HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 6 S.A. TRANS CORR 12-18-84DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1984 RE PO RTS Nf 6 1~-18-84 Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR.OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SANTA ARA TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR MULTI-MODAL ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS/ DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - PRELIMINARY FINDINGS REPORT (INFORMATIONAL CITY COUNCIL 'REPORT} The attached document is the Santa Ana Transportation Corridor Study Multi-Modal Alternatives Analysis Executive Summary of the Preliminary Findings Report for the City Councils information. The transportation system improvement options studied are summarized below; 1. Freeway widening on I-5 2. Transit improvements 3. Commuter rail improvements on Amtfak 4. Arterial street improvements and, are more specifically detailed in the attachment. On December 10, 1984, the Orange County Transportation Commission will take action on the following commission staff recommendation: ° Adopt the preliminary policy recommendation contained within the attachment with regard to a Multi-modal Transportation Improvement Program for the Santa Aha Corridor which incorporates the following: a. Addition of two general purpose traffic lanes on I-5 from approximately 1-405 to 1-605, thus widening the existing six-lane freeway to eigh~ lanes, with auxilary lanes as required, plus the provision of two lanes for buses and high occupancy vehicles such as car pools/van pools from 1-405 to Route 91; b. Bus fleet and express bus service expansion, with deployment of transit on bus/HOV lanes as a first phase; the development of exclusive access and egress provisions on and direct freeway-to-freeway connections between I-5, Route 55, and Route 57 as a second phase; and continued study of the role of rail and other improvements to resolve mobility problems in central Orange County; c. Incremental development of commuter rail service between south Orange County and Los Angeles to supplement existing Amtrak .service, beginning with two additional round-trip commter trains per day and building up to seven such trains per day; and DECEMBER 7, 1984 PAGE 2 d. Co~letion of the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways, with selective improvements beyond the MPAH level. There is no City Council action required on this item, as it is offered as an information item only. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:Jr Attachment SANTA ANA TRA'~SPORTATioN'CoRRIDOR 8TUDY~ ' "~ · MOD A .MULTI AL LTERNATIVE8 ANALY$18 ...... PRELIMINARY FINDINGS REPORT ::'I' ' ' *' . -~ r..~':: ,.~,.,' ~ ..- :' ~: EXECUTIVE SUMMARy" ::~;'-.~.~ ~:.'~ _' :', :-: THE ~TUDY AREA ~- - '' ~ ' :' ,. .... " "" encompasses a The Santa And Transportation ~c°r~k~0r "(S~TC) ............ " to-six mile wi~e area' which parallels '- interstate~ 5 : Orange County." .--Approximately '1.1' =ilIion ~rsons,':~°r 56'~.percent:: of Orange County.'s population resided ..in the Santa'Ana -' Corri.~Or''~ .... :~'.,~n t980 :.at .a popuI~ti'on :'~ensity. a~ut:twice -:that .;~::as¥':a:. whole~-? Some 6~2,~000 '.persons .were . ~' :/::: 1980, ':.representing :ab~ut'~ ~wo-thir~s.'o~ .the ·., -,'~ :.':~' BACKGROUND ~'-~:~:~ ~'"' HE NEED FOR IMPROVEMENTSi i?: .~.~. :.. 'r.~:.'T~: :' ~ nta :A"a: Freewa .... ' ]: : ~ ' ' Count Wi~e . significance, ~ :but. of regionally.. ~ ~: on}~ .. ..~ ~. .~:U_,,,.,~ W~ll.;-.~'~:.ih:.aa~ition to serving '~.c ~- : ~=":'~ 'nat~o~ .. - ' · <'- .'' : ' ' si ni~ica~t~'as .a::~...:=.,: : , - travel p , ~_ ._- - ..... m.-~.:.,nn :: ..: .- ..']~-.freight'.'a~ery.. a~Q~ .~.o~;~:~= ~C.~:'~ ...' ~.=:' '~ Traf~&: .conge~t~on- alOng In=erstate ' [ now ~ot 'only in peak periods . ~- prevalen . . . _~_~ ~.~= . ":'-' ____~i.. ~-=~Qere= non-p==~ v;~*~--- ee~ ' operate a~ .speeds un~ ,.~.-. ,~ =ections of the Ir...¥- . .,. ~,. .... ':, ..:. ~:~ .:with stOp-and-go conoz=tions,- - D-r~n~ pon_peaK.pe, zncidents resul~ in long~deaays '- ¥'' traffic .' · - . = = ~- ~he' need for tmmedia[e improvements :, vious studies have pozn=eu =u , Significant traffic congestion prevails on many of the other freeways and· surface streets within the SATC. Segments of other freeways including Routes 55, . 22, 57 and 9] currently experience congestion, particularly at junctions with I-5.. Route 55, in 'particular - presently experiences severe..`.. morning and peak period, congestion 'with 'speeds of less than.. '2.0 .... .mph'~. . considerable ~istance. "~ ': ' ' ' " traffic .congestion on surface Streets i. Within the Peak period ' Corridor exists on most of the major n0rth-south'~arteria~s in northern 9ar~ of the County. ~ These include Beach . and H~ Boulevards, and Magnolia,- Brookhurst ~and Eucli~-str~ets'. area of significant arterial ¢ongestion']i~s-5~ located . ~outh .--.~ centra~l.~.~.