MEMBERS PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, !tumeston, Bacon & Byrd.
CITY ATTOiINEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present.
CITY ENGINEER : J. L. McBride, present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
The minutes of the last regular meeting and the adjourned
meeting of November 20th, 1959 were approved as mailed, on
motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman
Bacon, seconded by Councilman Humeston and duly carried.
REPAIR OF City Engineer McBride estimated that the cost would not
PAVEMENT exceed $250,00 to pave the strip between the curb and.
IN FRONT the existing pavement in front of the mustin News
NEWS BLDG building on South B Street.
NOT TO EX* Councilman Humeston moved, secended by Councilman Byrd
CEED $250. that the City Engineer be authorized to have said strip
ON REPAIR paved at not to exceed the estimated cost. Motion carried.
APP'T OF On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman
HUMESTON Bacon and duly carried, Councilman Humeston was re-
FOR ABATE- appointed to the. Board or Trustees of the Orange County
MENT Mosquito Abatement District for the two year term
DISTRICT ending December 31st, 1961.
RE-APP'T It was moved by Councilman. Bacon, seconded by Councilman
OF HILTON Humeston that the selection of Morgan Hilton as Chief
& HANSON and H. Louis Hanson as Assistant Chief of the Tustin
FOR FIRE Fire Department, be approved. Motion carried.
Councilman Bacon moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd
APP'T OF that the addition of Austin Pierson and Richard Humeston
PIERSON & as members of the Tustin Fire Department be approved.
HUMESTON Motion carried.
RE*IMBURSE- The Tustin Chamber of Commerce submitted an itemized bill
NENT TO of expense for Tustin Tiller Days and asked re-imburse-
TUSTIN ment on the basis of its advertising value to the City
CHAMBER of Tustin. Councilman Tadlock and Councilman Humeston
OF TILLER were appointed a Committee by Mayor Kidd to take the
DAYS bill under submission and report to the Council at the
next regular meeting.
ARTHUR Mr. Arthur Charlton appeared before the Council and stated
CHARLETON that he understood that it was going to be requested
REQUEST that certain property on Second Street be changed to
FOR INFO. Multiple Dwelling Zoning. He was informed that no
application for change was on file and that if and when
an app!ication was received, property owners would be
notified and a public hearing held.
RE*APP'T It was called to the attention of the Council that the
FOR MR. term of Mr. Frank N. Clark on the Tustin Planning Comm-
CLARK ON ission expired November 5, 1959. Councilman Humeston
PLANNING moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock that Mr. Clark
COMMISSION be appointed. to the Tustin Planning Commission for
four years from November 5, 1959. Motion carried.
ADJUSTMENT It was moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
OF SALARY FOR Councilman Bacon that RESOLUTION NO. 490, adjusting
CITY CLERK'S the salary of A. O. Park as Secretary of the
SALARY, A. 0. Tustin Planning Commission to $50.00 per month and
PARK. appointing him as City Purchasing Agent at a
salary of $50.00 per month, effective as of
January 1st, 1960, be adopted. Motion carried,
all Councilmen voting Aye.
INCREASE FOR On motion of Councikman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
MORGAN HILTON Bacon and unamiousiy carri.ed, the salary of Fire
& H. LOUIS Chief Morgan Hilton is increased to $35.00 per
HANSON. month and the salary of Assistant Fire Chief, H.
Louis Hanson increased to $620.00 per month,
effective as of December 1st, 1959.
MANDATORY Councilman Bacon moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
FOR FIRST AID that it be mandatory that all Fire Department and
INSTRUCTION Police Department personnel take instruction in
FIRE DEP'T First Aid course. Motion carried.
The bills were ordered paid on motion of Councilman
Tadlock, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried.
Depository--Withheld Taxes $354.18
First Western Bank--Safe Deposit 8.00
Griffith Co. 1221.39
County of Orange--(Impound 9e ) 1.00
Pioneer Builder's Supplies. 6.76
Graves & Howley. 16.64
Kleen-Line Corp 27.14
Orange County Blueprint Shop. 17. 20
Or~nge County Title Co. 50.00
Signal Oil Co. . 108.00
Kenneth G. Hebard, D. O. 20.00
B I L L S Assoc. Chambers of Commerce. 50.00
Tustin Blacksmith Shop. 13.50
Carson & Golding 21.79
Les Johnson. 37.64
S.A.V.I. 19.20
Dennis Printers. .94
Hahn, Wise & Barber 750.00
Orange County Radio Telephone Ser. 19.80
The Tustin News 228.67
Tustin Hardware Co. 39.69
Telephone & Utilities. . 142.58
Tustin Post Office, (request to pur-
chase 100 postcards) 30.00
J. L. McBride, Engineering etc. for
November. 393.00
Ralph Von Buskirk, Drafting 58.50
Ronald E. Stone, Surveying 45.00
Ben Wheelock, Drafting 7 surveying 102.00
Francis O. Gerber, Surveying 45.00
Harry F. Coleman, (Chevy Repairs
100.00 deduct) 352.41
Lawrence P. Allec, (services for Tustin
Fire Department ) 207.50
Evelyn Ojeda. . .1 weeks salary,
Deputy City Clerk's vacation. 75.00
Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman Bacon that
the meeting be adjourned until Monday 12:M December 21st,
1959 in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, Tustin,
California. Motion carried.
A. O. Park, City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd, Mayor