APRIL 20, 1959.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kidd, Tadlock, Humeaton & Byrd.
ABSENT : Bacon.
City Attorney Dennis D. Hayden and City Engineer,
J. L. McBride, present.
Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as
mailed, on motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by
Councilman Tadlock.
OPPOSITION A letter from Lee M. Nelson, General Manager of the
ON WATER Orange County Sanitation Districts called to the
POLLUTION attention of the Council, that the Board of Directors
BILL. of the Districts had adopted a Resolution opposing
A.B. No. 1974 which would transfer Water Pollution
Control from local Boards to a statewide level,
and asked the Council to oppose same.
TELEGRAM TO It was moved by Councilman Tadlock, seconded by
ASSEMBLMAN Councilman Byrd that a telegram be sent to Assembly-
SUMNER. man Bruce Sumner that the Tustin City Council opposed
Assembly Bill No. 1974. Motion carried.
OPPOSITION League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin,
VOICED ON dated April 17, 1959 also called members attention to
BILLS UP A.B. No. 919 which could transfer control of Fire
TO LEGISLATURE Departments away from local control; also A. B. No.
602, Collective Bargaining and Public Employees,
and A. B. No. 1067, Compulsory Insurance for Police-
men, which are all opposed by the League.
MOTION TO Councilman Tadlock moved, seconded by Councilman
OPPOSE SAME Byrd that the City Council of the City of Tustin
go on record opposing the above Assembly Bills and
that Assemblyman Bruce Sumner be so informed by
telegram. Motion carried.
PETITION Mr. Edgar E. Pankey submitted a letter and petition
FROM MR. EDGAR to the Council requesting that consideration be given
PANKEY-ON RE- to changing the name of Laguna Road to Pankey Road.
NAMING OF The same request was before the Orange County
LAGUNA ROAD - Board of Supervisors as portions of Laguna Road
are in both the City of Tustin and the County.
RECOMMENDATION It was moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Council-
TO COUNTY man Tadlock that the City Council of the City of
PLANNING. Tustin recommend that the name of Laguna Road be
changed to Pankey Road, subject to a Public Hearing
to ascertain the wishes of adjacent property owners
in the City and County. Motion carried.
AUTHORIZATION On motion of Councilman Tadlock, seconded by Council-
TO IMPROVE man Byrd, City Engineer McBride was authorized to
PASADENA prepare specifications for improving Pasadena Avenue
AVENUE. from Second Street to First Street and to furnish a
petition to be circulated among the property owners
stating that they would pay the cost of installing
Curb and Gutters in excess of $1.00 per foot. Motion
RESOLUTION Councilman Byrd moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
NO. 466 that RESOLUTION NO. 466, calling for the establish-
FOR THE ment of setbacks on First Street to conform to the
ESTABLISH- Orange County Master Plan of Highways, be adopted.
MENT OF Motion carried, all Councilmen present voting Aye.
It was moved by Councilman Humeaton, seconded by
LAND LINE Councilman Tadlock that a Land Line Radio Communi-
RADIO FOR cations System for the Police Department be purchased
POLICE DEP'T through Civil Defense if possible. Motion carried.
Councilman Byrd moved, seconded by Councilman Tadlock
that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Kenneth G.1Hebard, D.O. $35.00
County of Orange--Sheriff's Dep't. 3.00
Jim's Auto Service. 8.46
B I L L S Tax Service of Orange Co. 27.75
Griffith Co. 180.20
OrIo Household-Surveying 21.00
2 books, University of California. 6.24
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
A. O. Park Jerome C. Kidd
City Clerk Mayor