~Sa,ta'-Ana~ i~.'the .vfc~nit~.~of sOuth_.c0ast"91aza!'?~ !..' John~::.J~ayne '~irPort,~?'- There,;;i;.~'facilities such' as' 'Brist0I.~ _~.Main~street~ .- and' MaCArthur 'Boulevard ~ a~l .experience ~' ' ".-"_--.~.UThe 'P. roj ecte ncrease i~%- Orange ~0'~ will .~.~i..~"!and..~employmen.t ~.~(,50 percent) ........ 7=ont e .t£affi ' estion on i · the ~ant~ BOAL8~ AND OBJECTIVES ¢<5:¢',,~, The:?:'¢ltimate ::go~l....of~.the .SATC :s~b~ x:const'rffct '~JtransPortatiOn· ~system imProvem~nts '(in %he"c0~i~6~4 .:..~?cl ~':'?:~"~-~.~]~'~ Services.in the -corridor Dy re~y~ng ~no= on : ..a ~', ~,~ ....... ,: and Single .m0de' ':'bu~ on a wid~ array of'.the:.most~cost-effective =" '~ the erson-carrying cagacity, ~nlthe ausin -:~-~ the least . amoun~ 3. Provide improved accessibility to major activity centers and the most highly developed residential areas. 4. Develop 'and implement a realistic 'program which supports - local land use planning, and development/redevelopment TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OPTIONS STUDIED** -': Specific options for the impro%ements of the-f0ur--transportation minor capacity relief 'during ~ak pe=~ods:, 'and /?/,~ ~f'. 'travel .-during 'off-peak · periods. ?~Tmprovement ons ,were f onsm~ ~ .sse-~?and :~reewa ~Y,:, .i . -- ;idth :::<{ which varies from-12 to/22' ):'With :~standard :.1'0 . ~fO°t': shoulders. and standard 12. foot .travel ,'- lahes. "::':".:'/":';~?:::- selected 'Iosatiohs. ::ThiS:"~Pti6n' WOuld 'r~q~i~e~ "rep ]':~'ment. of-' some l°caI Street overpasses' and:~:'some · addi~ [~'[~i-.~.'/tiona~:-~M. ight-of~ay, ':',:but'~:',Would not reqUire'C/replacement. :of free&ay-tsufreewaY: interchanges~:/': ' ~-::'~'. :' [".: ::-~./- ''~::~::i~f-'~: :A":~?":Full s~ndard'Widening: dsing full Interstate standards. '':~:~'[- for medians (22 fe&t)-,?-'travel lanes (12 ': feet) and · :7':::::.:shoulders (1'0 feet, and 15 feet'where retaining walls :~-~. are'required).' ':In addition, there would.be auxiliary '".:(::~?]~ lanes -arc. selected locations,. This ·option Would -require replacement :.;?and/o~ redeSign'of-ali:'local street`: dver- :~,;]~;~ ;passes ~"and"::~;:interdha~ges';'/and": :':"all:';'~'[reeway-to'freewa~' interchanges. Additional right-of-way and relocation' of certain local 'streets would also be required. --3-- 2. Transit Improvements- focused primarily on relieving peak -. period commuting problems, in particular, to and within · . - activity centers. Improvement options included: -'~ (b) Reconfiguration of ~isting bus routes' -. - - . ' =~ -i-~ ~"~ ' ~ ~.- -, - ~.. ~.... .- -.~.~' '~...-} .(c) Expansion of ~he bus fleet, and express bus..~:'S~ - ~ ~ focus on' mai or emplo~ent -Cen~ers ".'.~ i~:: . ~ ~%.~..'.' ~ ~' -:(d) - 'Constru~io~ '"o~ "a sepa'~ate .~-'~a~'W~' ~':"~ .... '~' i car ~ -vanpools, -i-an~ ex ?and-relief? ,~ ~ ,~ ' ,.'.v~.Some arterlaI, improvement~ ;~beyond 'the MPAH ~levei ~in~ ~,~.::~:,,:-~ding:~:~.r~strlping, or parking removal to' provide, · ? ~. ,'; ' g'~. ~ movementj{~restr:ic~ions/~.~:;'hnd Selective'? '~'~. ' - :;.:",:27 ~'- .~?~:?lnclud~ng-. the ? a~ve plus ~ development of . . ~ ~- -,.; · ~.- .~ ~=~ ~ · "MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVES .. . , .~ '- ~ .' ~.~ . . ~. r. ~.~. ~' ... . . '* Recognizing that no single transportation mode can adequately. address all of the congestion and mobility problems in the · '~'.: '-a .set ~of .eight mUltimodal alternatives were :developed to:~serve es ..... case ~'studies for identifying :appropriate, mode=specific 5~pr'ogram and policy recommendations.. The multimodal alternative ·'conSisted · of different combinations, of improvement options i within each ~ transportation .',mode. ~ . Each multimodal alternative·· utilized ~a;.:,: ':. ~:' . .. different > modal, emphasis ~or .aPProach ~fori~ meeting travel .~: .demandi, i. · ,~,. The evaluation . of these alternatives fo~med the basis :.. ~for .' the::. · ~-, .i~ SATC . Alternatlves:~Analysis/Environmenta! Impact Repo=t ~:~rocess,.i~j'.. Table. I summarizes ~the modal. -components .tested '-in. the ' multimod, aLi:~ .... __r,. iii,~ialterna~ives,¢L ~. These .alternatives ~.are .-~ · ' .. ?. ., .~.!%t ~ :,?. -. NuI1 Alt :ire. ~e, N ' ~ :2.2;~.'i':'Ba's'e 1 fha ,~eervlce . :-,...~- t'ent~of ~.this .alternative .is '~to.'expand..t e~ ~-'~-"~- ~be h..added to 'extend .geographic'coverage. to'~the new a~te=~al~ ~L~ '~ 3 ;~ Streets proS&ct~' in the MP~:.".and.~ ~. serve~ a&t~v=ity~'/C~nters-~.~ ~=2~ xr ......... ~'--'A 1OW leveI of .co~uter rail%"service'~would be introduced; ? - Ex anted Transportation ~s -:~ .... .~f., M i'2Mod te~n~t ' ' ~'- ~..-,~=?. ~-~=: ~.Management (TSM).~'- Expansion . of I-5's capacity to.. eight -.-.~ .. '" lanes and selective,~Lincremental improvements over-the MPAH. ~'~. .:~,~ ~-~...are included ,In ~this alternative. These ~would be..supplement- : . ~..ed~..with ...reStructured and expanded'~express bus service ~"". . . activity centers, .as well as the "hybrid" improvement'level'-.. ~"~ ~'-~k;: ' of .