HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 09-03-85II. III. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF ll~E CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 3, t985 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Greinke at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. Councilman Edgar led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Salta- relli. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: PROCLAMJ~TION 1. DECLARING SEPTEMBER Mayor Greinke read Frank M. Greinke, Mayor Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Pro Tem Richard 8. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Sevelopment Sirector Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Royleen A. White, Dir. of Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Monda A. Buckley, Administrative Assistant Earl Rowenhorst, Water Supervisor Approximately 20 in the audience 16-21, 1985, 'CYSTIC FIBROSIS WEEK" and presented a proclamation to Gary Green declaring the week of September i6-21, 1985, as "Cystic Fibrosis Week." Mr. Green expressed thanks to the Council. 84 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS ZONE CHANGE 85-6, 12821 NEWPORT AVENUE - ORDINANCE NO. 944 The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the inter-com dated September 3, I985, prepared by the Community Development Depart- ment. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Greinke at 7:07 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterev, that Ordinance No. 944 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following first reading by title only Of Ordinance No. 944 by the City Clerk. it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 944 be introduced as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 944 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~lF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, REZONING 12821 NEWPORT AVENUE F~OhI R-3 !MULTIPLE FAMILY) DISTRICT TO PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL OISTRICT (P&l/, AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "A" The motion carried 5-0. 2. ZONE CHANGE 85-8, 15352 WILLIAMS - ORDINANCE NO. 945 I10 The Community Development Director presented the staff e~uort and recommendation as co~tained in Cnn inter-corn ,~ated September 3, 1965, prepared by the Community' 3evelopment Oepart,nent. Mayor Greinke opened the public hearing at 7:r)g p.m. Th~-~ were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was :losed. CITY COUNCIL MIN'JTES Page 2, 9-3-85 VI. it was moved bS Hoesterey, seconded DS Ed~a~, that 3rdin~nce NO. 9A5 have first reading by title only Carried 5-0. Pollowing first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 945 Dy tde City Clerk, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by EdDa,, that Ordinance No. 945 be introduced as foJlows: ' ORDINANCE NO. 945 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TME CITY OF TUSTIN, REZON[NG 15352 WILLIAMS STqEET FROM R-4 {SUBURBAN qESIDEN- TIAL) DISTRICT TO MOBILE HOME PARK O[STRICT ~MHP), AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "A" Carried 5-0. 110 PUBLIC INpbrr None. CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. ~ was removed from the Consent Calendar by Sattarelli. It 'was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. The motion carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES o AUGUST 19, 1985 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $27~,117.58 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNTS OF $119,879.47 AND 123,843.41 3. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF BONDS - PARCEL MAP NO. 83-1027 (SOUTH SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL [LAGUNA ROAD]) Accepted the public improvements ~ithin Parcel Map rio. 83-1027 and authorized the release of Faithful Performance 8ond No. O1-NAA-010897 in the amount of $19,500.00, Labor and Materials Bond No. O1-NAA-010897 in the amount of S9,750.00, and '4onumen- ration Bond NO. O1-NAA-Oi0899 in the amount of S640.OO as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 99 5. RESOLUTION NO. 85-91 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATE~ MAIN REPLACEMENT IMPROVEMENTS ON MAIN STREKT FROM "C" STREET TO PASADENA AVENUE - Adopted Resolution NO. 85-91 as recommended by the Engineering Department. ' 107 6. SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY Designated the Xerox copy machine model 4500 and assorted supplies as surplus items and authorized the Finance Director to solicit bids for the sale of the copy machine and supplies as recommended by the Chief of Police. 87 7. RESOLUTION NO. 85-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CObIL~ OF TiE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAR ~5-2'~Z Li)CATEO AT 138:~2 NEWPORT AVENUE Adopted Resolution No. 85-~0 as recommended I)y the Co~uni~y Oevelopment Department. 99 Consent Calendar Item No. 4 - Restricted Parking During Stree~ Sweeping Hours - Mayor Pro Ten Salt~relli expressed oppositioq to the ~stricted parking, stating it Nould pose ) great inconven eqce to ti~e tenants, aggravate an already serious parking pro~!em, and create a greater workload for the Polite ~epartoent. In response to Councilman ~dgar, the Oirector oF Public Works reported that in this part.icJlar area along Al)iance AFenue, there: are three other apartneo~. ~nitl that ha~e he,~n posted for nearly three years. which were Jranted Jpon the request of either ~he apartnent manager or parking, the-e is ade'iu)te F~,lrking onsite for tenants ~o pa~k ~itqin CiTY ~OUNC[L M[;iUTES ~age 3, 9-3-',~$ allotted spaces, and he does not Foresee a problem with the restricted parking. He concdrred with Councilman Edgar's commeqt that the majority Of on-street parking is used basically for convenience. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the follow- ing: 4. RESTRICTED P$~RKING DURING STREET Sl~EEPING NOURS {HOLIDAY GARDENS APA~RTMENTS, 15601 TUSTIN VILLAGE WAY) Authorize the installation of signing prohibiting on-street parking during the hours of street sweeping between 6:00 a.m. and 12 noon On Thursday along both Alliance Ave. and Tustin Village Way adjacent to the Holiday Gardens Apartments located at 15601 Tustin Village Nay as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Police Chief Thayer indicated citations would not be issued for the first two weeks after sign installation. Carried 4-1, Saltarelli opposed. 75 VII. ORDIIt~NCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. VIII. ORDII~U~,NCES FOR ADOPTIOR 1. CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION - ORDINANCE NO. 941 It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 941 nave second reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 941 by the City Clerk, it was ,moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterez, that Ordinance No. 941 be adopted as follows: ORDI~NCE NO. 941 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO COUN- CIL COMPENSATION Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES: Greinke ABSENT: None 38 2. PLANNING CO~ISSION COMPENSATION - ORDINANCE NO. 942 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 942 have second reading by title only. Motion carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinaqce NO. 942 by the City Clerk, it ~as moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 942 be adopted as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 942 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COU~ICIL ;OF THE CITY OF TUST[N, AMENDING SECTION 1514 OF THE TUST[N MUNICIPAL CODE, TO INCREASE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN'S PLA;;NING COMMIS- SIONERS Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES: None ABSENT: None 80 work they have accomplished to date. CiTY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 9-3-85 IX. OLD B4JSINESS 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-246, TUSTIN PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, CARVER DEVELOPMENT - RESOLUTION NO. 85-88 (Continued from August 19, 1985) The motion by Saltarelli was withdrawn to adopt ~esolution No. 85-88 with the deletion of Item II. 1. d. (additional right-of-way for an acceleration lane). The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Community Development Director as contained in the inter-com dated September 3, 1985, prepared by the Community Development Smpart- ment. - The Director of Public Works noted that staff received a request from Carver to waive the condition for an acceleration l~ne at Main Street and Newport Avenue, along with correspondence from two firms indicating subject lane is not necessary. The Director stated that staff addressed subject matter from the time of preliminary site plan review. A response from the developer ~as never received, it was virtually ignored by the developer until site plan revie~ by Council, at which time the developer stated it was not needed, and the site plan was approved with the acceleration lane deleted. Staff feels very.strong y that subject condition should ~e included on the map. The Director then introduced James Kawamura, the City's consultant traffic engineer, who reiterated staff's concern over the need for an acceleration lane since preliminary site plan review. He stated there is additional documentation regarding design and principles for having the acceleration lane (channelization) aC that corner. Mr. Kawamura cited CalTrans Standards for such intersections and referred CO the acceleration lane as more appropriately being a "merging" lane for vehicles to enter ,the traffic flow from Main Street onto Newport Avenue. He explained standard eng'ineering practices for such an intersection and read excerpts from the CalTrans highway design manual. He stated that staff basically requested that the developer adhere to those standard engineering design practices aC subject site. He cited accident history statistics and present vs. future traffic volumes for '4ain Street and Newport Avenue. Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli questioned the need for a similar lane at the corner of Irvine and Newport, raised concern that traffic would "stack-up" on Newport, and felt such a street design would not be aesthetical at subject intersection. Mr. Kawamura responded that when development plans for Chis corner come in for review, staff will request similar type of treatment to straighten out the align- ment problem and provide better movement of Irvine Boulevard east- bound traffic to southbound Newport Avenue. Mr. Kawamura, the Community Development Director, and the Director of Public Works responded tO Council questions and concerns on matter. David Neish, representing Carver Development, spoke in favor of request to waice the acceleration lane on Tentative Parcel Map 85-246. He said the acceleration lane would affect the development economically and ~nodify the aesthetics of the project. Mayor Greinke suggested a two-week continuance. Mayor Pro Ten Saltarelli encouraged Council make a decision this evening. Council/staff discussion followed. The City Manager noted that it wilt take a mini~num of five weeks to issue building pernits For the project and reminded Council public improve,nents will be paid with Redevelopment Agency funds. It was then moved by Kennedy. seconded b~ Gte nke, t~ ~oqcinue Tentative Parcel 'lap ~5-~6 to Septenber iB~ CITY 'COUNCIL MI'lUTES Page 5, 9-3-85 XI. Councilman Edgar concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelti that the safety issue is the ~nost significant element. However, he felt the necessity for the acceleration lane is tied to future estimates of traffic volu:nes on Newport Avenue. He said the real challenge is to have diversion roads around Tustin so that traffic will not cut' throug)l the City. He spoke against the motion. The motion to continue carried 3-2, Edgar and Saltarelli opposed. 99 NEW BUSINESS 1. AWARD OF JANITORIAL CONTRACTS - CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX & PARKS The Administrative Assistant presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in her inter-com dated August 27, 1985. She responded to Council questions. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli, to award the con- tracts to American Building Maintenance Company as follows: Janitorial Services, Civic Center Complex - $25,650.00 Janitorial Services, Parks s8,g64.00 The motion carried 5-0. 39; 77 REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION A~ENDA - AUGUST 26, 1985 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Commission Action Agenda of August 26, 1985. Carried 5-0. 8O 2. COMMUNICOM RATE INCREASE FOR BASIC SERVICES - CABLE TV FRANCHISE In response to the Mayor, the City Attorney stated that it is beyond the City's jurisdiction to prevent CommuniCom from increas- ing their rates as proposed under the I984 Cable Communication Policy Act. Councilmembers voiced strong criticisms witq past and present ser- vice from CommuniCom. They discussed possible means of .improving or terminating the franchise. Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli stated that the free ~narket will decide whether CommuniCom will remain in the caOle television bJsiness. The Administrative Assistant responded to Council questions. The City Attorney stated he would report back to Council on where CommuniCom has fallen short and what the options are. Council can then evaluate how it wishes to proceed. The Administrative Assis- tant interjected that there has been some response at CommuniCom's management staff level regarding correction of constroction prob- lems and submittal of a proposal. 56 2. PROPOSAL OF COMMUNITY CABLEVISION COMPANY FOR BASIC SERVICE RATE INCREASE Subject report dated August 27, 1985, prepared by tqe Administra- tive Assistant was received and filed hy .Jnanimous informal con- sent. 56 AGENDA 0~DER WALK-ON ITEM 1. MAJOR THOROUGHFARE & BRIDGE FEE PROGRAM FOR FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANS- PORTATION CORRIDORS The Director of Public Works presente'i the staff report and recom- :nendatiOn as onntaiqed in his inter-eom dated ~lgJSt 3D, 1~5. The Director responded to Council questions. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 9-3-85 Council discussion followed regarding a public hearing date to receive public input on the matter. Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli spoke in Opposition to the program and stated that it is not equitable for TusCin. It was moved by Edgar, seconded b 1) Approve the schedule of processing as contained in the inter- com dated August 30, 1985; 2) Set a public hearing date/time for Thursday, October 10, 1985, at 7:00 p.m.; 3) Approve the public hearing notice format; A) Authorize staff to mai] subject public notices; and 5) Authorize a supplemental budget appropriation Of S6,500.00 for processing costs, pertaining to the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridors. The motion carried 5-0. 101 Mayor Greinke suggested that Councilman Saltarelli prepare a state- merit describing his position on the matter to present to other participating cities. OTHER BUSINESS 1. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS - AGNES BACON Councilman Edgar extended greetings to Agnes Bacon upon celebrating her 80th birthday on September 2, 1985. 2. FREEWAY PLANNING ~EETING Councilman Edgar.encouraged all Councilmembers to attend the free- way planning meeting scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 1985. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to endorse the County Board of Supervisors' resoljtion in support of subject meet- ing. The motion carried 5-0. 54 3. I-5/SR-55 FREEWAY INTERCHANGE 6o Councilman Edgar noted that in his Transportation Commission material, the formal State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) tabulation of all Orange County projects does not reflect a change in the I-5/55 Freeway interchange. Ne stated he would keep the Council informed on the status of same. 54 RESCHEDULED COUNCIL ~ET[NG - OCTOBER 10, 1985 It was moved by ~d~ar, seconded by Noesterey, to reschedule the October 7, 1985, regular meeting to Thursday, October 10, 1985. at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. 