HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 TOXIC MAT'LS 08-19-85REPORTS TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE I~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL COI~qUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIq£NT ~IONI~RING ~ TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECOI,~IENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: The City Council previously requested staff to investigate the adoption of a hazardous materials disclosure ordinance similar to that adopted by the city of Irvine. Attached to this transmittal is a follow up analysis by Planner Jeff Davis detailing the present monitoring system utilized in Tustin for the management of toxic and hazardous materials. In staff's opinion this research indicates our present system managed by the Orange County Fire Department is sufficient. For the city to institute its own program would require additional staff and computer hardware whose costs are presently not budgeted. Staff will however revise its business license application form requiring applicants to identify types and quantities of chemicals used and/or stored on site. This information will be forwarded to the OCFD for follow up. Director of Community Development DDL:do attach: memo dated August 6, 1985 L SUBJECT: MO#ITORI#G OF TOXIC OR IU~_ARDOUS MATERIALS SLAY: As a follow-up to my April 10, 1985 memo, I have researched further the need for and implications of, a hazardous materials disclosure ordinance similar to that adopted by the City of Irvine. From information received from the City of Irvine and the Orange County Fire Department (outlined below), my recommendation would be to make some administrative changes in our business license procedures, and utilize information presently available from the Orange County Fire Department in terms of identifying sites with toxic or hazardous materials. I would not recommend adoption of a separate disclosure ordinance. The cost of administration versus the added benefit gained does not justify an ordinance similar to Irvine's. ll{£ CITY OF IRVINE'S DISCLOSURE ORDIMANC£: In December 1983, the City of Irvine adopted an ordinance requiring businesses operating within the City to disclose the identity, quantity and location of hazardous materials used, stored, handled or disposed of within the city limits. Essentially, this system is only an information collecting device above and beyond the permit processes required by various federal, state and local agencies. Irvtne's disclosure ordinance is somewhat more comprehensive than this permit process in that in most instances the storage or use of'any quantity of chemical is subject to disclosure. On the other hand, the permit process administered by 0.C.F.D. often deals wi{h specific quantities. In other words, under the Irvine ordinance one gallon of X substance requires disclosure whereas the Fire Department may not be concerned unless 5 gallons or more are stored. Attached is the listing of substances upon which Irvine requires disclosure. The system utilized in Irvtne basically is as follows: 1. Businesses are required to complete necessary forms, pay designated fees, and submit the package to the City. Information collected is kept confidential. 2. The City in turn reviews O.C.F.D. inspection reports and matches for consistency with the disclosure forms filed. If discrepancies occur, the City follows up and utilizes appropriate enforcement procedures to ensure all regulated substances are accounted for. Hazardous Materials August 6, 1985 page two In emergency situations, upon request from Emergency Services, information collected through the disclosure process is forwarded. The computer system used in Irvine is compatible with the portable system mounted on vehicles assigned to the Hazardous Materials Response Teams. One final pertinent aspect of the Irvine ordinance is that six times each year, any persons required to submit a Disclosure Form must submit an amended Form indicating changes in hazardous materials usage from the previous filing. These amended forms are to be submitted on or before January 1, March 1, July 1, September 1, and November 1 each year. ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPART)lENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY SYSTlgl: Effective January 1, 1985 the Orange County Fire Department began its portion of the Hazardous Materials (Haz-Mat) Inventory System. This computer assisted system logs all locations inspected annually by the Fire Department. Included on the print-outs produced (see sample attached) is a listing of hazardous or toxic materials kept at a given location. This information is presently limited only to substances that require permits under the UniForm Fire Code. However, the system, once in full operation will merge Fire Department records with Environmental Heal th Waste Management records providing complete documentation of all controlled substances on a particular site. Information collected by the Fire Department is not confidential, however, they will not divulge data to the public without first advising the business involved. The information print-outs are, on the other hand, available to the City on request. The highlight of this inventory system is that the information is not merely kept in files. Via a portable terminal carried on emergency response equipment, Haz-Mat personnel within minutes have information concerning type, quantity and location of potentially dangerous materials. CONCLUSIONS AND RECO~E#DATIONS: With the program demonstrated by the County System and since information collected is available to the City, it does not seem necessary for Tustin to adopt a separate disclosure ordinance. Without the necessary computer hardware and programs needed to communicate with emergency response personnel, a comprehensive disclosure ordinance would only create additional paper work and would not be very valuable in emergency situations. Instead, it is recommended that we institute the following policies and procedures that do not necessitate an ordinance revision: Community Development Department Hazardous Materials August 6, 1985 page three l. Revtston To Bustness Ltcense Form And/Or Conditions Of Approva]: An addendum to the Business License application, requiring applicants to identify type and quantities of chemicals to be used and/or stored on site. We can ask them to identify all chemicals and then forward information to Fire to verify if permits are required. With certain substances we can require that a "Materials Safety Data Sheet" (MSDS) be submitted. These are documents prepared by chemical manufacturers and are included with shipments. Again these would be forwarded to O.C.F.D. for inclusion in the inventory system. The chemical list would be updated with each business license renewal. Another recommendation along these same lines is that in conjunction with design review or the conditional use permit process, we could require that structures housing toxic or hazardous chemicals be equipped with a "Knox-Box" device in which copies of MSDS documents can be stored and be available to emergency response personnel. 2. ACQUISITION OF EXISTING INFORMATION: Just so we know what we are presently dealing with, we should request that O.C.F.C. 