-:'co~uter rail, consisting of seven round ~ri9 .~,co~uter "-' - ~..: ~ trains _per day. , The primary feature of this ..-alternative ~;~ ' '" would~ .be the-.designation of.~theadded'ftanes '~on '~T~5 for ~ - 'Her'.s, since the emphasis of-this alternative is on improve- --- ments for persons who share rides. TABLE I MODAL OPTIONS TESTED IN MULTIMODAL ALTERNATIVEs ~T~NATi~ Modal Option ~ull line ~ MMI.,~;iMM2- MM3 .MM4 .MMV'. MM6 ,..2~. ~.~:~:~.~. Freeway Widening' -~-:- ~. Add itw0/lanes' for · /'~ ~.- f_'~. genera I .purpoSe 7%{;3.~ Add ~two lanes:? ' .~::. Only :sh~for.. :: .coni ........ .~. ~. medium ::-,-:,;~-1.' Add two .trains, . .,. .... :'::.-~; Add 22 .tralns..-.:?..~..: - ' ';Ti~..Arterial +Improvements . ~.,: Some lmprovemen .. .~ :;,.:>. beyond MPAH :.' ',~, ,4. Extensive improve- ~' .. :. ments beyond MPAH · Multi-Modal Alternative 3:' HOV/BUS/Commuter ..Rail Emphasis. This alternative calls for widening the Santa Ana ·Freeway to 8 lanes for all traffic plus-a separate guideway for car- pools, vanpoOls,, and buses on Ir'5 and portions .of Routes 55 ~'and 57.' iA~-?hybr±d level of improvement '"to~ .commUter~ i~rai! service · would be provided with seVen-additionaI round'~-~ trip~ trains per day.. Selected improvements beyond the MPAH be .made to the arterial street network. - In'addition,. the. express bus fleet would be greatly expanded,.!' in order .to -provide the ~.'i~primary means of transit~ ,access~''to actiVityj~ centers, ~and t© take 'fuller advantage f the' guidew ~ for .-~ .... high occupancy vehicles, __ .~ .~ ..; .. ..... ~..,.~. . ~ ~ . Multi.~Modal Alternativ~ /j...~ ~'~'~'~%.The.~ 'major _:.component .of this· alternative >would-..consist.~ ~38~3~ miles o~.;:med~ 6apacity~rail].~transi.t~.alo~, ~be. :. ~ re structured. and. ~panded ?{~>~>~r. aiI '.' ~'~stat i°~s ~ ~' Express './bus ~66{~:~ 'wOuld ~'~/activit Centers ~not ~'serv~a.by"~.thetMCRT~li'~6s .add ~tW0~' lan~S~"~eSerV~d ...... ' !be MPAH level.~ and HOV). '~.The~3' alternative, provides_ the .largest _inc=pase :be widened~ to eight ~lanes" fo~ ~"""~'~On I=5 and'portionS of'Routes'~55'and 57;-~?ana 4~6.4 m~es service and major' improv6ments to' arterial% the MPAH. ~. This alternative .combines -7- EVALUATION METHODOLOGY '' . ...... '. :.:~ , . i:~' th® :OUtset of th, SA~C" study', 'an'expl:ci~'' set ~of ooa:s' ~d '-obj-ecttves was defined and' adopted. These goals and objectives not o/%1 the* devel°pme~ '.of .transportation:: alternatives ~ bgUut also * subsequent* evaluation 'by representing ..the. standards · 9erfo~ance against which alternatives-were ~' ~=o ~. be compare~, . lea~ing ultimately to the formulation of mode~specific improve~- ment .reco~en~ations, Based on these goals anO objectives, .tnpu from. local *agencies ,'.the SATC Task. Force ,. 'input .from ~ the .'sCopi~. process, ~ an~ Other sources~ :~*a comprehensive Set of:~ evaluatiOn.: · measures' was ~evelope~...~'These measures were ~esigne~ ~to.provide a uniform -framework within ,which the ~multimodal.:~~-alternatives~ :_. C0ul~: ~.:~be ~ compare~. ~.:¥..:The. measures· :can be.Categorize~' ' * pot.ration Se;vtce~ ~n~-pe~fo~an, ioRRiDOR-~WlDE ~ISSUE8 : ~3~.~:'~/:- ~i~..-~:~'*,. '--: ~ha~.~- are. ~,' the ~ ~'existing :demands~: '"~]~.: ...... :':~::~.:~::::~.::~ro~iems.:~*fn '-the Santa ~na.Trans~orta~i6~::~Cor: :.~. - ....:-:-:,~'.:.:~-:~i~ w~ll ~-be---the ...... , ..... -:. _.::'"":::' ::::~:?:: ::-::: Can :-:~erfo~m in '.acc0~oaating th'e Va~iouS'::com~onents o:, the _. -.:':':.-:": "::'?~:~' ''exiSting and future travel demand? ~:':./:':::'~:.::~]~::;-": "-:::~:~- ";~*':-'.'~:?:' "-: ] '- ' '"¥-: . '~ Peak·vs. non=peak period travel deman J--. '- .- .... .".-'~.~:~. ' * : . ...... :: · - '- Geographic/spatial com~nents 'of trave~":demand2'?''' --~:-'": " 'investment would be appropriate? ' '- MODE-SPECIFIC ISSUE8 _. * FREEWAY WIDENING -- . . ...~ . . :Should the Santa Ana'Freeway 'be 'widened?. .... How many lanes shoul~ be~adde~? ' ..... Should lanes be.ad,ed for general purpose --. ' HOV'S or ~th? ' .'- ' ,-., · ".C '?- ~' · "- ..... - What design =onSiderati'Ons a~, fimpor%ant-? ........ * .... ': HDV' FACILITIES :~ ,. ' '-: ,~-.k?~,i?<i;i;i-'Wh~t ]~;,.le%el? of ':.capital'ii'~veStment ::! WOuld ' :~ ~'': ':':.~:~':..~':* }:/.~;: Are':~'~her.~(':;' :~nY~ key sOc'iO-economtc/environmental ~ /'..:~ ~r-'~'~-'~':~ tions associated with project -implementation. ~.~ ".,',~.~'~i}~, *" ~.': ~:?W~:~ .~ ~'r~:'~ k'~ ' f'~Cal';r, and ~.j.sn'~~ tUt, i~n'~L~- c°~'~ . ~','i~:::: ;~ project' ,implementation? . ~":~: .~:~ - , '- ' '"' · '. ':.;:.