JUNE 15, 1959
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Bacon, Tadlock, Humeston & Byrd.
ABSENT : Kidd.
CITY ENGINEER : J. L. McBride, present
CITY ATTORNEY : Dennis D. Hayden, present. -'
Mayor Protem Bacon called the meeting to order at
7:35 P. M.
Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Humeston and carried, minutes of the last meeting
were approved as mailed.
ESTIMATE City Engineer McBride reported that the stumps had
ON STUMP been removed on Prospect Avenue and that to remove
REMOVAL FOR the culvert at Lockwood Park Place and Prospect Avenue
PROSPECT and do the necessary filling and grading to First
& LOCKWOOD Street, the cost would be approximately $1600.00
AUTHORIZA- It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
TION TO PRO- man Humeston that Engineer McBride be authorized to do
CEED WITH the necessary work on Prospect Avenue and Lockwood
WORK, & Park Place at a cost not to exceed $1600.00 said cost
INCLUDED IN to be included in the 1959-1960 street department
'59-60 BUDG- budget. Motion carried.
Mayor protem opened the hearing on the proposal to
AMENDMENT amend ORDINANCE NO. 71 as amended, to extend the
ORDINANCE building line setback as both sides of First Street
NO 71. to 50 feet from the center line of the street.
HEARING The City Clerk read the recommendation of the Tustin
CLOSED ON Planning Commission approving the proposed setback.
SET BACK. There being no one present desiring to protest, it
was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
man Humeston that the hearing be closed. Motion
FIRST READ- Councilman Humeston moved, seconded by Councilman Byrd
ING ON ORD. that Ordinance No. 125, "An Ordinance of the City
NO. 125 Council of the City of Tustin amending Ordinance No.
71 of the City of Tustin and amending and establishing
new building line setback requirements for certain
property in the City of Tustin," have its first read-
ing by title only. Motion carried, all Councilmen
present voting Aye.
AGREEMENT City Engineer McBride presented an agreement for
FOR EXPENDI- expenditure of funds allocated under Section 2107.5
TURE OF of the streets and highways code for the fiscal year
FUNDS FOR 1959-60. On motion of Councilman Humeston, seconded
FISCAL YEAR. by Councilman Byrd, that RESOLUTION NO. 474, an agree-
ment entered into with the state of California for
the above expenditures, be adopted. Motion carried,
all Councilmen present voting Aye.
RESOLUTION Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman
NO. 475, Humeston that RESOLUTION NO. 475, "A Resolution of
ADOPTION the City Council of the City of Tustin providing
WHICH PRO- for the city to adopt the California Disaster Relief
VIDES CITY Plan" be adopted. Motion carried, all Councilmen
WITH DISAS- present voting Aye.
The Tustin Playbox Productions, in a letter dated
PERMISSION June 13, 1959 again requested permission to conduct
REQUEST a theater. It was moved by Councilman Tadlock,
FROM TUSTIN seconded by Councilman Byrd that Tustin Playbox
PLAYBOX. Productions be granted permission as requested.
Motion carried.
Hanson & Peterson, Certified Public Accountants,
REQUEST OF in their letter of May 29, 1959, requested that
AUDITORS OF $6000.00 be transferred to the Traffic Safety Fund
TRANSFER from the General Fund.
$6000.00 TO
T.S. FUND. ******On motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by
Councilman Tadlock, the Tustin City Treasurer is
directed to transfer $6000.00 from the General
CARRIED Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund. Motion carried.
The hearing on the Becket request for re-zoning
was opened at 8:15 P. M., by Mayor pro tem Bacon.
RE-ZONING A Resolution by the Tustin. Planning Commission, was
ON BECKER read, recommending that the property be re-zoned
PROPERTY from M-1 to C-2.
There being no one present desiring to object,
Councilman Humeston moved, seconded by Councilman
Tadlock that the hearing be closed. Motion carried.
Motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Humeston
NO. 126, Council of the City of Tustin amending ORDINANCE NO.
AMENDS ORD. 71 of the City of Tustin and re-zoning and establishing
71. FIRST building lines for certain property in the City of
READING Tustin," have its first reading by title only. Motion
carried, all Councilmen present voting Aye.
OF LARWIN Mr. Eugene Rose, representing the developers of Larwin
SHOPPING Square Shopping Center, requested that the city lend
CENTER RE- support to an application to the Southern Pacific
QUEST SUPP- Railroad Co. for private crossings across the railroad
ORT ON R.R. on Newport Avenue adjacent to the above property.
CROSSING. Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Councilman
Byrd that the City Clerk be instructed to write a
REQUEST FOR letter to the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. requesting
LETTER TO that consideration be given to the above company when
BE WRITTEN they present their plans for private crossings into
"Larwin Square." Motion carried.
The matter of changing the building line setback on
REQUEST FOR South "B" Street between 6th Street and Griset Road
BLDG. LINE from 17 feet to 5 feet came up for considerable dis-
SETBACK cussion. It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded
CHANGE ON by Councilman Humeston that RESOLUTION NO. 476, initiat-
B STREET. ing proceedings to amend ORDINANCE 71, to change the
building line setback on South "B" Street between
Sixth Street and Griset Road from 17 feet to 5 feet,
be adopted. Motion carried, all Councilmen present
voting Aye.
REQUEST Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman
FOR HEAR- Byrd that the City Clerk call a hearing before the
ING ON Tustin Planning Commission on the proposed building
PROPOSED line setback on South B Street for July 13, 1959
LINE SET- at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.
Motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
PERMISSION man Humeston that Fire Chief Morgan Hilton be author-
FOR HILTON ized to install a Radio communication system on the
TO INSTALL fire equipment, to be purchased from the lowest
RADIO COMM- bidder, and provided arrangements are made for the
UNICATION~ City of Tustin to be reimbursed for a portion of the
cost, under the Federal Civil Defense Act. Motion
MAIN TRUNK Councilman Tadlock reported that arrangements had been
LINES made so that Engineers for Sanitary District No. 7,
FOR SANI- could establish grades onmain trunk lines for the
TARY DIST. District so that dry sewers may be installed in all
NO.7. sub-divisions after July l, 1959.
It was moved by Councilman Humeston, seconded by
Councilman Tadlock that the bills be paid. Motion
First National Bank...Utilites. $12.30
Tustin Hardware Co. 65.81
The Tustin News. 144.02
Carson & Golding 50.58
B George F. Cake Co. 38.68
Kleen Line Corp. 8.32
I Orange County Blueprint Shop. 11.12
Harry F. Coleman. 7.29
L Les Johnson 29.10
Orange County Stamp Co. 4.99
L Santa Ana Engraving Co. 6.41
Division of Highways, Signal Maintenance. 327.17
S Hanson & Peterson 115.00
S.A.V.I. 11.40
Kenneth G. Hebard, D. O. 37.50
Orange County Reporter. 29.30
A. E. Fowler & Sons. 700.00
County of Orange. 507.27
Dennis D. Hayden, extra legal services. 125.00
There being no further business the meeting was duly
A. O. Park Jerome C. Kidd
City Clerk Mayor
City Treasurer Leinberger,
Auditors, Hanson & Peterson.