38 VOTING D6LEGATE - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Ab)NUAL CONFERENCE It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to designate Mayor Frank H. Greinke as Tustin's voting delegate at the League of California Cities Annual Conference. The motion carried 5-0. 38 HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANES - COSTA MESA (55) FREEWAY [n response to Councilman Hoesterey's request, Councilman Edgar provided a status report regarding the Cost,% ~Aesa Freeway and the probability of impl~nenting high-occupany vehicle lanes. The Director of Public Works provided additiona] information on the matter. C~ljnci)man ~oesterey requested ti]at the ~natter be agen- dized for a fJCure :neeting. 54 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 9-3-85 7. llJSTIN TILLER DAYS Councilman Hoesterey reminded everyone to attend and support the upcoming Tustin Tiller Days. 8. FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey to direct staff to contact participating ,me,n~ers of the Joint Powers Authority, Major Thoroughfare and 3ridge Fee Program for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridors; inform them that Tustin's participation is contingent upon modification and flexibility in fees; and request their feedback on the matter. Carried 5-0. 101 9. i~JSTIN SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER Councilwoman Kennedy noted that the Steering Committee for a Senior Center has distributed background on the Senior Center to Council- members. She requested that Council review same prior to the next Committee meeting on September 9, I985, at 5:00 p.m. 41 SMOKING 0~DINANCE In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, the Director Of Community and Administrative Services reported subject item is scheduled for Council consideration on September 16. In accordance with Mayor Greinke's request, Council concurred to consider the ,natter on October 21, 1985, under a public hearing format. 81 11. ANNEXATION NO. 135 12. Councilwoman Kennedy brought up the matter of a letter dated August 29, 1985, from County Supervisors Weider and Riley, whereby it was requested that residents affected by Annexation No. 135 be informed of the benefits to being annexed to the City. The Community Development Director reported on tqe proceedings at which subject matter was considered by the Orange County 2pard of Supervisors. Council discussion fo)lowed. There was informal consensus to respond to County Supervisors on the matter. 24 ll~STIN NIGHT - ANAHEIM ~ADIUM, ANGELS VS. RANGERS Mayor Grein~e invited everyone to attend "Tustin Night" at Anaheim Stadium for the California Angels vs. Texas Rangers baseball ~ame. 13. FIRST ~NUAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM G~ME Mayor Greinke announced that Tustin High School will play against Kapaa High School, Kauai, Hawaii, on Saturday, September 7, 1985, at 8:00 p.m. in Northrup Field. He encouraged everyone to attend. 14. INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY ~ETINGS Mayor Greinke reported that the first ineeting ~itq industri=Jl com- munity members will ~e held on September 4, 1985, at 5:00 p.m. XV. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT; A~)JOURNMENT At 9:50 it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli, to recess to the Redevelopment AgenCy, and thence adjourn to the qext regular ~eet- ing on September 16, ~985, at 7:00 p.m, The motion carried 5-0. )\S,--. C[T'f CLERK MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF ll4E REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF I~ISTIN. CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 3, 19~5 C~J-L TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:50 p.m. by Chairman Greinke in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, Califorhia. ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Agency Members Absent: Others Preseqt: Frank H. Greinke. Chairman Donald J. Saltarelli, Chairman Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn. Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Community Development ~irector Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Royleen A. White. Dir. of Com. t Admin. Services Monda A. Buckley, Administrative Assistant Earl Rowenhorst, Water Superintendent Approximately 10 in the audience APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Saltarelli. seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the August 19, 1985, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. 4. APPROVAL OF DE)~ANDS - JULY, 1985 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, 'to approve demands for the month of Ju)y, 1985, in the amount of S43,007.00 as recommended by the Director of Finance. Carried 5-0. 60 COLUMBUS-TUSTIN WI~LLHEAD I~ROJECT - RESOLUTION NO. RDA 85-12 AS recommended in the inter-cpm dated August 20. 1985. prepared by the ' Director of Public Works, it was moved by Hoesterey. seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 85-12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR COLUMBUS-TUSTIN YELL- HEAO PROJECT The motion carried 5-0. 107 6. ADJOURNMENT At 9:52 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to the next regular ,,eeting on September 15, 1985 by unanimous informal consent. CflA~,~MAli P~O r. 4 RECOROIqG SECRETARY