-..All of' these qu~stions hav~ been 'addressed-~n the ' -: ':.': study and are discusse~ in the. ensuing chapters. - ;.i. -. ?:~. : · -9-~ MAJOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION8 ...... · . ......... The major findings and conclusions reached over the course of the Santa Aha · Transportation Corridor Study are summarized below. -Corrmdor-wide findings are-presented fmrst,~ ..foIlowed .by specific recommendations and conclusions - CORRIDOR-WIDE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION8 .--'-.'--_-~.-'--..~. _ ........ ~'~ '~ .-";-~ =.land ~hese will worsen as 'the county continues ~:grow. ~ ~mglo~ent'~ensities a= "-the major actiVity~ centers an~. elsewhere in .~ .the SATC will' .much /~ highe=]-~-t~,~- o~ parts ~of.. L';..the ;./~.Co~t resulting-;, in'5 ~ ~rtaile~'-=":=acces sibiIty Pe~s unless .... trans ........... ....... ~ · ~' f' the' obs s count, wide~ :~,::,~ou~ .,regresent.~over;20'. percent.: O -;~.. . .. : :- .., ~ ..... .~ ::~n~i~n~5~ tha~ 1=5 :'~' mane- of the :arterials '-that· .service ~a~i~ity =enters :now ::gp~rate .unaer congeste~..traff~c:-, con~t~.ons -:~/tran~9Orta=~on ~;sys~emL'/.im~rovements wzll be :need~ :to ..,~.atlev~ -...~})travei--'-¢dem~, ?}.Whiie' .ghe'.~ employment, growth at'/the:'.]activity c~n~rs wi11 ~ . b&] lar'ge-~ - :, emplO~ent:' grow~' will ~ a!so ' occur -at r aiSOersed ~:I6~ati6ns. %hro~ghoug. '~he ':SATC 2:;'. ~TransPorta%i0n, system The;~? :magnitude of ..the~.~opulatidh -~ ~ employment increase/:.;.:in'~ :SATC would-remresent''g'he aPProximate- equivalen~' 0f a me~iUm_sized- Urban':area~].~ah ~as ~kerSfiel~'i~'r St°c~ton ~"" iThe :~suPer of- :tha=' le~1 '~ ad~itional ~oPula~i'°n an~ employment 'Onto already densely_developed urban-area ~n the SATC will result in a 50~percent increase 'in-tripmaking in the Corridor. In the major activity centers tripmaking will double over the 1980 levels. · " "~ -I0- * The need ~r multimodal _transportation l system ..... ...... ~.... improv~ments~.in the SAT~ has been demonstrated'~n '~ .... ..... -prior ,~,work and has been confirmed Un this'~"study-""?"'(~'-'!~ Travel d~mand in the SATC is diverse and no single - mode of travel can satisfy the demand. ~' "~ · The -santa-''A~a Fr'~eway' no~'-has- traffic Vol~me ~em~nd in excess of its six-lane capacity~ '----The-Y~ar 2000 projections indicate~ thst .freeway widening 'to serve general purpose traffic'cannot enough capacity during peak periods to accommodate the' travel... ..~ ,. demand.-~"-Clearly!~'~idening~the ,freeway will help_improve ' .flow. bu~cannot::be ~onsi~ered the only solution to,.the proj ''problems]~' espec~allYldur. Eng peak ~periods~i!.;.The._provEsion Of ~ial·.:.~fa~£1ities!..'for.~h~gh Occupanc¥"Vehicles~ and ..-~..~rans~ ,,~: commuter' rai~', f and'the arter~a'l-street.~sY~ :are.~ls¢ ]~jl.//.~needed._:~o.,accommOdatei~he_future!.%rave] -~ mobi ces ;.ii?i~tthe~'centfal' ~oom~ irene: ts ::~n' ::. ;1es' C~unty` Will, have'.~n .... '" ;~he effe~ti~enes~':O~'~mpr°vemen~s' . '' w~ul~i~ enhanc~ by.extensions"(' .~nto.. ~s :..::,: .. ;: :;:::~: i~=Ov~nts ::: under.. consideration could b~ impl~m~nt~d in · :::,~'. ' ? ~ ~ ::::Without ~onn~cti°ns Unto -, : ...... County only ~.: .:_. ' ~ · + :' ~ ,- .... . · -~ .- ~: ...... ~' ~ .... ~ ~n~ ~ac:l-~.~v ':-:-::-' -hand, .t~e r~=U== ~ ~ ~, .... ct ~ · · .-'-' --~ ~ ~_h=_~-~ ~. ,,~-~nesS of' the'improvemen= :~.. woui .- · .<., .--. : .-.:>:~. ~: . - ' - ?:7'3-' ' "lk~~l : -,~ ~-- -. : ='~:. :~ ' ': ' . ::~' ~':'.'.:~:::::.<~": · -:': :iT":::" '::J~:.'.: ' : '-'- :':/:a~ :-~ '. ' :. · ~' .' ' ':~ " 7:::-" .' " . : . - :. ...... : :' - . ~ · : -11- . ". .. . . · ~ Funding sources, amounts, and rules and. regula- ~ . · tions governing the. use of funds ~ary from .mode to ~h · -'~ ......~mo~e, s~nCe they ~ve ~een 'authorize~ un, er : rent federal and s~te programs. ~or some modes, sufficien~ f~ds 'may not be available [rom ' - - ' .. ?ting sources to defray .capital~f-and/or annual ...... : - - operations/maintenance costs. 'It' may be necessary .......... -~ ~ ~o ~den~ new sour=es o~ ~una~n~. '. '~ .-.:' :. '"'Z~' '~ While a variety of' [e~eral, . s~ate, and. local funding sources ~availabl'e. to %mPlement':"transportati~w:'sy .. '[:are .--fundin~['Iimitat~°ns ;~:?more:.seve=e :lnf th6 :'~=ase of[ '?compete:':[o=~.Sca=ce'.funds wi:th~n the' ~ra6e~ork: a~d mec~a, ni sins./_:/~For -;,t~anS it :' system -' ~9[r0~ents Can - be':~efra'y~ ,.'~s'~g' ~ed?ra~ and 'sta%~")-d'[:Scre~on~'ry .j~levet~ . .- ~ -maintain '..'~t:raff ~c-~:flow ' °n~:I-5 ~orf~n :':al=ernate-~'7 ~roUteS)~fan~t ~'~,.~.~:~[ease of .~'cess[n~ '&~d~enta~:~°'6umen~s ~and 0btai~i~,~Pe~it~ Commuter .ra~I-:.se~vice .~ould .be:. ~n~roduced and expanded achieved. :.'. :In.:,the'-Case ~:of-;~ans$k: sYste~;;tmproVements, and .::.Se~ice~)' expansion :would be'Phas~ "over time'; ?."!~; -::~;~:' multimodal.) c0ntext,.~f: an '::elevated 'bus/~OV; 9uideway (between Routes ~5 and 57) may he'.implemented· as the of the' ireeway;improvement 9ro~ect., fOllOW~ng 'the 'w~dening · freeway :.'"and,;:/the provisionTof~ftwo :general-Purpose traffic~j(;_!anes jPlus:tw0U a~h~rade :HOV; Ianes~· as:-a :iirst. stage {mprovement; - -,..: , · -, -12- i * 'The. implementation '. of the 'San Joaquin Hills, ~ . Foothill, and .Eastern TranSportation Corridors and the .upgrading of the arterial street system to the ' - 'i , ;level of Master Plan of Arterial Highways' (MPAH) ~ ' .