HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 13 O.C. HSNG AUTH REP 7-1-85DATE: July Inter Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE ~IAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COI~4UNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTiqENT REAPPOINTI~NT OF A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ADVISORY COI~ITTEE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY DISCUSSION: The Orange County Housing Authority permits local governments to participate on their Housing Commission Advisory Committee which reviews requests for action with housing assistance and other matters of county-wide concern. At this time the County Housing Authority is requesting Council to formally appoint a representative and alternative to the Housing Commission Advisory Committee. For the past year, Planner Mary Ann Chamberlain has served as Chairperson of the Advisory Committee to the Housing Commission and desires reappointment. Staff therefore recommends Mary Ann Chamberlain be reappointed as City of Tustin's representative with Planner Jeff Davis appointed as alternate. RECOI~ENDATION: City Council appoint Mary Ann Chamberlain as representative and Jeff Davis as alternate to the Orange County Housing Authority Advisory Committee. Director of Community Development DDL:do ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 2043 North Broadway · Santa Aha, California 92706 · (714) 836-3033 CITY M.&NAGEP, June 12, 1985 Mr. William. Houstcn, City Manager City of T~tin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca 92680 Subject: Request to Reappoint or Newly Appoint Cne Representative and Cne Alternate to serve c~ th~ /~tvisory Cu~udttee of the Grange County Housing Cu~,~ssicn. The Grange County Housing Authority (OS~A) serves the Unincorporated Areas of the County and all cities in the County, except Anaheim, Brea, Garden Grove, and Santa Ana. The Authority is governed by the Board of Supervisors acting as the Board of Cu~u,~ssicners of the Authority. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Secticn 34291, a seven~r~nber Housing Cu~u.~ssicn advises c~ matters, as rec~lired, before they ccme to the Board', and is also delegated policy-making authority for t_he Housing Assistance Payments Progr~ serving your locality. On May 31, 1982, the Housing CuLu~issicn adopte~ Resolutic~ No 4-82 to reestablish tb~ Advisory Cu~,~Jttee of the Orange County Housing Ccmmission. Each participating jurisd±ctic~ is invited to have one voting representative aD~ an alternate to serve as a d/rect link bet~=en the t~nty-three participating jurisdicticns and the Housing CUL,',{ssic~. The Advisory Ccmnittee will consider and recu~,~nd c~ such matters as applicatic~s for Secticn 8 Existing units, suballocatic~ of rental assistance to meet local Housing Assiseance Plan goals, and proposals for new or expended progr~s to ~eet nccds of lo%~r inccme households in the County. Terms and qualificaticns of Advisory Cc~tee m~nbers are addressed in the attached resoluticn. The governing body of your locality is being requested by tb~ Housing Cu~u, issic~ to formally' reappoint or newly appoint c~e representative and an alternate, and to notify our office in writing by July 9, 1985. Meetings are scheduled for the secc~d Thursday of each m~%th at 1:30 p.m. a~ 0CHA. Currently your locality is being represented by ?.~%ry Ann Chamberlain, there is no alternate. Please notify our office whether or not there will be a change in representatic~. Send letters of appointment to the attention of Vivian Heintz at CCHA. If you have any questicns regarding this matter, please contact Diana Benson at (714) 836-3008. Thank you for your suppu£L. Art Luna Executive Director AL:VH Attachnent OI{ANGE COUNTY IIOUSING COUNTY llOUSING AU'~IIORITY ~EP~EAS, the Board of Co~%missioners of the Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) originally created an Advisory Committee in October, 1972 for the purpose of en- hancing direct com4nunication between the Authority and jurisdictions participatiug in the affairs of the Authority pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34209; and ~IEP~EAS, the Advisory Committee since its establishme:~z, has provided invaluable two-way communication between the twenty-three (25] pa:'ticipating jurisdictions and the Authority; and WHEP. EAS, on April 6, 1982, the Board of Supervisors eno Hoard of Commissioners of the Orange County Housing'Authority determined that continuation of the Advisory Com~ittee would be at. the discretion of the OCHA Housing Commission, which the Board created on October 13, 1981 pursuant to Bealth and Safety Code Section 34291. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: (2) (3) (4) (5) That an Advisory Committee is hereby re-established by the OCHA Housing Commission for the purpose of acting as liaison between the respective participating jurisdictions and the Orange County Housing Authority and to act in an advisory capacity to the 0C[IA ~]ousing Commission in matters of policy pertaining to housing programs and long range housing goals and other ~tters as determined by the Housing Commission. That the above committee shall be composed of one voting representative and one alternate reappointed or newly appoi~ted by the governing body of each participating jurisdiction with initial terms to commence on July 1, 1982. That terms of committee members and their alternates shall be for two years; except initially the names of eleven participating jurisdictions shall he drawn by lot and their representatives shall serve one year through June 30, 1983. Stubsequent appointments from each jurisdiction shall continue the initial pattern of staggered terms and shall end as of June 30 of the appropriate odd or even year. That each jurisdiction represeutative may ba an elected or appointed official; a jurisdiction employee; or any other person chosen by said jurisdiction who is knowledgeable of local housing needs and goals as expressed in official jurisdiction policies and programs. That staff is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to eaci~ of the twenty-three participating jurisdictions together with a request that each jurisdiction formally appoint its representative and alter- nate and notify the OCHA Housing Commission of said appointment by July 1, 1982. (6) That the Advisory Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure for conduct of its meetings, subject to approval by the Housing Commission. ADOPTED by the Orange 'County Housing Coramission on May 3, 1982. SIGNED AND APPRO~-ED ON May 3, 1982. ATTEST: Art Luna Executive Director-Secretary Harol Be~ck~ Chairman Orange County Housing Commission