'supply the City with inspection reports like the attached. From these reports we can create a map or similar graphic device that will show all locations in town that use or store chemicals. These steps should be sufficient enough to effectively monitor hazardous or toxic materials. JD:em cc: Ed Knight , Community Development DePartment ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION NO.: 593 INSPECTION DUE: 4/85 NEW .... CHANGE .... DELETE-BUSINESS .... DELETE-ADDRESS .... __INsPEcTION RESPONSIBILITY: 3-~?B ................. ADDRESS: NUMBER: 1231 DISTRICT NO.: 3333 DIRECTION: BLDS NO.: STE NO.: DBA: COLECO BUSINESS PHONE: 714-823-2711 MnNT~PT NAME: DAVID ENGLAND EMERGENCY EMERGENCY CONTACT 8:~ ~IITI ~TN~ OWNER'S hAME: OWNER'S NFIRS USE CODE: TITLE: SUARD FMZ NO.: 34905 NFIRS COMPLEX CODE: PRE-PLAN: PHONE: PHONE: ZIPCODE: ~ SQUARE FT.: 13~00 ALAR~ SYSTEM TYPE: 5.2 SPRINKLER SYSTEM TYPE: 01 STANDPIPE HEIGHT: ~5 OTHER - TO ALARM CO. WET PIPE, SUPERVISED FT. NO. STORIES: DENSITY: .30/3000 TYPE: OTHEiE_BUiL~ _IN SYSTEMS: 8 OTHER FIRE FLOW: ........... GPM DUE SERVICE: __/__/__ DUE SERVICE: __/__/__ OCC. CLASS: B2 .. DATE PERMIT CODE DESCRIPTION ISSUED EXPIRES 49101 74103 791~ ~107 !WELDING & CUTTING OPERATIONS )CD,PRESSED SASES, FLAMMABLE iF~MMBL/COMBUSTBL LIQUiDS/TANKS IH!GHLY TOXIC MATERIALS ILIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES 06/12/85 ................ 06/12/85 ............... 06iI~/85 ............... 06/~.-, · ~/8~ ............... 06/12/85 ............... OCCUPANT LOAD: _.CONST.. T~PE.~ III- ..... COblB~.Ii~R) NON-RATE~. JURD. NO.: 75 TY~E: ~AV ........... ZIPCODE: 98680 DATE COMPLETED: PART ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~-SA~ETY-.-I-NSPECTION INSPECTION DATE .... / .... I__-~:- INSPECTION NO.: 593 INSPECTOR' S SIGNATURE BATT#/RAD#/SHFT INSPECTION TIME TYPE OF IN MINUTES .... INSPECTION - EMPLOYEE NUMBER I BUILDING 1011ADDRESS NUMBER(S) 1OGlE×IT egress oper, able blocked ~04~AISLES corridors 1051FIRE DOORS separations ........................ p;,k~ thr~ 1071ATTIC ACCESS separations NA OK VNII HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/PROCESSES NA OK VNI I-----P--~---k~---P I--I--I--I 1__I__I__II401FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS storage I__l__l__l 1__I__I__II411FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS handling use I__1__1__I I I I )I~uc ' ' ...... I I I 11431CHEMICALS-MATERIALS handling use I__1__1__1 ~ ~ ~ ~:44~ZARDOUS PROCESSES general ~__~__~__~ ' ' ' ''~"'~n~ ~,N ..... ~---t I I- - 1__I__I__II461COMPRESSED GASES I__1__1__1 1081STRUCTURAL CONDITION walls/ceil 1__I__I__II471DUST fibres cuttings I__1__1__1 1101HEATIN~ ventilation ai~ cond I I I II I I--I I I--I--II--i ................................. I--i--I--I 1~OISPRINKLER SYSTEM(S) 1__I__I__II601DECORATIVE MATERIALS ~'21 ........... S 1__I_._4__I!~I~!NTERIOR FI4~ISNES. 1881FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS 1__I__I__II6~IOCCUPANT LOAD 1831DETE~TION alarm system(s) 1__I__I__II~31KITCHEN STOVES-HOODS ducts vents ;2~E.~_R~Y-~YS-TE~S-A-'_~t~wQ gew.-~::-I__l__li641FD ACCESS fire lanes/gates 185)PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS )~61PRiVATE HYDRANTS l l__I__I__II651COMBUSTIBLE WASTE housekeeoin~ 1__I__I__iI661WEEDS GRASS SHRUBS ~7~STORAGE GENERAL 11681PERMITS NEEDED 11691UNCLASSIFIED - OTHER I NA = Not Ao-~iicable OF, = N,:, Violations VN = Numbe~~ of Violations RE-iNSPECTION DATE: ___/___/___ FOLDER LOCATION: Supo. ....... ViOLA¥~ON ......... CODE DESCAiPTION VOLUME PENDING 25 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 26 PRIVATE HYDRANTS 46 CO~PRESSED GASES ~ ..... ~PG ......... 67 STORAGE GENERAL 68 PERMITS NEEDED 1 1 i I I i I i i 1 1 i PART '~ ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT F!~m-~T¥ I~kSPECT~DN-.- INSPECTION DATE .... /__~_/ .... INFORMATION ONLY - THERE ARE 55 GALLONS OF HYDRAULIC FLUID ALSO IN THE WORKSHOP IN WAREHOUSE WHICH IS UNCLASSIFIED. PART 3 ORANCE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~IRE SA~E-T-Y-tNSPECTION INSPECTION DATE .... /,___/i___ INSPECTION NO,: 593 DBA: COLECO NAME DOT 1090 ACETONE CONTA,CNE~S DOT1193 METHYL ETHYL KETONE ~ ~ALLO.N_~ PL~w~T:C C_nMTA!.NER~ AT ~~WAREHOI. LSE} --- DOT 1760-WT ALKALINE BOILER OR WATER TREATMENT COMPOUND ~ET.~.L C~_.NT.q!.~'_cR°_ :.~n_T _nR~JM~_) AT ~'JORK-~H-nP DOT10'Z5 LIQ~FIED NATUPJ:iL 6A~ DOTiI18 BRAKE FLUID, HYDRAULIC DOT10~2 ; ~LENE