~'~ ~'~: i' ~..i~ ~has" positive transportati°n impacts throughout !~he · .-. , - ::: ~..-..~: - SATC,' -'~both~ :.:~n terms ':of the operation of :.I-5 ..~systemwide considerations · '~!i i- .ii ...... ' The . analysis of i'the..transportati0~ system improvement, optio" · .. ~; the 'SATC...is predicated on the'premise that:the:~::threei · transp0rtat~on: CorridOrs and the. arterials 'in' the. 'MPAH ~.. · ±n place. -~ 2 If :these- improvements are not-:made ~.:~ '~as i,n'?th or "do. nothing" alternative,~ travel demand on 1,5.wiI~ be~i~ -~.,; .... ~:- -:, and: ~rans~or-tation :.problems . . ::-'.'-'~* :",~ MODE-SPECIFICRECOMMENDATION8 AND CONCLUS ·....: ,. - :<=Oncl-uSiOnSLwit-.-- - ..: :t-i': ;~-~::" In: .l~ddition,~ to --.the two nedij[through-Ianes ,',;'.!.~ane: .~' :.,::-~ %'i ."de-~irable:.".to :'facilitate merging and ['~wea4i~g.'-. movements. ':_'ii :.'[-:'~ 'ii'/,'/-.provide'. ~opp~rtu~'ttie~ :.fo~.[faCceleratioh'] and~'~ecel:eration for[:~ -on- . ::- --.~,;,':...'-': 'and off-ramp traffic .~itho'ut ;interference Qith through traffic. .... Depending ,on. traffic'.--volume ~and-design'..consi~erat'ions, auxil-iary · '.. ' lanes may be Ion'g, extending continuously between two freewax-to-'. - '. · '~. -. '.'~i...:freeway. interchanges?' :!An'. e'Xampl~?of 'this would be the'-, segment. ' ' ' '] .: '~ 'I-5 [betWeen Routes $5[.:~n~d..'-5~...', Ir[ ~ thi-s ilsegment-of -:.i-5 ;-:.ia ,'substan- . i. :i --.-.. - .l.tis 1-.-.p6rtion..;~,of 2'. the'. t~ff:ic "consists'' 0f.: .inOrth~.-South f .oriented",'-'-."~ ~13-- trips Using I'5 to transition from Route 55 to Route 57, and vice rovision of auxiliary lanes along the .entire segment versa. ~ The 9 _ ~ ~.~== m~vements and imprOve · Would facilitate ~reewa¥-~-~.7~_~"_'~ .... ~liar~ lanes, may be 'flow. ' ~Iso~ in this., segment,. ~no~t =~ ..~,~nuoU~ auXil, reouire between ~loCal. arterial ~nuer~cnanges-,~ ~. ~ ' ~. ~.~:~1 d . be desirable between~.:~'freeway't°==reeway~%L~;~''] lary . lanes m~ght~}so .... , of.i 5-'b&tWee&~.~h405 and R6~te ~55,. interchanges along =~e se~m=~u . '- becaUse of the close spacing of the interchanges of I-5'with' 405, 'Route 133, the Propose~ Eastern Transp°rtation Corrido~ and .... . :_~- ..... 3~..;-:..,:~.~: ~'.~ .~i · .'~:. .... e~ ht lanes' f~r ge~era~':.'p~rp~%~': t~af'fi'c::;. ~ EVen with g . ..- . :_ : ..... ,,..., ........~ ',n have ;: ~uffi~ient neceSsar =ne i-D =L==w=z wu ...... t '-'. lanes, as . Y, ..... ~_ ~..m~=~ev~veI.'de~nd ~r: ca acit g ... ........... .- · .~.~, -;. · r. ..... P- "- Y;?:': ~':'"A~h : ~in' the =. morning: ~:and ..... afternoon.. ~. ?':.:conge.sti°n~ W°uld be :~pec~d. along=v~rtuaIly': '.. '~neral pUrpOSe::? .ng~nonrp~. wou .::beI . Ls ' . .~.. 405 and Route 91. (near the Orange/Los Angeles ' ' · '[ County line} and if possible as far north as 1-605~-~ ..... ~ 'u-: ..... ?and further' north. -- , ..... ~ '.---~: ........ " '-"~?' '~"~" HOV' lanes along I-5 Would increase pers°n-carry:kng capacity .nificantly Compared to the present configuration :of six-..lanes ~: for ..general purpose traffic.,.,: widening of.~e freeway to add. two lanes .~for general, pUrpose, traffic plus tW°~.HoV~!anes w°uld ' crease ~vehicle=carrying Capacity by 55 PerCent'and i~creas~ ~ son carrying' Capacity '~by 94 percent, ~'~If~ the<HOV lanes Were by express buses, .pers°n-cary,~ing. . caP~ci~y~ . .,... ·would be even~ greater.? ~...~.~ .~.~.~]~HOv faCilities.w0u~dfo~fer .~he fo ~'.,[b~s .-, ;.y,-~:~.!;: :. ;::,_.;:;,-.'trips per/day'~:k .~ .~I t'~ 'is'_..,estimated ~tT_hat -'i£f ':~OV .... - - :.,: vided - on iii-5-;~-n' .,Orange -~County(' only ':and .not~:~ ,- -~..'~-~.i' '"there- would be "7; 000. ~(fewer' ~OV pe ieles,:~oun~ .'." ~?f'..:f~" · Clccordi~gly,--:the'usage,· anti user .benefits of the _ ..9.'~..:.~,:_ .. '.~orange ...~ County[.would be:.redUced somewhat",:ii: jthe_-connection "": --' :Los -'A~geles 'County we'ke .not'to be- provided; ~ hNevertheless, the . .~. ' ~%; ' ',~l "HOV facilities fin :Orange 'County .Would be effective in attractinu -1-'5 - . ' . * While an HOV guideway would offer advantages .over : ~ ~ ] ' ·' HOV lanes, the construction of a guideway'would be · - : . '~ significantly more expensive.. Therefore, buffer- . i : '. ~ : 'red HOV lanes should be implemented, while retain~2'~. '"' "'!" :~: .:: ing the ~: construction of: an HOV .gUidewayI' ,: as ii an .! '. : :'::' ....-: OptiOn. "'r" .i ·. /'. : .. .... :... , ,... .. .. . . .': i. u . .. · ;': i""~: ' : . . Along the segment of I-5 between 'I-405' and the orsnge/Los Angeles 'County line,· HOV lanes can be conStruCted _for approximately- $1 · million (OVer and abOVe the.baSic~co's~'Of iWidening i the ~freeway i'~ ':..:'~from ' six.. tQ :eight. lanes).i" i·. The cost Of '.an exclusive HOV/bus · guideWay ·'along the ~same' segmentI' ~f"I;5' wOUld:: be '>approximatelY.: . . . $690 million, .' .. ': ' " ' . '.:, ~.