuals who will specifically prepare and supervise preparation of this plan are to be included. Resumes for any sub-consultants shall also be included. A detailed description of how your proposal would accomplish the stated goals of the City within the prescribed scope of work. It is required that the Specific Plan be ready for City adoption by November 15, 1985. A detailed budget identifying total costs of the work to be performed. a. Include firms rate schedules. b. Include preliminary schedules for completion. 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 ~equest for Proposal une 24, 1985 page two Submittals will be reviewed and screened by City Staff. Authors of proposals considered to be most qualified will~ be invited to participate in a formal presentation interview before a selection committee. Five (5) copies of your proposal must be submitted to the City of Tustin, Community Development Department, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA. 92680, Attn: Jeff Davis no later than 4:30 pm. July 15, 1985. Should you have any questions concerning the content of this request for proposal, please contact me at (714) 544-8890 ext. 250. Sincerely, Jeff Davis Associate Planner JSD:pef Attachments: Exhibit "A" Project Boundary Map Exhibit "B" Minimum Scope of Work FIRST SII~EET SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 10 EXHIBIT "B" "Minimum Scope of Work" PURPOSE: GOALS: To determine and propose specific land uses for undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels reflecting the community's best interest and propose consistent architectural standards for the identified corridor through the creati'on and implementation of a specific plan. 1. Identify the development potential, on a parcel by parcel basis of all properties within the Specific Plan Area. 2. To maximize the development of commercial/retail uses typified by retail, office, restaurant and service business, with an emphasis upon capturing a greater percentage of taxable sales. OBJECTIVES: Create an attractive, compatible and consistant physical appearance in the corridor area regardless of the type land use. Identify specific strategies to implement 1, 2 & 3 above. Through the creation and implementation of a Specific Plan, the following objectives will be accomplished: Establish a listing on a parcel by parcel basis, indicating the most appropriate land uses for each parcel within the Specific Plan Area given existing physical and economical constraints. At least three uses, in priority order, shall be given for each parcel. To explore various- alternatives that would alter existing physical conditions within the area in an effort to increase the viability of retail development on sites not otherwise conducive to sales tax generating uses. Establish design and architectural standards that will provide a consistent, complimentary, and orderly transition of development on vacant infill and/or underdeveloped properties. Community Development Department June 24, 1985 Page two 4. Development of an on site landscape/streetscape plan that will provide a theme improving the visual appearance of the project area, creating continuity within the corridor, as well ,as providing a transitional link between the corridor and development in the surrounding community. SCOPE OF gORK: Task 1: Land Use Study: Identify all parcels in the specific plan area noting lot size (width & depth) and list existing land uses of each parcel and their conformity or non-conformity with applicable zoning. Task 2:- Market Analysis of Existin9 Conditions: With the information obtained from Task 1, a market analysis shall be conducted for the purpose of determining the viability of retail/commercial development on each parcel. Task 3: Recommended 'changes required to enhance retail viability.: If the results of the market analysi~ indicate that existing physical conditions within the study area are not conducive to retail land uses,, then specific recommendations on what .steps may be taken to alter conditions to enhance the viability of retail development in the corridor are to be presented. If constraints along the corridor are such that retail developments are not likely, in spite of recommended changes this conclusi.on must also be explicitly stated. Task 4: Recommended Land Uses and Design Standards: Based upon the information accumu)ated throug~ t~e ~irst three tasks, two categories of recommended land uses shall be proposed; In descending priority, at least three alternatives based on existing physical constraints; and e In descending pPiority, at 'least three alternatives based upon the development opportunities identified i.n Task 3. Community DevelOpment Department June 24, 1985 Page three In either listing, the land uses recommended shall be very specific (i.e., restaurant, general office, fast-food establishment, convenience market, or specific retail outlet). In addition to the recommendation of specific land.uses, a comprehensive design theme for the entire corridor shall be created. Precise design standards addressing lot size, building setbacks, parking requirements, landscape treatments, and specific building design and architecture are to be established. Consideration must be given to any alterations in physical conditions recommended or as result of Task 3. The i'ntent of the design plan is to improve the appearance of the project area by creating standards that create a consistent, complimentary development theme resulting in continuity that transcends the corridor. Included in the final design standards shall be provisions to architecturally screen, from the First Street view, the use of under building at grade parking. Task 5: Implementation of Specific Plan: T~e final product derived from completion o~ TasKs 1 t~rough 4 will be a comprehensive .design and land use plan for the subject corridor. The format must be condusive to adoption as a Specific Plan by Ordinance which will regulate development in the study area. The Specific Plan is to be adopted by the Council prior to November 15, 1985. Task 6 Consultant Participation: The consultant selected will be required to at least one public hearing before the Planning Commission and City Council concerning the Specific Plan, as well as to participate in one to three workshop sessions. Additionally, periodic meetings with City Staff concerning status of the project, at various stages will be mandatory. Corn munity Development Department June 24, 1985 Page four Specific Work Products to be provided the City include: (1) Mylar Land Use inventory and Address Parcel Map not less than 1" = 100' scale. 1) Reproducable copies of the Detailed Market Analysis 20) Copies of the Proposed Specific Plan which shall include the Market Analysis, all maps, architectural guidelines, etc. 1) Mylar proposed Land Use and Address Parcel Map not less than 1" : 100 scale'. (1) Mylar' proposed Landscape/Streetscape Plan incorporating existing median island landscaping not less than 100' scale. Colored representative architectural renderings/drawings etc. not less than 24" X 36" each. Reference Documents Available at Tustin City Hall: Town Center Redeve~opment~Plan Specific Plan No. 1: E1Camino Real 1984 Traffic Count Map Specific Plan No. 10: Initial Environmental Study East Tustin Specific Plan Marketing Report, Volumes I & 2 Downtown Redevelopment Project Area Market Analysis JSD:pef Community Development Deparlment