~ ~< ~:~:*'~:~ :,:connections ~ ,-between-'-the- HOV. facility on · v . .:'i~. '..r~{~ :~:~ ~?%~4~%~:wfth ~ similar; ~facilities on. Routes ~ ,..: :.:~][~:~ .~ ?;~%%?~/:~>;>~:.:~;]];~-be.:~: .desirabi~ ' ~an~: w°uld t ~ante' ~he ~sage,.~ . _ :.~: ~.~ .%.~:~-:~?%~'~:C;~ffeetivene~s ~ :~of3%.'the ~ I~'5..:.~H0V :>%: facility ~_ ((:~t Desi : .,: '< ~?.. ¥~:~:?~:~ :consideratiO~s: :~' Pre=i~de ysuch :oonnectip~s> ~ ~. *fac'it itY/t~n-~ it :-~Service~enhanc -- ...... :e Co~ht~ '$9.00'. ::-mi:lion :, " '1~ g~neral :': purpose _¥.~7:"'!..-2;" ';::::~:~-"'be :athgrade':"except' ' in ":' -. ~he' 'segment ·.'between -'""~:".. .":" - An elevated -HOV/bus guideway .on ...... ' ' Routes '~55 and 57 with excIusive connections to~ -~- '-/ ' (' HOV facilities on'Routes 55 an'd ; : '"-'." .-.~.;- ~:,-HOV ~ ,~acil&t~es. on Route ~ .55 "' ................ ;Street' an~ 1-5i and on Route S7 '~ and ~99roximately. Lincoln. Avenue) ...... · .... . ..... _ . ...... ....... ~,._ .. -. _. * .' Wiaenino;"of:.%lk5 will ~ve"diSpi'ac~;ht · 5 ]~,,~,.~he- magni~e of aisglacemen= ~ imgacts' .will ....... -" _ oontingent on.,:~e ~esign features use~; .~ ~There. will ~' fliSplac.~eme~t/-of~ residentiai;':-'as:, Well:;as ........ ' '~"-"'~ NSlT.. FACIL : * :~:~' '~'~:'~ *,c ~p°rt~-6n~'f ora~t; ; ~,-'-. ..,centers ..,.:,:.-. ~.-~. · :.~;~ ~,.-.-~-?, ;~-~ ,.~--.~ --~ r: :~ ~.~?. ~-.-:sPecific. bus sy'~ J~ ¢.:?'2 ~'~ f q~&~m~nt~'~'a~e ~scuS~sed ~n the ~fol'loW~hg' paragr~hS~ '.[~...(',~:}~%:.~%7j, ...... ':-: .'."~5~:?,: capacity' rail.~:~ransit woul~ attract a substantial ~-: ~ :v:'--- C~ ',~ 7'' ~':-' "~'C-~'t~:~:~'~:'- ,--~ ~.~,.:~.~ :- . , ~ =. _~ ' ,'.-~ ". "~'~-, ,~. ::. :7 ~{~]? ', : '_~. ~ ~ '~ '~'~.~ '"~-~$.'. '.. '~ High leveis of trans£t service, utilizing either express 'buses on guideways, or .medium capacity rail transit, .Would be successful in attacting substantial percentages of peak ..period trips in .the · SATC. Depending upon the location. and specific type of transit,i'.'i~'i~_ '~! system~ ab0ut 25 percent' ~ or more of~peak'~Period person, trips~ican]i'ii~!?~:: be attraCted to 'transit. ~ '.~ 'i ....... ~-,'-~ ;---~. '%!~-~ .... ~ql,~ · ~. ~%~ '. ,~-~i.?9~"'~!i,!~.~-~F'~-i ·' The multim~al alternatives that include ~ express. ~-??-~ ~.~.. ~- ~-- buses operating on ~clusive facilities ~perform F:.~]~. ~ ~. - .~ ~ ~ better o~ a syst~wi~e ~basis than ~ the .' bUs-ba~ed ~ 2'h-?~?~?¥ ' '~'.' ':' ~'~' multi--al alte~atiVes without gUi~ewaY' Compared to other bus syst~ improvemen~i °pti°nS',~ th&Se' .'m~iti,~J~.],J~'~'),~ im~at :'%] alternati=es with express bUSes i~n'>~uide~y~-,offe?:/~reater · .~'user~=~coSt [~Savings ':(in~.~e ~fo~ ?0f,] reduce~ traPel, ~ime?~?]~ [, '~==ates~,.~an~ out~of'~Cket.traveI cost)' .th~.~ ~he~ ':OUt ,~'~ideway tr~nsi~': ~The ~avel~' ~ti'me'~aa%'anta~es .... ~¥~' ~ ~succesSful ~n attracting,-sufficzent~,~ri~ers, ~o ~d~spl~y ~sy ~ .~)/Empacts ?~t0 ~ the~ ' ,,~mites "an~' ~a li gnmen~)"-:~mu s~ '~ .be V' ~., ':~':-'~?~.;~;". ~..-.:.~ :'. ~-appropriate !:: exclusive .~ access ". ki-~.;" -_' .'- , '-:~?'.[, L ii $¥,.:~i- connections j{ ~?:]k---~;L '~ · ~]' ]'~.' '': ~"Jb~er.: high".oc~dpancy kv6hicles int'b, co~gesf~d. general:' ; ?:-'.'~.?fravel lanes,-:-'the-~asi~ intent of preferentiii service[would' .be'" ';itt :~' ]:..:~efeated.[,~;BUses. a~d high'.occupancy'vehicl~s'[~W0uld not':be able t0 ,' '/}'.[: -',?;~ a'chie%e,:~';[~faster.[trip than' that wh~ch'."is poSsible .by other modes;:[- ;~'. ] Consequentl'y, separation-from congested travel,'lanes is critical;?.'- ':;F :' "'~'i:" :-..'~'~ '.'2;:-:[... '": ;~:-'- z*'L. - '"-'-..;..... "'i". ,, - -::-i,~ .... "~?t ' ':- ' , -i8- * The cost of an elevated bus/HOV guideway on Ih5 ". ~ between Routes 55 and 57 is .estimated to be i approximately $1 50 million including connections · ' to ROutes 55 and 57. With bus/HOV facilities on · ., · ' -~. ·RoUtes 55 and 57,~_i~ .the tota~ cost· of . would be $4~3 million, ~ Ass~ing ~e avai~abilty ~ of federal ~d state ~iscretionary funds cipat~ levels, these improvements woula cially feasible ...... ~.~.~ ~....~ ,... .~' '~ , ~ ~A m~'~"ca~t9 rai~ transi~ ~CRT .... '. ~. be. nearly as effective as express buses operating ' on exclusive facilities.. ~ M~T system would .. ....... ~ .~ .~ ~.~,, ~ ~ ~Ve certain, a~vantages ~from ~ =ieW~int.:of ..:. ~ ~ ~. .%.'.~-transit~:..operator ~such as ~IoWer~Operating ~cOst and ~..-,~..-': .' ~%-~s lng [. ?the ' central .County mobili~ty. problem· '~,' .';'~it~.~ .~-]~'~.~ ~i~ EX,ansi6n ~:.]0f~/th~ OCTO "bus se~ . - ~ .~.~,~' - ~ ~ ~.'~]~.'.~-- additional ~Vlocal bus ~CoVerage ~nd express .~ ~.'~.~. '~.~.~]~m iS~reco~e~ae~..~..~.~While ~:.~e ~itai~ =6st '~%f -' ........ ~'~'. '-fleet ~expansion'can, ~ defraye~ using federal and. .... ~. ~ ~:~ .' . ~?~ ?]. '~]~- '~ for Ongoing Operations an~ ~ maintenance costs.~ '.~??.~".' ;' ~..~t :/.-a-'~ mi~m~m.~ eXpanSiOn ~0f' ~e ~S fle&~ W~'lI'Ube necessary ~t0 serv~: .a :growing -~oPulati°~'and an ' e~Panding..-, developed area ;Beyond that,. ,~e~ancements in ~he levelOf local service and the provision 'of express bus services are '~eco~ende~~ improvementsj'~%~::~ , ~ ~/Existing-.l'evels of revenue f=om. existing funding SourCes. ~not. be sufficienC to accomplish .thi~'~ New a~d/Or 6xpanded?~ ~ ~- '~',, revenue Sources ~woul~ be necessary"_~ ~ :-J~J , :-~ ~-"..h-. :~'.'~.%~' ....~ ~ .' COMMUTER RAIL * The commuter rail mode serves a specialty market consisting .primarily of long trips -oriented to : *' *~. downtown 'Los Angeles. The commuter- rail service is attractive primarily *for persons~ travelling to/from downtown -Los Angeles for* work or related purposes. The presence of a very large number of jobs .and activities within walking distance of a commuter' rail stati, on. downtown Los Angeles *is an' attraction of regional significanceS'".' * The introduction of commuter-oriented service with --:-' .... ~' gradual**increases' to the. level represented "'*-~ /~:..the* '?~hybrtd" alternative (seven additional.* ,~-- ~ :.~. ~ ~/~.~?:trt-p-*. commuter *' trains ::¥[~er.. ~day)-~..~ts *~ recommended -'¥ *~ -"*: ;=i~:.LInitially, capital -: t~ves~ents *~'~oUlG' ~..,,: ?~: ?.~ ~ *-level*"' ~trecteG prtmar~ly *.'~:~*~ ~. / ~ ~;~..., some"~:'*.~retght/passenger**~ tra~ · improvements se~7' ~he ;~::to ~,~ the ::.type.,,of cbmP'~ting AnCeles j~,¥ ~.Thi~ ~¢ effect,,:is -~11~str~ed;~learl' the r'esu16~.; ~-three ~ ~Ultimoda~~ .: System ~:tests~'~nvolVing' '~the.:.~hyBri~? Commuter~ rail~"ser~iCe'~ The'da~-ly patr°~age :f~9:~:~he hybri'~ ~ter "ra'~I "'sYstem woul~ beas~Dw'~s: 2;000' ri~e~s';~ ~ ":high~level', ,.guideway · express bus. servlce~to/from Los Ange!es' were.** ~rOvided ~:~.~an~ betwee~ 7,000 an~!'14}000,:ri~er.s,:wi~h°ut Capital costs"to implement ;: the..':low -:leveI: of co~uter rail ~uld be relatively Small '($51tmtllio~)'9:an~'wo~I~,consist of track improvements, ,"sidings,'improvement~Jof ~rossways, and 'miscellaneous~' items '~*f°cusing?. primarily'on 'the ~.' elimination existing 'freight/passenger train conflicts.':~ Capi~l costs the hybrid '~.and high levels of co~ut~r rail'~Service~Woul~ ~.a~ut. $1 47.5 .million. and. $348,5 :'million'~respeCtively...~:~?:~J~ -20- The implementation' of successful commuter rail service will be contingent on decisions· by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) ~.~ and the State, and will require the cooperation of . .AMTRAK, operator of. the existing intercity .pas- ~..~ .: .i:-: ~ senger rail service, .i and the Atchison Topeka & i':' .~ Santa Fe (AT & SF) Railroad, owner of :the track. :. Because a very large portion of commuter rail patrons would be '. travelling to/from downtown :Los Angeles, this mode of travel can · -..be . viewed only within -a -two'county conteXt. Commuter' rail .':. service ~confined to Orange County' alone,~ wi'thout service to downtown Los Angeles, would have only ·limited value... ~ ~- .~ .~. ~._.._.Also~.~the. ~implementation:.of .commuter~rail .service.we . ,'ql.the-cooperation. of AMTRAK ~and..:the AT i&_SF_ RailrOad.'~i .... '!i 'I ':{:with': alli: affeC%'edl agencies S'h0Uld :be 7initiated t6 i[~.:effective~aeans [of 'implementing c.o. mmut.er/rail:service -~ '~'"-'~':~; .! 2* "~." .~s0me -' funding would be .available'.~or the ration:Of ¢o_m~uter r~ ..... - < r ~,RTER'iAL$ ..... . ' ,- ~ :7.~:.~:'~'~:.,"~'-:~.- -%~:. -.'_I~' ... -. -, ........... ...... ~'~. '.~.~.:~.:.:,~¥:~'.~:?~? the=e.,,.~'a=e no arterials parallel [o .~he San~a .~a. . '- :'.:~.'..' .. ~.~L' to'"' car~ a s~stantial'portion'of ~e long.~.-' .................... ~. carried on 'I-5'.~:~..-. Ra~er ,. improvements shou ~: ..... .:. -'_- '' ori'ent~ to enhancing the role of the arterials "'::': ..... ;'"T2[,l': ~eede=s to the freeway and in serving-cross-county' ,~.,. ::..:-. <.'...,:- .-. .t~avel.:'- In ~hiS-.' 'area" select~ a~ter~als Chrrent- i':.'-'~- ' ''' '~ ".'-.-~..ly.serve' as relie~ facilities to..other freeways., in '::'"; -;~- - ..: ..~.;'~."':~" 'q.:/.'. :.the corri~o~, notably Rou~es 22, 55~, and 91 !~'."'--" ':'~'-'' . . . .~- _~.- .... - . . . .-:]. -.__.. ... . :- ~ -.:... -. ..--- z= . ~[~:~ ..- . . .... ::~'.. .-i,?-..' ----:.-C..--_-. ..... .... ' 't_. '~; .'". "- ' In this' portion of the SATC, I-5 .is located diagonally with respect to- the arterial grid system.- Therefore, compared to arterials, I-5 constitutes a very attractive route .for trips even moderate length. This in .turn creates capacity deficiencies at the freeway'interchanges-~and on the-arterial approaches to 5. ' ~Accordingly, ~ improvements.~ to the :arterial -system 'would ~be most effective ~in alleviating capacity ~eficiencies? on the~ arterials .. rather than in-developing th~ to supplement freeway capacity. Improvements in the arterial ~sys~. would . also valuable ' in serving crOss-county trips wi~ origins;~ a~d~.~.~.~ ?~esti~i~.~ nations not'directly al~igne~ wi~ I'-5.'.'~'-"~ .~ . ~ ~- ~ ~, .... It is estimate~ that the ~evelopment of the arterials in the' SATC._ to the ~ MP~.'~.tevel'~'' W6Ul~,~cost"~ approximateiy?.'$2] ~. Depenaing -'~'~ '.uPon ~ ..... the .~ Speci~ic~/' improvements ~' ~ ~ SeleCte~ =.-~ implementation 'oVer? ana.~ above ~.the '_~pAH le~e~TJ~aa~i~io~l~.c0st- million-, ~.~for ~.~er~ ~o~est ;'improvements~%2to~ ~$ he.'OCTC ,. ~f. Orange. -may appropraite vehicle,..for.~;~,%', -~'~, ?~'-~9.,,-~he: ~-implementation'; ':of a~some, :. of -'~he-. ~/~:arterial The' :~OCTC a~ ~ "CSu~y"of: o~a'ng~ 'haVe;long b~en :~ntereste~ enhancing the r61e and :traffic'.carrying caPacigy.,0f"-the'.arkerials' system an~ ha%e- est~blishe~ a~:~uger S~reets "Program 'County. '.The Super..Streets Program has'move~ through a number of phases ~ a~d.....:' .is:'n°w~... 'ini~the stag'e.~0f deyelo~ng .'..a~? demonstration 'In 'view 0f the;-sta~Us 'and expected pr6gress 0f th~' ;-super' Streets Program, i~ woul~ be an a99rogriate vehicle for arterial.enhance-,.-~ ments in the SA~, -.especially. for ~king extensive improvements "over and above the MPaH"!evel.'_. ,'~::~:~' ..2 .' -" .~}... ~.)~ ~,__.~{~:~.~. · .' .,.. -22- REGOMMENDED MUI?iMODAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROeRAM FOR THE SANTA ANA CORRIDOR * ~' "' ' ' " ' and recommendations of the Santa Aha Transportation · ~e. findings ~ . ~ of '~' Corridor Study are the result of extensive study of the role ~ freeway widening, transit, co~uter rail, and arterial street improvements implemented individually and in combination ad~ress transportation problems within the vicinity of the santa ~a'..Freeway. The intent', of multimo~al/ .program ~ imprOvements. reco~ended for the Santa Ana Transportation Corridor i's · .provide guidance to agencies .su~ as Caltrans.,., .the Orange County Transit District, the Co~ty of 0range,: and the cities,..all of ..... whom ha~e direCt. ~ .responsibility ~ ,: ~.for i ~..tmplementati0n~;~;~;of '~.~ ~',~ranspOrt'atiOn:~-: :~ProjeCts, ;~.~:'These ree0~endati°ns ~ have '~ ~.~eveloped~ ~.with' .~the* ~ull ParticiPatiOn ' 0~ ~ :.k'hese ~ ::~m91~ ,/~. :/~..~:~?ge~c~eS' :~and ~. ~he ?*rPU~liC~.' With ~ :.the'% · :*[.[~.responsible for 9rogra~ing'~;'[ planning' f~na fdndin~;:=r~nspo~t~ ~ investments',: ~::'* incIuding:-:~the ~'~* [Orange ~(: COunty.'' :'J..Tr~s9?r ~ [; Commission[ ~-:~ and' ': ~; ~th~'. * *S°~thern .[-~ Cali~0rnia'~ ~ *ASs6ciatl0~0 Mass .~Transport at, on lanes between local arterial interchanges as' require~. ~reewa~ interc~nges on the segment Of .I-5 between 405 '"and Rou~e 5'5 may~ also ~e ·required because of -the close spacing of ma~or freeway=to-freeway interchanges (I-405 ~ Route 133, proposed~ Eastern Corridor, and Route 55). In addi=ion, auxiliary lanes between on 'an~ -23- o I~ addition to the general purpose traffic .lanes and auxiliary lanes as appropriate, provide two 'HOV . . . ' on I-5 between the vicinity of 1-405 and the vicinity i ' · of the Los AngeleS/Orange County line (Route i ' 'change) ;:~. : If possible, extend the HOv:-lanes to -:' ,. ~ and' further.north.. COnsider [Utur'e ~extenSion of · . .~ lanes further south. · . ;. :: . o In the segment of I-5 between' Routes 55 and 57, pro- ~ ~·.~ .~. / vide an elevated .HOV guideway with.exclusive .'Connec- tions to Routes '55 and 57,'. 'to facilitatei'the freeway :~' . :~ . .to-freeway movements of the HOV~S: and to.jprovide ex,~:--~..: clusive HOV access ramps for selected .arterials ~ ~-'"~" ~ ........ ind,-the :bUs. ~leet'to ,increase?local; ad'd :exp~es's': Evaluate' periodically: the. feasibility '~'of '.,'{ a :..:~medi~. capacity., rail,, transi~ syst~' '(,MCRT). . , as,. .... 'act$~ ~;;.~.,, ~;'*~,~ . vity- ~centers"-,'~and · development ., patterns .-~.cont~nue ~to ihtens~fy~ a'~ -as financial consideratiOns chang~ in ,,- . . .... ~ .'.~.u ' ' ....... '~"- ;'~.. .... q~- '" ' ....... -24 - COMMUTER RAIL * ~ ~ o Introduce commuter rail service at the level ~0f two ~.. * ' 'i. *~ round-trip commuter trainS per day... o Increase service to abou~ seven round-trip commuter · -i~ ~ ~- **'. trains per day as patronage levels i and Other ;. -~ .... rations warrant such incrementS.~:~ i. ~ · . . o ~ .. Cooperate and coordinate activities with the ~Los ~geles County Transportation Co~iSsion, . ~AK,. the .. ***.'~.~ ,.~ Atchison .Topeka and Santa Fe ,Railroad, .the - * "*. ~ ~ -~ Cities,~ and: other agencies as- appropriate.~' ARTERIAL SYSTEM ..... . : '. ',> = - ~*l&];'. :~. ~ :; ~ ~ o ' ;~/~ *~ Develop ;;~/the *~ ar*tertal lsystem~.tn~' ~the?~Corri~or · , . ~ ~. ~ ~,~: /?~,.~:~'~the County'as' a Whole~'to 'the~ level- of -~he :~s~er ~ Pla- ~.: ~-~= ~*~.~ ~.,~.~.~*~:: ~:~j~. of _~ter~al*~g~ways ~(MP~) .~-.~ ~DeveloP' the San' *JOa~ui~